A/N First, here are the Chapter 9 Answers:

1. Nina, Fabian, Amber, Patricia, Alfie, Jerome, and Joy are the 7 acolytes. Mick and Mara are not.

2. 1925

3. White

The first place winners are:

2FunE4U (gurrrl you on a ROLL! xD) And cOuRt3n3y! Congrats!

The second place winners:

HoAcrazylover and HOAluver4ev! Both of you were REALLY close, but you got the date wrong! :(

Now, prepare for the FINAL chapter, of this story! :D


It was getting closer to the dance. Just an hour away.

Amber was already almost completely ready, so it seemed to Mara. Of course Amber kept going on about how she had so little time to get all her beautifying done.

Amber looked at the clock and remembered what was about to happen.

"Uh, Mara, I need you to leave, now!" Amber said worriedly.

"What? Why?" Mara asked. She was in think mode a few seconds ago and was annoyed that Amber distracted her. "I'm trying to think about something."

"Well go think somewhere else! Sorry but Alfie's about to be here and-" Amber stopped when she heard a knock on the door.

She opened it and saw Alfie standing there with a big bouquet of roses. Mara left the room to find somewhere else to think.

Shutting the door, Amber nervously took the roses from Alfie.

"Alfie..." she set the roses down on her bed, "Alfie, I don't like you... you know, in that way..."

Alfie's happy-love grin turned to a small frown.

"But... the Valentine's letter-"

"Was not a Valentine's letter. It was just me trying to talk to you without having to do it in person... or something like that."

"...Oh..." Alfie's sadness made Amber feel bad.

"Alfie, there are so many girls at our school, there has to be someone that likes you... why haven't you ever tried to date any of them?" Amber tried.

"I have! None of them ever say yes though."

"I'm sure Amelia Pinches will say yes. You have to try! Any girl should be DYING to date someone as sweet as you!" Amber said, trying to lift his spirits. It seemed to work, because his face lit up a bit.

"NO. NOT brace-face Pinches. Anything but that... I did get two Valentine's letters in my locker today... All the girls loved how I confessed my love for you on stage! That's it! I can go with Daisy or Jessica!" Alfie had a smile again. Amber smiled too.

"Alfie that's so great! Go get 'em! I knew someone would like you! But I suggest Jessica, 'cause Daisy's a bit odd..." Amber hugged him and walked him to the door.

"Amber..." Alfie said before leaving the room.


"Thanks," was all he said before grabbing the roses off the bed and taking them with him as he ran down the hall.

Amber, now slightly annoyed, yelled, "Hey! Those could still be for me!" but she smiled anyway at the silly boy.


Nina searched for Fabian everywhere. She couldn't find him. She talked to Mick who had no clue where his roomate was, but apparently he and Mara broke up. She tried asking all the girls but none of them knew either.

"Shouldn't you be getting ready? It's like forty-five minutes until the dance starts," Mara said.

"Yeah, I'll get ready soon," Nina said running back downstairs and into the dining room.

"I saw him go outside a while ago," Jerome said when Nina asked him in the kitchen.

"Outside? Why?" She asked.

"I have no idea," Jerome said, munching on a cookie he found.

"If you see him, tell him I need to talk to him."

Nina tried calling his cell but he left it in his room. She walked outside and was about to go check the school when she realized how silly that was. This isn't life or death! she thought, Even if I do want to tell him as soon as possible. I THINK I can manage to wait for when he comes back to the house...

She walked back in and went upstairs to get ready.


Fabian saw Nina come outside. He hid behind a bush and waited. She went back inside.

He quietly ran to the door and slowly opened it.

No sign of Nina.

He ran to his room quickly and put on his tuxedo.

"Planning something special for Nina?" Mick asked in a teasing tone.

"Actually, yes." Fabian smiled and ran out of his room.


Jerome put on his tuxedo. He looked in the mirror and ran his fingers through his hair. He thought about Mara and how he should just ask her, even if she is with Mick. No... I can't do that... He thought, I guess I'll just watch TV until it's time to head over...

Jerome walked out of his room and passed Mick.

