I'm back. I'm so sorry to the people who waited for me. I thank you for waiting. I know that I am going to put action in this fic. Believe it. Anyways I am having trouble with making names for the children of some pairing. Feel free to give suggestions. Enjoy.

He's Back

The sound of metal clashing together could be heard through the forest. Nomi was in the middle of a heated battle with Naruto. Nomi landed on the forest floor to look up at Naruto, who was standing on a branch high above the ground.

"Dude, Naruto you're getting better at this." Nomi panted out.

"Even better than you?"

"Ha." Nomi laughed. "Keep dreaming Naruto, keep dreaming." Nomi jumped away from volt of energy Naruto threw at him. "Good Naruto. Remember to release not only yours but Kyuubi's energy too." Nomi said as he sped away. Naruto followed in close pursuit. Blades clashed and energy was everywhere. Naruto used one of his new jutsu called the Claw Fang in which Kyuubi uses Naruto's chakra as barrier to keep him safe while Naruto uses Kyuubi's chakra to create a powerful claw to slash the victim. The two of them have the jutsu down so well that even the speed demon of the hidden leaf village can barely escape. Nomi was gasping and held up a hand telling Naruto to stop. Naruto laughed.

"What's a matter Nomi? Is the great speed demon tired?" Nomi rolled his eyes at Naruto.

"Naruto don't let it go to your head." Nomi said still trying to catch his breath. Nomi changed into girl form.

"You know Nomiā€¦"


"I swear I can't tell if you're still a girl in a boy jutsu or the other way around. It seems like you're always in boy mode so much that its rare to see you as a girl." Naruto said as they walked back to the village.

"Yeah, I guess your right Naruto. Myuubi says that I should stay a boy for a while so he can change my girl form."

"Why would he want to change it?"

"He wants me to be just as good looking as my male side." Nomi joked. They both laughed. Walking through the gate of Konoha, Nomi remembered the first time she had step through them four years ago. The memories of the time passed since then went through Nomi's head. A lot happened the last three years. Naruto looked at Nomi's face seeing that far off look on her. He asked her.

"Whatcha thinking about there, Birdie?" Nomi glared at the nickname Naruto called her.

"Just thinking about the time passed over these three years."

"Oh." Naruto said; that made Naruto go into deep thought. The only thing Naruto remembered that started the biggest mission Naruto had ever had was the picture of Sasuke's face. This made him shiver. It only three years ago but Naruto remembers what happened clearly. Nomi's voice snapped him out of it.

"So mother said for us to go see her after training." Nomi said who had changed back into a boy.

"Oh, great. What does Baa-chan want this time?" Naruto joked. Nomi laughed at that comment.

"What did you do this time Naruto?"

"Nothing I swear. I have been good." The two jinchuurikies burst out laughing as they made their way to the Hokage Tower. The villagers looked at the two with soft smiles. Ever since Nomi had come to Konoha, the people began seeing Naruto in a new light. People no longer glared or scowled at Naruto. Naruto had Nomi watching his back for a while until Nomi saw that Naruto's friends had it covered. Yes sir, life was just fine in Konoha. That is until Naruto got to the Hokage's office. Nomi had cracked another joke as Naruto opened the door. The smile on his face faded as soon as he saw who was in the room. In the room there were four people that Naruto saw. Three of them wore black cloaks. One was a man taller than Naruto; he had orange hair. Besides him was another man with light-blue hair and had a large, familiar sword on his back. Next was a woman who had red hair and wore glasses. When Naruto looked at the fourth person, he felt fear swell up in his stomach. He knew who it was he only needed to look at his eyes and know.

"Sasuke." He said. Nomi looked back and forth between the two until he finally said.

"So this is the asshole bastard Sasuke, I have heard so much about.

Wow. Nomi sure knows how to ruin the moment, huh. I hope you like it. I am going to be working as fast as I can. I can't wait to intorduce FUU to you.

FUU: Hey readers guess what my name is. I'll give you a hint, FUU is the three first letters in my name.

Nan: FUU. I don't think they will be able to get it right.

Nomi: I don't so either my dear nep...oops.

Nan: Nomi ssh. You'll give it away.

Nan: If you get it right, I will let you name his boyfriend who is the son of Kiba and Hinata.

FUU: What? No Nan you can't!

Nan: I can and I will. Oh, and by the way Tammy you can't do this since you already know.