This is my very first yaoi story with my fav yaoi pairing, ByaIchi! This is part of a collection that Im doing for birdays and was convinced by my good friend, Musicgirl, to turn it into a lil short story!

WARNING :: RATED M, Contains Yaoi and will be a Mpreg! :)

DISCLAIMER:: ALL BLEACH CHARACTER BELONG TO TITE KUBO, even though I wished these two hot men were mine!

SUMMARY :: As Byakuya struggles with his feeling towards Ichigo, Yamamoto places Ichigo as FukuTaichou of the 6th Squad. With his birthday only a few days away, will the emotionless, cold Taichou of the 6th finally admit his feelings and have a good birthday or will he remain alone?

Byakuya sat at his desk working on his paperwork as he usually does. The Sou-taichou was wanting reports done and ready to turn in at the next Taichou-Fukutaichou meeting, which actually in 2 hours. As Byakuya tried to focus on his paperwork, his thought drifted off. He had been doing this since the war ended 6 months ago. They always seem to land on a certain orange-haired boy that was no longer there. For some time, Byakuya had found himself having fallen for the teen. Why? Even he didn't have the answer. There was just something about Ichigo that struck him and now the orange haired 'brat' was embedded in his heart.

Opening his desk drawer, he pulled out a picture frame that housed a picture of Ichigo and Rukia, right before the final attack had started. It was the one time that all 3 of them had gotten together. Rukia knew how he felt about Ichigo and she always tried to get her bother to confess to Ichigo, but he always seem to stop. He knew why. He was afraid of getting rejected.

Lost in thoughts, he didn't hear the knock at his door. The door opened and Rukia stood there looking at her brother. She knew what he was thinking about. He had been doing this a lot lately. Walking up to the desk, putting her hands on it. "Nii-sama?"

Shaking himself from his thoughts, he looked up at his sister standing there. "Rukia?"

"Yeah, I had knocked but you were lost in thought that you didn't hear me." Walking around his desk, she sat on the edge, looking at her brother. "You're thinking about him again, aren't you?"

Shaking his head, he ran his palm over his face. "I can't seem to get him off my mind. Every time I try to concentrate on something, he enters my mind. Maybe I do need to go to Karakura and just confront him."

"Yeah, you need too. Nii-sama..." she said but stopped as a knock come to the door.

"Enter," Byakuya said as he regained his composure. He looked up to see his fuku-taichou, Renji Abarai, entering. "What is it, Abarai?"

"Sir, the Sou-taichou sent a hell butterfly saying that the meeting has been changed and will be in the next 30 minutes. Also, he says that the reports can wait and ask that Rukia attend the meeting as well."

"Wonder why the Sou-taichou wants me there?" asked Rukia, looking over at her brother.

"There is no telling." Byakuya rose to his feet, straightening out his haori. "I think we should head on over. The 6th is never late for a meeting."

"Hai, Taichou," Renji said, bowing. He then left the office, heading for the 1st.

"Shall we, Rukia?" Byakuya asked, holding his hand out for his sister. Rukia took his hand and the siblings headed out in the direction of the 1st.

Yamamoto-soutaichou looked out at the Taichous, gazing at each one of them. When his gaze landed on Byakuya, he couldn't help but smile. When Rukia had come to him this morning with a special request, he was pleased to help her out. He just hoped that their plan went off without a hitch.

"Now, that everyone is present, I believe that it is time that we deal with the empty positions in the Gotei 13, mainly the 3rd, 5th, and 9th division. Now, I have spoken to several of you and have the final decisions for the promotion. Will Renji Abarai and Shuuhei Hisagi step forward?"

The two fuku-taichous looked at each other before stepping forward. Shrugging their shoulder at each, they stepped out and walked over to the Sou-taichou.

"Now, Abarai, you served the Soul Society well. Your courage and pride saved a lot of people. Also, you are the first fuku-taichou to ever achieve Bankai and that says a lot about your strength. It is my honor to promote you to the Taichou of the 3rd squad," he said as he handed Renji the haori.

Renji was speechless for a moment. He knew who had put in the recommendation. To say that he was surprised would be a lie. Bowing to the Sou-taichou, he smiled. "Thank you, sir. I will serve the 3rd to the best of my ability."

