Against Reason: Chapter One

I own nothing.

Let us begin –



A small hand crept furtively from the covers, flaying half heartedly for the source of the insistent beeping. Finally the cartoon Cheshire cat was silenced by a successful swipe. The five small pink nails, faithfully painted a 'la' French tip by Mina and just as faithfully gnawed to the quick by Serena, retreated slowly beneath its warm duvet shelter.

One or two thumps, broke through her muddy conscious. "Oh Doofus – you know its Tuesday right? Not Saturday." Serena's little brother Sammy dressed and fed sauntered past her bedroom door. Sammy's voice, like a sudden voltage, shocked Serena completely from sleep.

The fog horn wail rose through the house. "Mom! Why didn't you wake me.! Mommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!"

A small whirlwind of blond tresses, blue pleats and randomly grasped work books flung themselves down the stairs, through the door and down the street. "Late again," Moaned Serena, "Two out two – Amy's going to freak!"

" Seriously Serena, how could you forget breakfast and your lunch? You're completely hopeless. You would forget your pigtails if they weren't stuck to that useless head of yours." Rei's stream of abuse was taken silently by a contrite Serena as it came with half of Rei's lunch and a well hidden but genuine thread of concern. "You're sixteen Serena!" You can't keep doing this! Would you like half an apple? And another thing - ? "

"Enough Rei," Broke in Lina, her Amazonia form stretched across the shaded grass, "You've been ranting for ten minutes straight now. Give Serena a break, besides you and I both know that deep down you like Serena scatter brained-cause it makes you feel Superior."

Rei's wrath was instantaneous, "Does not"

"Does too"

"Does not"

"Does too"

"Nu –huh"

"Ya huh"

"What are you two arguing about? People are starting to look" Amy quietly pointed out, as she walked up to her sprawled friends and choosing Serena's right, sunk, gracefully onto the grass. Serena gratefully welcomed her gentle friend with a relieved smile. She loved all her friends with a fierce loyalty, to the point of almost blind faith, but in her secret heart, it was gentle sweet Amy she loved most of all.

"They're just arguing over the fact that Rei likes me stupid, er-late, irresponsible, oh- and careless because it makes her feel superior." Serena offered unperturbed.

Amy's brow furrowed, "I don't understand? Are you saying that Rei is disputing the existence of these attributes?" Amy was a specific person by nature, and facts were facts. Serena was irresponsible and careless but neve-

"NO!" Rei injected suddenly, greeting Amy with a sudden whip of black hair and flashing black eyes, whilst simultaneously defending herself against Lita's unfettered flow of verbal abuse, "Hi Amy! Of course Serena is all those things, I'm just not shallow enough to compare myself to her to feel superior, that would just be sad –"

"You are so in denial your –"

Clearly the thread of Rei's love and concern was deeply, deeply, deeply hidden, Serena mused. What was deeper then Lava? Amy would undoubtedly know.

"Rei!" Amy's sudden snap, silenced the two into stunned state.

Amy's anger was a rare and fearful thing.

"Apologise to Serena immediately! Now! She's not stupid!"

Rei stared at Amy, then to Serena, a crimson flush crept up her neck as her earlier words hit home. She had just called her best friend stupid.

"I,I,I,I,I,I - didn't mean it like that, Amy, Serena. Honest. I,I,I,I,I,I,I,I..." Rei's usually clear, decisive voice had begun to shake, a wet sheen on her black eyes.

Serena sprung, with an unusual display of co-ordination Serena engulfed Rei into a bear hug, her reassures bumblering through a tangled curtain of black and blond hair.

"Iknowwhatyoumean. Youlovemenomatterwhat. , dontcry, skay!"

Rei grasped Serena fiercely, "Really? You understand right?"


Lita and Amy shared a sudden flash of bewildered incomprehension, these two were the first to rip each other to shreds and even faster to defend the other. Madness. Or hormones.

"If I could just interrupt this female bonding session for a moment...?" broke into over the group. Four different reactions responded to the sudden question asked in a deep male voice.

Amy blushed and immersed herself in whatever epic tome of quadratic equations she clasped to her delicate frame, Lita ogled unashamedly, Serena groaned and Rei, well Rei whipped herself from Serena's clutch, flew to her feet, flicked her silken mane into instantaneous submission with lightening hand movements and basked the new comer in a two hundred watt smile, "Hi Darien? How can we help?"

