Last chapter: I hope you enjoyed my fan fiction.

"So what do you think those vampires wanted?" Elena was wrapped securely in Damon's arms, him spooning her.

"Same thing as I want, just in a different way." Elena couldn't see Damon smirking. He pressed the gentlest of kisses on the back of her neck, stimulating goosebumps and little hairs to rise. "We all want you." Elena could feel Damon's lips pull into a smile against her skin. Smiling, she let herself fall asleep in his arms.

Before Damon awoke the next morning, Elena climbed out of bed, careful not to make the bed squeak. She tiptoed out of the room and into the living room so she could sit by the fire and write in her diary.

Dear Diary, Something awful,scratch that, AWESOME is going to happen today. She began.

"Elena," Stefan's eyes widened when he walked in the living room to find Elena sitting on the end of the couch with her feet tucked under her, "what are you doing here?"

"Umm… I was just, I'm here with, I came for…" The moment was awkward and she didn't know how to make it less uncomfortable, "Damon." She finally stated simply with a head bob. "Yeah, Damon." She looked back down at the notebook in her lap, hoping Stefan would wander off and leave her alone.

Instead, he did just the opposite by taking a seat next to her. She slammed her diary shut and pointedly stood up, her nightgown falling around her thighs and billowing out. "I'm gonna take a shower." Elena didn't know if she was telling Stefan this in order to fill the silence, or if it was an excuse to exit the room. Maybe it was both. She sighed and walked away. Stefan stared after her, wondering when thing's had grown so forced between them.

Damon awoke to the sound of a shower running. A fresh scent wafted out from under the bathroom door. The cleanness made him smile…it was like the smell of innocence and safety; both of which Damon was not. When Elena emerged from the bathroom wrapped in a towel, Damon was tempted to exaggeratingly hang his mouth open in awe. A big rush of mist made it's way into the bedroom where it settled over the mirrors hanging up. Elena flipped her hair and twisted it into a towel, flicking water droplets on Damon's cheeks.

"Hey, watch it!" He laughed and scooped Elena up, towel and all. He carried her to the bed where he plopped her down, crawling over her and laying kisses on her lips repeatedly. Their lips formed together nicely like lock and key, especially when they were both smiling.

Elena smoothed back Damon's hair before holding the base of his neck, then sliding her hands over his shoulders. She bit his lip playfully and then he drew a tiny amount of blood from her neck, licking it clean before returning to her lips. Elena drew back, beaming up at Damon and his sparkling green eyes looking down at her.

"You're beautiful, ya know that?" Damon nuzzled his face into Elena's neck.

She wrapped her arms around his neck tightly. "You've told me." She smirked.

"Oh ya?" Damon smirked back at her before peeling off his shirt.

"Mhm." Elena nodded against the pillow. Damon removed the towel from her hair, allowing a circular wet spot to form on the teal pillowcase.

"Well you better believe it." Damon watched Elena unfold her towel so her slight body was revealed. Damon's eyes didn't bulge out of his head, but every time he saw this girl, he was nothing less than amazed.

After an hour, Damon and Elena lay next to each other panting. "You're the best of the best I'll have you know." Damon laughed whole-heartedly. "And I should know." He referenced his sexual experience over more than a hundred years. When you're alive for that long, you get good at thing's and being Damon's age, sex was all part of the fun. He could hit it and quit it without the emotional side effects on his or the other person's part. Elena was a different story, though. With her it wasn't just that he couldn't compel her to forget, he didn't want to.

Elena rolled away, planning on getting off the bed, getting up and getting dressed. Damon had other thing's in mind, though. He pulled Elena back, not letting her get up. If she had wanted to she could have resisted, but she didn't. She giggled and let Damon hug her bare body to him. "Damon!" She whined with a big grin spread across her face, enjoying this as much as he was.

"Whaaaaat?" Damon mocked, flipping them over so he was on his back and Elena was on top of him. Now he was concentrating on her brown eyes and full lipstick-red lips. She pursed her lips, over exaggerating a kissy face. He laughed while she waited for him to plant a kiss on her lips. He didn't make her wait long before he kissed her, clutching her closer to him.

"I love you." The words formed on Elena's lips, but Damon made them heard.

"I love you,too." They both smiled. This was a perfect ending with the start of a beautiful beginning.

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