"Oh, Jerome, wait mate," Mick said. Jerome turned around.

"What do you want?" he asked annoyed.

"Just wanted to let you know that Mara and I broke up. For real this time." Mick winked at Jerome and went into his room.

"What's he going on about?" Jerome asked himself. Inside, Jerome knew exactly what Mick was talking about.


Mara ended up sitting in the bathroom to think.

She thought about Mick. About her advice to him and how he had told her to listen to her own advice. Should she really? It was messing with her brain. Should she talk to Jerome? She didn't know.

She decided to get a glass of water to quench her thirst for help, not that it would actually do anything.

Mara went down the steps and into the kitchen. She took a long gulp of ice cold water and noticed Jerome was sitting in the living room watching TV.

"Jerome? Don't you want to get ready?" Mara asked from the kitchen doorway. He turned his head and said, "I am ready."

She walked over and saw that he was already wearing his tux.

"What are you watching?" she asked sitting down on the couch next to him.

"Eh, nothing good on," Jerome turned the TV off. "So you and Mick are definitely like...?"

"Broken up, yeah. But it's what we both wanted." Jerome nodded and there was a long pause of silence.

Mara finally decided to speak.

"So, taking anyone to the dance? Leave anyone any Valentine's or chocolate's? You know, seriously, not like a joke." I must sound so obvious! Mara thought.

"...No," Jerome sounded like he was lying, but Mara didn't know if she should ask why.

Do it Mara, just do it! the voice inside her head said, just tell him you like him! Ask if he wants to go with you!

"So Jerome-"

"So Mara-"

They both started speaking at the same time. They smiled awkwardly and Mara let Jerome continue.

"I was just wondering which kind of chocolate you prefer," he said, grinning as he held up a milk chocolate and a dark chocolate heart.

"Jerome! You have to stop stealing them!" Mara said laughing.

"I actually bought these this time. This morning, from Alfie when he was selling them at school," he said. "So which is it?"

"Which is what?" Mara asked, getting distracted by his deep blue eyes.

"Which chocolate do you prefer?"

"Oh! Uh... milk?" he handed her the milk chocolate one and she put it in her small purse she was taking to the dance. "I'll... save it for later..." She said blushing a little and worried he'd notice.

How could something like a small little crush she always denied just an hour before, suddenly become such a big one she couldn't control? Mara's mind went through everything sweet, kind, funny, and nice about Jerome. With everything she thought of, the urge to yell in Jerome's face "TAKE ME TO THE DANCE!" grew larger.

Finally when she couldn't take it anymore, just sitting there not making a move, she leaned over and, not entirely meaning to, kissed Jerome's cheek.
Both their eyes widened and she ran out of the room from complete embarrassment.

Jerome just smirked. She kissed my cheek again, he thought, I knew she'd come around one day.


Alfie ran into Jerome on the way to their room.

"Alfie, whatever you did, it worked! Mara totally loves me. First of all, we didn't even need to distract Campbell since they broke up. But whatever you did really helped, mate," Jerome said to his friend.

"What? I didn't do anything. OH YEAH, I forgot that I was supposed to help you get Mara... Sorry dude, my mind was on something else..." Alfie said. Suddenly he seemed to realize something. "WAIT she told you she likes you? Dude that's awesome!"

"Well... actually, no. She kissed my cheek and ran away... again..." Jerome said awkwardly.

"Oh..." Alfie said, " Is that good or bad?"

"I'm pretty sure it's good, Alfie, I mean she only ran away because she was embarrassed I'm sure." Jerome hoped that he was right. Besides, why would she kiss him at all if she didn't like him?


Mara paced back and forth in her room while Amber chased her trying to put makeup on her. Patricia sat on her bed and rolled her eyes.

"Mara, please stay still! It'll take all night if you don't stop walking!" Amber whined.

"I'm sorry Amber! I just... I just don't know what to do! I don't want to leave the room... I'm not going..." Mara said.

"What? No, Mara, you have to come! Okay, why don't you just tell me what's going on?" Amber said, grabbing her friends arm and making her sit on her bed.