Darien Shields. Senior Class. Tall, dark, cool as frozen winters pond and as sharp as a figure skaters blade; or in Lita's words, a serious stud muffin. Oh, and let's not forget the brains – he was currently on the fast tracked for Med school.

And Serena's personal day walking nightmare.

Now Serena was the first to admit, when it came to hot boys she was the first in queue to take a number. However when it came to Darien, well-there was an exception to every rule. With a deliberate and definite twist of her spine Serena turned from Darien, the move might have been rather smooth dismissal- if she hadn't caught her waist length pigtail on her shoe buckle and yelped like a prairie dog. Serena looked up to find that after a simple glance of distaste, her presence had simply been dismissed. That about summed it up, thought Serena, dismissed. I'm not even worth his disdain. I don't even feature on the radar. Serena couldn't put a finger on the point that Darien had written her off as a waste of space. Somewhere in the beginning obviously, whilst every girl in the school, and her friends were no exception...( well maybe Amy), threw themselves in Darien's way. Serena shielded from his obvious disgust like an allergic kid in a peanut farm, run by cats and specializing in dust motes.

Serena knew she had, as her teachers repeatedly complained, "a volatile nature", was prone to overreact, be loud, boisterous and easily excitable. But she knew she wasn't a bad person. After all why would Lita, Rei, Mina, Amy and even popular Molly want to be her friend if she didn't have any redeeming qualities.

So why did Darien make her feel like "Oxygen thief", with a single glance. He repeatedly referred to her as "Meatball head" when he deemed to recognise her existence at all, unlike this particular moment. Serena reacted as any self respecting female would. She abused him at every possible opportunity. Half the girls thought she was mad, the other half thought she was a Lesbian. And Amy, well Amy kept her thoughts to herself.

Serena re-entered the present conversation from her mental monologue to catch Darien's final remark.

"So to earn extra credit, seniors are being offered to act as tutors for juniors. We simply need to collect over forty willing participates and they will run the official program. What do you guys say? Is there anything you others could use some extra tutoring with? Math? English?" Darien held out a black clip board and sporting what appeared to be fifty signatures, all female and several featured mobile phone numbers.

"I don't think you need us Darien, I think you've exceed your forty person limit single handed, "noted Lita, searching for free space, and resorted to flipping the page, where the scrawls continued. Darien gave a faint chuckle, laced with a slight derisive note. Serena looked at him curiously, there was something unhappy suddenly in his eyes, a hardness that didn't really sit well with the school uniform of a teenager. But then again all the girls constantly raved about his maturity.

And broad shoulders.

Slim hips.

Six pack.

Arghhhh . Zone in Serana, Zone in.

"The teachers want legitimate tutoring requests. Half of those will be a dead ends." – Darien shrugged his shoulders, shrugging off the obviously bothersome popularity with the female gender as a hindrance. "Now", he continued with a charming grin, (wolf –thought Serena), "I know Amy doesn't need help but what about you two?"

Amy 's flattered response was so garbled it made virtually no sense, but Lita and Rei each signed enthusiastically, Rei cooed up Darien, "Well if these extra credits - gets you into Med school Darien, and you end up saving my life- Well I'm really just helping myself aren't I". Darien smiled with a flash of dimple, while Serena tried to keep her lunch down, good looking might be one thing but an egotistical, jerk was a deal breaker.

Rei moved to hand the clip board back to Darien, manoeuvring her fingers to fall under his. Smooth- thought Serena, rather impressive really. Suddenly Rei noticed Serena and tightened her hold on the clip board. "Omigod –Darien, we missed Serena."

"Oh no he didn't" thought Serena.

She felt Darien's eyes sweep over her with a sinking chill, her stomach sudden felt like it had fallen through the floor. Her hands twisted suddenly in the grass, seeking a life line. But she forced her eye brows up in what she hoped was nonchalant indifference.

So far that week, Darien had actively ignored Serena's presence, as he ignored the nagging voice whispering, "Why did you come over Darien? Did you really need two more signatures? "With a glance across the sitting Serena, Darien silently noted the mismatched socks.

The untied right shoe lace.

Her hair, in that ridiculous style was tangled and twisted.

Her face needed a scrub and her nails, God she chewed her nails.

