Okay so I'm really wanting Quinn/Finn to be together again. Don't get me wrong I love Quinn/Sam, but I've always loved Finn/Quinn more. I always will. I hate Finn/Rachel, they have like nothing in common, except singing...anyway here's my story; I own nothing, except it.
For the song:
Normal= Finn
Italics= Quinn
Bold= Both
There's always that one person that will always have your heart
You'll never see it coming cause you're blinded from the start
Know that you're that one for me, it's clear for everyone to see
Ooh baby aw..
You'll always be my boo
See, I don't know about y'all but I know about us and uh
It's the only way we know how to rock
I don't know about y'all but I know about us and uh
It's the only way we know how to rock
Do you remember, girl, I was the one who gave you your first kiss
Cause I remember, girl, I was the one who said put your lips like this
Even before all the fame and people screamin your name
Girl, I was there and you were my baby
It started when we were younger you were mine (my boo)
Now another brother's taken over but it's still in you're eyes (my boo)
Even though we use to argue it's all right (my boo)
I know we haven't seen each other in a while
But you will always be my boo
I was in love with you when we were younger you were mine (my boo)
When I see you from time to time I still feel like (my boo)
You can see it no matter how I try to hide (my boo)
And even though there's another man who's in my life
You will always be my boo
Yes, I remember, boy, cause after we kissed
I can only think about you're lips
Yes, I remember, boy, the moment I knew
You were the one I could spend my life with
Even before all the fame and people screamin your name
I was there and you were my baby
It started when we were younger you were mine (my boo)
Now another brother's taken over but it's still in you're eyes (my boo)
Even though we use to argue it's all right (my boo)
I know we haven't seen each other in a while
But you will always be my boo
I was in love with you when we were younger you were mine (my boo)
When I see you from time to time I still feel like (my boo)
You can see it no matter how I try to hide (my boo)
And even though there's another man who's in my life
(What we have is in each other)
You will always be my... boo
My oh my oh my oh my oh my my boo...
My oh my oh... my oh my oh my boo...
It started when we were younger you were mine (my boo)
Now another brother's taken over but it's still in you're eyes (my boo)
Even though we use to argue it's all right (my boo)
I know we haven't seen each other in a while
But you will always be my boo
(Uh uh)
I don't know about y'all but I know about us and uh
It's the only way we know how to rock
I don't know about y'all but I know about us and uh
It's the only way we know how to rock
They stopped singing and they were like super close together; Finn noticed this. He didn't mind though. He smiled at Quinn, "good job." He whispered. Quinn nodded, "yeah you too." They looked down and noticed they were holding hands, quickly they pulled away. The moment was broken by the sound of applause. Quinn looked down from the stage of the auditorioum to see where it was coming from, it was Mr. Schuester. Finn however kept his eyes on Quinn. "Great job guys. Finn and Quinn have worked over their past and become stronger than before...If we could all do that it would be much easier for us to work together to win Regionals this year guys." Quinn looked around for Sam but he wasn't there. She then looked at Mercedes who had been sitting beside him. 'He ran out' Mercedes mouthed. Quinn looked confused, how had she not noticed him leaving. Mr. Shuester smiled, "I think we need to run it again." He said. Quinn however didn't care, she dropped the microphone and ran off the stage. "Quinn?" Mr. Schuester hollered after her, but she kept running.
Finn sighed and sat down on the stage, "they'll be back," Mr. Schuester whispered before he sat down beside Tina and Mike who were holding hands and whispering sweetly to eachother. And behind Puck who was texing on his cell phone. Beside Lauren Zises who just looked bored while eating a candybar from her purse. Santana who was sitting beside Artie, and Brittany sighed, "Mr. Schue can't we just call it quits for today? I mean, Britt, Q, and I have an early Cheerio's practice tomorrow." Brittany nodded, "Yeah, and coach Sylvester won't let us eat." Artie looked at her, "that's sad." Brittany nodded, "and I'm hungry." Santana rolled her eyes at what she was seeing, she'd never admit it but she hated Brittany being with Artie...It wasn't right to her. Mr. Schuester shrugged, "we can't stop until it's time guys...we have to prepare for Regionals."
Rachel stood up from her spot beside...well no one. And she walked over to Finn. "Hey...good job." Finn looked at her, "uh...thanks." Rachel nodded, "I-I mean the song isn't that great to begin with and Quinn just made it worse...but if Iwas singing it with you then, you know maybe..." "Just stop," Finn interuppted her. Rachel looked at him shocked (he never inturuppted her...ever). Finn shrugged, "I like that song...and you know Quinn didn't do that bad singing it...I mean her voice isn't as great as yours yeah...but Mr. Schuester said that he didn't want the song to be perfect, that's why he picked Quinn." Finn paused for a minute to think, "And you know what else, Quinn has really done anything mean to you except like tell you she wants to punch you...but she's trying. I don't know why you have to continue being so mean to her...I thought you were the one who said you wouldn't mind being friends with her. I mean she's cool once you get to know her..." Rachel shook her head, "why are you sticking up for her, after what she did to you...I would think you wouldn't be able to trust her again...she doesn't think about other people's feelings Finn, she never considered you..." "I love her Rachel." Finn said quietly, but Rachel shut up. Finn shrugged, "this is why we're not together anymore...well that and you basically cheated on me..." "Wait, but so did Quinn." Finn nodded, "yeah well, at least Quinn had the decency to get drunk first...even if it was just a little." Rachel couldn't believe it, "but I didn't even go through with it." Finn nodded, "yeah, because Puck stopped you...not the other way around."