"I know you will, Abarai. Now, you may take your new position." He watched as Renji put on the haori and take his place in the 3rd squad taichou position, after getting a congrats from Kira-fukutaichou. "For the position of 5th squad Taichou, I am bringing back a former taichou. He would be here but is taking care of last minute details before he joins us. Hinamori-fukutaichou," he said as he turned to the young woman, "your new Taichou will be Isshin Kurosaki. Please make sure that he sees me once he arrives." Byakuya's eyes went wide as he heard the news. Ichigo's dad was going to be a fellow captain with him. He remembers stories of Isshin from his grandfather when they were both captains, hundreds of years ago.

"Hai, Sou-taichou," the young timid woman said as she bowed.

"For the position of 9th squad Taichou, I believe, should go to you, Shuuhei Hisagi. You have held the squad together since the defection of Kaname Tosen. Your fierceness in battle and your loyalty to your friends is unquestionable. Also, your bankai is very impressive. I congratulate you, Hisagi-taichou," he said as he handed Hisagi the 9th squad taichou haori. "You've earned this, Shuuhei. Don't tell yourself different."

"I won't, Sou-taichou. Thank you," he said as he bowed and took his new position.

"Now, we are now left with 3 empty fuku-taichou positions. The 6th, 9th, and 13th are in need. Rukia Kuchiki, please step forward." He watched as the petite Shinigami stepped forward, totally oblivious to the smile that Byakuya had on his face. "Rukia, you have gone beyond the call of duty. Without you, we wouldn't have had the means to defeat Aizen. After many discussions with Ukitake-taichou and your brother, we have decided that you are ready to take the position of Fuku-taichou of the 13th. You have earned it, Rukia," he said with a smile as he handed her the Fuku-taichou badge to the 13th.

Rukia didn't know what to say. She never thought that Byakuya would ever let her do this. Bowing, she smiled. "Thank you, Sou-taichou. I will make the three of you proud."

"I know you will, my dear." Rukia walked back over to Ukitake and took her position, behind him. "Hisagi-taichou, your new fuku-taichou will be Keima Hishiro. Please make sure that you brief him on his new position."

A knock come to the Meeting Hall doors. After getting a nod from Yamamoto, Rukia walked over and opened the doors, revealing Isshin standing there. Isshin walked in and headed for the Sou-taichou. "I do apologize for arriving late, Sou-taichou."

"There is no need to apologize. Sasakibe had explained everything to me. I welcome you back, Isshin and am glad to have you back as the Taichou to the 5th," he said as he handed Isshin his new haori. As soon as Isshin took his position, Yamamoto continued. "For the last position, 6th squad position. Kuchiki-taichou," he said as he caught Byakuya attention, "careful consideration was given when it came to this choice. I know that you require someone that can keep up with you and has a strong loyalty to a squad and his friends. The young man I have selected comes with several recommendations, including mine. I know this young man to be a man true to his word and will never back down."

With that, the doors opened again revealing a young man with bright orange hair standing there. Byakuya's breath caught in his throat as he watched Ichigo walk in, up to the Sou-taichou. 'I can't believe that he is here' he thought to himself. He continued to watch as the Sou-taichou continued to speak.

"Ichigo Kurosaki, I have asked you here today cause of something that has come to my attention that I have learned from your father. I need to hear it come from you. You are wanting to joining the Gotei 13, correct?"

"Hai. Ever since the war ended, I've had no purpose. While I fought alongside the Soul Society, I had one. I was able to make a difference. After talking to my father about this in depth, he completely supports me in this and then he told me about the offer that you had given him so I had asked him to speak to you," Ichigo had replied. "I realize what I am giving up in doing this, but I believe that my place is here in the Soul Society."

Yamamoto-soutaicho had a smile on his face. "Well, I offer you the position of fuku-taichou of the 6th. You are the perfect candidate to take this position ad I believe that you will be a valuable asset to Kuchiki-taichou and the 6th division. The decision is your, Ichigo."

Ichigo's face went blank as he remember the talk that he had with his father just before the two left for the Soul Society.


"Dad, can we talk?" Ichigo said walking in the front door of the Kurosaki Clinic from another long day at Karakura High School.

"Sure Ichi, what's up?" Isshin said from the dinning room table. Ichigo pulled up a chair next to him and sat down with a sigh.

"What is it? Having girl problems?" Isshin said but stopped his banter after noticing Ichigo tense up considerably.

"Actually dad,'s not." Ichigo said. "You see...Idon'tthinkIlikegirls." Ichigo said all in one breath. Luckily, Isshin's keen ears depicted Ichigo's nervously-said sentence.

"Ah." Isshin rested his head on his palm and stared at his son for a moment. "Ichigo, I support you no matter what. Even if you don't like girls." Isshin said and Ichigo looked visibly relieved.

