Author's Note: Yes, I'm not bothering with a disclaimer… you all already know that I am NOT Mrs. Rowling. The idea for this story really came into my head while watching a Youtube video. I know that sounds silly, but just look up the song "How Do You Sleep at Night" by Charlie Puth. I don't know if this will be a chapter series or not, yet. Really, I'm in the middle of taking midterm exams; I should be studying! Oh, well. Hehe, seventy-five percent of you have ignored this A/N. Oh, and for the record, I am NOT a Harry/Hermione shipper.



"What?" she groaned into her pillow.

"Are you awake?"


In the darkness of the tent, Harry watched the outline of her figure sit up in bed.

"Can you come outside with me?"

"Why? Is there something wrong? "

"No, I just have to talk to you."

"Talk to me in here, then," she turned her head to face the entrance of the tent, where snow was falling in fluffs.

Harry glanced in the direction of Ron's bunk, "I can't."

"I'll meet you out there in a few minutes, then."

Harry pulled his worn jacket closer to his chest as he sat in an area of dead grass where he'd magically removed the snow. Thoughts zoomed through his head like speeding bullets. The past months had been tough on the trio of friends. There was something missing; maybe, it was the thought of Ginny unsafe at Hogwarts. Harry was completely unaware of the outside world; his mind had been devoid of emotion. He pulled the Marauder's Map from his pocket and traced the outline of Ginny's character. Sleeping. Safe. At peace. He liked to think these things. However, they were unbelievable. On Potterwatch, the newscasters did not attempt to cover turmoil in the school. With Snape as headmaster, there was no telling the horrors that were occurring. Harry pulled the thin jacket closer around his shoulders and glanced into the tent. Hermione was rubbing her temple and slipping on her boots. He had noticed the tension, though had not been able to draw a source.


"Yeah, I'm still here," he listened to her footsteps draw closer.

"Ron still has the locket," she said as she slumped down next to him, with her back resting on the side of the tent.

"Yeah," he said, "it's better we take turns more often. His hormones are raging."

Hermione stifled a small, quiet laugh, "Oh really? I couldn't tell."

It was clear that Ron was constantly upset, with his moans and groans about insufficient food and lack of a heating vent. It was almost as though…

"He doesn't want to be here."

"You can't say that, Harry."

"Why can't I? It's not as if he's done much.

"He's trying, Harry," she said unconvincingly.

"Sure doesn't look like it."

"Listen, Harry. I know you're stressed, but there's not much more we can do. If Ron wanted to leave, he'd have left by now. We're finding the rest of the horcruxes. That's what Dumbledore wanted us to do, and we will do it. Understood?"

"Yeah," Harry grumbled.



"I'm sorry."

"For what?" he turned his stare from the dark abyss of a forest to her brown eyes.

It was strange… under the glow of the lantern, her eyes were full of sorrow and warm friendliness.

"I'm sorry that we've been here for months. I'm sorry that we have no idea how to destroy the locket. I'm sorry that I'm clueless. I'm sorry… for everything," she tried to blink the tears from her watering eyes.

"You have nothing to be sorry about, Hermione," Harry whispered.

"Yes, I do, Harry. I'm not oblivious to the fact that you've been frustrated with us."

"I am frustrated, Hermione, but it's not you. It's not Ron, either." The words slipped from his mouth. "We have no contact with your family or Ron's. I haven't seen Ginny since the wedding, and we left without a proper goodbye. Do you know what this is like?" his voice rose. "She's out there, in constant danger. I'm out here, at an even more risk. I can't leave her, Hermione. I can't. I just can't. Don't make me leave her. I love her, I can't… I can't…" His words trailed off as he tucked his knees to his chest. The tears were already dried out from nights of silent crying.

"Shhh…" Hermione whispered. "It's okay, it's okay. We'll destroy each and every one of the horcruxes. You-Know-Who will be gone. You'll see, Harry. You can live the life you've always wanted to. Picture it, a family."

"Hermione," he lifted his face to look at her.

"Harry?" her eyes looked confusedly into his.

The piercing green seemed to be like a stab to her heart. It was the worst feeling to live with the love of her life and be completely disregarded and unappreciated. Ron was never one to display his emotions, but he was certainly not hiding his upset state. Hermione looked deeper into Harry's eyes, trying to imagine what he felt. At least Hermione knew that Ron was "safe" with them. She knew where he was and what he was doing. Harry, however, was completely empty. If there was no Ginny, there was no Harry.

Harry was suddenly aware of how close her body was to his; he could feel her body heat radiating with his. He lifted a hand from around his knees to under her delicate chin and tilted his head. Her head turned to the left as she leaned in slowly and unsurely. Their lips met in the middle. Harry's head was empty, trailing without a thought. They're bodies turned towards each other as Harry wrapped his arms around Hermione's thin body. Hermione traced her hands to the nape of his neck.

The two had never been this close. Hermione pulled away slowly, looking into Harry's eyes, looking for some kind of explanation. They were missing love, missing the feeling that everyone should have. Hermione knew it was wrong; she knew she was using her best friend to fill the void in her heart, but she didn't care. She leaned in and pressed her lips against Harry's once again. When she felt his tongue trace the outside of her upper lip, a shiver gently traced her spine. She parted her lips and slipped her tongue into his mouth.

Harry's hand rested on the small of Hermione's lower back and the other was tangled in her bush of hair. For the first time in months, he was feeling warmth. It was the care and love that were missing from his heart.

"Harry?" A moment passed. "Hermione?"

Hermione jerked away from Harry and seemed to fly five feet away. She stood and brushed the snow from her jeans, looking apologetically at Harry.

"I'm sorry, Harry… I shouldn't have…"

"No, Hermione, it's fine. Really, it is," he whispered back.

"Where the hell are you two?" Ron called from the tent again.

"Out-" her voice broke, "Outside."

"Why are two of you on guard? Hermione, you should get some sleep."

Harry swore he saw a small glint of jealousy in Ron's eyes. How much had he seen?


Author's Note: This was actually one of the most difficult things I've ever written, excluding my English papers. I'm a natural Ron/Hermione shipper, but I liked where this story was going in my head. Let's see where it ends up. (To me, the POV is a little blurry and confused, so tell me what you think. I tried to go for third person omniscient just to try something new.) Constructive criticism is appreciated! I have an idea for chapter two, but I'd like to know what everyone thinks first. Thank you so much for reading; it means so much to me! :D