WOOT! Ok, so this is a new story i'm starting up because of my new found fascination for Dragonball Z. I would like to inform you all that, yes, I am still going to continue my other story, it's just on hiatus right now because I can't find the stupid book that it was written in, and I really DO NOT feel like making all 27 chapters over again.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own dbz in any way, shape, or form... because Akira Toriyama "apparently" doesn't wanna be my friend anymore...boohoo...

Ok, I have some serious issues with my brain. First off, my mom walked into my room asking me who I was talking to. That's a problem because no one was in my room; I was talking to my television. It's not my fault I have no social life! Besides, the closest I'm over going to get to talking to any of the dbz characters is going to an anime con and speaking to their voice actors. Or at least, that's what I had thought. Second off, at the moment I was floating in mid-air. Last time I checked, humans couldn't fly! And finally, everything looked animated... doesn't that just scream crazy? There is NO possible way that I was in any way sane.

Well time to put into action the things not to do when flying and or floating.

1. FALL (pretty obvious...)

like a maniac

out your iPod and listen to Hey Hey by Superchick

Nobody can tell me I'm not crazy. Why? because I did all of these things. I don't even know why that last one was on the list, but I might as well fall doing something I love. Plus that way I wouldn't hear myself screaming for my life. I listened to the music that is, until the headphones fell out... and I dropped my iPod. Great. Just great. I screamed at the top of my lungs until I felt that I had actually been caught by something. I looked up and it was... Gohan?

"Hey, are you ok?" He asked. I couldn't speak. Well, what would you have done if the cute little boy from your favorite anime caught you falling from the sky? I'll tell you, NOTHING! So that's what I did; nothing. I just stared at him in awe. "Uh, hello...?" All well, I'll just talk. "Um...uh...I think so... OH MY GOD! WHERE'S MY IPOD!" Smooth... smooth... if you wanna call completely off subject smooth... I frantically looked around for my iPod while we lowered to the ground. When he let go, I was off. Looking behind rocks, thin tree's...wait...thin tree's? Like those ones on Namek? Oh damn, we were on Namek, and that could only mean one thing... this was the Frieza saga! AAAAHHHHH! I don't wanna get my ass kicked by a crazy tranny alien freak! This isn't fair!

"Gohan! GOHAN!" I heard someone yell. Krillen. It had to be. No one else has that shrill voice.

"Yeah Krillen, I'm over here!" Gohan called back. Just a few seconds later, Krillen came out from behind a rock. "There you are! I've been looking all over for you!" He replied, obviously filled with relief. "We have to hurry and make the wish before Frieza gets here! Come... hey? Who's that you got there, Gohan?" Krillen asked him. At the moment the only thing I could think of was the fact that I showed up in the right place, but at a totally WRONG time. "I don't know who she is, she just fell from the sky." Gohan walked over to me. "So who are you?" he asked. I stood straight up like I was talking to some high-and-mighty military sergeant. "My name is...Malene." He smiled that adorable little kid smile, and walked me over to Krillen. "This is Krillen, and my name is Gohan. Nice to meet you." I blushed slightly and said a quick hello to both of them, then we walked to frieza's ship and sat down for a minute to talk.

"So what planet are you from? You look like your from earth." Asked Krillen. Ok, chill out just make something up! You'll get through! I thought. "Um, I'm from a planet called, eh, Luma." Good going, loser! You made a planet that sounds like it's some kind of HIV prevention pill! I smiled lightly while mentally scolding myself for the idiotic solution for a planet. "It got blown up by Frieza and his goons. I our kind can see the future, so I know all of you, including future family members." Hehehe... niiiiice, niiiiiice... I thought. "Oh! And our kind can also become any age so technically, we can never die, but that's also the reason Frieza blew up our planet. He didn't think the universe had any place for immortal beings beside him." Ok, maybe a little too much there.

They listened crefully, and at moment's they actually looked fascinated, which was a good and bad thing all in it's own. "So can you turn into my age?" asked Gohan. I smilled and nodded, but in my mind I was screaming at myself that I was a complete idiot for laying it on too hard. I walked over to Gohan and put my hands on his forehead. To my suprise, there was a faint glow and within seconds I was the exact age as the boy in front of me. "Wow! That's cool!" said Krillen, clapping in the background. I may have looked like it was nothing to me, but on the inside was a party of it's own. About five secounds later I tried to change myself back to normal, and eventually did just that.

We were laughing, but then it was time to get serious. "Ok, we have to get these Dragonballs away from the ship without Vegeta knowing, so let's hurry!" whispered Krillen. We each got two of the Dragonballs (except for Dende, who had just shown up after my little escapade. He only carried one.) Dende spoke in Namekian and in a few moment's, Porunga, the Namekian dragon appeared before us. We heard Piccolo in our heads saying that if we wished him back first, the Earth's Dragonballs, along with Kami, would be restored as well. Gohan seemed so excited that Piccolo would be coming back, and I was also excited that I would get to see a green Namekian named Piccolo. Who wouldn't? Porunga glowed after Dende said a few more words in Namekian, and we all waited until Porunga had said the wish was granted. Then we had to use the second wish to wish him to Namek. Dende again said the words and Porunga shimmered.

"Your second wish has been granted. State your third, and final wish." said the almighty dragon. Gohan and Krillen had a confused look on their face. "But wait, if the wish was granted, where's Piccolo?" I looked over to them and stated that Dende had thought only to wish the revived Namekian to planet Namek, not at this exact spot.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean too." stated Dende.

"It's alright, we understand. It's no big deal." I said. We all smiled and where thinking of our next wish when we heard some rustling through the air. Someone was coming, and fast.

Alright! I hope you liked it, because I had a fun time writing it. The next chapter is called: "And The Midget Steps Up!"

See ya soon! R & R please! And no flames!