Chapter 2-First Find

It was noon at the Hakurei shrine, and I had arrived at the shrine, but unfortunately I had stumbled upon a very large problem.

"Oh this is not good," as I gazed out at the very large group of people.

Well not people in the regular sense of the word, but basically there were very few humans at the gathering, the rest were apparently Youkai, as well as Gods (you heard me right, actual gods but that is to be expected in the land of Gensokyo), there also Fairies, and I think (by the information I got from the Quantum Effect) there was a ghost or two and a half-ghost in the large gathering.

Also it appeared that many of them were some of the biggest names in the land, and a lot had the power to destroy, nay annihilate a mountain with their power.

"This reminds me of the Prothea war, I just hope I don't end up like most of the guys in that war," I told myself, remembering what was without a shadow of doubt what was probably the most horrifying thing I had to live through, at least the end of the war anyway, in which I ended up in some of the final battles as an Exo Soldier (and I hoped it would be the last horrible thing to happen, and the Exo thing is something I will explain later).

In short, getting into a fight with these people is like asking to die horribly, so fighting was for the absolute last resort, and I mean ABSOLUTE.

Unless they decided to fight me, then I would put my actions at self defense, but in the right state of mind, the only way to live through any of this was to get the material and then get back to the ship, and thankfully I had the Quantum portal system fully operational.

"Allright then, let's start digging."

I bring a beam saber to my hand and then activate it, the thing glowing a brilliant dark pink and is as long as I am tall, and then I surround it with a GN field and form it into a cone shape, the tip is at the tip of the sword.

Then I plunge it into the ground and the GN field pushed the dirt away and I start my descent straight for the metal.

Above ground…

Reimu is looking at those who had gathered at the viewing, all of whom were drinking, eating and also viewing the newer look.

It was truly breathtaking sight.

"Gorgeous isn't it," said a voice from beside Reimu.

Reimu turned and found Yukari Yakumo next to her, also looking at the sky as the wind moves the particles that soon take on a swirl shape in the sky, mostly because several Youkai were using their flying ability to bunch particles together into patterns in the sky, though no one was capable of actually manipulating them.

Yukari had decided to use her border ability to look at the most basic parts of the particles, and said that they were created through a process that combined multiple forms of energy to create an entirely new type of energy altogether, and because of it even she herself couldn't really manipulate it since it was an entirely new form of energy, one that could only be made through one mean:


Yukari had decided to check out Nitori, but Nitori told Yukari that to create the generator needed to create the particle was untold decades ahead, and she even visited Eiren, and Eiren told her that not even the moon had such an engine, meaning that they were dealing with something that is neither of Gensokyo, the Outside world, or even the Lunarians.

Yukari told Reimu as they ate and drank.

It was troubling, but they could not even find the culprit, and the particles seemed to mess a bit with ones senses, but the effect was minute to the point where it was non-existent.

'Oh well, can't do much if I can't find the perp," said Reimu, "back to the sake, I've had my fill of food for now."

The party went on, even as someone was making an excavation beneath them all.

Fifty-seven meters beneath the Hakurei Shrine …

"Almost there, just a bit more," I said as the beam saber cut deeper into the ground, until …

I burst into a rather spacious cavern, and inside was a rather dull metal in the rocks, and upon scanning, finds it is in fact unrefined E-Carbon, as well as minerals for making GN products as well.

"This stuff occurring naturally, simply impossible," I thought, "then again this is the land of impossible so whatever."

I then cut the metal out of the rocks, and when I was done I activated the Quantum Storage, and then absorbed the metal into Storage Space of Quantum energy, and with that the job was done.

I began my trek back the way I came.

Soon I was out, and in front of me were several fairies.

I was soon assaulted by blasts of danmaku, all multi-colored bullets.

I knew that the bullets weren't really doing anything (even if they were lethal), as my body was now made of high-grade GN composite armor, though it was made to be the regular skin on the surface of my body while maintaining its strength, but I also knew that the attacks were getting more and more annoying, and also it would eventually attract attention.

So, even though I could guess what would happen?

I formed two GN rifles similar to the one used by the Kyrios, and then I opened fire.

While releasing the power of the drive, preparing to bolt.

