
She wished he just saw her.

Noticed the little things she did.

All of it for him.

All of it.

"Mm-venn..." She could see nothing, but she heard a muffled voice. Though, barely audible, her eyes watered at the all too familiar sound.

"Vrayvenn..." It sounded to her now. Though, she knew what the source was really saying. Her name. Her bitter, terrible, jaw wrenching name. She hated herself, and could never forget what she had done.


All in vain, all for worse,

"Raven, please..."

She didn't dare open her eyes.

"Raven..." She could feel the sensation of his pressing against her, just below her neck. Feeling his tears run softly against her pale, fragile skin, was when she came to a revelation. She wasn't breathing.

It also wasn't will that was keeping her eyes shut, she had no choice. She couldn't open her eyes if she had wanted to. She was dead. The cold, lifeless, reaping hand was pressing her eyes shut and she couldn't, nay, wouldn't dare defy it.

She wished with all her heart to comfort the boy wonder. To hold him until he felt relieved of whatever was causing him so much pain. But... she couldn't. She could not move herself. She couldn't move the still blood in her vains, or keep the air leaving her body. She was completely paralyzed but... she could feel.

Then, a thought struck her, which was exactly what baffled her in the first place. If she was dead, and her brain was shut down, along with her mind, how was she thinking? She should be at rest, at peace, why was she not? She had earned enough merits for it, right?

Suddenly, she felt mobility. Yet, she couldn't feel Robin on her anymore. She stood her self up and looked down at him. She had just moved through him.

Almost on que, they both shuttered. Raven, in pure mixture of being awe struck and disgust of what she had just done. Robin, of feeling one over powering emotion caused by her company, one last time.

Her half transparent formed knelt down near his. She attempted to put a hand against his back, but it fell right through. Like there was nothing there. Sparkling tears fell down against her cheeks. They were more glistening to her than anything she had ever felt, and they were the only things to make a noise at the act of their drop against the stone floor.

It cause Robin to flinch and look over. He thought they-... he... was iscolated at the moment. In fact, he was sure of it. He stood up easily, and panted hard against the unbearable sobbing.

'The damn bastard...' He swore hastily to himself. He glared at the fresh blood, still rushing down her tore neck. Robin could hardly believe what he was witnissing, but it was what it was. He was done crying.

He removed his cape and politely, placed it over her deceased body. The spirit of Raven could not even bare to watch, as she turned away, still sobbing. Though, he would never notice...

"Slade's going to fucking pay this time."

A/N: Should I continue? The prolouge is terribley cheesy and I'm not even sure how to work out WHY Slade had killed her! xD Anyway, if I get enough reviews asking to continue I might.