Losing Voice

Chapter 4: Lifting weights?

"No help? Are you sure, Swordsman-san?" Robin asked me and I nodded. "Alright, if you do, just come back to me then." I nodded and waved a bye as I left the aquarium room. I was waiting for dinner so I could go to bed already. I was tired and wanted to sleep. I walked to the kitchen and entered. I dodged a kick that was headed for my head. I continued in as I got a bottle of sake.

"Tch, get out of my kitchen." The shitty cook told me as I sat down at the table. He glared at me then sighed. "Well at least you can't talk." I wanted to growl, but instead glared as he went back to work. Taps of sandals came near the door and entered.

"Zoro!" Luffy shouted and sprang at me. He attached to my waist and his upper body was in my lap as he was on his knees. He was quiet as he held to me. I sensed the love-cook looking at me and I looked to him. He signaled Luffy and I shrugged. I moved the hair from Luffy's face and he appeared to be asleep. I rose an eyebrow at this and shook my head. I took a swig of sake.

"Is he asleep?" The cook asked. I nodded and unconsciously started to play with Luffy's hair. Twirling and un-twirling it. "Surprise." He muttered to himself mainly and went back to cooking. I shook my captain lightly and he looked at me with groggy eyes. I took note that we were both going straight to bed after supper.

"Nya~, Zoro?" He asked and I lightly smiled as he got up rubbing his eyes. He put a smile on, but it wasn't quite right. "Dinner ready yet, Sanji~?" He whined and the cook glared. I glared at him, but more worry was in my glare as I soon turned to Luffy with the worry taking over. The curly-brow sighed.

"Almost, Luffy." He told him and Luffy cheered before sitting in my lap. I lightly scowled at the action. He leaned back and yawned. With him like this he snuggled against me.

"Sleepy…" He whispered and I lightly shook him. "Nmmmm?" He looked at me. I felt stupid about to do this, but no other choice. I had my hands like I was sleeping on a pillow, but then made an 'X' with my hands and pointed to food, pretended to eat it and put a thumbs up. "Okay!" He grinned, but still looked tired.

Worry lines started to form on my forehead as he sprung to his chair from the cook's call for the rest of the crew. Supper went by a mess, as usual. Though Luffy almost fell asleep in his food twice. Twice! That was really unusual! Dinner ended and I helped a tired Luffy to my room. He was lazily on my back as I carried him. I got to my… our room and closed the door. The light was out, but I could see with the light shining through our window from the moon's ray. I laid him on the bed and took my boots off. As I set them to the side I slipped my shirt off and put it on my boots. I turned to my sleeping captain and took his sandals off and set them by my boots, along with his shirt and hat. I grabbed the blanket and crawled into bed. As I was about to lay down I saw Luffy flinch. I questioned this as I saw him shaking and he seemed to be whimpering. I sat up against the wall and grabbed him to pull him into my embrace. I couldn't calm him with my words, but I could with my actions. I held him tightly and his quivering calmed down. An hour or two went by and I still held him. He started to shake again, but soon calmed. He was now mumbling words.

"nakama… defeat… why… Crocodile… blood… Zoro…" I caught the last word and held him close, rubbing his back, calming him. My eyes stayed open as he would start shaking here and there. Another couple hours passed and I was getting tired, but I didn't want to sleep with my captain like this. Suddenly, his eyes shot open and he was panting. He moved and was looking up at me. I looked at him, tiredly. "Zoro!" He said in a high pitched whisper. I lightly smiled and ruffled his hair. He giggled and squirmed in my lap. He sat up and was looking at me, and then his hands found my scar. "Do you remember the day you got this?" He asked. 'Every waking moment,' I thought and gave him a nod.

"I remember what you told me… the words you said float in my head. They never leave, even the words you say to me; before battle, to pass the time. Now, it's so lonely not hearing your voice all together." He whispered as his head rested on my shoulder. I sighed and my hand reached up to massage his head as the other was set on his hip. "I want Zoro's voice back…" He whispered in a pleading voice. I leaned my head onto his and squeezed his hip lightly as I agreed with him. I had become so soft around Luffy it was unbelievable. I opened my eyes and looked tiredly out the window, it was about time I had watch. I nudged Luffy and he looked at me. "Watch?" He asked and I nodded, though I didn't see the point for me to watch if I can't even speak. He got up and lay down in the bed. I got up and slipped my boots back on, along with my shirt. I yawned and stretched my sore body. I looked back to see him tiredly watching me. I lightly smiled and went over to him to butterfly kiss his forehead. He giggled weakly and let his eyes slowly close and words slipped by, "goodnight, Zoro." I kept my smile and exited the room.

It was early in the morning and I was exercising in the watch tower/gym. I was lifting two hundred pounds, maybe more, and was swing it like a sword. Swinging it down and bringing it back up to just swing it back down. The cook was up, maybe. Wasn't sure about that, the sun was just rising; probably not. I heard the door open and closed and looked behind me. I smiled and let go of the weight with one hand and waved as I saw my little monkey walking in coming to me.

"Morning, Zoro!" He said and blushed, covering his nose. My eyebrow rose. "Uhhh…" He looked away, but it seemed hard for him. He kept staring at my chest. Well, I was shirtless and I was sweating… maybe he was aroused.