Reimu kept staring around, seeing that some danmaku battles had started, but were minor and mostly for others to let out steam.

Other than that, nothing much else, and she drank her sake …

… until five large explosions erupted a good distance away from the viewing, and then some danmaku was fired, which was likely from a group of fairies, but then several beams of dark pink light lanced into the sky, disappearing into the horizon.

The only thing that got Reimu's attention, and the attention of many others, was that that the pink beams were not magic, in any way at all.

Then one final explosion happened, and then what flew out grabbed everyone's attention, for the unknown figure, flying at a very fast speed over the forest ….

… was trailing out the same particles that were covering all Gensokyo.

"Is it safe to say that the source has been found," said Yukari as she appeared next to Reimu.

"Yep," Reimu said rather bluntly.

"So," Yukari said, "what do we-"

Then a large number of fairies, some Youkai, and a Mad Witch are airborne, flying straight at the figure that was starting to really get the lead out.

"Do", Yukari finished.

They and some others who stayed watched as the large gaggle went after the rapidly flying light.

"Well, I've got nothing better to do," said Reimu, who soon got herself airborne and Yukari, deciding she was pretty much bored, went along as well.

"Oh gods of this land, I am going to die!"

I am really getting the lead out, and I turn back, and see a large number of fairies, youkai, and a human in a witch outfit on a broomstick gaining.

I the see them launch a large storm of magic projectiles, or bullets directly at me.

They were converging on me, all ready to pound me in every way.

I immediately activate a GN beam rifle, and turn to point it at the bullets, and luckily for me, I had a hood imbued with GN particles to keep them from sensing me.

I lined up a shot at the center of the bullet group, and fired.

What happened, I did not see coming.

Marisa was looking at the beam, as it lanced out, a very strong attack, but nothing compared to the bullets, and the bullets and beam got closer.

Then what happened was something that none of them could have seen coming.

The beam got the first bullet, and the bullet blew up in a small blast of purple smoke, then the beam continued, and another bullet near the beam also blew up, then another and another and another.

The bullets at the center all blew up as the beam continued on, punching through a fairy, blowing the fairy to kingdom come.

Then whoever it was fired more beams, and soon, all of the danmaku bullets were blowing up, covering the area in purple clouds.

The person was running again, and getting farther away.

Okay, that I did not expect but it was useful.

I then realize that others were coming, and they were fast.

I knew I could not outrun them, so I decided then and there that I would have to get out of here, then I found a strange system and accessed it.

"Okay, this might work," I thought and immediately got the system online.


Reimu and Yukari were looking at the fleeing figure in the distance, the particle coming from the figure and the large gaggle was getting closer.

It looked like they would catch up.

Then Reimu, along with pretty much a few others watched from afar, mostly because they had nothing better to do.

The Reimu saw as metal materialized over the 'whatever-it-was', and it took on a form that was sleek, angular, and had the shape of an outside world flying machine from one of the books Yukari brought in, only a bit more …. Well, more.

Then in a pulse of particles, it shot off at three times its original speed, leaving everyone in the dust, and getting farther and farther away, even Aya Shameimaru, the self-titled fastest in Gensokyo was being left behind, but not by much, as the 'thing' got farther away.

Though now another large amount of Youkai saw the action and were now coming at the whatever-it-was from the front.

Slowly Reimu watched as both sides were set to close on the 'unknown', which she thought was better as she really did not know what the thing was.

It looked like it would all be over.

'A pincer move, I am trapped," I thought as I saw a flock of Youkai, more specifically a bunch of crow tengu (I learned quite a bit, and also Veda has a file on Japanese mythology that even goes into things that may or may not be accurate), but I realized that I had to figure something out, or two opposing sides would collide and I would be in the middle.

Then the weapon system came back up, and I skimmed through, most of the weapons being from the third generation, but I found it.

"GN Smokescreen missiles, mist that is impenetrable to sight, even thermal, and is enhanced by GN particles, this should work," I thought, and I armed the GN missiles, activated the integrated launcher I had, and prepared to fire.

"Missiles launching"

"Well, that cannot end well," said Yukari.

Reimu nodded as she saw two sides, one being a large gaggle of tengu having seen the action from the mountain and come to find out what it was (and also fight a bit), and the gaggle from the party that was coming from behind, now getting closer as the strange light bringer slowed down.

