Anime: Shugo Chara! Rating: T Title: Another Chance… or not Pairings: undecided Summary: Amu's older sister comes to town, and Amu doesn't want anything to do with her. Why is it that she hates her sister so much? The guardians (plus Ikuto and Utau) are trying to find out why.

Mystery POV:

I stepped off the plane and entered the airport. I grabbed my stuff and walked out. I hauled a cab got in and told him where to go.

When we got to the house, I gave the man his money. Grabbed my stuff and stood in front of the house. I looked at the name plate. It reading "Hinamori". The dreaded name I had to wear.

I entered the house and looked around.

'Hmm, no one's home, huh?' I thought. That's when my charas woke up. They started to zoom around the place, checking out their new home.

I watched as they laid down on the couch, about to fall asleep once again. I went over to them, then scooped the four charas in my arms. I then proceeded up the stairs. I stopped at the last door and went in.

My room was dark and mysterious looking. Pushed to the far side by the balcony doors was my double bed. In front of the doors was a gothic looking couch that was pressed up against the wall. on the other side of the bed was a computer desk with a desk top computer and my brand new laptop on it.

I went in and laid my charas down on one of my velvet purple pillows. I then laid down on my nlack and blue satin covers. I decided to take a nap.

My last thoughts were of a certain pink haired girl.

Amu's POV:


"Amu-chan are you all right?" Ran asked.

"Yeah, just caught a chill."

"Are you getting sick~desu?" Sue asked getting worried.

"Yeah im fine. Stop worrying so much." I said opening my door to my house.

"Im home!"I said. It confused me that I didnt get a response. I walked over to the kitchen and saw a note from my parents.


Mama, and Papa had to take Ami to the dentist. Well be back around 7. Also your big sister is coming back home today, so behave. She should be in her room asleep. Don't break anything.


Mama, Papa, and Ami

P.S. No boys-Papa"

"N-nani?" I said quietly.

"Whats wrong Amu-chan?" Ran asked.

"NANI! Wha-why is she here! I thought she was still in England?" I shouted.

"Amu-chan calm down. Who's supposed to be in England?" Miki asked

"I never wanted to tell you guys about her."

"About who~desu"

"According from this letter… her older sister." Miki said. The girls stopped what they were doing and starred at me. Their mouths opened shock. That's when Dia came out of her egg.

"I didn't know you had an older sister Amu-chan." Dia said tilting her head. I sat down on the couch. I looked at my four charas, I sighed and looked down.

"Yeah, I have an older sister. Her name is Alice Chaos Hinamori. She's 16 years old. For the last 10 years, she was in Winchester, England." I told them.

"Why was she in England for the last decade, Amu-chan?" Miki asked.

"…for her studies. She's supper smart, so she was sent to a… type of school for smart kids. It's kind of confusing." I replied.

"You're not telling the whole truth. Why was she really there Amu-chan?" Dia said. My eyes widened a bit, but I just looked away.

"I don't want to talk about it. What I said was some-what true." I told them. I then got up and went up the stairs, to my room. I stopped at my sister's door. I opened it a little and saw my sister fast asleep. She looked so peaceful when she was sleeping.

Before I knew it I was kneeling at my sister's bed starring at her sleeping face. My charas were gaping at her. I don't blame them, she is beautiful.

She had long purple hair that was past her waist. She had it put it up into twin tails. Holding her hair up was two clips that were gothic looking crosses. Her face was what made her look even more beautiful. It was angelic like. Her purple bangs reached a little down to her nose, and framed her face perfectly. I know behind those closed eyelids, were beautiful blood purple eyes.

I decided to leave her be when I noticed something on one of her pillows. There was four chara eggs.

"She has charas." I whispered. Dia then flouted to the first egg. It was snow white, with blood red lace going around it. It had a crimson red gothic cross in the center.

The second one was a darker shade of blue than Miki's. It had purple lace around it with a black paint brush in the center. The third one was pitch black, with purple lace going around it. And in the center was a pair of devil wings. The last one was pitch black with dark blue lace going around it, and in the middle of it was a blue paw print in the center.

"They have all hatched. They are just sleeping." Dia told us.

"Come on I have homework." I said exiting out of the room. I went to my room, and got out my homework and put it on my desk. I then put my I-Pod in my I-Pod radio, and put it on shuffle. I turned the volume up all the way, and then got started on my homework.

I could barely here my charas yelling at me to turn it down. I smirked when I heard a frustrated yell come from the other room.

Alice' POV:


I fell out of my peaceful sleep and onto hard unforgiving floor. I gave out a frustrated yell. I got up and dusted myself off. I looked to my charas and saw that they were rubbing the sleep out of their eyes, and yawning.

I ran out of my room and to the room the noise was coming from.

'Of course it's Amu.' I thought rolling my eyes. I threw open the door and tackled an unexciting Amu (who had gotten up to get a piece of paper from her bag) to the ground. She let out a yelp when we fell. But I angled our bodies so she would land on me. I then rolled on top of her and started hugging her like there was no tomorrow.

"Amu-chan! I've missed you so much! Aw, look how much you've grown! Your 14 now right? Oh look! Your chest has started to blossom!"

"Alice! Stop it your embarrassing me!"

"Why's that, we're by ourselves."

"I don't care! Get off of me!"

I looked down at her and saw that she was glaring at the ceiling. I got off her and sat crossed legged on the floor.

"You're still mad at me, huh?" I asked crossing my arms.

"What do you think?"

