7/2/2016 – Yosha minna~! It has been five years! I also don't know what's happening with me. Haha! But, I am truly thankful for all the wonderful and inspiring reviews that you have given me. Yes, I initially made this as a one-shot. I had ideas, but I did not push through since I've become busier. And I was afraid I might not be able to finish it. I thought I had moved on. Five years later, here I am. Because of one song, I remembered this guilty pleasure. I have a strong urge to finish this prequel before my free time ends. (sob) And while writing this… I realized that ByaHisa is actually my top pair in Bleach. It took me years to realize that!
This, again, will be considered as AU (alternate universe) since I haven't really caught up to the present Bleach. I've only gotten to the Full-bring arc after Aizen-senpai, but I do know that my Rukia has now a (spoiler) bankai and it's definitely the prettiest, one of the strongest out there. I want to allot more time for Bleach. And, crazy ideas are crazy. And yes, I have the need to push this out of my mind since… you know, reality requires a big space in brain. (sob)
Same notes. It has been a long time since I've written so please go easy on me (hehe). It might not be as good as the previous one, but thank you for giving time to read this.
I definitely appreciate well-founded thoughts that you have provided me. Thank you for those who have spared time to leave their comments! Truly motivating. It keeps me smiling every time. I seriously love the Kuchiki family and I wished there were more screen time for them.
Have a nice day! Enjoy!
wakizashi - traditional Japanese sword shorter than the katana
Bakudo no Hachi: Seki - Way of Binding 8: Repulse
Hadou no Sanjuuichi: Shakkaho – Way of Destruction 31 – Shot of Red Fire
Kidou – Demon/Spirit Way; Demon Arts
Yare yare - Japanese expression roughly translated as 'oh boy/ man'
gomen nasai – Japanese expression used to sincerely apologize
Bakudo no Ichi: Sai – Way of Binding 1: Restrain
Taichou - captain
Fukutaichou – vice-captain
hai- yes
The wind blows softly, but enough to flip the pages of the book backwards.
Another day, another life. Hisana mused as she went to the nearby well of her old house to fetch water. It was already nearing daybreak, so she has to move quickly and get everything prepared before the busiest part of the day starts.
And for Hisana, it is another day to accomplish her second life—a blessing, a new life geographically and essentially far from the kind that she previously had.
More than fifty years ago, she had been proclaimed as dead. No one from the people who knew her is aware that she still exists... That she hasn't actually died.
But perhaps, it was for the better.
No one knows, except for her. Alone, with every memory she has shared with the people she treasures. A part of her was no doubt thankful about such miracle, but a growing part of her wondered why she was kept alive.
Every life... has a purpose.
Even for someone who has done nothing but wrong? Who has burdened not just one, but two most important people in her life?
That whoever saved her must have believed she still has to do something as opposed to how she already regarded herself as?
Before she relapses into another series of negation, Hisana tightened her hold on the pail filled with water. She has to be thankful of everything that comes her way. After all, what couldn't zip her in total silence could make her stronger.
Every life... has a purpose.
That line kept ringing in her mind. Should she go back to her former life? Hisana wasn't sure about that. As if she still has something to go back to. Even if it wasn't the case, going back means facing what she had left unsettled which eventually bothered her precious people with it. And that was something she was not confident enough to face... yet.
But... Is there such thing as total preparedness? Is there any point in life that one could be indisputably and completely ready for anything that comes their way?
Hisana sighed. No matter how she rationalizes her fear, nothing will change if she does not act.
It has been four years since she woke up from her decades-worth of slumber. She perfectly remembered everything about herself—before the tragedy, the one who was with her during her supposed last moment—even she thought she had died that time—then she woke up like she was just dreaming all along.
Every waking day she feels as if the strength she was constantly losing before is coming back steadily, but surely. As if she was blessed enough to be bestowed upon a brand new life.
Maybe, she was fated to fulfill what she has failed to way back. Evidently, it is not yet her time to completely fade away.
Hisana smiled as she continued to walk her path back to the house. She truly needed to devise a way to easily push her irrational tendencies away.