Mara knew Amber couldn't keep a secret. But at this moment she didn't care and told Amber and Patricia what happened.

"Eww Jerome?" Amber had said when Mara finished, "I mean... well whatever, that's sooo romantic! You have to see if he likes you!"

"Jerome? I don't know what you see in that weasel! I mean... I guess he can be fun...?" Patricia had said, trying to be supportive.

"Thanks Patricia... I think. And Amber NO WAY am I going to ask him if he likes me! I already know he thinks I'm a freak now!" Mara said sadly.

"Then I'll ask him!" Amber said excitedly, running out of the room.

"Amber wait! No!" Mara called.

"I'll try and stop her!" Patricia ran after Amber. Once she got to the steps she tried as best as she could to 'run' down the steps in her goth-ish heals without falling or breaking her angle. How did Amber get down so fast in her 5 inch heals? Patricia thought, That girl must have lots of practice.

Amber ran to Alfie and Jerome's room.

"Jerome! Mara wants to know if you love her!" Amber said quickly.


"OH I KNEW it!" Amber cut Jerome off, "This is so romantic! Oh you have to go tell her!" Amber squealed.

"No! Amber don't-" Patricia stumbled into the room and realized she was too late. Sorry Mara...

"Okay slime ball, let's get this straight," Patricia got up in Jerome's face, "If you want to date Mara, you better treat her right and if you ever hurt her!... Let's just say you'll be on my bad side."

Jerome knew that even he would be tortured if he were on Patricia's bad side. He saw how she was to Nina before. That was the most annoying thing on earth, he thought.

"Amber didn't even let me answer the question!" Jerome protested.

"Oh... sorry?" Amber said.

"Okay, so what is your answer then?" Patricia asked.

"Maybe...Yeah... Sure..." Jerome tried to make it seem like it was no big deal.

"Oh I have to go tell Mar-"

"Amber, NO this is something he needs to do himself!" Patricia cut off Amber. Jerome looked at Patricia with surprise. She wanted to help.

"Amber, go tell Mara that I stopped you from asking him. Can you do that?" Patricia asked Amber slowly.

"Fine. But this is taking waaay too long!" Amber said, walking out of the room.

"Trixie I don't need your help," Jerome said.

"Fine, but don't mess this up!" Patricia left.

Jerome sighed, "Why does Queen Millington always have to get involved? And now Patricia is gonna be watching my every move."

Alfie had been quietly watching the whole thing.

"I dunno bro, but she doesn't MEAN to start trouble. I'll take care of Trixie, don't worry." Alfie said with a wink and he left too.


Nina got ready as fast as possible with a little help from Amber. When she walked down the steps she saw Fabian standing there.

"Fabian!" she smiled and ran up to him. "I've been looking all over for you! Where have you been?"

Fabian smiled.

"Come with me. I want to show you something," Fabian said, ignoring Nina's question.

"What? We have to leave for the dance in like 8 minutes, and I need to ask you something. Fabian will y-" Nina said.

"The dance can wait. This can't," Fabian interrupted. Nina wanted to see what he was going on about, so she followed him outside and behind the house.

"Is this about another clue?" Nina asked, but Fabian just smiled and didn't answer.

"Fabian, I need to ask you something," Nina tried again as they walked through the woods.

"Just wait one more minute," Fabian said.

Nina sighed. She wasn't gonna get a chance to ask him until he showed her this... whatever this was.

They came out to the clearing wear Sibuna often met and Nina was surprised to see what was there.

A small table with a nice white table cloth, and two chairs were in front of her. Two candles were in the middle of the table. Nina's face filled with happiness.

"Fabian, what is all this?" she asked smiling.

"Nina... Will you be my Valentine?" Fabian asked.

"YES!" Nina hugged him, "Fabian! That's what I've been trying to ask you!" The pair laughed.

"Please, have a seat?" Fabian pulled out a chair for Nina.

"It's getting really dark. What happens when we can't see anything?" Nina asked. Fabian lit the candles and picked up a lantern and two torches from behind his chair.

"I was going to bring candles, but I sort of... lost them," Fabian said. Nina laughed.

