Starting Note: So, I'm not dead. Actually, none of us are dead and May was supposed to be the end of the world. Ha, science just got raped in the butt. But, anyway, I decided that as celebration I would start working on my "South Park" stories again. I don't know why, but I sort of got out of the fandom for a little while after dabbling into a few other shows. But, I decided to come back around after watching my friends DVDs of "South Park" all day one day. We had a nice little marathon of it. Also, I lost my computer for a while when my charger died and I had to buy a new one. Sorry for worrying you all. But, yeah, reviews are loved and wanted. Thanks for reading. Also, this is a Stan/Kyle (Style) and a yaoi (boy/boy romance) story. If that isn't your cup of tea, hit the road. If you're into this sort of thing, keep on trucking. This story is rated M for mature due to its coarse language, sexual content, and ideologically sensitive material.

"Kyle," Stan whispered softly as he leaned into Kyle's ear, resisting the urge to manipulate the sensitive flesh. "What do you want?"

"Nhh," the redhead whimper quietly as he felt Stan's breath fall upon his ear. His eyes quickly shot open from their half-lidded state when he felt his super best friend's tongue graze over the sensitive flesh of his ear lobe. "S-Stan! What are you doing?"

The blue-eyed teen quickly backed away, looking into Kyle's wide, emerald orbs. He felt slight guilt wash over him as he pulled away from his best friend.

"Sorry, I thought this was what you wanted," Stan nervously pulled back quickly, wiping the saliva away from the lobe of the redhead's ear.

"I think, I think I just want to study. Please?"

"No," Stan boldly said after a moment of silence, feeling himself gain confidence as he grabbed onto the Jew's shoulders. He forced an awkward eye contact between the two of them, causing Kyle's blushing face to fill with panic. "You said you wanted something. I'm your super best friend, Dude. I have a right to know what you want."

The redhead sighed harshly, looking down with his eyes, but soon looking back into Stan's baby blues. He moved his lanky arms around Stan's tanned neck slowly and hesitantly, burying his burning red face deep into his friend's shoulder.

"I want… I want you to," Kyle fumbled with his words, biting his lower lip slightly and nervously. "I just want you to kiss me, Stan!"

With a faint smile, the raven-haired teen wrapped his arms around the other's petite waist. He pulled himself back slightly so Kyle would be forced to look at him. He reassuringly smiled at the redhead; however his eyes were more comforting than the smile itself.

"All you had to do was ask, Kyle."

"B-But, you like girls. Why else would you have gone with Wendy since elementary school?"

Stan sighed warmly, shaking his head a little as he chuckled breathlessly. He looked back at his confused best friend.

"Wendy was a whore. She didn't do anything but whine and nag at me for as long as we were together. Besides, sex doesn't matter to me. I want to be in love with someone who loves me for me. I don't care if that person is a dude or a chick."

Kyle's eyes glanced back to his best friend, whose face was now burning with a bright blush. Whether he meant to or not, Stan had basically just given a vital piece of information to Kyle. The information caused a tiny grin to form on the nervous Jew's pale face. He moved his fingers over the fabric of the back of Stan's brown, fuzzy jacket.

"R-Really? So, you don't think I'm a gay-wad?"

"I'd be a hypocrite if I said you were," Stan spoke softly, caressing the small of the redhead's back with his thumbs before slowly trailing his hands up the boy's tiny figure. His mouth formed into a small smirk as Kyle's side curved softly at his touches. "Ticklish?"

"Maybe a little," Kyle nervously chuckled, feeling his face begin to heat up once again. He looked down softly to hide the blush that had consumed his face. However, the hiding didn't last for long as Kyle felt Stan's fingers grabbing gently onto his chin, pulling his face up.

"Now, how am I supposed to kiss you if you're hiding your face?"

"I don't kn- wait, you want to kiss me?" Kyle stated, a little surprised by the other's words.

The blue-eyed beauty sighed delicately, grazing his best friend's chin with his thumb. He gazed deeply into Kyle's emerald eyes, staring deep enough to almost view the boy's soul. He leaned in slowly and hesitantly, beginning to shake slightly. Kyle returned the motions, letting his rampaging thoughts disappear, causing his body to visibly relax. The raven-haired boy smiled, feeling reassured as he felt Kyle practically turn into putty in his hands.

"Of course I do."

A bright light seemed to fill Kyle's widened eyes as Stan spoke. Soon, the Jew's large eyes fell half-lidded as he soaked in the feeling of Stan's breath on his face. They both tilted their heads in the opposite direction of each other, making their motions slow. As their lips lined up and finally connected in a warm, slightly wet kiss, the boy's waited for awkwardness to set into the atmosphere. However, this moment never came. Nor did the moment of Stan becoming queasy to the point of vomiting. It all felt so natural, as if it were meant to be.

Ending Note: Well, this is shorter and lamer than expected. I'm sorry. Especially since I've been on hiatus for three months or so on this story. Also, I didn't proofread this at all, because, well, I just don't feel like it. I'm super busy. But, I'll try to start updating quicker on it. And I promise I'll have more stories up soon. I have some plots and ideas finally. Enjoy! Reviews are loved and much appreciated. Stay tuned for chapter six.