"I wonder when they will be back..."
When she woke up from comatose state, there was an old couple by her side who seemingly had taken care of her. Truth to be told, she has not yet verified with them what in essence happened to her. What they told her was that they found her unconscious, but on the brink of dying, within the forest near their area. They decided to take care of her and from then on, they have lived together far away from the busy lands. They lived off from planting different crops and catching fishes from the close by river. They were the only people inhabiting that specific vicinity. It would take them days of travel to reach the nearest village. They were isolated, but it was fine with her. Life is so simple there. But she was more than happy and grateful of the unconditional generosity that the old couple has provided her with—she was treated like a part of their family. They taught her necessary information, including self-defense that could be beneficial to her present and future, and hugely motivated her to keep moving forward.
That blissful, undemanding life with them seemed endless until a year ago; they suddenly disappeared without an explanation. They instead left her a note and two objects.
"We will be back."
Hisana drew something out from her pocket which revealed two golden flower-shaped brooches. Those pins were attached to the note they left.
"... Should you need help, use these."
The raven haired lass couldn't figure out what they meant by the 'help' part. At first, she thought it referred to as a means to support her financial needs. Those objects seemed legit and could cost a fortune to begin with. They must have been important legacies passed down to generations and Hisana wondered why she was entrusted with such important properties. Exchanging those for a wealthy life has never been an option to her anyway. That would be too much. Instead of resorting to over thinking, she decided to just wait for them to explain what they meant by it.
Regardless of their reason for leaving her behind, she has an enormous amount of faith that they would come back to her. She would wait for them no matter how long it would take them to. She trusts them completely—they were her saviors after all. She owes them her life, and she could never thank them enough.
Although at some point, she has a growing need to know more about the old couple. They give off an unusual kind of feeling that she could not explain which boosted her strength revitalization at a quicker rate. And even without them, she continuously feels getting vigorous each day. Her physical wellness before was nowhere near at what she has today.
You must be strong in order to survive in this beautiful, but cruel world. Those were the last words of the old woman to her. She decided that she would always bring their wisdom with her wherever she goes.
It couldn't be any truer to her situation right now. She was currently nursing someone back to life she found unconscious and heavily injured in the nearby forest. The woman was in a critical condition but not for too long; after a series of patience and perseverance, Hisana was able to help her completely move away from death's door, and presently recuperating on the second floor of the old, wooden house.
It has been two days since she found her; she is still unconscious but in a stable condition. Somehow, it was very fortunate that she was no ordinary woman to have a faster recovery pace.
She is a shinigami.
And Hisana clearly remembers who she is.
The vice captain of Eighth Division in Seireitei. She appeared sleeping peacefully. There was a large cut across her abdomen but Hisana was able to ease it finely using the possible resources that she has within the house. It was the first time that she had taken an injured person in ever since she has lived there.
Still, Hisana was shaken a lot by this event. She hasn't expected yet to encounter related people from her past. It was... too soon, she thought. One cannot be truly ready unless he is already in the situation.
Hisana sat beside the sleeping figure. She had engaged in personal conversations with this woman before. She was not sure if they could be referred to as friends, but she clearly remembered how fine as a woman she was. A smart and calculated officer who would constantly keep her subordinates and most especially the captain in track. Hisana could not help but smile at the memory as she witnessed Nanao-san scolding the eighth division captain for slacking off. He truly needed someone to check up on him every now and then.
Her memories, her previous life in Seireitei triggered in her head like dominoes falling one after another.
Hisana shook her thoughts away. She needed to focus on more important things.
"Nanao-san... Please get well soon." Hisana muttered as she dipped a clean piece of cloth into the basin filled with lukewarm water. She then squeezed it, letting the water run back into the container. "You have to live. You are needed by your people."