Quinn ran out to the bleachers by the football field, that's where he always went. She was right too, Sam was sitting up at the top of them. She sighed with relief knowing she wouldn't have to look anywhere else. Then she slowly began to climb up to meet him. "Hey," she said quietly, when she reached the top. Sam looked at her, "hi." He sighed and looked at the sky. Quinn sat next to him, "did I do something wrong?" Sam looked back at her, "I saw the way you were..." He shook his head. Quinn raised an eyebrow at him, "you saw the way I was what?" Sam shook his head, "nothing...it's just Finn..." "Sam there is nothing going on between finn and I...we have a history, you know that...you knew that before you and I started to date." Sam looked at the football scoreboard, "it's just...I don't wanna lose you." Quinn shook her head, "now who said I was going anywhere?" She tried to get Sam to look at her but he wouldn't. She sighed, "I'm wearing your ring...I know that probably doesn't mean much, and since my past is...bad...well I just know that, the way I was raised was to never...ever cheat on someone who gives you a ring. My mother taught me that...and she never cheated on my father...I'd never cheat on you Sam. I learned the hard way that cheating gets you no where, except maybe horrible results, and who really wants that." She looked out to the football field, "I am doing absolutely terrible at comforting you aren't I?" She shook her head. Sam looked at her, a smile playing on his lips, "yeah." He laughed, "but I'm a dyslexic idiot who totally believes you." Quinn glanced at him, "hey, there's no need to be rude to yourself...you're not a dyslexic idiot, you're a dyslexic dummy." She said in the most serious tone. Sam laughed, "oh...well...you're, you're just..." Quinn smiled, "come on, you can do better than that...you're, you're just...just...you're..." She laughed. Sam shook his head, "you're adorable." Quinn stopped laughing and looked at him, "aw...and now I feel bad for making fun of you." Sam leaned in and kissed her, "you're forgiven." He said. Quinn smiled, "awesome."
Back in the auditorium Mr. Schuester was getting a little impatient, "Mercedes, do you want to find Quinn and Sam?" Mercedes sighed, "I'd just give'em a little bit longer Mr. Schue, I think Sam was just a little upset to see Quinn sing with some other guy." Mr. Schuester nodded, "oh alright, I'll give them five more minutes, then someone has to go find them." Mike nodded, "yeah...because we only have ten minutes left of practice." Tina laughed, "and we don't want to be stuck here forever."
Rachel and Finn were still over at the stage, "I don't understand how you can forgive her and not me..." Rachel trailed off. She was on the verge of crying. Finn rolled his eyes at how nice he was because he grabbed her hand, "look Rach...I do forgive you..." Rachel looked up at him, "you do?" Finn shrugged, "of course...I mean you had bad intentions and all, it's just...you're to good for me." Rachel looked confused, "I'm wh-what?" Finn shrugged, "you're to good for me...I mean I cheated on Quinn to...with you. And it may have just been a kiss between us, but I still felt horrible about it. I want to be with Quinn, and I-I think you should be with someone else. Someone who can keep up with all of your crazy demands, and everything." He smiled, "I hope we can still be friends." Rachel shook her head, "that's not what I want." Finn shrugged, "well it's the best I can give you."
The door to the auditorium opened up and Sam and Quinn entered holding hands and laughing. Finn let go of Rachel's hand and looked at Sam with slight anger and jealousy. Rachel glanced at Sam and Quinn once before looking back at Finn, "she's taken." She said softly. Finn nodded, "but she's worth fighting for." Rachel looked away and walked back over to her seat. Mr. Schuester stood up, "good, Sam and Quinn, I'm glad you decided to return...now I'd like to run the number again, so Quinn..." He waved to the stage. Quinn nodded, and gave Sam a quick peck on the cheek. Then she ran up to the stage. Finn bent down and picked up the microphone she had dropped earlier and handed it to her. She nodded, "thanks." He just gave her his dopey, half grin.
Brad the piano man slowly began to play the song again. And Finn led himself and Quinn into the song. This time Quinn sang to her boyfriend, who was now smiling. Finn however sang to Quinn, which didn't go un-noticed by Sam or Rachel. But Mr. Schuester was...happy.
Should I continue? Please give me your thoughts. Thanks for reading!