Forced Emotions - Chapter 1,

A Peaceful Garden

Mint was taking a nice, well-deserved walk in East Heaven's most beautiful and healthy garden, daydreaming the day away. She gently picked a blood red rose off a nearby bush, and smelt the heavenly scent of nature from it. Not even thinking, Mint placed the rose behind her ear, enjoying one of its petals tickling the top of her lobe. Ah, how alive and free she felt, under the sun's warm embrace. Mint was just happy to be out of the castle, away from those calm, boring mistresses urging her to wear a gown that just wasn't to Mint's satisfaction. Of course, no gown was appealing to Mint, for she was a warrior princess, not a happy-go-lucky goody-goody one.

Stretching her arms up to the clear blue sky, she decided to sit up against a tree for a while to relax under the sun's hot rays.

"Ow!" Mint yelped out as something from her pack stabbed her in the back. Taking her bundle off to see what had poked her, Mint saw that it was something she had forgotten about ever since Prima Doll had given it to her at Valen's fortress.

IPrima's amulet.../I Mint thought as she fiddled with the greenish- gold amulet, making it shine from the sun's daylight.

Her and Prima hadn't gotten along when they had first met, but they had eventually become friends. When Mint had gone to Valen's fortress, she had found Prima there – sleepily awaiting her arrival. Ever since then, they were even better friends than before. In fact, they became great friends. Best friends, even.

IWonder how everyone is doing.../I Mint thought, clasping the chain around her neck and holding the actual amulet in her hand. It had been almost a year since she returned to East Heaven, and she hadn't heard from anyone that she had encountered when she was searching for Valen's [relic]. She hadn't heard from Klaus or his family. They were always busy with something, so she wasn't surprised that they didn't keep in touch. As for Belle and Duke, it was probably the same. They were most likely looking for another [relic] or some other treasure – not that she cared, anyway.

Mint hadn't seen or heard from Rod, either. She didn't have a clue where he was or what he was doing. Her best guess would have to be that he was flying his Pinto to some populated area to challenge any passing travelers.

As for Rue, well, she hadn't heard from him either.

IProbably living a quiet, boring life in the middle of nowhere.../I Mint thought, yawning at how jaded she would be if that was how she lived.

Ever since then, Mint hadn't changed much at all: she was still bossy, funny and short tempered. She wore the same purple and white attire everyday, and still had those kick-ass golden rings that she always took with her. The only big things that changed were that her breasts had grown, and that she got her right to the throne back. Mint was stunned silent when her father had announced it at her homecoming dinner, but not as much as Maya was. Her younger sibling was so shocked that she didn't bother finishing her meal, and just waltzed out of the dining room in disbelief. The two siblings had kept their distance from one another, but Maya would occasionally give her big sister an icy glare to show her anger, and Mint would either return the glare or reach for her rings in case she wanted to fight.

After that, numerous princes wanted her hand in marriage, showering her with treasures and gifts, (heck, who wouldn't want such a powerful wife?) but Mint only declined their offers and just wanted someone that could beat her in battle, which no one had yet to do.

I Mint thought suddenly, closing her eyes and picturing him with his weirdo weapon secured tightly to his broad back, his hat's 'tail' whipping gently in a gust of wind. Mint had to admit that she missed Rue, but obviously never showed it. She had always given him a hard time, acting tough, not once letting him help her in any way. She did cut him some slack, though. He had saved her from the guardian in the Underground Ruins by slamming his Arc Edge (as he called it) in front of it when it was going to launch Mint off the stairs into the blackness of eternity. She still owed him for that, too...

She tightened her grip on Prima's amulet, some anger releasing from her as she did so. It was just so unfair! Rue had gotten Claire back by using the Dewprism, and she gotten nothing. Zilch. No world domination, not anything. Well, she DID get her right to the throne back, but she had mainly wanted to conquer the world!

Loosening her grip on the amulet, Mint realized for the trillionth time that it wasn't Rue's fault. It was greedy old Valen, who had taken the Dewprism with him to some other damned dimension.

Mint opened her eyes (finally breaking her chain of thoughts), got her pack back on, and just left the amulet around her neck before deciding to head back to her room where she would find something else to do instead of dwelling on the past.

After she took only a few steps forward, she stopped and turned her head at the sound of one of the many servants there were at East Heaven's royal castle.

"Princess!" the servant yelled, jogging toward Mint.

"What is it?" Mint asked quickly, sounding that she could care less about the message he had for her.

"His Royal Highness wishes to see you right away, Princess," the now panting servant answered, the young lad trying his best to stand as upright as possible. It was evident that he just wanted to lie down to take a breather, but his loyalty for his job did not allow him to.

"Where is he?" Mint asked lightly, starting toward the castle again.

"His Majesty can be found in the throne room, Princess," the servant replied with a muffled gasp.

"Ugh... Fine. Okay, I'll be there in a minute..."

"G-Good day, Princess," the servant wheezed, already jogging (clumsily) in front of her.

II wonder what he wants this time.../I Mint thought annoyingly, walking slowly as the sun began to set. The one thing that she didn't notice was the flower that she had been so careful to put on herself before, had fallen from behind her ear, floating helplessly to the Earth's surface.