"Really?" Ichigo asked.

"Of course. You are my son, and I will love you no matter what. And before you ask...yes, Masaki would still be proud of you." Isshin said. Ichigo looked like he wanted to well-up but forced it down as he continued his conversation.

"You were a captain once, right dad?" Ichigo asked.

"Yeah." Isshin responded.

"So I am sure that you have heard of the name Kuchiki before." Ichigo said.

"Why of course! My third daughter is a Kuchiki! I would be a terrible father if I didn't know my sweet little girl's last name!" Isshin exclaimed. He heard Ichigo mumble something about him being a sick man.

"So why did you ask?" Isshin asked curiously.

"Well, if you are familiar with the Kuchiki Clan, then you must know a man named Byakuya Kuchiki, right?" Ichigo asked. He watched his father get a very amusing look on his face.

"That little spoiled brat! Man, who could forget him! Every five minutes he'd be insulting something or the other and bragging about how he would one day rule the Kuchiki Clan and become a respected symbol that all of Soul Society could look up to." Isshin said. It took all of Ichigo's inner strength to keep from bursting out in laughter.

"So you also know that he is now a Captain of the Gotei 13 and the head of the Kuchiki Clan? And if you know that, then you must know that he is now such a stoic popsicle that it's not funny." Ichigo said.

"Actually, I did know that. I had heard my reports from Yoruichi." Isshin said. "So what about him?"

"Remember when I just mentioned that I didn't like girls.."

"Yeah?" Isshin asked, glancing at his son.

"Well...ummm...itsByakuyathatIlike," he once again said in one sentence.

Isshin knew that had to be the reason that he had asked about Byakuya. "I thought that could be the reason that you asked." Clasping his hand in Ichigo's shoulder, he gave his son a gentle squeeze. "If he is the one that makes you happy, then so be it, Ichigo. You are still my son, no matter what."

"Thanks, Dad." Taking a deep breath, he continued. "Now, I know that you are going back to the Soul Society to take the Taichou position. Think you can do something for me?"

"Sure, what is it?"

Ichigo then proceeded to tell his father exactly what he needed him to do.


Shaking his head to clear his mind, he turned his attention back to Yamamoto-soutaicho. "It will be an honor, sir. I will fulfill my duties accordingly."

Yamamoto smiled. "Well, then, I welcome you to the Gotei 13, Kurosaki-fukutaichou," he said as he handed him the fukutaichou badge to the 6th. "Actually Ichigo, the honor is ours."

Bowing to the Sou-taichou, Ichigo placed the badge around his right upper arm and walked over to where Byakuya was standing. Byakuya still couldn't believe that Ichigo gave up his human life to come to the Soul Society. Regaining his usual stoic demeanor, he looked at his new fuku-taichou. "I expect you to fulfill your duties, Kurosaki-fukutaichou."

Ichigo smiled at the noble. "You can count on me, Bya...I mean, Kuchiki-taichou," he replied with a slight bow. Ichigo stepped behind Byakuya, taking his position.

"Is there anymore business that needs to be attended to?" Yamamoto asked, looking around at the Taichous and Fuku-taichous. With no response, he continued. "Very well, then. I expect the reports from all divisions on my desk by tomorrow. Dismissed," he said with his cane banging the ground, signaling the end of the meeting.

Everyone started filing out of the Hall. As Ichigo was getting ready to leave, he turned to see Byakuya still standing there. "Hey, Rukes, I'll catch with ya later, okay?"

"Okay, I'll see ya later, Ichigo." Glancing over at her brother, she hoped that he would finally admit to Ichigo how he felt. Smiling, she left her brother and best friend alone.

Ichigo walked over to his new taichou, noticing that he was lost in his thoughts. Placing his hand on Byakuya's shoulder, jostling him out his thoughts. "Taichou, are you alright?"

Turning to see Ichigo standing there, he let out a breath. "Yes, Kurosaki, I'm fine. Just lost in thought there for a moment."

"Okay, I was getting worried about you there for a moment. Shall I meet you at the division, then?"

Thinking, he wondered if he should try talking to Ichigo tonight. Tomorrow was his birthday and for once, he wanted to do something for himself. "Actually, will you mind coming to the Manor for dinner tonight? There is something I would like to talk to you about and would prefer if we were alone when we did talk."

Ichigo couldn't believe that he had asked him to dinner. He had been struggling for the last two days on how to tell Byakuya, maybe he would get a chance tonight at dinner. "No, I don't mind at all. What time did ya want me there, Taichou?"

