A.N: It's been forever, I'm sorry! This chapter sucks, I'm sorry. I'm just basically asking you guys what you think and if I should continue this or not, I'm thinking about writing an M-rated fic about Huddy so yeah, idk, let me know what you think.

Rachel watched her parents ,who were on the couch, amusedly from where she sat on the floor playing. She had no clue what they were talking about, neither did she care, but she did know that whatever it was, her daddy refused to do it.

'No.' House told Cuddy.

She sighed. 'Come on House.'

'No.' He stubbornly told her again.

'Okay fine.' Cuddy gave in. 'But you get to babysit Rachel for the next 2 days.'

House snorted. 'Anything is better then visiting you mother's place for two whole days without being able to leave that hellhole. '

Cuddy glared at him.

'What?' He asked. 'I'll watch our kid so you can go to your mom and have fun!'

He smiled. A fake one.

'Okay.' She said and started to get up.

'Where are you going?' House asked her.

'To go pack my bag.' She replied and walked out of the living room.

House watched her leave before he turned his attention to Rachel.

'Looks like it will be you and me kid.' He told her.

Rachel climbed onto his lap before giving him a toothy grin.

House woke up to the annoying sound of Cuddy's alarm. He grunted then put his pillow over his head to block out the noise, but it was no use.

He stretched out his hand to gently nudge her and said, his voice still gruff from sleep, "Off." But his hand hit the mattress and the alarm kept blaring.

House peeked his head from under the pillow and frowned when he saw that Cuddy was nowhere in sight. He moved to her side of the bed and hit her alarm with such a force it fell and stopped working altogether, but he didn't care.

He kept his head on her pillow and turned slightly so his nose was pressed into it as he took a deep breath and took in her scent.

He wouldn't directly say it to her or at least not with so many words but he would miss her those two days.

'You're not even staying for breakfast?' House asked as he watched Cuddy get ready.

'I'll grab something on the way, besides it's 5:30am'

'Why you leaving so early?' He asked as she sat down on the bed to put on her heels.

'Cause I don't want to be stuck in traffic House.' She answered before leaning over to kiss him. 'Promise you take care of Rachel.' She said as she leaned away from him.

House put a hand over his heart in mock hurt.

'Ouch Cuddy, that hurts. I do have feelings you know!' He said with a grin.

Cuddy just rolled her eyes.

'If she gives you a hard time call Wilson.' Cuddy told him firmly.

'Relax Cuddy we'll be fine okay.' He reassured her as his hands reached for her hips and he pulled her close to him again. 'Besides,' he nuzzeled her stomach 'I'll kill myself before I harm her okay.'

Cuddy slapped his shoulders.

'That's not funny!' She exclaimed while stroking her fingers through his hair before yanking his head up to look at her. 'Behave!' She told him.

'Of course.' He replied with a grin. As he was about to try and kiss her again, Cuddy pushed him roughly down onto the bed.

'Better get some more sleep before Rachel gets up.' She said with a naughty smirk.

House was staring at her his eyes wide with shock as he watched Cuddy turn around and walk away from him, swinging her hips more then usual on purpose.

'You're an evil woman.' He yelled after her. 'Evil woman.' He mumbled to himself with a grin before lying back down and falling asleep almost instantly.

An hour later he woke up to the feeling of someone staring at him. He grunted then opened one eye and saw Rachel sitting on the bed in her mother's spot staring at him.

'Hi daddy.' She whispered.

House groaned as he sat up in bed. 'Hi Rach.' He finally replied after he got comfortable.

'Why are you here kid?' He asked as Rachel mimicked him and sat next to him, her back against the headboard and her small frame leaning into House.

'Mommy's gone?' Rachel asked and looked around.

'Yeah she is, she's off to see the wicked witch of Eastwick.' House replied not really knowing if Rachel would throw a fit or not. Things had been great, but then Cuddy had always been around. Now it was just him and Rachel. He eyed her closely and before he knew it she was up on the bed jumping around and laughing.

