"What's the address?" Morgan asked as he got into the driver's seat.

"16065 Dumfries Rd. in Montclair," Prentiss told he colleague as she slid into the back seat.

"Oh, God," Morgan swore. He turned on the car, the lights, and the sirens, and peeled out of the parking lot.

"What is it, Morgan?" Rossi asked the obviously distressed agent.

"I sold that house barely a month ago. I sold a house to a kidnapper," Morgan said as he sharply turned the car. "It's 20 minutes away. I can't believe they've been so lose this whole time."

"Tell us about the floor plan, Morgan," Hotch said trying to distract the other agent from his guilt.

Morgan merged onto I-95 and said, "There are two doors to cover. There's a basement with a door in the kitchen, right across from the back door. He could be keeping them there or in the large shed about a quarter of a mile behind the house. The house is kind of a little way into the Prince William Forest and the shed is back in the woods. You can't even find it unless you know it was there. Goddammit, I showed that son of a bitch exactly where it was."

The turned onto Dumfries Rd. and Morgan turned off the lights and sirens. He didn't need anyone to tell him that if the UnSub knew there were cops coming, he would panic and kill Reid and Henry if he hadn't already.

Morgan pulled into the driveway and the team exited the vehicle, sliding on Kevlar vests and drawing their guns.

"Hotch and I will cover the back, Rossi and Prentiss, you cover the front," Morgan whispered. "Give Hotch and I 30 seconds to get into position, then bust down the door."

They all silently crept into position. As soon as Morgan heard the front door crack open, he kicked in the back door, too.

"FBI!" Rossi yelled as they entered the house and saw the UnSub. Harold was in the entrance to the hallway, holding a bottle of beer. He paused for a split second and then darted to the right. All four agents rushed to the doorway of the room he had escaped to but all they managed to catch was a glimpse of him running away through the open window.

Morgan darted out the back door and chased after the fleeing criminal, the rest of the team following close behind him. Morgan was immensely glad that the shed had needed repairs too or he never would have been able to find it in the dark woods.

He saw a light coming from the doorway and he rushed in. He saw Harold Michaels on top of Reid, hands around Reid's neck. Henry was huddled in a corner, sobbing.

Without a second thought, Morgan holstered his gun in one swift motion and, quick as lightning, was at the cot, punching the attacker in the side of the head. The man's head hit the wall and bounced off, falling sideways onto the cement floor. He seemed to be dazed for a split second before lunging at Morgan's legs, trying to take to agent down.

A shot rang out from the doorway and the violent man fell to the floor, blood pooling around his body.

Morgan turned to see Hotch, gun still raised, looking blankly at the man on the floor. The other agent slowly lowered his gun and made his way to Henry who launched himself at his mother's friend.

Morgan turned back to Reid, never so thankful to see those brown eyes.

"Henry?" Reid asked in a raspy whisper.

"Hey, hey, hey," Morgan chastised lightly, "don't talk. Henry is fine. Hotch has him."

"Ambulances are on the way," both men heard Prentiss call.

Morgan looked up to see Prentiss standing in the doorway, looking at her coworker and friend with a mixture of pity and nausea on her face.

When he looked back down at his friend, he saw tears welling up in the young man's eyes.

"Hey now, Pretty Boy," Morgan smiled weakly, "no need to cry. We got you."

Just then the paramedics rushed in and pushed Morgan out of the way. They quickly and efficiently moved Reid to the gurney and out the door of the shed. Morgan followed right behind them.

"I'm gonna ride with Reid," Morgan informed his team members as he climbed into the ambulance. "I'll see you at the hospital."

The paramedics were closing the doors when there was a loud shriek. Henry, it appeared, did not want to go anywhere without his godfather. After a quick check, the paramedics decided that the little boy was fine to ride in the back of Reid's ambulance and a quivering toddler was delivered into his Unca Morgy's arms.

"Unca 'pesser!" Henry shouted, trying to climb onto his beloved godfather. Morgan didn't let him no matter how hard he wriggled, so the baby settled for grasping at Spencer's fingers while the ambulance began to move.

"They founded us, Unca 'pesser," Henry said softly. "They caught the bad guy."

Reid opened his mouth to respond but Morgan answered for him.

"Hey, little man," Morgan told his honorary nephew, "Uncle Spencer's throat is a little sore so he can't talk to you right now but I bet if he could, he would tell you that we are the best team in the world and we always find the bad guy. Just like the super heroes."

Despite almost being killed not 10 minutes ago, Reid managed to muster up a roll of the eyes, as if telling Morgan what a dork he was being.

"Unca 'pesser is the beeeest super hero in the world!" Henry cried, releasing his godfather;s hand to throw his arms wide. "He didn't let the bad guy get me."

"You know what, Henry," Morgan said, giving Reid's unbroken arm a squeeze, "you are absolutely right. Uncle Spencer is the best super hero in the whole world."