He suddenly noted Serena's small hands and gone white from clutching the grass. "Grass stains to complement the ink marks on her grubby paws". With a deliberate coolness Darien took the clip board from Rei and turned back towards the school.

"Be realistic Rei, everything has its limits. And in Serena 's case there's no hope – she's a lost cause."

Although the sting was still very real, Serena still rallied a muttered, "I saw that one coming." And continued to study grass. Intently.

Rei's reaction, like a thunderclap was slightly delayed-but the threat of lightning followed quickly. One, One thousand, Two one thousand. Although the insult was one she herself had flung so carelessly at Serena not ten minutes earlier, this was different.

Nobody. Unless it was her. That is Nobody. Not even gorgeous -Boyfriend of the immediate future -Darien insulted Serena's intelligence.

With a sudden lunge Rei ripped the black clip board from under Darien's arm, snatched up her pen and slashed out her signature with such viciousness that the paper tore. Facing him straight on, daring him to contradict her, Rei wordlessly held the list over her shoulder to Lita, who followed suit without hesitation. Walking up to stand beside Rei, Lita-still silent, held out the newly amended clipboard to Darien, a cheerful if slightly manic smile on her face.

She was mentally collaborating potential Judo moves in her head.

Darien was rather stalled with surprise. He stared first at Rei, noting her barely repressed fury, moved over to Lita and flicked rather warily to Amy. Amy, however, was staring worriedly at Serena, but Serena was watching Lita and Rei with a smile that was so large and so real it seemed to engulf her face. She ignored him entirely. Without a word Darien took the extended clipboard, turned and walked back towards his friends.

Darien practically shook with rage. How dare they. What the Hell had just happened. He clasped the clip board so hard it bent with a slight keen. Grades were a reflection of effort. Everyone knew that stupid bimbo never tried, hell she couldn't even make it to school on time.

Amy's worried face sudden loomed in his mind. Amy, a junior, who was so sensitive to play down her own achievements, had looked stricken after his remark. Serena. God. He felt disgust rise in him as he suddenly as the anger –What had he just done? He, a senior, a naturally intelligent individual had actually laughed at another students, a juniors' academic difficulty, he had humiliated her. No –he had tried to humiliate her, her friends loyalty had shut him down. How pathetic could he get. And he wanted to be a doctor in ten years. Damn –he didn't like Serena. He didn't have to like her –but there was no excuse for what he had just done. He had to fix this. For his own conscious.

"Mandatory tutoring?" Serena repeated staring blankly at the letter in her hand. "Can tutoring be mandatory?"

"Of course not honey" , Serena's mum handed her the milk across the breakfast table, " –but its free, hosted by the school and your father and I simply can't afford a tutor, " her Mother paused, knife poised between the condiments and toast ,

' Oh , here it comes' , whispered the little voice in Serena's head, 'brace yourself".

"Honey, your grades could use a little help."

Serena flushed and bowed her head over her cereal –a direct hit. Serena's discomfort was like a stab. Her mother was torn between pushing Serena and protecting her- she chose the middle ground, "Oh honey, although everyone has different strengths – and you really aren't applying yourself as much as you can. But it doesn't hurt to try honey. No one can force you to make an effort – only you can Serena."

"Only you can Serena," Her mothers' words echoed through her head.

"Pack your bags where going on a guilt trip", – whispered Serena as she crossed the quadrangle and into the hushed hollows of the School library. "At least its air conditioned." Thought Serena as she tugged at her school blouse, even at three thirty in the afternoon the sticky heat had her light cotton blouse clinging to her back, her skirt alternately flapped and clung against the static on her legs.

"Great, day one –I'm late and I smell- Hellooo Tutor."

Serena was plunged into darkness as her eyes adjusted to the change in light. The foyer of the library was a cool, dark cave compared to the brightness of the afternoon outside. Squinting at the sweat smeared ink scrawled across her hand Serena located the necessary information – "Tutorial room 14 – three fifteen " Well if it's a girl she probably won't mind and if it's a geeky boy it doesn't matter "–and with this cheerful revelation Serena bounded up the stairs- down the hall, counting aloud as she skipped past, "ten, eleven" , through the door of room fourteen and slammed straight into Darien's chest.

"You? Tutor? Me? You?"

"I suppose, that would be a yes for grammar and sentence structure."