"Fabian... this is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me,"

"Really?" Fabian asked blushing, "I-It was nothing, really."

The two students sat there quietly just smiling at each other for almost a minute.

"Uh, Nina... I have something for you..." Fabian said suddenly.

"Oh, Fabian you didn't have to get me something," Nina blushed slightly.

"I didn't get you anything... I wrote you something." Fabian pulled out his guitar from behind a tree and Nina gasped.

"You... You wrote me a song?" Nina stood up, ran to Fabian and kissed him on the cheek. Startled, Fabian almost dropped the guitar.

"I didn't even play it for you yet!" Fabian laughed and blushed insanely.

"You didn't have to," Nina smiled, "You're so sweet, just the fact that you wrote me a song is enough. But, you know I still want to hear it." They laughed. Fabian gestured Nina to sit down again. He sat down as well and began playing his guitar.


Mara still objected to leaving the room, even though Amber and Patricia said they didn't ask Jerome.

"UGGGH Mara, this is silly! Jerome probably won't say anything, and we have to leave in like, 30 seconds," Patricia wined.

"I can't do it, I just can't."

Amber sat down next to Mara on the bed.

"Mara, there have been times when I was afraid of seeing Mick. But I stood tall and acted strong... Usually... Anyway, you should really try doing that. You can't miss the dance anyway, just forget Jerome and have fun!" Amber said.
Mara thought about this for a moment.

"You're right! I didn't get all dressed up for nothing! I got dressed up to have fun! Not for some... some stupid crush!" Mara smiled and finally let Amber finish her makeup.

"Okay, let's... go downstairs..." Mara's nervousness crept back into her stomach as she walked down the steps. Trudy, Mick and Alfie were waiting there smiling.

"Oooh you girls look lovely!" Trudy smiled, "Where's Nina? And Fabian?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen Nina for like a forty-five minutes," Patricia said.

"Fabian hasn't been around either," Mick said.

"That's odd. Maybe, they went to the school already," Trudy said, "Now, go have fun!"

"Um... Where's Jerome?" Mara asked Alfie.

"He said he had to 'go', so I was just thinking he went over early too. At least that's what I told Trudy!" Alfie said laughing.

"Oh.. Okay." Mara said.


At the Valentine's Day Dance, Mara stood on the side. Patricia was on the dance floor with Brad and told him something before walking over to Mara.

"Maraaa stop looking so worried! Remember what Amber said, forget about it!" Patricia said.

"You're right... I'm sorry. Can we dance?" Mara took Patricia's hands and the two girls laughed as they made a fool of themselves.


Jerome had gone to the school early, something he usually wouldn't do, but he had been bored and decided to see if he could possibly set up a few pranks in the bathrooms before everyone showed up.

He could see Mara and Patricia on the other side of the room, but so far, they hadn't seen him. Maybe I should talk to Mara... he thought. Besides, she looks like she's freaking out.

Jerome began to walk in their direction, but Mara smiled suddenly and started dancing with Patricia. Never mind then... Walking back to where he was, Jerome couldn't help but feel disappointed. He did like Mara, and he wanted to tell her it was alright.

Suddenly Jerome didn't care if they were dancing and having fun. He wanted to work it out now. Jerome pushed through the crowd of dancing students and grabbed Patricia.

"Go get some punch," Jerome said quietly through gritted teeth.

"Why?" Patricia asked annoyed. Jerome nodded towards Mara, who had been dancing with her eyes closed and didn't realize Patricia wasn't dancing any more.

"OH... okay..." Patricia walked over to Alfie to see what he was up to.

Jerome grabbed Mara's arm and pulled her towards the door. At first Mara had thought it was Patricia dancing but the second she felt the strong grip, she snapped her eyes open and started to worry.

He dragged her into the drama studio.

"Mara, we need to talk."

"I know. I'm so sorry Jerome! I don't want to mess with your feelings! I'm so sorry! I feel like I-" Mara's teary face stared at Jerome's half snickering face.

"Mara, it's fine. I don't care!" Jerome said putting a hand on the small girl's shoulder.

