Final Words
Last A/N of TTA: Well everyone it has been an amazing and quick almost 3 years with this story and i want to thank everyone who has joined me on this, much, much longer than I expected journey. You are all completely awesome and I thank you a million times over :)
Review Stats: Before posting the last chapter this story had 2,025 reviews, which is mind blowing, so thanks for that, and an especially big thanks to JediMasterDraco for being the 2,000th reviewer!
Thanks to: elusivemelodies, Brook-Lucas-Fan-23, hogwartsandhorses244, clessard, owlcity2013, zvc56, Encypher, Oddliver, barefoot and buckwild, Emily Alice, The Regal Warrior, azngurlz093, JediMasterDraco, nargles and fairie lights, Guest (1), brilliant incandescence, A Frozen Shadow, Infinity Lily, carbo21, MiraclesHappen94, potterhead1997, GabrielaTJ, Millatz, Seher Syed, MaddieMonkey, jeremiah123, pryce123, Guest (2), Last Ride Of The Valkyries, eyechange, Anon, Break This Spell666, Yina94, Nikkie995, ntlpurpolia, and rockon88, for reviewing chapter 106 and getting me to, and past, 2,000 reviews!
And please don't forget to review this story one last time and tell me what you've thought about it! :)
Views: Again, before posting the last chapter this story had 295,105 views in the entire time it had been up, so that is also completely mind boggling so thank-you all again.
Word Count: According to my Microsoft Word count, excluding A/Ns, the story is 536,618 words. Which is amazing considering so many people have stuck with a story that is that long.
A big thanks to everyone who has followed, favourited, read, and reviewed.
Twitter: A few of you follow me on Twitter, but I highly suggest that more of you do, especially with the sequel coming out and what may be a beginning sporadic updating schedule, it might keep you better informed than the FFN updates. So if you do want to follow me on Twitter, just search Try and Tri again, that's the name, and that's what I'm going to keep it as, even with the sequel, so you all don't get confused.
Common questions about the sequel:
Is the sequel going to be about the prophecy?: That's something I can't tell, you're just going to have to read it and find out.
What is the main plot of the sequel?: Again, it's something you're going to have to find out when you read the sequel, although when I post it, the intro will be a bit of a summary.
Will Victoire be in healers school by the time this happens?: We'll have to read the sequel to find out!
Are there more mysteries surrounding Tedtoire?: Well, I'm a little incapable of writing a story with out some sort of mystery aspect (Especially since Teddy's an auror), so most likely, yes.
Who are the characters going to be in the sequel?: Everyone. Absolutely everyone. (Note: I'm not being sarcastic here.)
Will we have a look at Xavier's life in the sequel?: I think it would be impossible to write a sequel without mentioning Xavier.
Will Dominique be romantically involved with someone?: Um, can't say, but don't worry, we will get to see a lot of Vic's family
When will Vic move in with Teddy?: Gosh people, I known this is a burning question, but I can't tell you. However, I can tell you that you will find out rather soon into the sequel.
Is it (the sequel) going to be centered on Victoire and Teddy's life after this, or is it going to be more on background information?: Um, I'm not entirely sure how to answer this without giving some stuff away. The best thing would be to tell you to read the summary part of the story that will be under the name.
It was times like this that made Victoire wonder why she ever agreed to this wedding in the first place.
Now, you may take a moment to pause and fan girl if you like, but please continue to read this to the end :)
Are you going to post the title of the sequel so we can find it?: Yes, of course.
What's the sequel called so I can follow it?: I'm going to call it 'Life After Hogwarts', but I may change it, but that will only be much later in the story.
When are you posting the sequel?: Today ;)
Wait . . . what?
Yes, as a special Christmas present to you all, I'm going to post the first chapter of the sequel right after I update the last chapter of Try and Tri Again. Those of you who have me on your Author Alters will probably already know this, but thank you if you're taking the time to read this anyway. You can search the title Life After Hogwarts, or much more easily just go to my profile on the top of this page and it will be right there!
Author Alters: Speaking of the sequel, a lot of you already have me on your authors alerts, so thank. But those who don't, you don't necessarily have to add me because now that I've uploaded the sequel you can find it, but I suggest that you all add me to the alerts anyway, in case I write accompanying one-shots :)
Anyway, I'm sure you are all anxious to get to the sequel, and I don't want to stop you, so I just want to say:
THANK YOU for joining me in this story,
I hope that you join me for the sequel,
Merry Christmas, and DTFBA!