Byakuya started to head out, but stopped right by Ichigo's side, leaning close to his ear. "Be there at 7. Oh, when we are alone, you can call me Byakuya. I shall see you tonight...Ichigo," he whispered flirtatious. With that said, Byakuya walked out of the Meeting Hall, leaving a stunned and flustered Ichigo standing there. 'Was Byakuya just flirting with me?'

Byakuya stood in his study, looking out the window. The events of today had kept replaying though his mind. He still couldn't believe that Ichigo had given up his human life to come to the Soul Society. The feelings that he had for Ichigo were present now, more than ever. Ever since he met Ichigo when he retrieved Rukia, the orange haired brat intrigued him. Something about his fiery, honest, prideful attitude stuck with him that day.

Throughout the war, his feeling for Ichigo had grown. He watched as Ichigo matured from an inexperienced teen to being one of the most powerful Shinigami he had ever seen. The way that Ichigo would push himself really said something to the noble. Ichigo had shown him the errors of his ways of thinking and without knowing it, had set the noble on a new way of thinking. For that, he was truly grateful to his fuku-taichou.

Now all he needed to do was to let him know how he felt. When it happened with Hisana, it was easy. Why was it difficult with Ichigo? Byakuya didn't even know the answer. Something about Ichigo made him special. He decided that tonight, whether or not he returned the feelings, he needed to let him know exactly how he felt.

A knock at his study doors brought him out of his thoughts. "Enter," he said as the door slid open revealing Ichigo standing there. "Ichigo, come in."

"I know I'm a little early, but I knew it was better than being late. The maid showed me the way here, so I thought I would surprise you a little," he said with a smile as he sat on the couch. Ichigo glanced over at Byakuya, who had turned his gaze back out the window. Byakuya was simply gorgeous to him. The way that his hair flowed, his posture, his attitude simply drew Ichigo to him. He never has understood what drew him to the noble. All Ichigo knew was that he was falling for the stoic man. "You okay, Byakuya?"

Looking over at the young man, he shook his head. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking," he said looking into the amber eyes that he had missed the last few months. Sitting down at his desk, he shuffled through the papers that were there, until he found the one that he was looking for. "Come look at this." Ichigo walked around to the back of his desk and leaned over Byakuya's shoulder. Byakuya could feel his hot breath gently grazing his ear. "This is a list of the squad members. Day after tomorrow, it will be your job to train them everyday. I'll expect reports every morning on their progress," he mentioned as he turned his face to where it was mere inches away from Ichigo's. They were so close that they could practically feel each others breath on their lips. "Ichigo..." he whispered softly, unknowingly inching closer to him.

"Yeah..." Ichigo replied, who was also moving closer.

A knock come to the door, breaking the moment between the two men. Sitting straight up, Byakuya looked over at Ichigo, who had stepped away from the desk. 'Was I actually fixing to kiss him' he thought to himself as he watched the orange-haired fuku-taichou compose himself. A second knock to the doors caught his attention. "Enter."

A servant walked in carrying a tray that had two platters covered on it. "Here is the dinner that you requested, Byakuya-sama."

"Thank you," he said as the servant placed the tray on the coffee table and then retrieved the sake bottle. "You may go. See that we are not disturbed as we have paperwork to work on."

"Hai," the servant said as she bowed and left the two gentlemen alone.

Byakuya walked over to the door, sliding it close and while Ichigo wasn't looking, locked it swiftly. Sitting on the couch, he removed the lids from the platters, and he set up their dinner. Glancing over at his desk, he saw Ichigo going over the paperwork that he had just shown him. To say that he was surprised by Ichigo would be a lie. Ichigo had told him that he would perform his duties. He was actually glad to have Ichigo as his fuku-taichou. "Ichigo?"

Ichigo looked up. "Yeah?"

"Take a break and come eat. We can always get back to that later." Byakuya said, eying Ichigo up as he made his way to the table. On the table were several small dishes. There were steamed dishes, simmered, and grilled, too. Ichigo recognized it as Keiseki Ryori, an expensive multi-course meal that is definitely something that nobles would eat on a nightly basis. All of the dishes were on beautiful plates and bowls that looked like they could costs more than most people's homes. There were also sakura branches adorning the table to add to the relaxing and impressive atmosphere.

"Wow. This is amazing." Ichigo said, looking over the table of food.

