A/n: Okay, sorry that I haven't updated this thing, in like forever. I didn't really have many ideas for it, and honestly I was either too busy or just being lazy. So! I hope you guys liked that last chapter. And I'm sorry if this is horrible. I'm nearly falling asleep here..

Oh and who thinks that Nixon from Framing Hanley would make a good Alec? I think he would. Just give him some blue contacts, though :P

Anyway, on with the story..

Third Person POV:

Alec was silently freaking out on the inside.

He was currently at his parents place, with Magnus. Waiting for all of his relatives to come. Today, was the day that he was going to tell them all that he was getting married to Magnus. He was a little afraid of what his family was going to think of him.

Magnus sensed Alec's discomfort and squeezed his hand gently. Alec smiled gratefully in return.

"Don't worry darling, they're your family. They'll understand" Magnus said softly.

"But what if they're disappointed? My grandparents always said when I was younger, that I was going to grow up and get a pretty girlfriend and things like that" Alec said, close to hyperventilating.

Magnus took Alec's face in his hands and pressed his lips, lovingly to Alec's. Alec tensed for a moment, but relaxed into the kiss. He twined his arms around Magnus' neck and held him like that. They stood there, for what seemed like forever. Magnus broke the kiss, when breathing became a problem. He stared into Alec's eyes. A smile was playing at the edges of his lips.

"Alec darling. Love is Love. And if your family loves you then they wont care who you love" Magnus whispered calmly.

Alec nodded, and laid his head on Magnus' shoulder. He was still freaking out a little, but not as bad as before. Maryse and Robert entered the room that they were in, with slightly worried expressions on their faces.

"Alec, everyone is here now" Maryse said softly.

Alec gulped. So this was it. It was time to tell his whole family about him and Magnus.

"I'm scared" Alec whispered.

"Don't be. Just remember what I said" Magnus replied.

Alec sighed and got up from the couch, he and Magnus were sitting on. Magnus got up after him. He took Alec's hand in his own and gave it another squeeze.

"Its show time" He heard Alec mutter.

Magnus inwardly laughed at his fiancee's theatrics. He was getting worked up over nothing. Maryse and Robert led them out to the backyard, where everyone was to. Maryse gestured for them to stop. She stepped outside, and Magnus heard an elderly lady start to speak.

"Where is my handsome grandson, and his lovely girlfriend" The lady asked.

Magnus saw Alec flinch. Maybe Alec was right about the whole situation, for Magnus felt his heart pick up pace.

"Um, mom.." He heard Maryse trail off.

Robert nodded for them to step outside. So with their hands still twined together, they walked out the door.

When they stepped outside, everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at Alec and Magnus. Magnus felt self conscious under the stares, he could see in his side vision that Alec had gone red.

Maryse cleared her throat. She looked as nervous as Alec.

"Mom, meet Alec's fiancee. Magnus Bane" She said quietly.

Alec's grandmother started to laugh. It was an odd laugh, Magnus concluded. After a few moments she calmed down.

"This has to be a joke right? Now, where is the girl?" She said.

Alec decided to speak up for himself this time.

"Nana, there is no girl. Magnus is my fiancee, who I am in love with" Alec said quietly.

"You mean you're..?" His grandmother trailed off.

"Yes, I'm gay Nana" He sighed heavily.

His grandmother burst out into tears and clutched Alec to her chest. She was weeping about something. To Magnus it sounded a lot like 'Oh! My poor grandson, he didn't turn out right'. And to Magnus, that was really low. Wasn't grandparents suppose to love their grandchildren no matter what?

Alec heard what she had said, and pushed her away slightly. He had a semi-angry look on his face. And he had gone red again.

"I didn't turn out right to you? Nana, you're my grandmother. Arent you suppose to love me for who I am? And if you care so much about me, why cant you be happy for me? Magnus is my life" Alec said.

She sniffled. She acted as though she hadn't heard a word Alec said.

"Alec, sweetie. We can get you help, if you need it" She said as though she were talking to a five year old.

"Nana! You just don't get it do you? Magnus is my life. I am in love with him. And if you cant except that, then you aren't invited to the wedding. Love is Love. No matter what" Alec exploded.

The rest of his family, who were listening in on this scene, clapped and cheered for Alec. He turned a bright red, but smiled happily anyway. Magnus was suddenly turned facing Alec. Alec looked up at him with big blue eyes. And then closed the distance between their mouths.

Magnus stood there in shock. Alec. Sweet, shy, Alec kissed him in front of his entire family. The family who he was terrified of. But, instead of loud jeers and protests, he clapping and cheering got louder. Alec broke the kiss, and hugged Magnus.

"Wanna meet my family?" He asked breathlessly.

"Sure" Magnus replied.

After they left to go talk to some of Alec's relatives, Maryse's mother turned to her and Robert. An angry expression on her face.

"How could have let this happen?" She hissed at them.

Maryse looked shocked. "Mother! He's our son, we're suppose to support him. No matter what the circumstance"

"Well, you shouldn't have supported him on this one. He's going to be the disgrace of the family. Now what am I going to tell the girls at the country club? They were expecting lots of pictures of my eldest grandson and his beautiful girlfriend. Not his sparkly boyfriend" She said, in a snobbish voice.

