Disclaimer: If you recognize them, I don't own them.

pairing: RoseLysander
prompt: propriety
for: xrawrDINOSAURx


From the moment she was old enough to know what the word meant, Rose Weasley had observed proprieties. She had dressed in pretty dresses and never gotten messy and always studied hard and been polite to people and done what her parents told her to do. She was the image of the perfect daughter, with her bouncy auburn curls and bright blue eyes and polite smile and careful manners.

And that never changed, until she spent extended time in the company of Lysander Scamander.

"You need to relax, Rosie," he told her one breezy autumn day before school started, popping up in front of her favorite tree and nearly scaring her to death.

He hadn't listened one bit to her protests as he led her away from her books, through her backyard, past a river, and towards a beautiful waterfall flowing into a picturesque pond.

"It's beautiful," she said, staring around in delight. "But why did you bring me here?"

He grinned, twined his fingers with her, and said, "To have fun!"

And then he pulled her into the freezing cold water.

"Proprieties?" she'd grin later when Albus questioned her about why she was soaking wet and not bothering to change her clothes. "What are those?"

Author's Notes: These drabbles are all unconnected and were written for the Drabble Tag over on Next-Gen Fanatics. The pairings will be odd and varied, and there may or may not be cousincest and slash – but I will warn you when there are. If you liked this, I'm sure you'll like the others – go read 'of broken hearts and happy days', a collection of all the drabbles, not just mine, under my favorite stories.

Also, if you liked this, please do review! Thank you! And don't favorite without reviewing, that's extremely annoying. Thank you.