Nanao, who had been conscious for quite sometime now, couldn't believe at what she has just heard from the woman who saved her. She has recently become aware of her surroundings and state. Earlier, she scanned her environment as soon as she opened her eyes only to find out that she was taken in a civilian house. Based on its construction, she deduced that she was in a farther district of Rukongai. She ruled out the possibility of being in an enemy's territory, even if she has no solid proof yet. Well, even if she was, she has enough confidence to take the enemy out easily, now that her strength was reaching its normal level. Only one. Nanao could feel the reiatsu of the person outside. She could be wrong in one though.
The person couldn't be just an ordinary civilian.
Nanao immediately shut her eyes off as she felt the said person's movement closer. She needed to investigate first. She could still vividly remember how grave her wounds were, and how close she was to death. She must have been out for a day or two, but for her to feel like she was almost close to full recovery in a short span of time outside the Court of Pure Souls was ridiculous.
She took a deep breath. Even the house itself was giving off a different but a positive feeling she couldn't specify yet.
She has to be sure.
"Nanao-san... Please get well soon."
Her savior... She knows her! A woman... Who could she be? Nanao felt her heartbeat getting crazier each second. The more she thinks about what she has just perceived, the more that her mind goes in turmoil. Furthermore, that voice... That voice is eerily familiar! Where has she heard that before? The eighth division vice captain tried to rack her brains out.
"...You are needed by your people."
That made something snap within Nanao's mind. She might not have been able to recognize the speaker's reiatsu at first, but the voice... that kind of tender voice...
There could only be one which automatically popped into her mind.
When she felt that the woman turned her back on her, Nanao shot her eyes open.
The thought was just outright preposterous, but she has experienced a far greater oddity in life which could render this not entirely impossible to happen. Whichever the answer is, all she has to do is to give it a shot.
"Hisana... Kuchiki Hisana."
Hisana stiffened.
Silence followed as Nanao gradually pulled herself to sit up. "I..." Nanao tried to catch her breath as she endured the throbbing pain on her abdomen. "I don't know how it is possible... But I can't be wrong... It's you, Kuchiki Hisana-san."
The said woman found herself unable to react appropriately. She stayed still on her spot, her heart kept pounding against her chest. Nanao must have been conscious for some time already, and was just waiting for a proper timing to talk to her.
Mustering all the courage to feign innocence, Hisana spoke up. "What are you talking about?"
"No use in hiding it, Hisana-san. I know it's you." Nanao answered without faltering. Her features softened bit by bit as she continued. "Turn around, please."
She didn't change at all, that Nanao-san. Still as observant as before. Hisana sighed in defeat. "Even if I turn around..." Hisana did as told, with a genuine smile on her face. She leaned closer to Nanao and put on her glasses. "Will you be able to see clearly without this?"
Hisana has one of most gentle smiles Nanao has ever seen. Overwhelming with elegance, despite originating from the lowest district of Rukongai. She could still remember how she had mistaken Hisana for a true noble. The air around her was so warm and enchanting that could naturally draw people towards her.
How can she forget that?
"Don't underestimate me." Nanao said, returning the smile back.
Hisana clamped her mouth. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to—"
A modest noble she is. "You still haven't changed though. But thank you, Hisana-san. I owe you my life."
"T-that's too much! I almost did nothing in fact..." Hisana shook her head and tried to hide her embarrassment. "I apologize for a sloppy treatment... I have no ample supplies here..."
Nanao was aware of it, making her even more baffled. She knew her own healing rate. "With the kind of injury I had, it would usually take me days or a week to recover..."
Hisana was also aware that Nanao was trying to find better ways on how to ask the most important question.
How is she still alive?
"Kidou." Saying that Nanao was surprised was an understatement. "I have been recently trying to learn the demon arts and tried to apply the healing one to you... But it is still on progress. And my spiritual power is still..."
Nanao narrowed her eyes on Hisana. It's not just the presence of adequate spiritual power that she was surprised about; she was also learning kidou, on her own! She did not doubt what the other woman has just claimed. Nanao caressed her abdomen. It was indeed the workings of kidou.
"I know I have a lot of things to explain... But I hope you are not doubting my authenticity." The probability that she was a fake, or an enemy in disguise. But Nanao is too clever to fall for that if such was the case. "I would still understand in case you do though."
