AN: Hey everyone! Well this is my first story and let's see how it goes! Please review and remember. . .I own nothing but the plot! And I'm not in college so some of the stuff may be wrong, but. . .(You'll see what I mean.

Summary: Lissa and Rose are Moroi and Dhampir, just like in the book, and they attend OSU in Columbus, Ohio where Lissa is studying to become a doctor. They meet Dimitri and Christian who are a year older, but in some of the same classes. They're best friends and just happen to be human. The stroy follows Rose as she tries to protect Lissa from evil monster and love Dimitri at the same time. Will the girls tell their secret out of love, or will they let go of the men of their dreams?

"Lets go Rose! We're gonna be late for school!" Lissa yelled to me from downstairs. I was getting ready for school putting on my makeup, but like always, I was running late. We had to leave right that second if we wanted to get to school on time which was so not happening. Lissa was going to be pissed; It's the fourth time this month.

My name is Rosemarie Hathaway and being late is the usual for me. However, my best friend Vasilisa Dragomir was pretty much Miss Perfect, but of course I loved her for it. Its what made her who she was. Well, that and being the last Dragomir of her line. You see, she's a Moroi: a good vampire that only drank what they needed from humans called feeders. Her family died in a car crash in seventh grade seven years ago (we're sophomores in college) which bring us to me.

Technically, I died in that crash but Lissa specialized in a rare element called Spirit which gives her the power of super-compulsion (making anyone do what you want without them knowing it) and healing (able bring things, me!, back to life). I am a Dhampir called a Guardian: a cross between a Moroi and another Dhampir and sworn to protect all Moroi, even at the cost of my life. My dad being the badass Moroi Abe Mazur and my mom being the best badass female Guardian Janine Hathaway, makes me obviously a badass too! I protect Lissa from the evil vampires of the night called Strigoi. Strigoi only come out at night and kill innocent people (Moroi, Dhampir, and humans) for their blood, draining them completely without a second thought. While Moroi are born, Strigoi are made by willingly draining a person from blood for Moroi, and for Dhampirs we have to sallow blood from a Strigoi.

Currently, we are going to college at Ohio State University for Lissa to become a doctor with her healing powers so we are living amongst humans trying to blend in and not draw attention to ourselves. I'm her Guardian so I take the same classes but mostly just copy her through the bond. It's not very comfortable for Lissa living on a human schedule, but much safer. I've only had the occasional Strigoi attack on the way home from a late night party, but I quickly took them down with the standard issue Guardian silver stake. The only to kill a Strigoi is a silver stake through the heart, decapitation, and burning. Every time a Guardian kills a Strigoi, they get a mark called a Molnija which looks like a lighting bolt and so far I have 13 Molnija, 2 battle stars (which you get when you kill too many Strigoi to count during a battle like the one on our old school St. Vladimirs that I fought in) and the standard promise mark a Guardian gets when they graduate which looks like a snake on the base of your neck.

Anyway, I'm trying to get ready and look super sexy, which I always do with my long brown hair, dark eyes, and dangerous curves, but I was trying to put in a little extra today because there's this super hot guy in our class named Dimirti Belikov. He's a human but it doesn't mean I cant have a relationship with him, and he looks like a God. He's got shoulder length brown hair tied at the base of his neck that brings out his bottomless dark eyes, he's really tall, and really ripped looking like he could do some serious damage in a fight (definitely not against me though). And he's 22 whereas me and Lissa are 21! He's perfect! So I just put on the finishing touching and I rushed downstairs to get my keys and go. Lissa was waiting impatiently by the door.

"Man, Liss! Don't you look hot today!" I said, noticing her skinny jeans, heels, and low-cut shirt. With her blond hair and green eyes, she really does look like the princess she is (since she's the last of the Dragomir line, she gets the title Princess). "That wouldn't happen to be for anyone special would it?" I teased.

"No," she said blushing, but I knew better. Every since she brought me back to life, a one way bond has formed between us allowing me to read her thought and feel her emotions, but not her to me which is very helpful in an attack. Therefore, I knew that she was dressing up for Christian Ozera, the guy she likes that just happens to be Dimitri's best friend.

"Uh-huh…sure you arent!" I said with a smirk.