Serena's surprise and slightly bruised chin robbed her of any witty retort. Her confusion had rendered her completely mute. What the hell was going on She glanced quickly around the sparse room for witnesses; but with the exception of a single table , two chairs , and a small window, Darin's almost perfect text book pyramid and her own dog eared, ink stained sprawling equivalent –the room was empty. Was this a new game for Darien, some new evil amusement at her expense, some upperclass man prank , revenge for what happened last week with Lita in Rei.

Serena paused her head tilted to the side as she rubbed her nose and stared up at the annoyed senior. Darien may have been indifferent to her, said something cutting if she ever fell, literally-across his path, but he'd never actively tried to humiliate her. This was a little too complex, too elaborate for him when it came to her – she really didn't matter enough. Did she? – Darien's face gave nothing away but annoyance.

All summed up "I don't get it" was the not so intelligent remark she was capable of.

"What a surprise," Was the cool response.

Darien was annoyed- irritated; it was hot, Serena was late and he was beginning to regret this act of remorse and Serena had an unnerving way of simply staring at him, she should be blushing at least –the other girls always did, God even some of the female teachers from time to time. And she was a mess. Again.

" Your fifteen minutes late meatball head, clearly you don't take these sessions, your grades or other peoples time seriously. "

All confusion, retorts and her mental mad scramble to activate the Darien deflector shield were swept aside by genuine remorse. She was late –Darien or not, it was rude. "I am genuinely sorry for my lateness Darien, Miss Tamzaki asked me to carry her books to the car, as she hurt her arm on the weekend, really I don't mean to be late –even if it is you." Serena's frank apology and legitimate reason only managed to annoy Darien further, it was just to reasonable. Serena watched the furrow between Darien's brows deepen, God he was as sterner then the bloody school principal –when would he lighten up. When would an apology be enough –she had a good reason...this time at least, next might be a -hang on. Next time!

"Darien –What are you doing here?"

"As. I. Said. Before. Serena." Darien began, breaking down the sentence as if speaking to an infant- or a monkey," I'm your volunteer tutor for the next four weeks, every Tuesday and Thursday. You have been selected for the tutoring program and I was allocated to be your tutor. Darien stared down into Serena's face. He was enjoying her discomfort but he wasn't quite sure of its source –she usually had a little more bite to her, she was sincerely unnerved by the situation. Darien inexplicably was annoyed by her silence as he was by this stupid impulsive to start with, and pushed a little further –

"This wasn't my choice either meatball head –your grades will be a reflection on me also, and it's a pretty obvious outcome. This waste of time is hardly worth the extra credit"

Serena flinched. His tone flicked like a whip across exposed nerves –adults didn't even make her feel this stupid. Darien, her tutor! This would be a nightmare – he already made her feel ugly and worthless and they barely interacted. To give him ring side seats to her academic shortcomings, a upperclassmen already taking tertiary classes – it would be like, like, like – like giving your enemy bullets – supplied the little voice within. Exactly –thought Serena. Amy was incredibly smart and it never felt like this, this embarrassing sense of being stupid, of inadequacy. Being clumsy –even Rei didn't make her feel like this. Cruelty was a new motion to the Serena. She felt the as if someone had slammed a door shut within her and with each fading echo a coldness moved deeper into her.

Darien hadn't missed the flinch, or the internal debate that appeared to currently consume Serena. Serena had an expressive face – her thoughts projecting across her open honest features like a picture book, a child's picture book- derisively. Darien was surprised, he had always written Serena off as a loud, unprincipled and unladylike brat simply bellowing out every vapid thought that came into her head but right now he could see that she was mentally reviewing?, no debating the situation. The situation –What the hell was wrong with this ungrateful brat anyway –He, Darien Chiba, was personally offering to tutor her, pointless as it was, he had meant what he said to Rei about lost causes, and this lost cause was about to waste his time twice a week . And she was having second thoughts. What was there to debate – where was her gratitude, every girl in this school, and half the boys if scribbles on the toilet walls were to be believed, would kill to be in her position. Darien pulled out a chair with a deliberate sigh, gracefully lowering his long frame whilst hamming out an expression of hopelessness – he would see this through, regardless of personal opinion he had made a decision and it would be kept. This had nothing to do with the meatball head's feelings.