"I am glad you like it." Byakuya said giving a genuine smile that made Ichigo melt into a pile of mumbling mush. Byakuya picked up a plate and put some steamed rice, sashimi, and grilled fish on it before sitting it in front of Ichigo along with a bowl of hashiarai and other soups. Ichigo looked at him with surprised before grabbing a pair of chopsticks.

"Itadakimasu." Ichigo said, slowly eating the divine food and looking at Byakuya gratefully, showing he was enjoying the food.

Byakuya chuckled before saying, "I am glad you like it." And digging in himself. Byakuya used the chopsticks to pick up a piece of sashimi and put it in his mouth all the while, not taking his eyes off of Ichigo. Ichigo noticed a pair of eyes on him and looked up to see Byakuya open his mouth and put out his tongue to lick the piece of fish slowly before carefully putting it in his mouth and chewing on it sensually. He was even moaning, as if the food was that delicious. But Byakuya found something much more delicious at the table. It was a certain strawberry sitting across from him. And Byakuya didn't take his eyes off of him.

Ichigo felt a blush creep up on his face and he tried to hide it by turning to face the other direction but when he turned back around Byakuya's face was a mere inches from his own. In a husky voice Byakuya asked, "Do you mind if I taste?" Ichigo just nodded his head dumbly and closed his eyes to wait for Byakuya to kiss him, but it never happened. Instead he looked down on the table to find a little piece of his food missing and Byakuya back over on his side of the table, eating it.

Ichigo smirked. Two could play this game. "Man, it's awfully hot in here. You don't mind if I take this off do you?" Ichigo asked, pulling at the top of his shihakusho. Byakuya almost choked on his food but managed to play it off like it didn't almost happen. Ichigo slowly pulled of his shihakusho top, keeping his eye contact with Byakuya the whole time. Byakuya felt like he shouldn't watch. But he wanted too. He REALLY wanted to. Byakuya could feel his erection growing under his pants.

"Why yes, I do have to agree. It's pretty hot in here." Byakuya said after Ichigo had sat back down, the top of his shihakusho now on the floor, folded neatly. Byakuya pulled the scarf off of his shoulders and freed his hair from the kenseikan that was holding it and Ichigo blushed again. To say that Byakuya looked hot was an understatement. Byakuya was gorgeous. He looked so much younger without his hair in the kenseikan and Ichigo couldn't help but admire his bare neck. It looked so pale and yummy, for lack of a better word. Ichigo imagined himself sucking on the smooth flesh and felt himself getting hard at the image.

Ichigo tried to ignore it by continuing with his meal. He eat some rice and chewed on it, trying to think more about that than the sexy man sitting across from him.

"Ichigo." Byakuya said huskily. "I believe you have rice on your face. Please, allow me to get it for you." Ichigo saw a smirk from Byakuya quickly before it went away and Byakuya was in his face in a second and Ichigo felt something wet come across his mouth and Ichigo shivered. Byakuya was licking his mouth! Ichigo closed his eyes as he felt the tongue move across his lips hungrily. And just as he started to really get into it, Byakuya pulled away with a smirk and went back over to his side of the table for the second time that night.

Ichigo was fully hard now. There was no other option. He wanted release. No – he needed it. And Byakuya was going to make that happen. Ichigo wanted to jump across the table and ravish his new captain. He took a deep breath, trying to calm down so he didn't do anything stupid.

Finally deciding to make a move, he mentally prepared himself. Before he could make a move towards Byakuya, the said noble was already in his face. Looking into the gray depths of his Taichou, he smiled. Suddenly, he felt his lips bring pressed the wet, warm lips of the noble.

Byakuya wrapped his arms around Ichigo's neck, bringing him closer to him, deepening the kiss. Trailing his tongue across Ichigo bottom lip, he enticed the berry to let him come in and play. Ichigo opened his mouth to Byakuya and the noble's tongue found its way in, tasting every crevice of his mouth. Byakuya completely relished in the fact that he finally had his strawberry in his arms.

After a few more moments, Ichigo parted from the kiss, looking at the noble. "Byakuya?"

Placing his slender finger on Ichigo's lips, he silenced his fuku-taichou. "I think I'll only be able to do this once, so let me get it out." Taking a deep breath, he looked into Ichigo's amber eyes. "I have liked you a long time, Ichigo. A really long time. I just never knew how to tell you. When I seen that you were the one that was made my fuku-taichou, I decided that is was time that you knew how I felt." Placing a small kiss on his strawberry lips, he looked into the face of the man that had captured his heart. "After 50 years, I never thought I would feel like this about anyone, but you, Ichigo, have captured my heart unlike no other. Knowing this here," he said, taking Ichigo's hand placing it over his heart, "I now know that I'm completely in love with you."

