Disclaimer: I don't own…

I know I use my own name, but it IS actually the best example of an unpronounceable Afrikaans name…

NB!: All Afrikaans words' translation will be written in italics nearby. 'Kari' is a nickname only used by Lara.

James Sirius Potter is normal.

Really, he was. He's parents could be described as normal.

Let me give you an idea of his parents, a slight idea, not even a description, for this is not about them is it? (Don't answer that, it is rhetorical)


Imagine the typical normal parent. To do this, put your parents, your friends' parents, teachers who are parents, role models who are parents and random parents in the equation.

So, what is your formula for a normal parent?

Mine: undefined. There is no such thing as a normal parent.

Or basically a normal person, thus James Sirius Potter is not normal.


He smiled. There she was, reading, of course. Her head was titled to the side as she read her muggle fantasy book. She read everything. From historical to science fiction, muggle or wizard she gave it a go.

"I wish she'd give me a go," muttered James, wincing as he remembered the thousands of times he had asked her out. He was confused, just generally confused about everything. Why did she always say no? What was her reason? Why did he have to be so attracted to her? Will Fred ever do his own homework the day it is assigned?

Conclusion: Unknown. Unknown. Because it is her, just ever thing about her; what she stands for, what she wants do with her life, what she looks like. And… HELL NO!


She was exotic. From the way she looked, spoke and her background are unique. Well, to Hogwarts that is.

She's a pure-blood, but her parents abandoned magic. She only learned about her other life when she was ten years old. She was the youngest and only sibling to go to Hogwarts. Her brother, the oldest with her sister went to a school back in her native land.

She was South African, in blood, nature and attitude. He knew after being severely corrected by her, that the land consisted of different nationalities. They had eleven official languages, no wonder it was dubbed, "The Rainbow Nation."

Her origin was Afrikaans and boy, was she proud of it. She not only had a South African accent, but also an Afrikaans accent. It was her first language, not that she could not speak English. She could, very well actually.

She was sorted into the house of Gryffindor and was a student of Hogwarts, yet she never included herself in the English nationality. She ate her meat practically burned, in his opinion, and refused point blank to call dishes in a different way then what she was used to.

Her physical stature was a different matter entirely. She had naturally tanned skinned, a button nose and a small facial feature. She was small, having miniature hands and feet. She would have been short to, if she did not have long legs putting her in an inch below average height.

Her hair was a light brown red, though it did not always stay that way. She was not a metamorphous; she did not change her appearance at will. Plus the only thing that changed was her hair colour.

Usually, it was a golden red-brown mixture. When she gets angry, it changes to pitch-black with dark red streaks in it. When she was incredibly, absolutely happy or having an emotional close to love, her hair went entirely red. When she was sick, it would turn only light brown and, apparently, when she was extremely upset or nervous, a dark brown. (Though these two where only witnessed by a handful of people, mainly her best friends and family.)

Her name, Karien, was unpronounceable. Her parents gave her an extremely Afrikaans name that no one [expect in Afrikaans] could pronounce without having her wincing and hot on your case. Everyone, except sometimes Lara who had other names for her, called her Kitty.

James thought that she must like cats then and had incorporated this in one of his schemes to win her over. Turns out, she actually hated cats and the nickname was obtained via heritage.

Her surname had an interesting history to it, for it was Black. Her father was the son of Sirius Black, but his mother moved to South Africa before he was born. He was nothing like his father and more like his mother. Kitty, however, was in one way nothing like her grandfather, but in another was a female copy.

Her absolute best friend was also a South African. She was half-English and half-Italian though. The two were joined by the hip; you rarely saw the one without the other. Lara Lowe was her name. She had thick black hair and a kind heart. She was good at Afrikaans and usually knew what her best friend was rambling on about. Lara was an excellent artist. She drew beautiful portraits and landscapes, but preferred to draw more obscure things. She was also good with writing poems and stories. Her friends liked to tease her and say that she'll be the best journalist that the Daily Profit ever had. She'll blush and say that she does not know if that is what she wants do with her life.

Her other great friend was Rosie. Yes, Rosie Weasley his cousin. Surprisingly, she did not inherit the red hair trade mark. Her hair was a hazel brown, but straight instead of curly. Rosie was always incredible busy, she was on the Quidditch team as a chaser. She was also in the choir, a prefect and in other numerous clubs. She did not follow the norm just because she could. She was a fanatic both in the sport area and in the school area. She had her mother's wit and skill, but was not as obsessive in studying.

Rosie spend a lot of time with Albus to, which is probably way she was close to Kitty, just not as close as Lara was to her. The three got on well and had numerous inside jokes. They were in the same dorm and always looked out for each other.

Lara and Rosie were definitely studious, spending hours learning and perfecting their knowledge. Kitty, however, just knew. She focused in every class, taking accurate notes and basically giving her full attention. Out of class though, she hated studying and did it to the minimum. She still got excellent grades though and lost herself in the world of books while her best friends struggled with Charm theories and Transfiguration essays.

Kitty did not easily reacted when people teased her, but when someone she cared about was at the wrong end of the firing squad she would dive in head first to protect them. Lara, though, was the most kindest and sensitive of the three.

James cared a lot about her and thinking now about her, he realised that he had only touched the tip of the ice-berg.


He stepped forward, seeing that the book she was reading was written by William Shakespeare. James was not an outstanding student in muggle studies, but he knew that it was the same author as Romeo and Juliet. He smirked, excellent.

"Hey Kit," he said approaching her, she frowned but read on. She hated when people called her that and only allowed Albus and Rosie the pleasure of calling her that.

