Yello, nice to see you all again! Hadn't been able to wright at all for a bit because of school work and too many possible ideas for me to use in my other ideas.

So I decided to watch the To Love-Ru anime, and I always wanted to do a Naruto and To Love-Ru cross, especially since there are only a couple out there.

Just so you all know, there will be some major ocness on Naruto's part, but can still count on the great knuckle headed ninja.

Don't forget to check out my other stories too!

xxStory Startxx

A young boy was peaking over the wall, watching someone as they passed by, a slight blush on his cheeks. His hair was spiky with a light color of brown, and was wearing a uniform of sorts with a white buttoned up shirt with a pocket on the left breast and a pair of green slacks and white shoes.

His brown eyes were slightly glassed over while he watched a girl with short blue hair with an angelic face walked by. She wore a white shirt under a creamed colored vest. She had a blue bow tied around her neck and wore a green and white checkered plated skirt that came just above mid thigh.

She was chatting with a couple of her friends as she came by, the boy's eyes never leaving her face, completely mesmerized. He suddenly steeled his face, forming some sort of resolve as he brought up a fist. 'Okay, I'll tell Haruna-chan now' he said in his mind, as a prepared to make his move.

"Yo, Rito" two voices said simultaneously behind him, scaring the crap out of him and causing him to jump. "Aaaaahhhhh!" yelled Rito, flailing his arms around as he tried to regain his balance. He looked behind him to see his two best friends.

The one on the right had black spiky hair that stood strait up and wore the same clothes as he did. He had a smile on his face from his friend's reaction. The one on the left was slightly taller than both of them, with only by a couple of inches, had bright blond hair that spiked out downwards, which also came to about his eyes, and had a ponytail that reached to his mid back. He also had three scar like marks on each of his cheeks. He also wore the same uniform as them.

Around his eyes was a plain black blindfold that was was tied at the back of his head and the ends came to his shoulders. Some how, he could always see every detail with the thing on. He always says that he isn't blind, but he refuses to take them off. No ones ever seen his eyes.

"Saruyama, Naruto, don't scare me like that!" Rito yelled, his heart threatening to fly out of his chest.

"Still stalking Sairenji I see" Saruyama said with a smirk on his face. "W-who's stalking!" Rito shouted in response.

"Rito, you've loved Sairenji-san for years now. You have to tell her your feelings sooner or later," Naruto stated in a somewhat bored tone which had a hint of amusement hidden in it, "She may even like you back".

"I-I know that, I'm just waiting for the right timing" Rito defended himself, poking his index fingers together with a solemn look. "Timing?" Saruyama responded with a questioning look, tilting his head to the side. Naruto on the other hand started to to shake his head slowly while resting his forehead in his palm.

Rito looked down with a somewhat embarrassed look on his face, "Yeah... I've decided that," He paused, as his face took up a look of determination, "Today, I will confess my love for Haruna-chan!" He finished in a dramatic fashion with his fist up in the air.

"Again?" Saruyama asked with a deadpanned look. "You say that every week dude," Naruto began, his expression hidden by the blindfold and his hair, except the small deadpanned frown, "But you either chicken out or, what is the more common occurrence, something happens and you can't confess. I mean, seriously, it's like there's some higher power at work that doesn't want you to confess" Finished Naruto as he looked up and started to scratch the back of head. "But either way, good luck".

Rito looked on with an incredulous look, shocked at the statement. "N-no way, that can't be it" He said, wanting to deny that anything of the sort could be.

Naruto just stares in his direction(I know, he has a blindfold on, but just go with it) and after a few seconds, digs into his pocket and fishes out a note pad of some sort, and flips through a few pages. "Lets see... this month you got hit in the face with a soccer ball with no one outside playing the game, hit in the head by a potted plant that no one had planted outside of the building, hit by a truck that was going in the wrong side of the road, and ran over by a family of stampeding elephants. Personally, that last one just scream that Kami's just screwing with you" Naruto finished while putting the notepad back into his pocket. "That is why you can't wait for timing, you have to get out and tell her every chance you get until you do".

Rito just stood there with a blank look on his face. He never noticed the things that had seemed to keep him from Haruna. It was at that moment that the bell rang, signaling that class was beginning.

"Ah, were gonna be late to class if we don't hurry!" Saruyama yelled out as he began to run to class, Naruto and Rito right behind him.


Class had ended a few minutes ago, and Naruto was sitting cross legged on top of one of the trees in the court yard. He was watching Rito stand near the gates of the school, waiting for Haruna to come out.

'Good luck Rito, I know you can do it' He knew Rito was in love the Sairenji girl, ever since he first saw the reaction he had when he ever saw her. After that, he's been helping Rito try to confess to Haruna, be he would always chicken out.

Now at days, it wasn't as much that he would chicken out, but he would be hesitant, always afraid that she wouldn't accept his feelings. That and the fact that the craziest shit would happen to keep him from confessing. It always amazed him at what would happen.

'I'm still trying to figure out how lightning just strikes him when there isn't a cloud in the sky and he's next to a lightning rod' Naruto thought as he scratched his head in confusion. 'But, those two would make one cute couple' Naruto began as he crossed his arms over his chest and started nodding his head.

He looked over the courtyard and spots Haruna walking to the gate reading some book. He looks over to Rito and sees that he too say her and his face is full of nervousness. He shakes his head as Haruna walks past Rito, not even noticing him.

Naruto sighed with a small, sad frown, "Better luck next time kid" He said under his breath. He was about to get up until he heard Rito shout.

"Hey!" Rito shouted out to Haruna, making her stop and turn around with a confused look, "Eh?"

Naruto leaned forward eagerly, a grin forming over his lips. "He's gonna do it" Naruto said with an excited voice.

"Watch out!" Some one in the off to the side yelled out, making Rito to turn his head back and look to the sky as a twinkle appeared. Then, out of nowhere, a large object crashed into the schools courtyard, kicking up a large amount of dust.

When it cleared, it revealed a large object that was black, chard from the re-entry, that vaguely resembled a space ship. The thing would have landed on Rito, if it wasn't for the fact that he jumped back at the last second. He was laying back, propped up on his elbows, looking at the object with a look of shock on his face.

Naruto's jaw was hanging open in shock, his head threatening to fall from the large sweat drop he had. "A... an asteroid," He barely managed to get out. He slowly looked to the sky and asked, "Why are you so against those two being together?"

"What the heck is this!" Rito began, "Damn it! It's hopeless after all!"

xxStroy Endxx

So reviw and let me know what you all think! Just so you know, I'm not gonna reviel everything about Naruto right off the bat, so keep reading if you wanna find out more!

I am also going to put in some elements from both the anime and manga, so if you did one or the other, don't be too shocked about some minor details.

I am also not gonna go right along the story line, and I'm going to add a couple of my own adventures.