Ichigo looked at Byakuya, completely at a lost for words. Never in his dreams did he think that he would catch the attention of the noble. But somehow he did and he didn't want to lose it. Knowing that the noble felt this way about him, he knew that he could finally come out with his feelings. Smiling, he kissed Byakuya softly. "I love you too, Byakuya. I think I have for a long time. It just took me awhile to realize it You want to know why I came here?"

"I was wondering."

"I came here for you." Seeing Byakuya's eyes widened, he continued on. "Yes, I came here for your stoic, cold, emotionless self. Something about you struck me and I've never been able to get rid of it. Now, I don't wanna get rid of it or you," he said leaning closer. "Think you can handle me for the long run?"

Smiling, Byakuya's leaned closer and captured Ichigo's lips in a passionate kiss. "You better believe it, strawberry." He trailed his kisses down Ichigo's neck, nipping softly at his naked flesh. Taking his kisses back to his ear, Byakuya purred into his ear. "You know, maybe we should take this to my bedroom."

"Maybe you're right," Ichigo said, as he stood up from Byakuya's lap. Once Byakuya was on his feet, he took Ichigo's hand in his and lead them out of the study.

Walking down a long hallway, he tightened his grip on Ichigo's hand, letting the younger man know that he was anxious.

With a smile on his face, Ichigo came up to his side, and firmly planted his hand on Byakuya's ass, squeezing it. He soon found himself pushed up against the wall, with the noble's lips plundering his. Breaking the kiss, he looked at the noble with his flustered face. "Aren't you afraid of someone seeing?"

"No. The servants are in their quarters for the night and the elders actually already know of my feelings for you." Seeing the confused looked on Ichigo's face, he decided he should tell him. "When I finally figured out that I was in love with you, I met with the Elders to let them know. They told me that the sex of my next partner didn't matter, as long as I was happy."

Ichigo was so wrapped up in Byakuya, that he couldn't think about anything else other than the beautiful man in front of him. He couldn't believe that Byakuya had gone through all that just to be with him. Ichigo wrapped his arms around the noble's neck, bringing him closer kissing him passionately. Ichi licked Byakuya's bottom lip and granted the entrance he was seeking. Tasting every crevice of the noble's mouth, Ichigo lost himself in the sensation that was Byakuya. Breaking the kiss, he looked into the passionate, loving eyes of his Taichou. "Byakuya, show me how much you love me."

Growling softly, he took Ichigo by the hand and continued the journey down to his room. Sliding the door open, Byakuya paused and turned back to Ichigo. "You sure about this, Ichigo?"

Ichigo stepped up on his toes a bit and planted a small kiss to the noble's lips. "More than anything." Ichigo took him by his hand. "If I wasn't sure, I would have left a long time ago. You know that."

Byakuya knew what Ichigo said was true. Keeping their fingers intertwined, he pulled Ichigo into his room, sliding the door closed. Taking a deep breath, he turned around, watching Ichigo look around. He couldn't remember how many times he had dreamed of this moment. Now that it was here and Ichigo was not that far from him, he wasn't going to waste another minute. Walking over to Ichigo who was by the window looking out at the gardens, he wrapped his arms around his waist. Nuzzling his bare neck, Byakuya planted small, soft kisses to his neckline. "What are you thinking about?"

Ichigo turned around in his arms, looking at the noble's misty gray eyes. "Nothing much, just thinking how lucky I am. I never thought you would have felt the same way about me."

Smiling, Byakuya leaned down to where their lips where only millimeters apart. "Believe it, Ichigo, cause I have no intentions of letting you go," he whispered, feeling Ichigo's breath upon his lips.

Ichigo looked into his eyes and could see everything that Byakuya was telling him. "Good, cause I have no intention of going anywhere," he whispered back with a smile.

Byakuya wasted no more time and crushed their lips together with an urgency. Nipping at Ichigo's bottom lip, he was granted the access that he was seeking. Tasting every crevice of the strawberry's mouth, he began to move them slowly back towards the bed. Feeling Ichigo's legs hit the bed, he moved his hands downwards toward his obi that still help his hakamas. Slowly, he untied the obi, pulling it away. Breaking the kiss, he looked into the amber eyes of his soon-to-be lover and smiled. Giving them a slight tug, Byakuya pushed them down his legs, revealing Ichigo's tan and toned legs and his fully erect manhood.