"Oh shut up Rose! You shouldn't be talking! *Dimitri*" she coughs taking in my own outfit with my skinny jeans, flats, and tight fitting shirt. She knew I had a thing for Dimirti and teases me all the time just as I do her with Christian. I just glared, grabbed the keys, and walked out the door.

She quickly followed me out to the car. "Wait!" she cried, "I was just kidding Rose! I didn't mean it, I swear!"

That's the thing about Lissa, she's way too nice and always wants forgiveness even when nobody is mad at her which is exactly what was happening now. I reached the drivers side of our Aston Martin V8 Vantage (which Lissa very kindly bought me on my 18th birthday with her inheritance money) and turned back around to look her, a half smile playing on my face. "I was just kidding Lissa. I wasn't really mad, I would never be mad at you. I'm your guardian. Besides, I do look pretty damn good don't I?" I said. Lissa burst into a smile and laughed. I shook my head at her and got in the car, Lissa following suit.

It takes 15 minutes to get there and seeing as how we were supposed to leave 10 minutes ago, we were late. Not even fashionably late, just plain old late as in missing half the class. Oops. I laughed at Liss as she glared at me for my timing as we sauntered into our first period.

"Sorry Mr. Bell. Rose here couldn't get ready in time." Liss said. I turned my laughing face quickly into a glare whereas she just smirked back at me. She was so getting it later, preferably in front of Christian. I think she realized this to as she sent through the bond Rose, please don't do anything! Especially in front of Christian! I think he might ask me out today and I don't want anything to ruin it. Please! as we walked to our seats.

We didn't pay any attention to what Mr. Bell said next, at least I didn't, and instead whispered to Liss when we sat down "Say it again and I'll tell Christian all your dirty little secrets. Like maybe a certain Aaron form the academy!"

"Rose! You better not!" she exclaimed. I just smiled and started doodling on my paper so it looked like I was taking the notes on the board. I would just copy them from Lissa later. Instead I fantasized how to get Dimitri to ask me out. I mean, we've known each other just as long as Lissa and Christian have and she thinks they're about ready to be a couple! Dimitri should just man up and ask me out too!

I was jolted out of my daydreaming by the bell ringing. I didn't realize that it was getting close to the end of class-I must have really been out of it. I suddenly got a smile on my face, and a weird look from Liss, as I thought about next class.

"Thinking about next class with Dimitri are you Rose?" she asked teasingly as we packed up.

"As a matter of fact I was, future Mrs. Vasilisa Ozera-Dragomir!" I laughed as she blushed. "I know you were thinking about him. You should know by now that you cant hide anything from me." It was true that I was thinking about Dimitri in next period, but we have a 45 minute break until it starts. That really put a damper on my mood.

"So Liss, where do you wanna go? I'm hungry! I didn't have time to eat breakfast and I really want a doughnut! How about we go to Harvest Moon?" I asked.

"Jeez, Rose. It's almost lunch. Maybe if you wouldn't take so long. . .But yeah that sounds good. I could go for a cappuccino." she said.

"Hey! I like my sleep and I like to take my time to get ready. Besides, we could just have a little brunch and eat lunch later, it's only 11. Well, I'll eat lunch. You probably won't be hungry."

She nodded in agreement. After looking around to make sure no one was in ear shot she whispered, "I'm gonna need a feeder probably tonight. Think we can go?"

I thought for a moment as we walked down the street to the coffee shop. Our last class was over at 4 and the feeder place exclusively for Moroi was just a tad over four hours away. We didn't have anything else going on so I answered her "Yeah, we'll leave about 5:30 so we can get home by hopefully 2 A.M. You know you don't have to ask Liss. If you need a feeder then you need a feeder. I'd cancel any plans and kick anyone's ass that got in our way if you were feeling weak. I should have been paying more attention anyway! God, when's the last time you fed?" I felt bad because I may be a new Guardian but I should still have been paying attention.

"It's fine Rose. And I know you would, but it's only been three days."

We dropped the conversation because we reached the coffee shop but I was still thinking about it in my head. Moroi could go about four and a half days without feeding until they started getting weak but in my mind, three was still too long. Especially for the last Dragomir who was my charge.

I must have been way lost in thought because once we took our table, I looked up and my eyes immediately met with a pair of warm dark chocolate brown ones.