"Sit down Serena –We're already behind. Open your-"

"No Darien" quietly

Darien's head snapped up he stared across the table at Serena. The refusal was not completely unexpected, although for the most part he had convinced himself that Serena's antagonism towards him was based on juvenile insecurities, or social ineptitude perhaps even shyness (in fact he had given the topic more thought then he would ever acknowledge –even to himself) so her refusal was not unexpected. It was the quiet, expressionless tone that struck him. Serena, mad, impulsive, scattered, vibrant Serena had gone cold. Darien was stunned. Without a sound and avoiding his gaze, she picked up her tumbled pile of books and moved to the door, "No. No thank-you Darien. Good Bye."

Serena moved with decision, but Darien moved faster. Coming up behind her turned back, reaching past her head, Darien braced one large hand, fingers spread against the door and Serena stiffed visibly. She drew her books to her chest and hunching her shoulders.

"Let go Darien" still avoiding his face, " Right now. I'm not playing". Darien's physical proximity, his nearness shook her and she realised with a touch of fear just how much bigger then her he really was. "I said-' I 'm not playing Darien'."

"I know you're not Serena, but I would like a reason why you are about to walk out this session. I deserve that at least." Darien was surprised. He hadn't missed the body language, the defensive hunch, and earlier – the flinch. This meant to be a tutorial- what the hell had happened, first he rips into her, she acts as if he killed her cat – that flinch, why had she flinched? and now he was being physically intimidating – he was actually scaring her, he started to feel slightly nauseous.

Fuck, he lost control of the situation again. Darien lowered his hand down the wood and slowly, so slowly moved to her side, bringing his head down to her level, God she was small, he had never noticed – she attacked fearlessly. He ducked his head seeking her eyes, but she wouldn't look up, "Please Serena. Just one reason." He repeated gently. Serena gave him dead eyes,

"A reason. You want a reason? "

Slightly wary, he nodded.

"You make me feel stupid. Stupid and ugly-two reasons. Now –MOVE! "

There was a fraction of a pause, "Then that makes me a bad tutor." Serena glared up at him, " you think this is funny, you think I'm a joke don't you?"

"No", Darien broke in, "I mean it. I'm a bad tutor and bad senior and a bad role model. And let's face it, if I'm making a rabbit like you sad, well then I'm a pretty bad guy all round." By the end of this confession, Darien couldn't even meet her eyes. He leaned against the door, head down and staring into space. Serena was dumb founded – she watched the blush deepen across Darien's face, right up into the roots of his hair. He looked about twelve. He looked vulnerable. Whoa - back up Serena warned the little voice, this was Darien. Darien! As in cruel, egotistical, manipulative and so far out of her league that finding bigfoot under her bed was more likely. Suddenly the thought of Darien and her bed and it was Serena's turn to blush. Darien had become unnerved by Serena's silence, damn it –he'd just poured his heart out and the little ice queen hadn't said a word, he looked up in time to see Serena's face suffused in scarlet. Obviously she had gone into her little world again, but what earth did she do in there? "Why are you blushing - Odagana?"

"I am not a rabbit?" Flared up Serena, "that name is – well, its, its –"

"Condescending?" Supplied Darien, "Insulting? demeaning? Undermining? Subjective? "Reaching up to Serena's head and running his index finger over the profile created by the blonde tresses twisted pinned atop her small head."It's just a nickname Serena."

"Well some nicknames can be hurtful." Serena's legs had began to tremble, Darien was touching her. Not intrusively or intimidating, but gently. And his expression, it was different, incomprehensively so – his eyes moving quickly over her face looking for something, before holding her eyes straight on barely between their faces. Serena's palms had begun to sweat and she grasped her books until the bindings cut into palm. The pain shocked some reality into her, "You stupid walking dictionary," She muttered, ducking her head down and letting her fringe fall over her face. "Bloody thesaurus."

'"Stupid dictionary, huh? Rather an oxymoron don't you think? An oxymoron is a term that means –"

"I know what it means Darien,"muttered Serena bitterly.

Darien sighed gently, before leaning in closer, "There I go again huh? I didn't mean it – or the nicknames to be insulting."

Darien was perplexed. He had never meant to touch her. He had meant only to slow her down, stop her bolting through that door– like the frightened rabbit he called her. But he had the most surreal sensation of being enveloped in an odd sense of calm by Serena, the 'human whirlwind'. As soon as he had touched her, she had frozen like a deer in head lights, and as soon as he had made eye contact she had dropped her gaze and stared off past his left arm, but she hadn't pulled away. She hadn't even moved her head, oh her eyes had broken from his – but she had kept her head perfectly still. Darien wasn't sure what she wanted, he knew what he wanted to do – but she gave no encouragement, but she wasn't pulling away either so no discouragement – what the hell did he do? Most girls, yeah he could've figured out pretty quickly, but this was Serena. Serena. She wasn't most girls. Why the hell wouldn't she even look at him?

