Boo-boo Bye-bye
Little Conrart buried his face in his brother's shoulder, trying very hard not to cry but his knee hurt really badly. Though many would consider it a scrape, like most little children Conrart felt it sting very badly. "We're here..." the older boy said comfortingly as he put his little brother on the table.
"Ouch!" Gwendal whispered as he examined the hurt knee. Though it looked like a small cut, Gwendal knew, to Conrart, it was a very bad wound. The older brother took out the medic kit and took out the needed items.
"Connie this is going to sting a little so try to hold it, okay?"
"Ookay..." Conrart almost sniffled.
"That's my little lion," Gwendal praised.
The boy gasped once but did not cry out as Gwendal swabbed disinfectant on the hurt knee. The stinging ebbed slightly as Gwendal bandaged it.
"There, all done," Gwendal murmured as he tied up the bandage. "Time to kiss that bad boo-boo bye-bye." He ruffled Conrart's hair then and said, "Now put a smile on that face." Conrart sniffled slightly and tried, managing a small smile as he wiped his tears away.
"C'mon," Gwendal teased, "Nearly there."
The smile widened slightly.
Gwendal's grin was becoming devilish. "Don't make me tickle you!"
Conrart had to giggle.
"What was that?" Gwendal pushed inching closer till he was almost nose to nose with his little brother, "A giggle?" He pounced on his little brother then and started to tickle him, making the little boy kick and laugh.
"Okay, okay!" Conrart laughed, "I'm smiling!"
"There's the Connie I know," Gwendal said, rubbing his nose against his brother's.
Gwendal looked at the Healer incredulously. "Run that by me again?"
"He's acting like a child," said Gisela, pushing the medic kit into the Noble's hands. "He won't let me see what's wrong. I think he's embarrassed."
"Oh boy..." Gwendal murmured, pinching the bridge of his nose. An embarrassed Conrad was rare. "If you hear laughter," he informed, having an idea what happened, "You'll know he's cured."
Gisela smiled wearily. "Let me guess, it could be a simple boo-boo?"
"He's been injured enough times to know when it's bad enough to come and see you." Gwendal shrugged, shutting the door behind him. He looked in the room. Conrad was sitting on a chair in a corner facing the wall. His ears were pink. He looked to see who
"Conrart," he said sternly, "Mind telling me why you won't let Gisela treat you."
Conrad reddened. "It's embarrassing!"
A dark eyebrow lifted. Gwendal knew Gisela would not have called for him if Conrad was both hurt and embarrassed. "Why is it embarrassing?"
"Sword practice," Conrad murmured almost inaudibly, turning a darker shade of red, "I tripped and scraped my knee."
So that's the problem...
Gwendal urged back a sigh. "You want me to do it then?"
Conrart gave him a pleading look. Gwendal sighed and went to work on the knee. Conrad knew how to bandage himself but Gwendal knew that Conrad, being the reckless man he is, would under do it.
"Are you ready to come out and act your age?" Gwendal as he finished, "Though it's a small cut, Gisela may want to check for any torn ligaments."
Conrart shrugged and said nothing. "I guess I have no choice then," said Gwendal mock wearily. Conrad looked at his brother questioningly and caught the gleam in Gwendal's blue eyes.
"You wouldn't," he said.
It was then Conrad learned that he would never get away from Gwendal's evil tickles no matter old they got.
"Gwen, come on!" Conrart shouted, trying to wriggle out of his brother's grasp, "We're too old for this!"
"Since when does tickling has an age limit?"
"Okay, okay!" Conrad laughed, "I yield!"
"There's the Connie I know!" the older brother laughed.
Outside, Gisela was trying to contain her laughter. Trust Gwendal to take care of Conrart's boo-boos...
A/N: I know a story like this is more suitable for Conrad and Wolfram, but Gwen needs to have fun now and then.