"I have seen far more ridiculousness for me not to believe it. Don't worry, it'd be my own fault if I had mistaken." Nanao said, noticing Hisana's hesitation. "Spill, Hisana-san. Do not be afraid. Please trust me."
Hisana knows that her fate is about to change after this.
A day had passed without a single moment wasted in Nanao's discernment. It was already nearing dawn, and she was still unable to wink a sleep due to what she has discovered about Hisana's miraculous resurrection.
If she had to weigh oddities in her life, this would take the trophy for being the most surreal phenomenon she has ran into. Hisana told her everything starting from the story more than fifty years ago when she was thought to be dead. The interval between her supposed death and resurgence was ambiguous to the involved woman too. It was not clear if Hisana actually died and was revived—Nanao would bet it was through some forbidden technique—or whoever pulled the trick made everyone believe she was dying and put her into a deep sleep after. The possibilities for that particular case were infinite, and it was quite making Nanao's head ache, in addition to the fact how she was ambushed by some unknown fiends when she was doing her patrol mission with her colleagues. Who is responsible for this? Why is this happening to Hisana?
She has a lot of questions, but there were two main points Nanao raised in her head. One: Someone must have an issue or two with Hisana that not even death could resolve; two: Who is Hisana? There must be more about her that not everyone was aware of.
There is only one idea that Nanao is entirely sure of—Hisana's life will begin to move again.
"What have you gotten yourself into?" Nanao whispered as she watched the sleeping figure illuminated by the fire lamp beside her. It was too cold. She could see how Hisana was trying hard to fight the coldness of the room. Nanao couldn't see anything which could be a good source of heat, except for the lamp. Not only that, Hisana has given her all the blankets she has to keep her, the patient, warm. She was too kind. She was too selfless. Nanao was not given the chance to see this side of hers before because she was within the Kuchiki manor most of the time. She has heard more of bad rumors about Hisana than the number of times she had conversed with her. The vice captain sighed. The dark side of nobility. Of course Hisana was unwanted there.
But... the simple fact that Kuchiki Byakuya, the head of the greatest noble clan in Soul Society literally fought for her hand meant she was not even a millimeter close to such atrocities.
Nanao pulled all the covers and carefully placed them over Hisana. She wondered how the sixth captain division would react if he found this out—that his beloved wife was alive all along. And Kuchiki Rukia, too.
The pain of losing someone significant is unfathomable, and to continue living without anyone whom you cared for to know that you still exist... Living without anything but only regrets, guilt, and boundless feelings of helplessness—
Isolation... Isn't it even worse than death itself?
"This woman... is strong." Nanao let out a small smile as she watched Hisana slowly getting relaxed. "I can now see where Rukia-san got her tenacity from..." They are truly sisters, in features and strength. "No wonder Kuchiki-taichou is hopelessly devoted to you."
She kept her gaze on Hisana's sleeping figure until she saw something silvery that caught her attention. The object was attached to a metal strap which was connected around her neck, and Nanao felt awed at the sight—
A simple necklace with a silver ring in the middle.
A few hours have passed and the morning sun was already up in the sky. Hisana's purple orbs slowly opened as rays of sunshine incited them to. It was morning already. The raven haired woman shot up at once. She woke up later than the usual. When she looked at her side, it was already empty. She then stood up and tried to find any signs where her companion could be at the moment. Hisana couldn't still believe how fast shinigamis recover from such wounds. She couldn't have gone home already... could she?
Her train of thoughts vanished when she saw Nanao watching over the crops in the front yard. Hisana smiled. She quickly went downstairs and called for Nanao. They both went inside the house to have their breakfast. After an hour, both of them decided to take a stroll outside as they continued their previous exchange.
"I didn't know you are an excellent cook, Hisana-san." Nanao commented positively. "If I had my squad right now, pretty sure you wouldn't have anymore supply of food for the next days."
Hisana giggled. "You are exaggerating. But thank you." She then turned to notice Nanao's hair freely dancing with the cool air. "I remember you used to tie your hair before."
