Disclaimer~ All Mighty Duck characters belong to Disney.

Author's Note~ Now that the disclaimer is out of the way, here is my update, sorry for my Loss of Sight Loss of Life people, I'm not sure how that is going to start, it's going to be good though. I decided to take a break from drama, I want to write a happy one, hehe, okay well here it goes.

Author's Note 2~ I love reading stuff about Nosedive turning into a kid so I decided to write one, I can't wait for more of Prince Tyler Beliefs story as Nosedive as a child, if you're reading this please please hurry! Hehe jk take all the time ya need. Enjoy!

Author's Note 3~ This is the last one promise. For those of you that aren't around young children this is for you. They can't talk like older people, usually their speech pronunciation and articulation is slurred, and it's hard to prounce certain things like "WildWing", so no I didn't spell them all wrong, I'm just trying to be creative, o well. Bye!


"Nosedive you are such a child", cried Mallory as she stood there sopping wet, "I would kill you but I can't move. What is this stuff?"

"Cement", replied Nosedive, than he broke up laughing hysterically, "Haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa".

"NOSEDIVE", screamed Mallory, finally Tanya came to her rescue and got her out of her stone prison.

"I'm going to kill that kid", screamed Mallory after she had changed.

"Well can't do it yet", said Tanya, "Come on we have to meet the guys for dinner."


"I'm starving", cried Nosedive, "Can't we start without them?"

"No Nosedive", said WildWing, "For the last time its not polite to."

"Well its not polite to keep us waiting", said Nosedive. "Come on they are going to be a while trust me."

"How would you know", asked Canard.

"Well I- uh."

"Nosedive Nicholas Flashblade", cried WildWing bringing his brother straight to his face, "What did you do?"

"He poured cement on me, CEMENT", responded Mallory as the ladies approached the table.

"Nosedive" lectured WildWing.

"I know I know" said Nosedive, "Can we just eat?"

"YES", said Duke who was starved. It's very hard to stay at a restaurant and have to wait on food, especially when luscious food is being passed around to everyone else, and having to hear them say "Mmmhh that is so good".

A waiter came and all of the ducks ordered their food. Finally the food arrived, but at the same moment a man came running holding a small bottle screaming excitedly, both the waiter and the man crashed into one another. The man's bottle spilled all over their food.

"Aw man", said the waiter, "I'm sorry."

"No I'm sorry", said the man, "Really sorry. Oh-no my potion!"

A few other men came over, "Rodger what's wrong?"

"I figured out the potion! And I just lost it in here. I'll be up all night doing that over again."

WildWing and Canard helped pick up the food and placed it onto their table.

"I want food", cried Nosedive. "I don't care if this was dirty, I'm starved!"

So Nosedive ate the food, "NO" cried the men, but it was too late, Nosedive had ingested the food, along with the potion.

Roger put his hands on his head, "Oh my gosh."

"Well now we will see if it works on or not", said another man.

"Aw man this is not good", cried Roger.

"What's going on", asked WildWing somewhat worried.

"Your friend here" said Roger, "Has consumed our liquid experiment."

"What kind of experiment", said WildWing sternly?

"The kind where people or ducks in your case, go backwards, like um well age."


"If our experiment works as planned than your friend-"


"Brother should turn to a toddler."

"WHAT", exclaimed Canard, "A toddler?"

As if on cue Nosedive began to shrink, suddenly there was but a small creature covered by a very large shirt. WildWing walked over to the "thing" and pulled the shirt down. There was Nosedive all right, but only a four- year-old version.

"Oh my gosh", cried WildWing, "It's Nosedive."

"Hiya Wing", cried Nosedive.

WildWing did not respond, he was in too much shock. This caused Nosedive's feelings to be hurt. His face became a frown.

"Say something", said Duke, "He looks like he is about to cry."

"Uh right. Hey there Dive."

Nosedive's face immediately turned into a happy one. "Hiya! I'm hungry! Feed me!"

"Aw he's so cute", commented Mallory.

"Yet a minute ago you were about to kill him", reminded Tanya.

"Well", said Canard, "I'll stay here with the professors I assume".

"Yes" chorused the professors.

"So I'll stay here with them", started Canard, "Along with Tanya because she is our science girl, while you WildWing, and everyone else go back to the pond and order out food. WildWing remember how Nosedive was at this age, make sure your with him. All of the time".

"Right", said WildWing. "Come on Dive, let's go."

Nosedive's small hand took WildWing's large palm.

"Otay", said Nosedive, "Les go!"

Mallory smiled, "He is cute!"

"Who me", cried Nosedive.

"Yes you", replied a slightly blushed Mallory.

"Yes I know I'm cute! I'm the cutest! Right WiyaWing?"

"Yup", said WildWing, "The cutest."