'Yay, we can watch pirates and eat pancakes all day.' Rachel yelled as she happily bounced on the bed.

House looked at her, a little shocked. This was not what he expected.

'We can't eat pancakes all day but I can make you some for breakfast.' House told her.

'Can we watch pirates you bloody scallywag?' Rachel asked still bouncing, before she lost her balance and fell, hitting House's bad leg in the proces.

House cried out in pain and gripped his leg, tears springing to his eyes. It had been a long time since his leg had hurt like this.

'Holy mother of ...' He cursed but swallowed his words as he saw Rachel scurry off the bed, tears in her eyes looking at him with a scared look. Her bottom lip began to tremble and tears started rolling from her cheeks. House quickly sat up, moved off the bed and walked so the pain would subside a little.

'I'm sorry daddy.' The girl whispered as she sobbed hard.

House walked over to her and felt bad cause he made her cry. He wouldn't have cared before he had gotten together with Cuddy. But the little girl had made her way into his icy heart and now he wasn't only in love with the mother of this girl, but with the girl as well.

'It's okay kid.' He said and grimaced as he sat down on the bed.

'You not mad?' Rachel asked him as she walked closer to him.

'Course not. It's not your fault.' He told her and saw a faint smile appear on Rachel's face. 'Now how about we start those pancakes and watch those pirates, huh mate?' House asked in a pirate voice.

Rachel giggled and nodded her head.

'Can I ride your back?' She asked House in a cute voice.

He hesitated at first but then nodded. 'Hop on.' He said as Rachel climbed onto the bed and on House's back.

'Hold on kid okay I can't hold onto you.'

'Okay daddy.' Rachel did as she was told and wrapped her arms tightly around his neck.

Rachel babbled as House was making her pancakes. She was sitting on the counter swinging her legs as she watched House flip pancakes in the air before putting them on a plate.

After the pancakes and the much needed coffee for House, House and Rachel settled on the couch and watched cartoons. House had his feet propped up on the coffee table and Rachel was snuggled into his side with a blanket thrown over her.

'Daddy?' She asked while looking up at House.

'Yeah kid?' He asked, not moving his eyes from the screen.

'I wanna be a pirate when I grow up!' Rachel stated.

House let out a chuckle then looked down at the girl cuddled into his side. 'Let's not tell your mom that kid, I don't think that's what she wants for you.'

'Why not?' Rachel asked.

House sighed. 'Your mom wants what best for you and believe me, that doesn't involve being a pirate.'

Rachel looked up at House, not really understanding what he was saying.

'Never mind kid, you'll understand one day.' House said as he ruffled her hair then turned back to the TV.

Not to long after, House's cell phone rang.

'What?' He answered without looking at the caller id.

'Can't you figure this one out yourself?' House asked as he listened to the caller on the other side.

He rolled his eyes before answering 'Okay fine, I'll be there in a few.'

'Come on kid.' House said as he moved his feet from the coffee table and pushed himself up from the couch. 'Those kids at the hospital need me.'

Rachel moved up from the couch and ran into the hallway to get her jacket. 'Kids?'

House helped her put it on as he tried to explain to her just who he meant by kids. 'Remember those other people that work for me?' Rachel nodded. 'Well they are my kids, well sort of, you'll understand when you get older.'

'Okay, so what was the big emergency that couldn't wait, or that you couldn't fix yourself?' House demanded to know as soon as he walked into his office, cane in one hand and Rachel holding his free hand.

'Hi Rachel.' Chase said to the girl ruffling her hair.

'Excuse me, I know you're into young girls, but you're not touching my …' House stopped himself for a moment, but then continued. 'My daughter okay.'

The rest of the team chuckled as they had heard the story of Chase kissing one of their patients, a young girl that had never been kissed before.

Chase gave the team a nasty look before he started listing all the symptoms.

House being House, walked into the differential room, followed by the others and started writing on the white board, totally forgetting about Rachel and not seeing her starting to walk out of his office and into the hallway.