AN: After along time of writter's block I finally come up with a two part Deleted Story. Hope you like it. Sorry for the wait.
The Deleted Stories- Story Three
Summary: As weeks passed Roxy and Alexa became close friends though it was obvious to everybody but Jerome that she still had an interest in him. Alexa always pretended to ignore that fact. But as the fates would have it, there would be a factor that would spin everything out of it's order.
Genre- Drama/Romance/Humor
Main Characters- Jerome, Alexa (OC), Roxy (OC), Luca (OC)
Word Count: 1,700
When The Past Comes Back to Hunt You…
Part 1
Alexa woke up to her alarm clock, she closed her eyes again, trying to forget that tomorrow she had a test final. She knew Roxy was already up and about on a Sunday morning. Alexa was about to get up and get ready for the day when she felt something, someone, drop next to her in bed.
"Good morning." Jerome said, kissing his sleepy girlfriend's hair.
"Hi." Alexa said. turning to face her blond boyfriend. "What's on the agenda today?" she asked sitting up on her bed.
"Not much, thinking maybe we could eat breakfast, pull a prank or two on Alffie, and then maybe have a romantic picnic on the forest?" he said.
"Sound like a plan, minus the last part, but I need to get dressed first." she said she stood up and walked to her closet. She looked at her boyfriend still on her bed. "That's your cue to leave." she said to him while pointing at the open door.
Jerome gave her his puppy dog eyes, "Come on, just this once?" he asked standing up and wrapping his arms around her.
Alexa freed herself from his grip and put both of her hands on his chest, walking him backwards towards the hall. "Maybe next time." she said slowly closing her door.
"Really?" he said with a smirk on his lips and hope in his eyes.
"No." she said closing her bedroom door.
It was chilly afternoon when Alexa and Jerome took a walk around campus. "So, what do you say to a night on the town?" Jerome asked as he wrapped his arms around Alexa's shivering frame.
"Depends what were doing, if it's something romantic or cliché, not my style." she said.
Jerome stopped suddenly and pulled her in front of him, but she wasn't expecting it and came full force towards his chest making them both fall in the grassy meadow. Alexa and Jerome both started to laugh when they hit the ground, somehow this happened a lot to them.
When they were done laughing Alexa propped her arms on his chest lying there half-way on top of him. "What do you have planned?" she asked letting a stand of her black hair fall free from behind her ear.
Jerome kindly placed it back to its rightful place. "Something more our speed." he said his face nearing her.
"So something illegal or joke related?" she asked.
"Why choose when we can do both?" he said with his cocking smirk. Alexa was just admiring his annoyingly nice smirk when he flipped her, so he was on top. "Have you ever noticed the pattern?" he asked his still dazzled girlfriend.
"You mean you always being on top?" she asked not missing a beat not even when being dazzled by her spontaneous boyfriend.
"You can't blame me for always wanting to the best I can be." he said trying to steal a kiss, but Alexa knew him well, he let his guard down it was time for a take over.
She flipped them so fast that neither of them noticed the switch until the sky turned green. "And by that right you can't blame me." she said a little too close to him then stood up abruptly.
"What is it?" he asked also standing up. He noted that Alexa was looking in the direction of the drive way looking very angry at a car that was coming very close to the schools entrance. How she heard it, saw it or recognized it was unknown to him.
"How dare he come here?" she asked no one in particular. Jerome had seen Alexa angry, but never this angry, she looked ready to punch throw a wall.
She marched herself back to the house of Anubis with death on her mind. How dare he? After all he did to me come back here? What was he trying? Alexa asked himself as she opened the front door and slammed it hard, all thoughts of Jerome long forgotten. She got to her bedroom and sat on her bed deciding what to do. I'm not going to do anything. If he comes asking for me I will just turn him away. Be strong Alexa, be strong. She told herself. It doesn't matter how much he hurt you, you got over it.
A couple of hours later Alexa came down to dinner only to find him there. He was sitting in between Amber and Nina talking. Alexa could just barf. She'd been standing in the stairwell too long, they noticed her. "Oh look who chose to grace us with her presence, mia bella Alexandra." an Italian accented voice said, his voice and his face with that annoying I'm-winning smile that Alexa knew all too well.
"Alexa, how come you never told us about your friend Luca?" Amber asked.
