Obviously Naruto is not mine as this is a FANfiction. When I started this it wasn't supposed to be a fanfiction, but after a while I saw its potential to be one. Please let me know what you think. This is a new way of writing for me, but I really do like the result. If any of you are reading my other story I'm sorry I haven't updated and I promise I will soon.


Dear Sensei,

Nobody wants me here; I don't really know why I stay. Few people here really care if anything happens to me. How many would notice if they never saw me again. I can make them laugh, that's a start, but that doesn't mean they see me as anything more than cheap entertainment. I can't help but wonder if would notice if I just left and never came back. Some would, sensei would notice I wasn't in class and the landlord would know if I wasn't there to pay my rent; a few others might notice but none of them really care. Without me they could just get back to their real lives. To those that do care about me I am nothing more than a charity case. I've been branded a freak for a reason and there is a reason everyone ends up hating me in the end; I just wish I knew what was wrong with me, what about me makes everyone despise me. I guess it doesn't really matter in the long run I am what I am. I'm a monster and I guess that's all I'll ever be. No matter how many people I meet it all turns out the same; sure many seem nice in the beginning, but it never lasts. Before long they somehow figure out what I am and abandon me … or worse. Many choose to punish me for … for what I don't really know. I guess they hate me for simply existing. I guess it might be easier if I just stopped existing, but I've never been one to take the easy way out; I'm not called a dunce for nothing. That's not to say I never thought about it, no I have lots of times. Why didn't I ever do it? I guess because it's I can't stop hoping. It's crazy I have no reason to even hope things will ever get better, but I do. Really it's more than that. Despite everything I still care about these people. I know I shouldn't. I know they don't care about me. No matter how they treat me I still care about what happens to them. I want to protect them, to protect everyone. Maybe one day if they see how much I care, how much I want to keep them safe and happy they will care about me to … even if it's just a little bit. Until then I will do the only thing I know how. I'll pretend like it doesn't bother me, like I don't notice any of it. I'll put on a happy face and make those I care about laugh … even if it's at me. At least I can make them happy. I don't know why I told you any of this. Ok that's a lie. I told you this because I know you will never read my letter. None of my senseis have ever really graded my work. I guess it's just too much work for them to put into something of mine. Don't worry though, I promise I won't hold it against you.


Naruto Uzumaki

Iruka looked up from the letter with tears threatening to spill. It was the first assignment he had given his new class. Write a letter to him. They could tell him anything about themselves they wanted to. Most of the letters talked about the student's families or friends. Some even boasted about what great ninja they were going to be, but not this one. Iruka had looked at the letter as more of a whim curious as to what the jinchūriki could have wanted to tell him. The other teachers had told him not to worry about actually grading the boys work and for the most part that was his plan. Or it was until now anyway. "Naruto I promise I'm going to try and see the boy you really are. The one behind the smiles and pranks" Iruka whispered before gathering his work and heading for home.