In response to what she said, Nanao carefully grabbed her hair and rested it on her left shoulder. "Oh, I still do. I think I lost my pin somewhere in the forest..."
Hisana smiled as she clasped her hand together, still gazing at Nanao's hair. She couldn't help but think of a specific person as she looked at it. "I wonder if his hair is as long as yours now..."
"His?" Nanao asked spontaneously but was able to realize what she meant afterwards. "Oh. Kuchiki-taichou."
Hisana couldn't deny feeling her world stopping whenever she hears his name.
Nanao adjusted her eyeglasses as a warm curve graced her lips. "He had his hair cut."
"He did?" She couldn't almost believe at what she had just proclaimed, for her husband was too sensitive about his hair before.
"Yes. That's why a horde of girls are going crazy with his new look."
Hisana stifled another giggle. "He is always popular."
"And my captain would always tease hi—" Remembering the particular captain of hers made Nanao suddenly stop in the middle of her remark, slapping her forehead as an irritated expression appeared on her face. Life is so simple and relaxing in Hisana's place that she has almost forgotten her duties in Seireitei. "Shoot. I nearly forgot how much of a slacker my taichou is. I wonder how the squad is... right now."
Hisana appreciated how Nanao openly showed her care for her teammates. "I am sure they are already worried about you... I may not be much of help, but I shall accompany you until the nearest village, should you decide to go now..."
There was a tint of sadness in Hisana's voice that was so subtle it could go unnoticed by anybody else, but not with Nanao. In a short span of time, they have formed a friendship they were not able to achieve before. However, what surprised and worried Nanao the most was the implication that she would not be going with her back to Seireitei.
"Hisana-san... Are you not planning to leave this place?" Nanao asked. It's now or never, she thought. Although she could pinpoint Hisana's reasons for not leaving as an option, still, in Nanao's perspectives, it would be better if she does.
Hisana might not have weighed in yet how dangerous her situation is.
Sensing Hisana's unsaid response, Nanao used it as an opportunity to continue. "This might not be my place to say this, but do not prolong your agony..."
Staying there, living a simple life yet constantly worrying over her worth, her family, her issues... wouldn't change anything.
"...and theirs."
Both girls turned to the direction of the voice that suddenly intervened. How come they didn't notice? They both made themselves ready in case the owner decided to attack. A figure behind the tree suddenly divulged itself as Nanao's orbs widened in recognition.
Kyouraku Shunsui, Eighth Division captain.
"T-Taichou?!" Nanao blurted out in surprise. She did expect her teammates to get her, but not the captain itself!
"I am hurt, Nanao-chan. You didn't file your leave of absence properly." Shunsui said casually as he approached the girls. Hisana was too stunned to react right away.
Nanao sharpened her eyes on him. "Even if I did, you won't allow it."
Shunsui laughed.
"Since when are you watching us?"
"Ohh. Hmm... I can't exactly remember when, but I thoroughly enjoyed watching beautiful girls have their chitchats. More beautiful than Seirei—"
Shunsui barely avoided being hit by Nanao's fist. "I see that you have recovered really well, Nanao-chan." He turned to look at the other woman who still had a surprised look on her. She must be contemplating whether to feign amnesia or not. "I'll be devastated if such a lovely woman like you forgets me, Hisana-chan. It's been a long time."
Hisana was instantly defeated by Shunsui's smile. He might slack off a lot, but his mind is as sharp as his blade. However, she still couldn't figure out how to converse with him. After all, he was one of the closest mentors of her husband.
"Don't frighten her, Taichou." Nanao said, shielding Hisana from Shunsui's vision. "Are you okay, Hisana-san?"
Hisana nodded. "Yes, I am alright." She turned to face the captain. "I apologize for my rudeness, Kyouraku-sama. Good day to you." She then bowed her head politely.
"Yare, yare, still a woman with finesse you are, Hisana-chan. You look even more beautiful today." Shunsui and his fine lines, too. Nanao only sighed inwardly.
"And livelier even. What's your secret?"
This time, Hisana knows what to answer next.