I smirked and put the weight down fully. I walked towards him and he backed up until he fell over one of my many weights and landed on his back. I smiled lightly and a silent chuckle left my lips. I sat on top of him and bent my head down to kiss his lips with a peck and then his cheek as my hands grabbed his shoulders. I kissed my way down his cheek to his neck and little mews left his sweet lips. I smirked and let go of his shoulders and start to roam his bare chest. It seemed like he didn't bother with a shirt. His hands grabbed my shoulders and squeezed lightly as he let his moans come out freely. I grabbed his hips and his breath hitched lightly. I brought my head up to look at his red, flustered face before connecting my lips with his and my hands roamed to his pants. I tugged at them lightly, seeing if he wanted me to stop. He didn't stop my hand so I slid his pants off and released our lips. I saw that he was already hard and my hands trailed around his erection. He moaned and groaned as I was avoiding his cock, but hitting sensitive spots around it. I bent my head down and nibbled at his neck, before heading my way down. Moans left his mouth as I skipped his nipples, but let my thumbs rub them for a bit. Moans still came out as his back slightly arched. I slid my hands down to his hips and I buckled them down. I lightly blew on his bulging cock and his breath hitched.

"S-stop… teasing!" He begged as I kept lightly blowing on his erection. I grinned and licked up the shaft. A moan left his mouth. I took him whole and he bucked with a deep throated moan behind it. I started to bob my head and pulled away to lick the tip and nibble on the shaft. Moans just kept coming out as I took him in my mouth again and again. He grabbed my hands and gripped. "I-imma ah~, cu-cumi-a-AH!" He came into my mouth. I pulled back and swallowed it all, licking my lips seductively as he watched me. His chest rose and fell as he was panting hard from his orgasm. The pants I wore were getting tight around my groin as I was aroused by the recent actions. I dipped my head down and kissed him again, sliding my tongue along his bottom lip, getting access. As our tongues roamed together my hands were rubbing against his puckered nipples. He moaned in the kiss and we released the kiss as he looked at me seductively.

"E-enter me… Zo-Zoro." He pleaded in stutters. I smirked and licked his lips and connected them together. I pulled my pants down and the cold air lingered. I pulled back as I took my pants off completely. My lips connected with his again and I grabbed his hips. I felt something grab my cock and I released our lips as my breath hitched. I looked to see he grabbed me with his hand, which was somehow wet, maybe from his saliva. I looked at him as he pulled my head down to kiss him. I pulled back as his hand pulled away. I kept my grip on his hips and lifted him slightly. I looked at him and he nodded. Setting my bulging cock at his entrance, I slid in slowly and he moaned at the pleasure. With his rubber powers he adjusted fast. I slid the rest in and he groaned before moaning. I started to pant as I was fully sheathed into his hot cavern. I gripped his hips a little more then pulled back to slam back into him. A deep throated moan left his lips as I swooped down to take them. Moans were made in the kiss as I thrusted into him. I went faster and harder into him while we released our kiss here and there. As we released our kiss, this time, I began nibbling on his neck. He moaned loudly and soon I hit his prostate. His back arched, head flew back, eyes squeezed shut, and a real deep throated moan left his mouth.

I smirked as I found it and started hitting it over and over again. I was reaching my peak as my panting became heavier and me being inside him was unbearable! I grabbed his cock and started to pump him. He was withering under me as his arms wrapped around my torso and brought me closer to him.

"I-im hah~, cu-cuming~!" He said as he spilled his seed onto his stomach. I thrusted one last time and came into him. I supported my weight as my lover had his arms out to his side, panting like crazy; though I was too. Stuttering breaths were taken in from him as he lazily looked up at me. He smiled and I smiled back, with these actions taken place he giggled and wiggled like a little kid. I chuckled silently and slid out, making him groan. I moved his hair as it stuck to his forehead with all the sweat. The door opened and I looked up.

"Bre- Holy shit! I am so sorry! I did not see a thing!" Then the door slammed shut. I silently laughed as I knew Usopp had a mental image now. I looked upon my lover as he was blushing madly.

"I don't think he is going to talk to me for awhile." I smiled and another silent chuckle left my mouth as I kissed his slightly bruised lips. I nudged him before he got what I was trying to say.

Breakfast went by a complete mess as everyone was being extra annoying. The damn Longnose told everyone about his little 'run-in' this morning with me and Luffy. My little monkey blushed like crazy as I glared at the shit cook's remarks and teases. We ended up in a little fight before I was dragged out of the room after breakfast. So, here we are now. Luffy and I were sleeping against the tree on the grassy plain again, but were rudely awakened by a lump to the head.

"You guys need to wake up!" An angry witch shouted as she was looking off to the side. "The weather is going to get bad tomorrow. We set sail first thing in the morning." She told us and I rolled my eyes as we both got up. "Set up things so we are prepared."

"But Zoro has to get his voice back, Nami!" Luffy stated and I nodded in an agreement.

"Well he better do it early tomorrow morning." She walked off to yell at Usopp for something and my little monkey turned to me.

"Are we going to make it?" He asked me with worry and I merely smiled down at him before patting his with a nod. I was sure we could get my voice back. Well,
