(Author's Note)
Sorry if this story is a little weird. I started working on it a while ago, just never got around to finishing it. Anyway, I'm really sorry about not updating 'Silent Treatment,' I just can't figure out how to make everything come together.
Disclaimer: Don't own Hawaii Five-0. It's too cool to be owned by me and that is the sad truth.
"Um..Steve, what the hell is this?" Danny asked, looking up from his pizza.
Steve looked away from the television. "That's pineapple, Danny. Never seen it before?"
"Pineapple? On my pizza? Steve, you know I hate pineapple!" Danny dropped the pizza slice back into the box, and pushed said box, away.
"Just pick the pieces off!" Steve exclaimed.
Danny rolled his eyes, not surprised by this response. "The pizza has now been adulterated by the pineapple. Picking off the pieces will not solve the problem."
There was a moment of silence, then Steve spoke. "Danny, I swear. You are the most infuriating person in the world."
Danny grinned, knowing he had won the argument. If it could even be called an argument. "I know. That's why we're so great together."
"Yeah, yeah. Don't remind me," Steve grumbled as he got up from his very comfy spot on the couch. He grabbed the phone resting on his coffee table, and dialed his favorite pizza place's number. "Hello? Yeah, I need a medium pepperoni pizza." He listened for a moment then gave his address. "Yeah, I know you just delivered a pizza to us 5 minutes ago. No, there was nothing wrong with it. Yes, I'm sure, alright?"
Steve hung up the phone and glared at Danny. "Thanks Danny, now my pizza place thinks I hate them."
"Sorry, but pineapple does not belong on a pizza," Danny replied, still smiling from his victory over Steve.
"You know, you still owe me for that pizza. Paid 10 bucks for it," Steve said as he and Danny cleaned up.
Danny looked up at him then pulled out his wallet. "Here, cheapo."
Steve raised an eyebrow. "I don't want your money, Danny."
"Then what the hell do you want?" Danny snapped. He didn't mean to snap, he was just cranky and tired.
Steve smirked, obviously amused by Danny's sudden outburst. "What do I want? Hm..That's a good question actually." He walked toward Danny, whose eyes were wide.
"Steve, quit being weird. Just let me pay you back," Danny said, sounding rather nervous.
Steve smiled at the power he had at the moment. "No, Danny. I'd rather have you pay me back in some other form.."
Danny narrowed his eyes. "How do you want me to pay you back?"
Steve grinned mischievously. He had Danny backed against a wall, the shorter man looking up at him, eyes curious, and a little worried.
Steve leaned down and kissed Danny on the lips, barely allowing his lips to linger. Steve pulled away and glanced at Danny who was staring at him.
"What the hell was that?" Danny practically screamed. Steve rubbed the back of his head nervously. He knew now why he had never attempted to kiss the blond.
"Um..I have no idea what you're talking about, Danny." Steve stepped away and began cleaning again.
Danny glared for a moment, then lunged forward, grabbing Steve by the collar of his shirt. Steve stared at Danny, surprised by this very forward action. He was even more surprised by the lips that found his.
When they pulled away from each other, moments later, they blinked and looked away, blushes showing on their faces.
When they finally glanced at each other, they smiled, neither ashamed by what they had done. "I knew you loved me," Steve said, breaking the anything but awkward silence.
Danny scoffed. "Don't flatter yourself. I only kissed you cause you kissed me first. If you hadn't, I would never have kissed you. Ever."
Steve smirked. "Sure. I believe you. Now come here so I can kiss you again."
Danny didn't have to be told twice.