"Amu that was ten years ago. Just drop it, okay? You were to young to understand. I did it to protect you." I told her. I looked at her face and saw she was on the verge of tears.

"hey! You have charas! That's awesome!" I said trying to lighten the mood.

"So whats you names?"

"I'm Ran!"


"I'm Sue~desu. It's very nice to meet you~desu."

"Hello, I'm Dia."

"Aw! Well I guess I should introduce my charas too. Girls!" I yelled. Sure enough my four charas came tiredly into the room. Well their eggs did.

Amu's POV:

I watched as Alice's charas came flouting in my room. The white egg opened up to reveal a girl with snow white hair which had bright red jacked tips and bangs. Her hair was past her waist and was parted to the right. She had porcelain white skin. She was wearing a white Victorian style dress, with a blood red corset over it. She wasn't wearing any shoes, but instead had gauze like strips around her feet. She wore a blood red choker with white lace, and hanging from it was the same cross that was on her egg. She was also wearing a white and red lace headband.

I looked up to see blood red eyes, and a pair of white glistening fangs in her mouth (she was yawning).

"Hello, my name is Yuki. I'm the oldest." She replied.

The second egg to hatch was the dark blue one. The chara that came out looked surprising like Miki. She had short hair that was spiked in the back and straight in the front. Her bangs could cover her eyes if she wanted it to. Her hair was a darker shade of blue than Miki's, and she had purple tips where the spikes were. She had a deep blue eye and a dark purple eye (the right one is blue, and the left one is purple). She was slightly pale, but had a sort of tan complexion.

She was wearing a dark blue dress shirt, with a dark purple corset. A pair of blue short, that looked like Miki's but darker. She had on a pair of purple and blue checkered high-top converses. She had a purple splattered paint belt on. In her hair was a clip of a skull and cross bones, with two blue crystal roses on each side. Dangling from the ends of the crossbones were little chains crossing over each other. She had dark purple gauze-like strips wrapped around her hands as gloves. And she was carrying a black, blue, and purple plaid bag (like Miki's bag).

"I'm Kiki second eldest." She flouted over to Alice and sat down on her shoulder. Yuki was on the other side.

The black and purple egg opened to reveal a chara that had dark caramel skin. She had purple layered hair with black tips that reached her shoulders. Her eyes were a dark purple with black rims, and a black ring going around the middle.

She was wearing a black Victorian styled dress with a purple corset over it. She had on dark purple gauze like strips around her feet, hands and forearms. In her hair was two purple crystal roses on the right side. On top of her head was a pair of horns, and beneath her dress was a devil's tail. And on her back were a pair of devil wings.

"Yo! I'm Mizuki!" she practically yelled. She then floated over to sit by Kiki.

And finally was the black and blue egg. The egg opened up to reveal a tan chara who looked a lot like Yoru. She had hair like Yoru's but only a bit darker and just a bit longer. Her eyes were dark blue, and her pupils were slited to make them more cat like.

She was wearing a blue corset, a pair of black short-shorts. Black gauze as leggings to above her knees. She had the same paws on her hands and feet as Yoru, only darker. Her cat ears and tail were a bit darker than her hair. She was wearing a dark blue chocker that had a black cross hanging from it.

"Yo~nya! I'm Niki, nice ta meet cha~nya!" she replied sitting on top of Alice's head.

My charas introduces themselves again to the girls. Soon they started to play. I looked over to Alice, she was smiling at the girls. She then looked over to me and gave me a soft smile as well. She then stood up and stretched her arms over her head showing her midriff (she's wearing a tank top and a pair of shorts).

"Gyah! Well, I'm hungry. You lot wont some fin?" she asked in English.

"Alice-chan you speak English?" Ran asked. I face palmed, and saw Alice sweat drop.

"Ran you baka! She was in England, of course she knows English."

"Oh yeah, I forgot."

"Can you understand English?" Alice asked, changing back to Japanese.

"We are still learning. We learn what Amu-chan learns." Ran explained.

"Oh, you mean nothing?" Alice said with a smirk. I just turned my head away.

"Just kidding! You guys want something to eat?" our stomachs answered for us. She just laughed and walked out signaling us to follow. The girls raced out and I was just getting up when I heard a knock on my balcony doors. I turned around to see Ikuto. I quickly went over to the doors and locked it, while sticking my tongue out at him. He raised his eyebrow then just took off.

I sighed and went down stairs. I looked over to see Alice with her hands on her hips. I noticed she changed her outfit. She was now wearing a long sleeved shirt that was kind of baggy. The sleeves were longer than her arms, to where you couldn't see them. The shirt was big enough to fall off one of her shoulders. She was also wearing a pair of black shorts. She was wearing a pair of black ballet flats with the strings going up to her knees. Her hair was up in her usual twin-tails.

"Why are you all dressed up?" I asked.

"I don't like cooking, so we are going out. Lets go." she explained.

"But I'm still in my uniform!"

"Not my problem. You could have changed when you got home." She said as made her way out the door with her keys. We went outside to the garage. There in the middle was my sister's brand new custom painted Ninja bike.

"Yay! I love it!" she squealed. It was black with purple lining, and with the word "Princess" in fancy writing on the side. She quickly got on her bike and opened a bag that was on her waist (its like Amu's bag, only instead of red and pink its purple and blue). She let her charas in it. And I did the same with my charas. I then got on behind her.

"K, then hold on Amu-chan!" she yelled. I grabbed onto her waist. She then started the engine. We then were flying down the highway. Quite latterly.