"Do you want some Skittles? It rhymes with your name…"

"No, thanks." She said, not looking up from her book,

"I prefer M&M's," she shared an amused look with Rosie and Lara (definitely an inside joke, he noted), before neutralizing her face and looking up at him,

"And it is not my real name, therefore it cannot rhyme."

"Well, okay then. How about you accompany me to Hogsmead and I'll learn what other sugary sweets you like."

"No, thanks." She said again and James's smirk came again. She fell right for the trap.

"I swear, one of these days…"

"Do not swear, Potter." She rolled her eyes; she loved saying that to him.

"Well, why not. If I should swear, what should I swear by?"

Kitty snorted,

"Romeo, Romeo. Wherefore art thou Romeo?"

James opened his mouth to reply, but she beat him to it, standing up in the proses.

"Under the bed with a peapod on my head!" and she hitted him on his head with her hardcopy of Macbeth, before standing up and walking to her dormitory. Lara rolled her eyes and stood up, gathering her things.

"Romeo and Juliet? Seriously?" she asked. She started walking away from him before freezing and turning around,

"She likes chocolate, but not 'sugary sweets' as you put it. Few candy." And continued her way up the stairs. He smiled faintly; she was always doing that, informing him on little things about her when he faltered.

He sighed, waved his hand in both a greeting and a good bye at Rose and walked towards Fred.


Lara yawned, deciding that it was time to get up and stretched. She walked over to Rose's bed and gave her a push and a wake-up call.

She then walked over to Kitty's bed and snorted with laughter. Kitty was lying in the middle of the bed on her stomach. Her arms were hanging off the sides of the bed and her legs were spread.

"What a beautiful sight in the morning" she said to Rose.

"Come, Kari, time to get up!"

"Nee…" (No) she muttered

"It's Friday, so tomorrow morning you can sleep in. Now, however, you have to get up!"

"Fine" came the reply as she stood up, her hair a mess and her voice still groggy.

"Sleeping beauty, did you remember that we have a Charm test today?" inquired Rose amused. Kitty cocked her head to the side and shook her head.


"Thought so"

"Do you have Quidditch practice today?" asked Kitty, looking at Rose as they got dressed.

"Yes, and a prefect meeting after that. I have patrolling after that, plus early morning training tomorrow morning."

"Right" said Kitty, pulling out the 'I'.

"Kari, my art satchel is under my bed. Can you please pull it out? I am running a bit late, sorry."

"It's fine." Said Kitty as she bended down and retrieved the bag that Lara used to house all her drawing and writing things.

"Working on anything new?"

Lara shrugged. The trio grabbed their bags and went down to breakfast.


"So, Care of Magical Creatures first thing." said Rose brightly as they made their way down the steps to the Great Hall.

"Ugh," said Kitty grumpily. She always battled to sleep and yesterday night was no exception.

Lara smiled, poking her lightly and said, "Yep, I can't wait. Apparently we are going to start working on unicorns! But only briefly, of course, because it then allows us more class time to handle dragons. Theory, of course, and only the basics for Hagrid said that we'll only go into detail in sixth year."

"O isn't that just wonderlik!" (Wonderful) said Kitty sarcastically.

"Oh shut up and drink some coffee, you look like death boiled over."

"Only look?"

Kitty sat down at the Gryffindor table. Lara sat down next to her and Rosie opposite them. They started piling up food on their plates and continued chatting about classes.

"Then it is potions, double."

Lara groaned this time and Rose sent her a sympathetic glance.

Kitty only mumbled, "What a way to start the day… afterwards it is history of magic though. Hallelujah, some light in my day."

"There are many things I do not understand and your love for History of Magic is one of them." Said Lara as she bit into a piece of bacon and Rose nodded her head in agreement.

"Sure Bins is a little bit old fashioned and transparent, if you know what I mean, but I really like it."

"That is in fact strange beyond believe." said a male voice behind them. They turned around and saw Fred Weasley coming their way.

"Morning Fred" said Rose as he sat down next to her. He tilted an imaginary hat in her direction in reply.

"That's a bit rich coming from you, don't you think." Asked an amused Lara,

"Yeah, this shows you how weird it is." He said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Lara seemed content with that answer and went back to her breakfast.

"Hey, Fred I heard you got a new broom for your birthday." Asked a smiling Kitty, clearly already back to normal.

"Yeah" and he launched into a descriptive account of his new broom. Kitty and Rose hang on his every word, while Lara just opened her Potions book and began re-reading their assigned chapter.

"Morning girls" said James as he sat down on the other side of Rose and opposite Kitty.

"Hey, what about me?" asked Fred as he leant over Rose.

"I said, morning girls, did I not?"

Fred harrumphed and went back to his breakfast. James laughed and looked over to Kitty, who had followed Lara's example in reading a textbook.

"Black, do my eyes deceive me or have you actually put your hair down today." He said as he leant over and grabbed a lock of her hair, playing with it.

She swatted his hand away, but said nothing. It was true; her hair was usually up for school. Today she was not in the mood and had let her hair fall free. It was probably the first time that she let it out while having lessons.

"Oh, come on, Black. Do I not deserve a reply at least?"

"No, why waste precious time on words which only state the most obvious."

"Always so formal, Black"

She snorted, "Says the one calling me by my surname."

"You call me by my surname."

"Yes, because you call me by mine. Also because the use of one's name is because one is on a personal level with that person and wants to show that by addressing said person with a name, not a clan-name."

"Well, aren't you just a walking dictionary."

"No, I pass that honour on to Albus."

"Speaking of my younger brother from the same mother." Said James as Albus sat down next to Kitty.

"That makes no sense." Said Albus

"When does he ever make sense" asked Lara, looking up from her book.

"Touché and please pass the milk." Smiling at Lara and she smiled back.