For the second time around, Hisana retold her story to Shunsui. They were back in her house and she was serving them tea.
"Hmm." Shunsui muttered. "That was quite an adventure you had, Hisa-chan. How are you now?"
"Eh?" Somehow, that was not what she was expecting from him. "I... I am... better?"
Nanao suddenly spoke up. "Please reconsider leaving with us, Hisana-san. It will be for your own good!"
Hisana looked downward for a moment, and eventually smiled at Nanao. "I appreciate your concern, Nanao-san... But I..." Averting her eyes away, she clenched her fist. "I am not sure if I have the confidence to..."
So that is what hinders her to go back. She thought that everything was her fault, including the things she had no control of. Even way back, she constantly thought lesser of herself. Her failures in life kept on stopping her from moving forward.
But Nanao understood why she is like this now. She had no one to consult with for the past years. Even if she wanted something to change, if a big part of her insists on pulling her down, then it would only be in vain.
A deafening silence followed their conversation. Shunsui only adjusted the sakkat on his head. Nanao was trying to find the right words for her viewpoint when Hisana became alerted all of a sudden, feeling something was wrong. This made the other two people in the room turn their attention to her, curious at her impulsive movement.
Hisana trudged her way near the cabinet and the duo watched her bring out a composite bow and a quiver as she strapped it on her back. With a determined look on her face, Hisana faced her visitors. She just had a hunch that she should be expecting unwanted visitors later. They are here.
Shunsui felt awe at the sight in front of him. Never had he imagined the sixth division captain's wife in action, since she was too sickly to even fend for herself. Not only that, her senses were keen, too.
Nanao's eyes amplified in shock. What is Hisana going to do all of a sudden? And to think that she knew how to wield weapons!
"Gomen nasai for interrupting, Kyouraku-sama, Nanao-san. I just need to do something important for a while." Smiling at them, she lastly said. "Please let yourselves feel at home." With that, she hastily went out of the house.
Nanao was flabbergasted. Hisana's stance changed without warning. What exactly happened to her? Nanao was about to stand up and follow after her when her captain beat her to it and spoke.
"Bow and arrow suited her well, but might not be accepted by gramps." Of all the things he should be making remarks on, it was on the least important. As expected from her captain. "Don't worry much, Nanao-chan. Her strongest enemy is not out there, but within herself."
Nanao couldn't agree more.
"Stay here, Nanao-chan. Take it easy." He said as he placed his head gear on Nanao. "I am glad you are safe."
Nanao's features softened as she watched her captain walk away. She let out a soft 'yes', and held on the sakkat tightly. If it weren't for Hisana, she might have been a goner already. For sure, Hisana is a strong woman, but she certainly needed utmost guidance.
Hisana was already inside the forest near the river. That was the boundary of what the old couple strictly told her to not cross alone. And she, being an obedient girl she was, did as what she was told to. She pulled an arrow from the quiver and loaded the bow. She momentarily closed her eyes to concentrate and track the movement of the enemies. One... No, two. She tried to follow the direction of the stronger wind and from there, she saw an armed man in black clothing at a distance running towards her path. She pointed the bow forward and aimed at the enemy. She stretched and released the string in a perfect timing, and the arrow increased its velocity due to the wind. However, the man was able to block it with his sword which prompted Hisana to shoot arrows at a faster rate. She was able to hit the man on his limbs, making him stop from his tracks and kneel on the ground. Hisana was about to shoot another one when she sensed someone near and took a swing on her side. She managed to do a back flip in time. The second man made another attempt as he immediately slashed towards her. When she was about to dodge it, she failed to realize that she was already at the edge of the riverside, making her fall into the water due to clumsiness. The masked man in black roared, ready for another attack when the now soaked Hisana put her right hand forward and chanted. "Bakudo no Ichi: Sai!"
The second man's sword dropped as his arms were forcefully locked behind him. He squirmed in his place and growled furiously. Hisana took this chance to put a favorable distance away from the man when she barely managed to dodge a sword thrown at another angle. It grazed her right arm, droplets of blood started to ooze from it. Hisana hissed in pain, dropping the bow from her hand. The first man still has some strength in him.
