Summery: Xion Strife and her twin brothers, Sora and Roxas, are orphaned after their mother dies in a car crash. They move to Hollow Bastion to live with their only living relitive, Cloud Strife. Together with their new friends they myst learn to believe in themselves and to help others with their own problems. Between getting Cloud to admit he's in love, dealing with their own love stories, and the Shinra's mother coming back into the picture it's no wonder they all find refuge in their music. Enter the band.

A/N: might change the rating later because this is me and I have been known to swear. a lot. and pull a lot of perverted comments. And theirs lemon's later though I'm not writing any of them, just close to. but for now it's t.
I am a music mania but there is so much music you can't know it all so if you have any ideas or songs i could use their greatly appreciated.
Finally Edited!

BIG DISCLAIMER: i am probably going to forget at some point the disclaimer so here is one for all the chapters i forget and this one. i do not own any of the songs i mention, or the characters. sadly i only own the plot. *sniff* excuse me i'm going to go off and cry.

Alright. i'm back. enjoy the story.

Chasing Futures


I never expected Mom to die. Nor did I Expect the changes afterward.

I sort of knew things would change; it only made sense after all. But I think I was too much in shock afterward to think rationally. Even now I'm not so good.

But never the less when the court handed us over to the only living relative they could find I did not expect him.

But I'm getting ahead of myself.

Mom died in a car crash. Drugged driver. He walked away without a scratch but Mom?

It was a closed casket funeral.

Her boyfriend died there too. She had been jumping from boyfriend to boyfriend since Dad left.

I don't remember Dad. I was two when he left. He stayed just long enough to get Mom pregnant with Sora and Roxas.

Needless to say we had no one except each other. I was sixteen, Sora and Roxas fourteen. I couldn't take care of them but I sure as hell didn't want to lose them to a foster home.

But then the court found our cousin. He's three years older than me but has a good job, house and neighborhood. It sounded so perfect.

Well not really, but anything's better than a foster home right?

So here I was, standing outside a small, two story, suburb home in a small town called Hollow Bastion.

I'd never been outside Destiny Island, and compared to a huge city like that, this was the middle of nowhere.

But I had to be strong for my brothers. They'd had it rougher than me. I never got along with my classmates nor had any real friends. It wasn't too hard for me to leave.

But for them, they left everything. Their sports teams, their friends, their popularity.

But they'd be fine, as long as they perked up.

I glanced over at them as Sora slammed the car door. Roxas was staring off into space again.

Oh no.

This wasn't normal. Yes they'd been like thins since mom died but I'd hoped they'd at leased put in an effort to be happy, or at leased pay attention. Sora used to be an optimist. I was always wondering where he got all his energy from. That's one of the reasons he was so popular. You couldn't help but like him he was always so bouncy.

Roxas was the opposite. He was always quiet, thoughtful, but aware of everything that happened around him. He got great marks at school but had no real interest in it. He has this calm, pensive, sarcastic air to him that drew people to him like flies.

But now Sora was slamming doors and slouching. Roxas was dazed and distracted. And I was left trying to patch up the hole Mom had left in our family.

Which brings me to Cloud. Cloud Strife was my 20 year old cousin who suddenly got three broken, moody, teenagers on his hands.

What can I say about Cloud? He's tall and strong with crazy spiky blonde hair. He was handling the whole sudden parenting thing pretty well, all things considering.

He reminded me a bit of Roxas before Mom died. Quiet, calm and thoughtful, but aware to everything around him.

I turned before he could catch me staring. I went to the back of the truck and, calling my brothers over, took charge of getting all our stuff inside.

The house was a small, yellow, homey house with two floors and gardens all around. One corner had a curved outlook like a tower, I liked it. Cloud unlocked the brown front door and we followed him in, our bags slung over our shoulders.

The inside matched the outside, light colored in different shades of white, beige, yellow and brown. The living room had an off-white leather couch and a huge TV complete with the latest gaming system.

