Chapter One
Reviews would be great, and if people actually take a liking, it will speed up the process I get the new chapters posted. J
Elena felt suddenly trapped, but somehow not scared by Damon's looming figure hovering ever closer to her. "Why are you looking at me like that Damon?" Her focus went not to his chest where his cold heart hammered, but to his eyes which she immediately noticed were glazed and hazy as if there had recently been tears there, or would be very soon. He wondered what her thoughts were as he took another step closer, so she was wedged between him and the wall. Her eyes grew wider and her expression became wild with fear. He felt bad for the discomfort he was giving her by not handing her vervain necklace back to her. "Dam-" He cut her off before she could utter another sound.
"This won't.. and can't change anything.. But I need to say it once and you need to hear it, even if you won't remember five minutes from now.." Elena opened her mouth to protest but with a quick shake of his head, Damon convinced her it was best to keep quiet. "I'm broken, and I don't want anyone but you to see because I love you, Elena." He bowed his head ever so slightly with his hand balled into a fist against the wall so his and Elena's bodies were nearly touching. "I just wanted even a tiny part of you to know who I really am," He sighed and looked up at her, "but that's why you have to forget. Because if all of you knew, my baby brother would have to feel the loss I have to live with for all eternity." A single tear trickled down his face as he comfortingly caressed Elena's cheek. Before anymore tears were spilled, Damon disappeared with Elena oblivious to the fact that he had even moved.
Damon watched Elena from the Pine tree only feet from her bedroom window. Elena's face appeared perplexed, like she had forgotten what she was doing. She sat down on her fluffy white comforter, while she absentmindedly traced the veins in her hand. If only he could read her thoughts like that ridiculous Edward character; Oh how he missed Anne Rice. He watched as Elena tucked herself into bed and after a half an hour of restless turning, she fell into slumber. That night, Damon dreamed not one dream, he slept for not one minute. After leaving his perch outside Elena's window he was more distraught than ever and there was hell to pay; even the Originals would have had a run for their money.