"You... don't?" Mara wiped her tears away, but her face fell with sadness.

"Well... I care, but not... in a bad way... But anyway, do you... do you actually like me Mara Jaffray?" Jerome lifted her chin so that she would look him in the face, and so he could tell if she was ling when she answered.

"...M-Maybe... I can't though, you don't like me."

"Mara, it's okay," Jerome sat himself and her down on one of the couches, "... I do like you... I have... for a while, actually..."


When Fabian had finished his song, Nina couldn't hold in her happiness. She had run around the table and hugged Fabian so tightly that he couldn't breathe for a second, but he didn't care.

Now they had moved their chairs next to each other on one side of the table and were half cuddling to keep warm.

"Fabian... How long have you liked me...?" Nina asked. Fabian blushed.

"Um... pretty much as soon as we started to hang out." Fabian looked away. Nina didn't say anything, so Fabian, confused turned his head back to her and found her smiling face just inches away from his.

They awkwardly and slowly began to lean in, and just when they were about to kiss, Fabian's watch alarm went off and made the pair jump.

"Oops... That was set to remind me to set up this whole thing, but I did it earlier..."

"It's okay," Nina lied.

"Well... since it's suddenly so ridiculously cold... Would you like to go to the dance with me Nina?" Fabian stood and held out a hand.

"I'd love to." Nina took his hand and they walked out of the woods.


Alfie waved to Patricia as he walked back over to Jessica.

"Thanks for being my date Jessica, do you want to dance?" he smiled like a goof.

"Um, who were you just talking to?" Jessica asked, ignoring his question and pointing towards Patricia.

"Oh, that's Trixie, you know her right? She lives in my house."

"Of course I know her-"

"Then... why did you ask who she was...?"

"You knew what I meant! Anyway why would you flirt with some other girl when you came with me?" Alfie stared in shock at the annoyed looking girl.

"We weren't flirting! She's my friend! Calm down," Alfie said quickly and nervously.

"Go eat a rag!" Jessica angrily walked away from Alfie.

Dumbfounded and disappointed, Alfie walked over to the punch table and frowned. No more punch. Well isn't this my lucky day! he thought sarcastically. Suddenly he noticed Daisy over at the end of the table, dancing terribly by herself. Alfie smiled. I should have known not to listen to Amber, he thought, If Daisy's more odd, then she's probably more like me. Alfie walked over and handed Daisy a cup.

"Oh hi Alfie," Daisy smiled, "Um... why is the cup empty?"

"Stupid, stupid..." Alfie said quietly to himself, but looked up to see Daisy still smiling.

"Uh, you want to dance?" Alfie asked.

"Yeah!" Daisy said excitedly and the two danced terribly together to the slightly hard rock songs that played.


Mara's upset face turned to complete shock.

"What?" she said.

"What? What's wrong?" Jerome asked slightly nervously.

"Nothing! I mean... I... what?" Mara couldn't speak full sentences.

"Okay, how about I do this for you," Jerome took Mara's hand and stood them both up. "'Jerome! I love you! Be my Valentine, let's dance!'" Jerome said in a high pitched voice, "What? Really? Alright, let's dance!" Jerome said in a silly way of his regular voice.

Mara laughed and Jerome was happy to see her smile again. She opened her mouth to speak but he shushed her.

"No, no. Just dance." Jerome brought them to the dance floor.

As Jerome was about to start dancing to the rock music, a slow love song came on.

"You know, on second thought, I'm more in the mood for punch-"

"No way!" Mara interrupted Jerome, "We're dancing."

"Fine..." Jerome looked around to see if any of his friends were watching, and started to slow dance with Mara.

"You know, this is actually a really boring way of dancing..." Jerome commented. Mara shushed him this time.

She smiled. "No, no. Just dance."


A/N THE END! I hope you all enjoyed this final chapter! If there are any questions that were not answered please feel free to ask in a review, and I will reply to them! Thank you all SO MUCH for reading (and reviewing ;D) this chapter and all my others! Special thanks to all my fellow forumers, who keep me thinking about HoA all the time and help inspire me!

See you in my next story! Peace out!