I expected my brothers to run for it but their eyes simply skimmed over it either not noticing or not caring. I couldn't decide what was worse.

The kitchen was bigger than I would have expected but nice, warm. It had a large stove and fridge, not to mention a wooden bar that stretched its way across the room.

The stairs at the end hallway lead to an upper landing with four rooms and a bathroom. Cloud showed us his bedroom. It was warm with a double bed and wooden furnishings.

Sora and Roxas would be sharing a room; Cloud already had a bunk bed set up. It was a nice room painted a soft shade of emerald blue. The window looked out onto the large backyard.

My room was smaller than the boys but I preferred it. It was painted a stunning yellow and the one side of it curved with the tower-like corner I had seen outside. Brown painted vines snaked along that wall, curving around the three windows. The matching bed set on the window seat and the double bed, plus the wooden bedroom set and vanity mirror made the room look antique. Cloud looked a little nervous when I hugged him.

I stopped just long enough to drop my bags onto the bed before turning to follow the others as Cloud showed us the bathroom, and the stairs to the attic.

I notice he completely ignored to last door and when I inquired about it he froze and after a long pause, simply told us not to ever go in there.

With that he left us to our lonesome, disappearing into the master bedroom.

I turned to look after my brothers, make sure they got settled in, but Roxas had already gotten out his iPod and had the headphones firmly implanted in his ears. He collapsed onto the bottom bunk and I knew he wouldn't move till the battery ran out.

Sora had fished his tiny laptop out of his bag and was sitting cross-legged on the top bunk huddled over it. I didn't know what he was doing but I could hear a heavy beat coming out of the tiny speakers. With a sigh I realized I was the only one left to bring in the luggage.

It took me a good long while to get all our stuff in. I figured it was nearly dinnertime so I made my way to the kitchen.

I stopped.

There was a door.

I hadn't noticed it before. It was in the hallway and next to the stairs. I figure it was just a closet under the stairs.

Curiosity took hold and I opened the door. It was pitch black and dusty. I groped around the doorframe till my fingers brushed the light switch.

Flipping it I was astounded at the sight before me.

It wasn't a closet but a teeny tiny room next to the back corner of the house. It was empty except for two things.

A pile of boxes labeled music.

And a piano.

There was a beautiful baby grand piano shoved into this tiny space.

It was coated in a thick layer of dust and looked as though it hadn't been touched in a very long time.

What was Cloud doing with such a beautiful musical instrument hidden like this?

I hadn't realized I'd moved till I found myself standing right in front of it, my fingers reaching out to brush the keys sending a cloud of dust into the air.

I used to play.

Mom hadn't had enough money to send us to more than one extracurricular activity each. Sora and Roxas hadn't cared. They always chose the same thing, a sports team. Soccer, hockey, baseball, basketball, whatever struck their fancy, and they were good at whatever they chose. If they ever wanted to learn something else like a musical instrument, their friends taught them. Roxas was a wiz at the guitar, Sora could play the saxophone and the drums like a pro.

Me, I only ever picked one thing.


The instrument had fascinated me since I was little and I'd been playing since I was five.

But I hadn't touched the keys for months, not since, the accident.

Mom used to love to hear me play. It was the one thing I think she was proud of me for.

I sat down, running my fingertips lightly over the ivory.

Finally I pressed down; the soft opening notes pierced the air.

I lost myself. For the five minutes of the song I forgot everything, Mom, the last thing I said to her, my brothers, the stress of looking after them, the worries of running the family, I forgot it all. I thought of nothing but the feel of the smooth, cold, ivory keys under my sensitive fingertips, the notes flooding the room, the complicated patterns and rifts, the rise and fall of the piece.

And for the first time since mom died, I let my shield go,

And put my head down and cried.

A/N: Alright. I'm sorry. I know this chapter's all angsty but I needed to get this out. they have to have a horrible past. Boo Hoo. The fun's in the next chapter where I introduce axel and his family. Stay tuned.