This was not the first time she has encountered such beings. In fact, she has been engaging in combat with those unknown men even she was still with the old couple. Hisana did not know what exactly they desired, but undoubtedly, they were after her. The one who would usually deal with them was the old man. Even with his age, she could still remember how powerful and fast he was in battle.
The situation pressed the couple to teach Hisana basic fighting skills. Not necessarily to defeat the enemy—knowing her physique—but at least enough to protect herself, deflect the enemy away until she is able to find for help. However, Hisana perceived it as inadequate. She cannot and shouldn't be asking help every now and then. She has had enough of how she was— weak, always relying and burdening others for her sake.
That resulted for her to study and learn more techniques in fighting enemy off which was more suitable to her style and level. The old couple continued to support and trained her with those, too. The two senior citizens were too knowledgeable and Hisana couldn't help but wonder why they weren't living in Seireitei, or at least near it... But more importantly, who are they, really?
Hisana mentally slapped herself. This is not a good time for reminiscence. She has to find a way to shut the rogues' movements off and question them. Binding them with kidou has been proven effective, but her reiatsu level as of the moment was too low for another blast. She has to buy time in order to regenerate enough stamina to use. She has been using her reiatsu since she was treating Nanao. Aside from that, her spiritual power reserve was nowhere near a shinigami's... yet. But she knew if she continuously trained, it would improve.
Man number two was restricted with a binding spell, so he was out for the mean time. But man number one was already on his way to her. She subsequently picked her bow from the ground up. Think, Hisana. Think. She forced her right arm to get an arrow from her back quiver. She took a deep breath before loading the bow with it. She then stretched the bowstring and aimed at the man who was approaching her. She was pretty sure she had already aimed the parts which could render him stationary, but it was impressive that he could still move with his injuries albeit becoming sluggish. She couldn't see his expressions because he was completely masked. As soon as she released the arrow, she instantaneously moved to the opposite direction. She couldn't afford to engage in a close combat yet. Otherwise, it'd be a few steps away from her end.
But the man was able to dodge it. This made Hisana shoot a series of arrows as she continued to put some distance from him. Her efforts came into fruition when she saw the man kneeling on the ground again, with several arrows pierced on his body and limbs, and one on his mask. She didn't mean to kill him. With guilt soon arising within her mind, Hisana relaxed her stance as her breathing became ragged. She lowered her bow as she began approaching her enemies. Blood continued to drip from her wounds, as well as her fingertip due to excessive firing of arrows. Her strength had been drained away. Luckily there were only two foes, since they usually come across with triple times the number of what she had fought today. And they seemed less skillful than the batches before.
Hisana stopped by with a considerable distance from them. Man number two, who kept on roaring against his mask and trying to undo the bind, was located on her right near the river stream, and man number one, who was kneeling on the floor seemingly lifeless, was at least a hundred meters to her north.
Over, Hisana thought. She was about to take a few more steps towards the man she bounded by kidou when she suddenly felt lightheaded. She staggered as she continued to walk until her body couldn't take the exhaustion anymore, making her genuflect on the ground. Her eyes were threatening to close anytime soon. She was literally out of commission.
Hisana clenched her fist on the soil ground, leaving line marks on it. She shouldn't leave the matter half-baked. She still has to know more.
While Hisana continued to fight against her losing consciousness, the mask of man number one broke off due to the arrow embedded on it. It revealed a pale face of seemingly a dead man with his mouth gradually opening as an increasing amount of energy was beginning to be formed on it. Hisana tried to look up, still panting. She did not know what was happening, nor she has enough strength to think and move away. Every second passing by makes the concentration of energy on the enemy's mouth increase, too. Once it was released, who knows how much damage it bring.
Hisana stayed still, her body frozen to the ground. Beads of sweat trickled down her temple as she tried to think of other ways to survive. She can't die. At least not yet. She still needed to do something about the mysteries in her life.
She is still yearning for her husband and her sister.
