Just a some idea that came to me in the morning. Not betareaded, so every mistakes are mine.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Charmed and it's characters.

"I'm missing something!" Raged the Source for the hundredth time in the past few weeks, pacing restlessly in the attic of his childhood home.

"I don't know what you are talking about," the Elder frowned, watching him wearily. It was unusual for the Source to demand his presence in this very place.

"I don't know either!" Wyatt yelled.

"Well," Leo crossed his arms, "then how do you know that you are missing something?"

Wyatt glared at him, "I have this feeling that something should be here, but it's not. If I think about it I've had this feeling for almost my whole life but now it's just too damn strong!"

"Your whole life?" The Elder watched him now with interest.

"Yes!" Wyatt exclaimed, throwing his arms up in frustration. "And nothing I do, say, magic or something can make it go away!" The Source narrowed his eyes at him, "You know what it is."

"No," the Elder answered and held his hand up to stop Wyatt's next rant. "But I know who might know."

"Who?" The Source demanded.

"When you were just a baby a man came from the future. He became the Charmed Ones Whitelighter for a while and said, that he want to protect you. He had made a mess in our lives and then, one day, he just disappeared. I'm sure he must have changed something before he left," Leo looked at his son sadly.

Wyatt raised an eyebrow, "You think I'm like this because of him?"

"Yes!" The Elder spat. "Chris always lied to us, manipulated us and send me to Valhalla! He was evil and somehow he managed to affect you!"

"Interesting," Wyatt mumbled. "So, you're saying when I was a baby?"

Leo nodded, "2003, to be exact, but you can't change anything, Wyatt. You can't tell them who you are. In fact it'll be better if they don't see you at all."

The Source was just nodding, not really listening. He will travel to the past, where his mother and aunts were still alive. And if this Chris really was evil, he could gain adequate partner to help him to conquer the world. He smiled happily and walked to the Book of Shadows.

The wall in the attic flashed bright in the form of triquetra and the young man stepped out of the portal. He looked around curiously, but didn't have much time to explore as he heard a commotion. He quickly turned invisible, thankful that he managed to stole this power from some Elder and watched as the Charmed Ones and two men walked to the attic. Wyatt smiled a little, seeing them alive and well, and then he looked at the men. The first, tall and handsome with black hair was obviously conjunctured, so Wyatt didn't paid much attention to him. The second, on the other hand, looked familiar to the Source. He felt drawn to him. The feeling of something missing eased a little, too. Wyatt frowned. Why was that? He watched the scene unfold before him. Leo orbed in with little him, they talked about binding his powers, then some demons appeared and took the baby. And then they all cornered this Chris person, blaming him for everything. Wyatt felt disappointed when he learned, that Chris wanted to save him from turning evil. But the look on his face, when Piper kicked him out, stirred something in him. He wanted to reveal his presence and yell at them for hurting this Whitelighter. The boy woke up every protective instincts Wyatt didn't even know he possessed and he wanted to know why. He followed the Charmed Ones to the Underworld and observed the fight. At some point Chris appeared, taking out the main threat. The Source wanted to go to him, when he noticed that the exploding demon hurt the boy, but stopped at the last second as realization hit him. He just stood, watching dumbly as the Whitelighter helped his mother turn him back to good. And then it was just him and Chris in the cave.

"I don't know how they missed this," Wyatt said, dropping his invisibility. "You look like her and you have Leo's eyes."

Chris whirled around and stared at him in shock. "W- Wyatt!" The Whitelighter stuttered. "What- Why- What the hell are you doing here?"

The Source smiled softly, walking slowly towards him. "You're my brother, aren't you?"

"What?" The look of shock on Chris's face changed to one of incredulity. "Did you hit your head or something?"

"No," Wyatt chuckled. Chris just scoffed at him. "I'm from the future, but from the one in which I don't have a brother."

Chris opened and closed his mouth several times, but in the end he managed only quiet "Oh."

"Yeah," the Source reached for his injured arm. "Can I?"

"You're evil," the Whitelighter narrowed his eyes at him. "And you can't heal anymore."

"Maybe, but let me try."

"Why should I?" Chris looked at him suspiciously.

Wyatt sighed, "Because I can bet that I'm older."

"You're the Source, for crying out loud!" Chris exclaimed. "Why the hell do you care?"

"I don't know, okay?" Wyatt yelled. "Now shut up and let me heal you!"

The Whitelighter huffed in annoyance but stood still as Wyatt's hand hovered over his arm. He watched, surprised, as golden glow appeared healing him.

"Huh, thanks."

"Don't mention it," said Wyatt carelessly, looking at the boy up and down. He frowned. "I should be yelling at you, but I think I know why you did it."


"You are here to save me, right?" The Source asked. "But as you can see I'm still evil. So whatever you did to cause yourself to never be born didn't work."

"Obviously," commented Chris dryly.

"So you see," Wyatt smiled softly, "it was never your fault."

The Whitelighter looked up at him stunned.

"Oh, don't give me that look," Wyatt rolled his eyes. "Maybe not having a brother gave me a better perspective on the matter, don't you think? Anyway I want you to fix it. I want to have a brother. And I want you to save me. Understood?"

Chris just nodded dumbly.

"Good," the Source smiled. "Well, I've found what I've been looking for, so I better get back to the future. But I'll be back if nothing change and I will kick your ass, got that?"

"Yes," Chris smirked.

"Good," Wyatt ruffled his hair. "Good luck, little brother." With that the Source orbed to the attic and created the portal to the future. He walked trough, felling at peace for the first time in many years.