Serena was having her own difficulties, breathing being one of them. Darien's gentle touch had completely unnerved her. Her experience with boys was limited to comic books, Lita's vast if short lived repertoire of relationships and daily interaction with Andrew at Arcade-strictly off limits due to long term girl friend. She really didn't have any defences against a guy like Darien, except his nasty personality. A nasty personality which seemed to be a.w.o.l. right now –just when she needed it the most. She was uncomfortable, but she didn't want the touch to stop. Why was he being so gentle? Why was he even touching her? God, what was she doing? Pull away! Stamp on his foot! Tell him to go to hell and tutor someone else for his extra credits.

Why the hell did it have to be her?

What -was it a point system?

Was she the equivalent of three other students –some sort of difficulty ratio?

Darien watched Serena's thoughts scroll across the open book that was her face; fear, hesitation, suspicion, confusion. He twisted his finger into the free flowing pigtail, winding the strands gently like a band of liquid gold, he watched Serena face, still refusing to meet his eyes, lean into his touch slightly, oh so slightly. Darien felt something tighten low in stomach. He had to focus. He released the strand watching the curl hold even after released. He touched her chin gently, a minute tap before withdrawing his hand.

"Give me a chance to help your grades Serena, if in three weeks you're not convinced –then I will find you a substitute myself." A girl substitute – he almost added. What the hell? Where did that come from?

Serena pulled back and searched his face, a small part of her noting the loss of his hand in her hair. She searched Darien's face – suspicions died hard especially after three years of cruel high school politics.


Darien raised an eyebrow and Serena rushed on, " I mean - why me? I answered your question, now answer mine? Is there some sort of ranking system and you get extra credit cause I high up there on the 'lost cause scale'?"

Serena threw his words at him – and he knew he deserved it, but Serena wasn't finished yet, "Maybe I some sort of time saver option, you can either have three standard students or one giant lost cause – bit of a gamble isn't Darien? I mean my guaranteed failures being a reflection on you and all- Mr future MD. "

Darien couldn't help smiling, she could certainly play with words – he twisted himself so his shoulders could rest completely against the door – and they could see each other straight on. Almost as wide as the door –thought Serena, when did he get so much bigger than me? Darien grabbed Serena by her right shoulder with one hand and began to count down between them on the other.

"You make an excellent point Serena, so – here is my answer, actually let's make that answers- plural. One – It's 'you' "he emphasised the word with a nod in her direction," 'you', cause I chose you. Two –I would like to make up for my unacceptable behaviour the other day," Serena opened her mouth but Darien silenced her with a wave of the two raised fingers, "Three –I think you can teach me to be a better tutor, and four, well you are not going to like this but," Serena gave him a suspicious look, "but – I called your Mother and told her."

"You didn't"

"I did. She is a very nice lady. You're very lucky."

Serena twisted her shoulder free and hissed, "That's blackmail."

"Maybe," Shrugged Darien, "but I needed a little help. I knew a little intervention would get you here today. Although I honestly didn't think it would be this hard. Three weeks Serena. "Darien leant forward foreheads almost touching, and he watched her assume the now familiar "deer in head light' stance.

"Three weeks" he coaxed, "And we don't even need to tell your Mum." Serena stared at him –this was blackmail, but at the same time Darien was compromising not to mention being playful. And 'let's face it', whispered that little voice, 'you like this. You like being here with him, even if it's just a little.' It was useless to resist –he was the Darien Chiba after all – Rei and Lita were absolutely gaga for him and even shy little Amy was not completely immune to his charms. Heck who was she to resist. Darien playful? And with her? Who would have thought it? Still she couldn't help feeling suspicious, she faced him straight, brows lowered and only flinched the smallest fraction when he dropped his face closer–"If this is some kind of elaborate trick Darien –I will take. You. Down."

"Your mums involved Serena, no tricks. I swear. Three Weeks? Deal?"

Serena hovered still," Two."


"Two" She insisted.

