Blessed Showers

kallen vi britannia

Author's notes:

I've been doing some oneshots some time before, well whenever free, and here I'm typing it and decided to post it here!

I wish you would love it.

Let's start!

Blessed Showers

Gray x Erza

Unknown to the Fairy Tail guild, the great Titania Erza loved any kind and any body and any form of water. She loved especially the rain. Nobody ever took the mind to think of why on rainy days, the great Titania often disappears without a word to anyone. Nobody, except for the ice mage named Gray Fullbuster. It was almost an unknown habit between them. When the wind smelt of rain, Gray will watch Erza as she sat silently by the window, waiting for the first drops to stain the windows and when it did she will disappear quickly amongst the shadows and will be gone for the day and he would just follow her with his eyes wondering why.

So he started thinking of reasons to answer his questions.

Maybe she really needed to go home to avoid getting wet, or maybe she needed to run an errand or… the list when on and on but he never found a suitable answer. It was driving him to the point of insanity that even when he tried so hard to divert his attention from her, his eyes will always drift to the scarlet-haired lady leaving as quietly as the wind in rainy days.

"Is there a problem Gray?" a voice took his attention away from the door. He looked up to see the concerned face of Mirajane as she stood by the bar. She was cleaning the countertop as her eyes flickered to the door "Did someone just left? "

"Erza."Gray said in a low voice as he closed his eyes and tried to relax himself. He can smell the rain and the water in the air. He felt the itch to go out and just feel it, the feeling of being cleansed. He took deep breaths as the thought s of a crying Erza rushed to his mind, making his breath hitch. "She just left."

"Are you worried about her?" Miranda blurted as she arranged the contents of the shelves. Gray didn't answer but under Mirajane's keen eye, his tensed figure gave him away. She smiled and softly hummed innocently. "It wouldn't hurt to check on her isn't it? Even the Great Erza may need something from others."

"Alright. I'll be back." He said as he stood up and went to the door, hands shoved in his pockets. He ventured out of the guild and into the pouring rain. He followed the familiar clang of metal and the familiar swish of red with silent footsteps as he hid in the shadows.

Then he saw her stop among the isolation of buildings and houses, simply looking up to the heavens. She stood there, devoid of armor and donned with fabric clothing. She stood unmoving as raindrops made trails to her whole being. Then he smelt salt in the air and realized the horrible truth.

He made a promise long ago that he will protect the tears of the great Titania, simply Erza at an possible way. Now he was hurt to the core that she's using the rain to hide her tears. She was biting her lip and her shoulders shook in bare centimeters that nobody will think. She was crying and it broke his heart and dried his throat just to see her break.

"How awful it is for those lush lips to be tortured and abused." He said as he stepped out the shadows, determined not to see her breaking beautifully anymore. Erza turned to him, her eyes and countenance void of any emotion that his insides cringe. She looked down, a curtain of fine red shielding her from the world and reality. "You're crying again."

"Why are you here Gray?" she said in a low threatening voice that he found the courage to withstand. "Why did you follow me?"

"I'm worried about how you kept those tears hidden from me…from the guild…from us, your friends." She gave a dry chuckle at this and asked: "Why do you worry so much, much more from others?"

"I promised myself when I saw you cry by the riverbank that I will do anything possible way to save those tears from falling." He said as he stood in front of her. He smiled, wishing that it would make her smile as well. It did.

"I will tell you again that I was not crying."

"Still lying."

"I'm sorry then if I am breaking your promise."

He opened his arms to her and with a smile said: "You can cry. I cannot dictate you what you want to do, but all I have is a presence that you may use as comfort."

She made no effort to move. "I'll be your personal crypillow Erza."

And she made every intention of making him one.

She cried onto his chest, shedding warming tears through the coldly soaked clothes that he wore. Then after every tear was shed and every sob was made they stood there in the middle of the rain just in the arms of each other, until she looked up with reddened cheeks.

"Why did you follow me Gray?"Erza said as she buried her face to his chest not wanting to get away from the warmth and sanctity of his arms. He on the other hand has no intention of letting her go. "Why Gray?"

"I was worried." He answered as he stared at the sky, not wanting her to see his tomato-colored cheeks. Erza looked up in surprise. Meeting her gaze he kinda knew what she was thinking at the moment. "Whaaaatt?"

"Tell me why." Gray sighed and gathered all his strength and even prayed to whatever Supreme Being there was. He looked down at her just to see her threatening gaze, but the playful flickers never escaped his keen observation.

"Because I'm worried." He planted a kiss on her forehead. "I care about you." He kissed her on her eyelids. "I was curious." He bestowed a kiss for each of her cheeks. "And…" he gave her a meaningful peck on the lips. "I love you."


The sound disturbed the noisy tavern of the guild to silence. Everyone turned to the sound that caused the silence. Gray Fullbuster looked around the eyes that were on him with a rather wary intention. Then another sneeze, softer yet incredibly audible in the silence, the attention shifted from Gray to the red haired beauty sitting beside Lucy who was sniffing her nose.

"Is there a problem?" Erza threatened on a nasal voice that sounded funny. Everyone laughed so hard that the scene was outrageous. Mirajane who was laughing like the whole guild gave off a knowing smile. Erza glared at them, but with her red nose you can never see the Titania with a really subdued expression. They tried to suppress the laughter but at that aspect the Fairy Tail guild was doomed to fail.

"Hey come to think of it, you and Gray got colds so…"

"Are you implying something slant eyes?" Gray growled.

"Oh nothing~~ just that… Did you two had some late night rendezvous or something?" wolf whistles emerged from Natsu's statement. Onyx and burgundy orbs met, paired with burning cheeks and ears.

Of course they expected the colds but not the intelligible statement from Natsu. For after Gray's confession, they stood in the rain, pouring their feelings out and comforting each others' pains. Like showering rain of heaven's tears on top of their heads, they cleansed each other to a new beginning, having passed their rites of passage with kisses, cuddles and promises under the blessed rain.

"Hey tell it already? Am I right?"

"Natsu don't bother them please!"

"Shut it fire breath!"

"Achoooo!" a normal day it was.


Standard disclaimer applies.

Inspired by Gray's ramblings about Erza, Erza and a lot more of Erzas.

Reviews are welcomed and loved.