Robert looked angry now. "April, if this is what you think of our son, and your grandson, then you and Conrad can leave"

She looked taken aback. She looked at Maryse.

"Are you going to let him talk to me like that?" She asked.

"Yes. Now leave" Maryse replied.

Alec and Magnus were talking to Alec's cousin, Lillian. She was like a red headed Izzy. When they walked over to her, she squealed loudly and gushed about how cute they were. And of course, congratulated them on the engagement.

"Ugh, I wonder what was up with grandma. She was acting so mean" She said to them.

"Yeah. I cant believe she said all of those things. Especially in front of Magnus" Alec replied.

"Well, lets just hope he doesn't get tried of our crazy family" Lillian laughed.

Magnus laughed along with her. "Oh, there's nowhere I'd rather be. I never had a big family. So this is all new to me"

"Magnus? Where are your parents? I don't see them around" Lillian asked, with a puzzled look.

"Lillian. I was adopted when I was ten years old. My parents were unfit to look after me. And my adopted mom, died last year in a car accident" Magnus told her, in a soft voice. He looked on the verge of tearing up.

"Oh, Magnus! I'm sorry! I shouldn't have asked" Lillian said, and then surprised him by pulling him into a hug.

"Its okay. You didn't know" He replied.

She let him go and nodded. She did look sorry for asking about Magnus; parents. But cheered up after a moment.

"So, where do you guys think you'll have your wedding to?" She asked.

"We dunno yet" Alec replied honestly.

"Oh! We have family members in Spain, remember? You can have it there" She said excitedly.

Magnus looked at Alec. Excitement was clear in his eyes.

"Sure, we can have it there. I suppose" Alec said.

Magnus hugged Alec tightly. Lillian laughed at the two.

"So, when were you thinking about having it?" She asked curiously.

"Maybe sometime in February or March" Alec said.

She nodded in understanding. They talked a little more about the wedding. Like what place in Spain they were going to have it. The cake, flowers. All that kind of stuff. They said their goodbye to Lillian, and headed off to talk to Alec's cousin, Raine. His parents wanted to have a unique name for him. So they chosed Raine.

"Hey Raine!" Alec called out to him.

Raine smiled widely and walked over to Alec and Magnus. He gave Alec a bone crushing hug, and gave Magnus a polite handshake.

"Nice to meet you, man! You better take care of my cousin. Or else you'll have me to deal with" He said to Magnus, in a light joking manner.

"Oh! No need to worry. I'll do my best" Magnus smiled.

"I like this guy, Alec. Don't mess it up" Raine laughed and messed up Alec's hair.

They went around like this. Talking to each of Alec's family members. Some were really okay with it. But others, had a little time to wrap it around their heads. But in all, they were all polite and nice to Magnus. Including Alec's other grandparents.

They were sitting at a picnic table, talking with Robert's parents when Maryse came over with a squirming Lucy in her arms.

"She woke up, and immediately demanded for you two" She explained, as she gave Lucy to Alec.

"Its fine. I was about to go and get her anyway" Alec said.

Lucy wrapped her tiny arms around Alec's neck and hid her face in the crook of his neck. He could hear her whimpering slightly.

"Lucy? What's wrong with daddy's little girl?" When Alec said this, his grandparents looked a little shocked.

"Lucy, is mine and Alec's adopted daughter" Magnus explained quickly.

They nodded and smiled at Alec and Lucy. Magnus chuckled. They were absolutely adorable together.

"Strangers" Alec heard Lucy whisper.

"Strangers? Lucy, this is your family" Alec replied softly.

"Family?" Lucy asked, in wonderment.

"Yes. Do you want to meet your great grandma and grandpa?" He asked.

He felt Lucy nod her head, against his neck. She lifted her head slightly. She still hid her face, partially but was slowly pulling away from Alec.

"Hello Lucy" Alec's grandmother said softly.

"Hello" She replied.

"Well, she is a smarty isn't she?" Alec's grandmother said to him.

"Oh yeah! That's for sure, last week she demanded for the book I was reading to her and tried to read it herself" Magnus chuckled.

The rest of the afternoon went by, without a hitch. Alec's family were kind and accepting to Magnus and Lucy. Well, everyone simply adored Lucy by the time the sun went down. But, this was the reminder that everyone had to go back to their hotels.

Alec and Magnus stood by the door and waved everyone out. Once everyone was gone they went back to the living room. Robert, Maryse, Izzy, Jace, Clary, and even her friend Simon were sitting there.

"Well, today has been fun. That's for sure" Magnus concluded.

"Yeah, it was" Alec agreed.

Everyone else nodded.

They talked for a little bit. But Alec and Magnus decided it was time to get back to their apartment, when Lucy started to get tired.

They put her in her car seat and drove back to their apartment.

Alec was sure, he had never been this happy before.

A/n: Okay! So how did you guys like that? I hope it was okay. I tried my best with it. Blah, and now I feel sick because I binged out on pringles while writing this. (And trying not to freak out- but that's a story for later :P)



Chantelle oxo