"Fine," conceded in Darien, pulling back and throwing out his hands "Two weeks – but, with three sessions a week."

Serena barely blinked. Hang on ...

" I might not be smart but that's still six sessions."

Darien grabbed both of Serena's shoulders and shook gently, "You not dumb Serena. And it's this or I'm popping over to your parents. Take it or leave it."

"Low blow Darien –resorting to blatant fear tactics and blackmail. I expected a little more from you. Honestly, I'm slightly disappointed," replied Serena with a derisive snort, " and what do you mean I'm not dumb?'

"Serena", Began Darien still smirking appreciate her last insult, "One. Don't snort, you're not a piglet. And two, there isn't a girl on this whole campus willingly to go head to toe with me, and this from a girl scared of thunder storms. And yet you bite my head off without hesitation and to my knowledge pretty creatively. You haven't used the same insult twice yet and we've known each other for three years. So that's full points for creativity and impromptu. As I recall, you referred to me as a 'tea cup toy poodle' yesterday." Serena had the grace to blush, it was a little difficult to keep her composure when Darien was still holding her by the shoulders, and his face was so close she could see the lightest shadow of childhood freckles across his nose. He smelt like spearmint gum and coffee. And he was smiling – she had insulted him and he was smiling. "While on the subject, I would love to know, regarding the reference, may I ask the context?" Darien asked lightly releasing her shoulders and leaning back against the door. Serena choked back a laugh and shook her head backing away until she hit the table top and leaned against it. She unsuccessfully tried to suppress but the smile broke over her face as she remembered the conversation –how had he found out about it? How had he even heard her? Why did he even care?

Once again, Darien felt his stomach-and slightly lower if he was honest, tighten as Serena smiled up at him. For the first time her unrestrained smile was actually directed at him, oh yes he knew that recalling her insult was the cause, but still – she was smiling with him. He wondered if she realised how much he was touching her, her shoulders, her hair even his legs had brushed hers repeatedly and deliberately. He had done it intentionally – or not completely intentional. But the sudden smile wiped away his own excuses to himself.

Face it Darien, whispered the little voice –you wanted her attention. You wanted klutzy, meatball head Serena to notice you.

Darien realised that he had been silent a little too long sorting his thoughts out. "Come on while we're being honest. Please? Why a 'poodle'." Serena grinned, Darien had been said 'please', again. To her. She liked it. She let go of her books with right hand and reached up the gently flick Darien's hair. "One of the girls was saying how perfect your hair was all the time and I replied –'like a poodle, a toy cup poodle, all primped, coiffed and curled.'" Serena realised the insult as she finished relating the story and tentatively withdrew her hand waiting for his anger. But he was smiling. As far as insults went it was pretty mild, but it was Serena's hand in his hair that he wanted. "Nah –", He bumped her forehead against her still upraised palm, "I'm naturally this good looking, - unlike some. Is that why you're always late every single morning meatball head". Serena, instinctively stuck out her tongue, she couldn't even pretend to be annoyed at the comparison, although she did manage to roll her eyes at his inflated sense of god granted attractiveness. "Oh -Bite me Fabio ".

Suddenly the school bell peeled five times, Serena shrieked, " Its already been an hour and a half? Omigod Darian I have to get home. Is it okay if we catch up on this on, Fine – you win. three times a week. Two weeks. Let's make it Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday. Can we go through this tomorrow, i need to get home to my Mom I promised to help with dinner? Darien? Hey Darien. Tomorrow.? Three Fifteen,?

Darien nodded. " Tomorrow, three fifteen. I'll book in this room again. Don't be late. "With a flash of smile part sneer part smirk at the late reference -and she was gone. Two pigtails streaming behind her like twin comets Serena pelted through the strictly no running building. Darien sprawled into the chair, rubbed his eyes and then brought his hand to pinch the bridge of his nose. Serena had no idea what images she just caused to flash through his head with her instinctive, "bite me,". Darien groaned faintly, pinching the bridge. A sudden image of Serena writhing against his not to gentle mouth brought his already semi tumulanscent member, hard, and painfully against the zipper of his school uniform.

So that's it.

Time to stop fooling yourself.

You wanted the little klutz from day one.

And she had simply left without a stupid giggle, or writing her number on his hand. Could she be that clueless. Maybe she just doesn't want you. Maybe there's someone else.

Damn he thought. It was quiet without her.