Derek Morgan did not trust happiness.

It probably had something to do with the fact that every happy event in his life ended with tragedy. His darling baby sister, Desiree, had only been alive for three hours before his favorite aunt succumbed to cancer. Derek's father had just promised that he would take him to his first major league baseball game for his upcoming birthday; Derek had still been bouncing in excitement when the punk that killed his father pulled out the gun.

Less than two hours after Derek won his first football game, Carl Buford was raping him in the communal showers.

So when Derek woke up the morning after the best night of his life to Spencer Reid, warm and smiling with the scent of bacon wafting in from the kitchen and draping his new boyfriend – boyfriend! – like a robe, Derek was instantly on alert.

Especially when he realized that the scent of bacon was the only thing Reid was wearing.

He was waiting for it all morning, scanning the newspaper with rabid intensity for a tragic headline; calling his mama and both his sisters to make sure they were alright. Driving to work had been completely nerve-wracking; Derek nearly jerked the car into the next lane when the teenager driving the silver Honda next to him began drifting into his path.

"Ummm, Morgan? Is everything alright?" Spencer asked hesitantly. Morgan took only a second to glance at Reid, soft and warm and adorable in the passenger seat before glaring at the hot pink VW Bug beside them. The driver was animatedly chatting on her cell phone. Knowing his luck, she'd cause a crash and hurt someone.

It took him a long moment to realize he hadn't answered Spencer's question. "Oh, yeah. I'm fine, Baby Boy. Better than fine." Which is why I have to make sure no one kills you today. The thought sounded crazy, even in his head.

"O-okay," Spencer dropped his eyes down to his lap, where his thin hands were twisting anxiously. "Derek?"

"Yes, Spencer?" Derek smiled around Spencer's name.

"You still meant what you said last night, right? About wanting me to move in with you?"

Derek waited until his car was in its customary parking spot to answer, turning to look Spencer in those beautiful brown eyes, "Spencer, I mean that more than I've ever meant anything in my life."

The smile that broke over Spencer's face was nothing short of adorable. "Good."

"You never answered me, you know," Derek pointed out, putting his fingers in his lap and twisting them together solemnly. He pouted slightly, trying not to grin.

"I was kind of distracted," Spencer blushed.

"Oh, really?" Derek feigned surprise. "I wonder why? Anyway, I think it's about time you answered my question. Wouldn't want me to think your affections for me are gone, now would you?" An errant voice in his head told him that this would be the opportune time for Spencer to break up with him, but he pushed it away. No errant voices while Derek was in the love zone.

"I wouldn't want you to think that at all. Especially since my answer is…" Spencer leaned forward, waiting until their lips were only a fraction of an inch apart, "Yes," He whispered, before pressing them together.

Derek grinned, loving how he brought out Spencer's dramatic side. They probably would have been late for work if Prentiss hadn't tapped on their window on her way in. Derek watched her back as she laughed, walking away from them.

"Have a good morning, boys?" Prentiss asked coyly as Derek walked into the bullpen, Reid trailing behind him, still straightening his shirt and tie.

"Had the best morning of my entire life," Derek answered, meeting Spencer's eyes as he walked into the break room for his third cup of coffee.

Derek knew it was his third because he counted. This morning. After Spencer had woken him up with breakfast in bed and sex before work. That's right. "We have any knew cases?" Derek asked, ignoring the still gloating voice in the back of his head.

"Nope, unless you know something I don't," Prentiss said, "Maybe the unsubs have decided we deserve a day off for all our… hard work." She waggled her eyebrows and Derek laughed, ignoring the knot in his gut. There could still be a catch, he reminded himself, something to take all of this away.

Spencer had just walked out of the break room, clutching a cup of coffee in his hand and humming happily as he took his next sip, when Hotch appeared on the landing. It only took one look at Hotch's stern eyes on him, and Derek knew.

Here comes the catch.

Derek was walking towards the staircase even before Hotch's soft, firm, "Morgan? Can I speak with you in my office for a moment?" He tried to avoid Spencer's concerned, questioning look as he made his way to Hotch's office. It couldn't be a reprimand; he had gotten his relationship with Reid cleared weeks ago, and thanks to the little genius waking him up every morning, had been on time to work every day this week. He'd seen Garcia on his way in; nothing had happened to her. Maybe something had happened to his mom or Sarah or Desi? No, he'd called them this morning, and even if he hadn't, there's no way Hotch would know before he did.

"Please, sit," Hotch said, before he even closed the door. It was bad, then. Hotch wouldn't ask him to sit unless it was bad.

"What's the matter, Hotch?" Morgan asked, willing the tremor out of his voice. Rossi was in the room, too, staring at him with unfathomable eyes.

Hotch stared at him, his normal dark expression tinged with pity. "I don't know how to say this, Derek..."

Derek. Oh, no. "Just tell me, Hotch." Something happened to Gideon or Elle. The bureau is letting me go. Strauss is pulling official permission for Spencer and I to be together….

Hotch sighed, a sound that tore at Derek's heart like nothing else. Then he said it. The last thing Derek expected to hear.

"I just received a call from the Illinois Department of Corrections. Carl Buford escaped last night."