"I'm sorry I don't go around talking about ex-boyfriends who are too coward to break up with a girl face to face." is what Alexa wanted to say, but she was being courteous for the sake of her friends, and she said. "Must of slipped my mind." she said sugar coating her words from her bitter tone underneath. "What are you doing here Luca?" she asked again trying to be polite.
"Can't a friend visit another friend?" he asked her, the word 'friend' sounded like sirens in Alexa's head it was the obvious code for 'I want you back' and Alexa wouldn't have that.
"If that friend calls." she said. Translation: Your phone call made you lose all those privilege. "But now that you're here, you should meet my new boyfriend." she said. Translation: I moved on, your lost.
"Absolutely." he said. Translation: I'll be the judge of that.
"Stay for dinner then." Amber said. "Maia and Mick are eating out anyway."
"Then it's settled." Luca said. Translation: Let the games begin.
"Sure is." Alexa said.
Just then Jerome walked into the living room, his concern for Alexa played on his face. He walked up to her and hugged her waist bringing his forehead to hers. "Are you okay?" he asked.
"That depends." Alexa whispered so only the two of them could hear. "Can I talk to you." Alexa said grabbing his hand and pulling him out of the living room.
"Aren't you going to introduce Jerome to Luca?" Nina asked, interrupting Alexa's run away plans.
Alexa sighed and stopped, putting on a fake smile. "Luca. my boyfriend Jerome. Jerome Luca." she introduced and started to pull Jerome again.
"Nice to meet you." Jerome said being polite. That's a first. Alexa thought. Alexa pulled him out of the room just as Luca returned the greeting.
Alexa pulled Jerome into his room. "He seems nice." Jerome joked, but Alexa was too angry to catch on.
"Are you kidding me?" she asked him angry.
"Actually, I am." he said. Alexa smiled softly, almost penetrating her anger. "I wager he was the cause of your angry march this afternoon." he said seating on his bed and motioning for her to follow.
Alexa sighed and sat down letting her boyfriend comfort her. She placed her head on his shoulders. "So, who is he?" he asked.
"Remember that boy who was a coward to break up with me via phone, that's who he is." she said.
"Your ex?" he asked, his anger rising.
"Yeah." she said.
"What is he doing here?"
"Take a wild guess."
"To get you back?"
"Ding-ding, we have a winner." Alexa said. "The problem is he doesn't give in easily. And he's got a ways to manipulate people into helping."
"You're saying that there's a chance you might dump me for him?" Jerome asked, his anger control getting worst.
"No!" Alexa said. "All I'm saying is for you to beware of him, he won't attack you with blackmail, he'll hit you on your heart and wait for you to bleed out."
"He'll try to break us up then?"
"Yes." Alexa said. "He'll make us doubt our relationship, he's good at that."
"What do we do then?" he asked.
"We play by his rules, but we stick together and no matter what we believe in each other. Okay?"
"Just as long as I get to keep you." he said, his anger slowly sinking.
"No matter what we'll be together. I promise you that.
Dinner was weird, at least to Alexa it was. Luca seemed to be interviewing everyone on Alexa's and Jerome's relationship. Everyone had good things to say the only complaint was the practical jokes and a little too much PDA. Roxy was quiet through the whole dinner.
Luca watched every house member with interest, he was looking for any flaws in the current relationship that proved a threat to his personal happiness. He was looking to find the unbreakable Alexa in tears, even though it been four months since their break up. Most of his past girlfriends would be crying their eyes out for almost half a year, but Alexa had already moved on a week after their brake up.
As Luca watched the house members he noticed the pretty brunette Roxy look uneasy at the whole talk about the couple. She was the only one that seemed uneasy, maybe in Roxy laid his next puppet. Who knows if she was good he may even go after her after Alexa. But right now Alexa was the prime target and the only thing standing in his way was Jerome.
After dinner Luca helped Roxy with the clean up giving him more than enough time to get her to join him. "Since when have you had a crush on Jerome?" Luca asked the brunette.
Luca expected Roxy to be taken aback and drop the plates, but instead she was unfazed. "Since my first day." she said. "You want to break them up." Now Luca was taken aback, she knew. "I want in."
It was easier that he expected, perfect. "Alright bella, your in." he said. "We'll break them up together."
"It's a deal." Roxy said. "We'll start tomorrow." she said walking off leaving Luca with the work. He had to be impressed, but instead he was angry. He wanted a silly girl in love he could manipulate easily, not an equal that could out con him.
But never the less things were settled. Tomorrow it would all go down.