Not wanting to be only one undressed, Ichigo trailed his hands down Byakuya's chest down to the obi that help his uniform together. Looking up at Byakuya, he took noticed of his hair. "You know, you should wear your hair down more often. It really make you look younger." With that, Ichigo pushed the top off the older man, revealing his toned, lean chest. Before he could push Byakuya's hakamas off him, the noble caught his hands and brought them up to his lips, kissing the knuckles.

Nipping at his ears, Byakuya gave it a slight tug. "Not so fast, Ichi," he whispered as he pushed him down onto the bed, hovering over him. "Time to see what makes you squirm, Kurosaki," he smiled at him as he started kissing his toned torso, slightly nipping and tugging at his pert nipples. He continues his kissing voyage down his stomach till he reaches his erect manhood. Byakuya took an experimental lick under the shaft, making Ichigo arch his back in pleasure.

Seeing Ichigo's reaction, Byakuya smiled as he took Ichigo's member into his mouth with a soft groan. Watching Ichigo close his eyes in pleasure, he started a rhythm. Slowly, he moved his head up and down, nipping at the tip, and licking across the slit.

Ichigo's fingers found their way to the noble's hair. He still couldn't believe that he was here with Byakuya. Only a few days ago, he had finally realized his feelings for the noble and was glad that he made the decision that he did.

Byakuya could feel his fingers in his hair and loved it. Every time he felt his grip tightened, he made to increase the pressure that he had on his manhood. Taking his hand, Byakuya wrapped it around his cock and proceeded to stroke him as he continued sucking him. He could tell that Ichigo was getting close. Deciding to send him over the edge, he increased his speed and pressure, wanting to make sure it was an orgasm that he wouldn't forget.

Ichigo could tell that he was close. Tapping Byakuya on the shoulder, he tried to get his attention. "Bya...Bya...ah..." he tried saying but could only moan.

Byakuya looked up at him with a lust in his eyes. Pooping him out of his mouth, he smiled. "Just loose it, Strawberry-kun," he whispered as he slid his manhood back into his warm mouth. After a few more strokes, Ichigo lost it and completely exploded in Byakuya's mouth, with him swallowing every little drop.

Byakuya released his hold on Ichigo and slid up his body, capturing his mouth in a passionate kiss. Tasting himself on the raven-haired taichou's lips, Ichigo got turned on more than he ever thought possible. Byakuya licked across his lip and Ichigo was more than happy to give him the access that he was asking for. Thrusting their tongues together, they tasted every crevice of the others mouth. When the need for air became to great, they part with only a strand of saliva tying them together.

Ichigo opened his eyes, looking at Byakuya with a want in his eyes. Blushing, his hid his eyes from Byakuya, only for the noble to turn him back around. "Um...what would you say if I wanted more, 'Kuya?"

To say that he was surprised would be a lie. He wanted more with the strawberry but only if he wanted it. Now he was practically asking him. Smiling gently, he kissed him softly. "I would say yes, but only if you are okay with it."

"I am, more than anything. I love you, Byakuya, and I want to share this with you and only you."

He was touched by the words that come from him. Caressing his cheek, Byakuya planted small kisses along his jawline. "Well, if you're sure. I love you too, Ichigo, more than anything." Bring three fingers to Ichigo's face, he smiled. "I wasn't quite prepared for this, so..." he was saying but was cut off when Ichigo took his fingers into his mouth, coating them in his saliva. Deeming them ready, Byakuya took his fingers from his mouth, trailing them down his body until he reached Ichigo's puckered entrance. Kissing the strawberry hard, he slowly thrusted the first finger in, working past that ring of muscle. Moving it slowly, he worked that muscle to try and loosened it up. When he though he was ready, he added a 2nd finger, getting a lil hiss from Ichigo. Looking into the amber eyes he loved so much, he smiled.

Feeling the two fingers inside, Ichigo felt like he was in heaven. All of a sudden, he felt something wonderful. "Ahhhh...Hit that again! Feels so good!" he exclaimed.

Knowing that he had hit Ichigo's prostate, Byakuya worked his fingers in more, making sure to hit that spot again. Adding the final finger, he moved them in and out slowly. Byakuya wanted to make him see stars again, so he thrusted his fingers in at a steady pace, brushing against his prostate every time.

Ichigo couldn't take it anymore. He had to have Byakuya now. Taking his hands, he cupped the noble's face and brought his gaze to him. "Please, Byakuya..."

