Hey everyone! How many of you thought I was going to wait forever to update again like before? LOL! No, my internet had been down and it's just back. . .I was angry! Haha!

Dimitri tried to regain control and started to talk, but I spoke before he got a chance too.

"Okay, I know I'd told you I'd answer your questions after everything was finished back there, but now is really not the time. Wait until we get back to our dorm," I told him.

He shot me a look, wondering why I would talk to him so harshly, but we hadn't reached the car yet and I still needed to be on my guard. I felt bad, but nothing would distract me from keeping Lissa safe. Not only was she my sister and bondmate and I loved her, but she was my charge and I'd probably never get another if something happened to her. The Queen already hates me and she definitely wouldn't put in any good words for me if I let the next possible heir to the throne die on my watch.

We got to the car, and I had Dimitri give me the keys to his car so I could drive, forcing him and Christian into the back so Lissa could be in front with me. It would make for easier get away should something happen. Again, I felt regret in the back of my mind for not putting as much thought into the humans lives, especially ones that we have grown to fall in love with, but as I said earlier: Lissa's safety is my top priority. I wasn't anticipating another attack, (hell, I didn't anticipate the first attack) however, I would rather be safe than sorry.

I drove quickly, probably ten or fifteen over the speed limit making the 15 minute drive in 5. The whole ride was dead silence. Lissa knew better than to talk, Christian couldn't, Dimitri could see how tense I was and knew not to say anything. I got out, still on alert, and let the guys get out then escorted Lissa to the dorm, locking it securely behind me, just in case. Surprisingly, Lissa was doing really well seeing as how there was just an attempt on her life. She was nervous and a little scared, but that was more due to the decision she has to make in the next couple seconds than our recent Strigoi encounter. Over the years, she's gotten better at dealing with the shock with as many Strigoi run-ins we've had. Being the last of her line, we've gotten more than our fair share of attacks.

I herded us over to the living room and Dimitri and Christian sat on the couch while me and Lissa sat on the loveseat. I looked over at her before turning to them.

Can you stall them for a minute, make sure they're okay? Maybe answer a couple questions while I think it over. I think I know what I'm going to do, but I just want to have a minute to finalize it.

I nodded in response to her questions through the bond. I could have searched through her head to find out what she decided, but I let it be. I wasn't in no hurry to make the biggest choice of my life.

Letting her dwell, I turned to the guys. I knew Dimitri had tried to speak a few times, so I knew he was okay. Christian. . .well, he was a different story. I think he was still in shock as he was just staring into space. I mentally cursed and groaned. I didn't have the slightest clue as to how the hell to get a trauma victim better and I sure as shit wasn't about to take him to the hospital. I shook it off and got back to the task on hand.

"Okay, well, first things first: are you guys okay? Anything hurt? I know none of them got near you, but you might have hit your head on the building or something," I asked, just to make sure. I gave them a once over when we were still outside, but I needed to know nothing major was going on with them.

My voice must've reached Christian and pulled him out of whatever La La Land he was in as he looked at me and nodded. He still couldn't form words. Funny, I'd have thought Lissa would choose a bit more, I don't know, manlier person to spend her life with. But, whatever. . .nobody can be as good as Dimitri! Speaking of which. . .

"Yes, we're both okay, but what in the hell are 'them'," Dimitri asked, quoting me and fixing me with a hard stare.

"I'll get to that in a minute, for ri-"

He cut me off, getting angry. "Damn it, Rose. I don't have a fucking clue as to what just happened, but I'm pretty sure someone, or something, just tried to kill us. And then you pull out some kind of fucking stake and stick it through them and they fall over dead. Then you call some woman and she pulls out some kind of fucking fairy dust and their bodies disintegrated in front of our eyes. Disintegrated! What the hell is going on? Who are you people?"

He started off quiet, but by the end he close to shouting and standing up. Understandable of course, but rare for someone that doesn't show emotions and rarely curses, at least not in English. In his Russian native language he did it all the time. He was up in front of me, looking down with what I think was trying to be an intimidating look to what I guess would be to get us to tell the truth. It was actually pretty damn scary, if you're human. A Strigoi fighting Dhampir Guardian. . .not so much. It was sexy as hell knowing I could beat his ass in an instant, but he still tried to be the dominant one. I looked back up at him calmly about to say something, but Christian found his voice and beat me to it.

"Hey, man, calm down. Take a breather."

"Calm do-" he started, but then stopped realizing he lost control. "Sorry," he mumbled and went to go sit on the couch again.

"Damn. He's right. You guys got some explaining to do," Christian said, obviously wanting to make up for his own lapse in control earlier. "What the hell are you people? Superheros, werewolves, vampires. . .I don't know something."

When he said 'vampires,' Lissa snapped out of her thoughts and we exchanged looks. Then we burst out laughing. They looked at us like we were nuts, but then again maybe we were. We were vampires for God's sake, we were unnatural and not supposed to be alive. It was just so funny because while Christian was half joking, just throwing out some things that he knew didn't exist (or rather thought didn't exist even though the presence of werewolves is still unknown) he hit the mark dot on. He was expecting us to say it had just it had been a dream, or we were like some CIA type thing, not fucking vampires. After the day's events, though, I think we were both just about slap happy, and we had a damn good reason for it.

"What's so funny?" demanded Christian.

"Give us some answers or I swear we walk out of here and we never talk to you guys again," said Dimitri. He was trying to turn the conversation in his favor to gain control and I felt bad for him; something I never thought I'd say about Dimitri Belikov, but he was always in control and knew how to handle things and this just went right over his head because he didn't have a damn clue as to what was going on.

That jerked me and Lissa out of our laughter and now it was our turn to fix them with stares. "Yeah," I said. "Walk out of here and go where exactly. Your dorm? 'Cause Dimitri, you were right. Something was trying to kill us out there and I'm the only one around that can kill the fuckers. So you walk out that door and there's no guarantee you make it anywhere alive. Or you guys can sit still for another damn minute while we decide what we wanna tell you."

I knew I sounded like a bitch, but it did the trick and silenced them. I could've almost laughed again at Christians expression. Dimitri just looked stoic, trying to control his own self now instead of the situation we just happened to be in.

I turned to Lissa and she looked up at me. "Have you decided?" I asked.

She nodded and said, "Yeah. I want to. . ."