A/N: A Jalec romance posted in a series of drabbles ( though they're all longer than drabbles). Review! and enjoy. And please, if you write, write a Jalec fic. They don't have enough love. This is pre-CoB, as the summary explained.
Disclaimer: I own nothing of TMI series.
Alec didn't like the idea of hunting a demon so far from the familiar streets of New York City. And he certainly didn't like the fact that there seemed to be no other civilization around for miles. He and Jace had taken an expensive taxi ride out of the City—following Hodge's instructions, and now found themselves out in the New York countryside.
They were tracking a demon that had killed three Downworlder's back in the City. And according to Hodge, they would find it somewhere out here, in the serene parts of rural New York.
Currently, they were stopping to camp. Both being exhausted from a day spent trudging around the less populated countryside. And now Jace was setting up a tent over in a small clearing in the little forest they'd decided to camp in, while Alec looked for firewood. Not that there was much that could be used as firewood out here, and the fact that it was dark didn't help, but he was giving it a try.
Once Alec had collected an armful of twigs and small sticks, he started back towards the small glen where Jace was setting up camp. When Alec entered the clearing, he saw the 'tent' Jace expected them to share: A small gray sheet draped over some poles was all it appeared to be. And the little thing looked barely big enough for one person to fit in, let alone two.
Alec dropped the bundle of wood he'd been carrying down onto the forest floor, looking skeptically at the tent, "We're supposed to sleep in that—together?" He asked, frowning at the small tent. Jace turned to glance at him sidelong, "Yep," He said simply, a grin playing across his lips.