"Please what, Ichigo?" he purred seductively, kissing his forehead.

"Ahhh..." he moaned as Byakuya hit it again. "I..I...need you, please!"

Kissing Ichigo's lips, he removed his fingers and removed the last piece of clothing that separated them. Licking his hand, Byakuya made sure that he was slick enough. Pressing his tip at his entrance, he pushed in slowly, waiting for Ichigo to get use to it. Catching Ichigo's gaze, in one swift thrust, he buried himself to the hilt. Ichigo grunted out in pain so Byakuya stayed still, letting him get used to the size.

Reveling in the face that he finally had his noble, Ichigo smiled. Wrapping his arms around his neck, he pulled the noble into a passionate kiss. Parting from the kiss, he opened his eyes and looked into the slate eyes that he loved so much. "It's okay, you can move now."

Byakuya groaned as he started to thrust very slowly, letting them both get use to the feeling. Before too long, he found his rhythm and set himself at a steady pace. Both men were panting heavily, and Byakuya made sure to hit his prostate with every thrust.

All of a sudden, Byakuya pulled out. "Wha.." Ichigo started to say but soon found himself being turned around and Byakuya thrusted back in. After a few thrusts that made Ichigo see stars, Byakuya leaned over his lover's body, wrapping him arm around Ichigo's waist. Slowly, he lifted Ichigo into a sitting position, giving both a new position that made of them moan. Keeping his arm around his waist, Byakuya used his free hand and turned Ichigo's face to where he could still kiss him. "Thought you might like this," he whispered huskily, as he started thrusting again.

Ichigo was in heaven. He started meeting Byakuya thrust for thrust and before too long, both men were moaning. Ichigo knew he couldn't last much longer and Byakuya must have sensed it, because his hand snaked around.

Taking Ichigo's manhood, he timed each stroke with each thrust, giving more pleasure to both of them. He could tell that Ichigo was trying to hold back but he wanted Ichigo to cum first. Speeding his strokes, he nipped at Ichigo's ear, with his warm, hot breath making him tingle. "Just let go, Ichi...just let go.." he said as he moaned.

Just hearing Byakuya say that broke Ichigo's resolve. Ichigo's orgasm ravaged his body and exploded all over his stomach and Byakuya's hand. Feeling Ichigo's inner walls clench around him, Byakuya lost it and spilled his seed into his young lover.

With both of them spent, Byakuya pulled out and laid Ichigo back on the bed, laying next to him. He propped himself up on his elbow, looking down at his young lover, whose eyes were still closed. "Feel better, Ichigo?" he asked with a smile.

Ichigo opened his eyes, and looked up at the older man. "Yeah, I do," he whispered as his hand lifted up and caressed his cheek.

"Ichigo, would you consider staying here with me, in the Manor?" Byakuya wanted to ask him another question but wasn't quite sure how to word it. "Uh...Ichigo...I was wondering something," he started saying as he sat up, trying to collect his thoughts.

Ichigo could tell whatever he was wanting to ask eating at him and he hated seeing Byakuya like that. Sitting up next to his lover, he wrapped his arms around the noble. "Byakuya, what's wrong? What are you wanting to ask me?"

Byakuya looked at his young lover and smiled. "You are aware that there are a lot of same-sex couple here in the soul Society, right?" Ichigo nodded his head. "Well, I was wondering...if maybe..." Byakuya stopped for a moment to take a deep breath. This was harder to do than he thought. It had been easy with Hisana, but something about Ichigo made it nearly impossible. "Will be stay beside me for all eternity, not only as my lover and partner, but as my husband?"

Hearing the words come from the noble literally made Ichigo's heart jump for joy. He couldn't believe that he would want to spend the rest of eternity with him, when at one time, Byakuya found him to be an annoying brat. Smiling, he kissed Byakuya gently on the lips. "Yes, more than anything, Byakuya. Like I told you earlier, you're not getting rid of me." Right then, the clock in the room struck midnight, signaling the beginning of the new day. Ichigo also knew that today was Byakuya's birthday. Wrapping his arms around his lover, Ichigo drew the noble in. "By the way, Happy Birthday, Byakuya."

"Indeed it is," whispered the noble as he drew the strawberry back in for a passionate kiss.

In his heart, Byakuya knew he had made the right choice. He was glad that he had finally decided to reveal his hidden feelings.

A/N : PLEASE R&R! Really wanna know what you all think! :) As I said this is my first yaoi so please NO FLAMERS! All advice is welcome!