Lily stood in front of Severus. She took a long look at his almost- pathetic expression. "What has poor Severus ever done to you?" she yelled, standing by Severus and looking up at James for just an instant.

Severus suddenly reached for her hand and took out his wand. He held it towards James.

"Just leave him alone!" lily cried.

"Whatever" James said staring at lily "I'd like to see Severus fight me without you to protect him." He laughed darkly. "Stupefy."

Luckily, the spell hit Severus before he could say anything. By the time he got up James was gone.

Lily rushed to his side. "Sev, are you okay?" she whispered.

Lost in her beautiful emerald green eyes, Severus suddenly forgot everything he wanted to say before. "Umm …yeah" he said, her gaze not leaving his for a fraction of a second.

A single tear ran down her face and landed on Snape's robes. "Oh Sev, I'm so sorry" she said kneeling beside him.

Her face began to inch closer to his, until they were only centimeters apart. Lily's lips brushed his for a second, and then they both felt something from behind.

"NO PUBLIC DISPLAYS OF AFFECTION!" one of the professors shouted. They couldn't help but smiling.

sneak peak of story! review if u want more!