Final Chapter.

"YOU'RE BACK!" Lily yelled, hugging Albus tightly.

"Lily!" Albus exclaimed, trying to claw his way out of her grasp, "Let go! I can't breathe! Will someone please explain to me what is going on?"

"You fell off your broom during the last Quidditch match," Scorpius said, "It was awful."

"I've fallen off my broom before," Albus said, "What's so bad about it?"

"Albus, it's been days since that match," Lily said.

"So I was knocked out?" Albus asked.

"No," Scorpius said, tears forming in his eyes. He wiped them away and looked at Albus, "You forgot who I was. You've been walking around here for days, clueless about who I was."

Albus stared into Scorpius' eyes, searching for some hint that he was kidding. "I could never forget you, Scorp," he said.

"You did," Scorpius said.

"Hey, it's not all bad," Lily pointed out, "Albus, Scorpius has spent the past few days by your side, even though you didn't know who he was. He was there for you. And you fell in love with him all over again. If that's not true love, I don't know what is."

Albus wiped his own eyes and looked at Scorpius again. "Is that true?" he asked, "I really forgot you?"

Scorpius nodded. "But it's alright now," he said, "You're back." He ran forward and squeezed Albus tightly, "I missed you so much."

Albus hugged Scorpius back and smiled. "I'm glad to be back," he said, "Even though I didn't even know I was gone."

"I love you, Al," Scorpius cried out.

"I love you too," Albus said, lifting Scorpius' chin and giving him a kiss.

The next day, a letter arrived for both Albus and Scorpius.

"Dad's written back," Albus said.

"Mine too," Scorpius added, and they both tore open their letters.

Dear Albus,

Your mother and I are so happy to hear that you've gotten your memory back. We were so worried about you. I'm sure Scorpius is happy as well. He cares about you so much, it must have been hard for both of you to get through this. Write back and let us know how you're doing, your mother is still quite worried. I doubt she'll ever let you get back on a broom once you come home.

Love, Dad.


It's good to hear from you. And it's such great news to hear that Albus is well again. You must really love him if you were able to help him make it through this. I'm so glad that everything's worked out for you. You're mother and I can't wait to see you again at Christmas time. Maybe Albus can come over for Christmas eve dinner, since I know he'll probably spend Christmas with his family.

Write back soon,


Albus and Scorpius yelled out in joy as they walked out of the Great Hall months later.

"I can't believe we're not Hogwarts students anymore," Albus exclaimed, putting his arm around Scorpius and pulling him closer.

"Me either," Scorpius said, giving Albus a quick kiss on the lips.

Lily came up behind them and gave them both a hug. "Congrats, guys," she said happily, ruffling Albus' hair.

Albus laughed and pulled away from her. "Thanks, Lils."

"And special congrats to Albus," Lysander said, coming up behind Lily and wrapping his hand around hers, "I heard you got accepted as a member of the Montrose Magpies."

Albus just shrugged.

"He's being modest," Scorpius rolled his eyes, "Their manager showed up at our last Quidditch match, and when Albus caught the snitch in record time and won Slytherin the Quidditch Cup, he was so impressed! He offered Albus a place as the teams' seeker because their last one got into an accident. Don't look all modest, Al, it's amazing! And you didn't believe you'd get a job," he added, grinning at his boyfriend.

"Ah, shut up," Albus laughed, "Aright, I'm extremely happy I got on the team. It's unbelievable."

"Incredible," Lily agreed, "Mum and Dad are so proud of you."

Albus grinned, "And what about you, Scorp? A Healer at St. Mungo's, that's impressive too."

"It's nothing," Scorpius said.

"No, it's not. It takes getting at least an 'Exceeds Expectations' in N.E.W.T. Potions, Transfiguration, Herbology, Charms, and Defense Against the Dark Arts. And you got an 'Outstanding' in all of those. Now that's impressive."

"He's right," Lily said, "Very impressive. I'm so happy for both of you."

Albus and Scorpius both grinned at her. They all boarded the Hogwarts Express for the ride home. Albus, Scorpius, Lily, Lysander, Lorcan, Rose, and Hugo all squished themselves into one compartment.

"Summer again," Hugo commented, and Albus nodded.

"Then it's off to our new jobs," Lysander added.

"Not for Lily, Hugo and I," Rose said, "We still have school."

"Either way," Lily said, "Next year is going to be amazing. For all of us."

The End.
I ran out of ideas, sorry. Review please.