Then what looked like slots opened up on the strange craft, and then from it, many metal poles that seemed to be powered by the particles shot out in every direction …

… and they exploded, releasing enormous amounts of smoke.

The smoke spread in an instant, and it carried a more dense form of the particle, meaning that now, not only could nobody see, they could not use their magical senses to figure a way out.

Then a rather loud crash was heard, then another, and another and another until there was the sound of bodies hitting each other at very high speeds, all falling down from the smoke, either completely knocked out, were completely out of it, or were in a complete daze.

Then at the top, eight strange blade shaped metal things thrust skyward, all going in a circle, and in a blaze of light a circle of light now shone in the sky.

As the large gaggle and those watching looked, the mystery craft/person shot right into the sky, and the entered the circle, and the circle instantly disappeared, the energy of its closing leaving two large fading circles of blue green light, which expanded until they finally faded away into the particle environment.




"That was interesting," Yukari said as she looked at the spot where the portal had been but now wasn't.

Reimu simply nodded as everyone else just looked on, though several did go back to get some more food and sake.

However, they all saw who created the lights in the sky, and no matter which way it was seen ….

…. It was an 'Incident'.

I opened the portal over the desert lands, and landed in the canyon in front of the Volga, and then came to the ELS, who had managed to repair several areas of the ship, except for the engine block and the- whoops almost let that slip.

"You were successful in your venture"

"Yes, I have all of the material from beneath the shrine, and it is more than enough to fix the ship as well as extra material for other uses, so now all there is to do is-"

"We are afraid to say this, but we still require the other material, as to why, the answer lies in three places"

Confused, I left the Volga, Which I may have forgotten to mention was an enhanced version of the old unit and flew over large arras, but it was the three thy pointed out that caused everything to hit home.

In two of the valleys in the canyon, were two badly damaged Mako-class Frigates made by the Novan Foundation during the Prothea wars, and given to the military organization Celestial Being and to the United Defense Union during the war, and they were both in still in workable condition and had ELS on the hulls.

The last valley had two Celestial Being made armed research vessels, made with GN defense guns and GN enhanced linear cannons as well as GN missile pods, one broken in two, the other looking like it needed only some minor repairs to get flying.

However, I realized that the Volga had only three active GN Tau X drives, which were basically the closest to actual GN drives as one could get without a TD-Blanket.

This means not only did we need more material for making the ships functional; we also needed it to make the GN drives for the ships in order to allow them to take off, as well as to get the weapons working for defense, because I literally almost died during the run.

Realizing this, I flew back to the Volga, an exhausted expression on my face, found a crew members room, and then said:

"Tomorrow, I will go for a run on the Scarlet Devil Mansion, and hopefully I can do it without a fight."

I finish talking and am soon in a form of sleep, but the sensors of my body are still active, always looking for any threats.

The ELS however, were working, they realized that alone, I would not be able to do the task, and thus they decided on a different plan, one which they would start after I left tomorrow.

As Quanta slept, a figure in one of the Frigate's walked to a viewing screen, and was shown Quanta, and a smile adorned her face.

The person looked to be about 20, and had hair that was mostly silver but had black areas in it, had a rather compact form, and wore what amounted to a dark black outfit, and a black, skintight outfit which was lined with intricate silver, as well as a vest also made of the silver material, and the silver had an intricate pattern over her clothes, on her hands, and on some of her skin, which was white enough to almost be called snow, and one of her eyes was dark blue while the other was light red, the same intricate patterns running up her face as lines until they were under her eyes.

The silver material in question was ELS, and the woman then in an instant disappeared from the Frigate and appeared in that same second in Quanta's room on the Volga.

"Let us see how well you do from here on out," the woman said in an even and soft voice, "and hope that things turn out well."

The woman chuckled to herself a bit, knowing how her old self would have reacted to that statement.

She frowned deeply at that thought, and instead left to go back to the frigate, doing it the long way, by walking instead of teleporting, but quieting her steps as she went back.

She knew what she had done, the horrors she had made before she changed, and as the ELS worked, she gave them a smile, as they were the ones who changed her.

'No, not changed me,' the woman thought, 'they saved me.'