The zero-like release from the enemy has began to shoot towards her direction as she could only shut her eyes off and shield her body with her arms. Hisana continued to have that kind of stance until seconds later, she has noticed that the beam was not able to hit her. She was still in one piece. She immediately looked up, only to find a strong, translucent barrier in front of her.
"Hado no Hachijuuichi: Danku."
The beam was then redirected upwards, away from Hisana. This consequently knocked the opponent down. The one who made the barrier took a step and knocked the other enemy down in a flash.
Hisana's eyes widen in realization. " K-Kyouraku-sama..."
Shunsui didn't look at her. Instead, he asked. "Are you alright, Hisa-chan?"
"Y-yes, I am..." Hisana muttered as her vision gets even foggy with time.
This time, Shunsui took a look and kneeled beside her. "Doesn't seem to be the case."
"K-Kyouraku-sama... Arigatou."
"My pleasure. You've got some awesome fighting skills there, Hisa-chan."
"I... was taught some techniques..."
Shunsui smirked. Clearly not just 'some'. She was probably trying to learn some more, for herself. And for him, it indicates a good sign.
She is preparing herself for her fate.
"I still want to know more about you, but this is probably not a good time and place." Shunsui remarked as he continued to scrutinize Hisana's current state. She would be passing out soon.
What Shunsui did not expect the most was when Hisana gently grab his arm and spoke.
"How... How are they..." Her voice was faint, but Shunsui was still able to hear it. She was already half-conscious.
"You mean Kuchiki-taichou and Rukia-chan?" Shunsui gladly replied.
Hisana humbly nodded.
"They are doing well. I mean, better than you probably think."
The raven haired lass smiled genuinely. "I see... I am glad... I am truly glad..."
"Do you miss them?"
Hisana tightened her hold on Shunsui. It must be her exhaustion that she was feeling more emotional now. Or perhaps, she has finally found people whom she could share her feelings with, and provided her with unconditional positive regard. "I do, Kyouraku-sama. I do... So much... There is no day that passes I will not think of them..."
Even if she does not say it, he knew. "Then meet them."
"E-Eh?" Hisana forced her head to look at him.
"If you miss them, then see them."
"I wish it was just that easy..."
"Nothing is impossible of you will it." Shunsui said. "Once the 'will' is translated into an 'action', then you decide whether it's worth it or not... Do not let the opportunity be limited within your imagination."
Hisana's eyes were brimming with tears as Shunsui suddenly scooped her up and carried her, continuing his talk. "Stop seeing them in your mind; meet them in reality. So go with us."
"C-Can I...?"
Shunsui briefly closed his eyes and started walking away, with Hisana in his arms. He had no reputation of refusing a request coming from a woman like her. "As you wish, my lady."
Hisana closed her eyes and let herself succumb to her exhaustion, knowing that once she wakes up, she would have to start a new chapter of her life.
Nanao has just finished treating Hisana's wounds. They were not life threatening, but with the kind of body stature that Hisana has, those minor cuts has to be treated without delay. Her reiatsu was almost drained, but her condition was already stable. The woman with eyeglasses sighed. She certainly did not anticipate that their situation would be reversed; it hasn't been long since she herself had been in Hisana's position.
Nanao pulled the blanket over Hisana and lifted herself up from sitting position. She subsequently trudged her way down the first floor. Hisana's house was too small for a regular two-storey house but definitely enough for her to live in. Despite its limited space, it was astounding to note how properly organized the equipments and supplies are. Nanao then inspected the room and found her captain closing the door of a bookshelf adjacent to the cabinet from which Hisana took her weapons from.
"It's rude to use something without the owner's permission, Taichou. I thought it has been a general rule of courtesy." Nanao remarked as she took her last step down.
Shunsui chuckled, not bothered by Nanao's sudden remark. "I know she will forgive me."
"Taichou... I..."
Unable to say what was on her mind, Nanao looked away in embarrassment. This perked Shunsui's attention. She does not usually do that. If she did, then she must have a serious matter to discuss about.
"Taichou," Or a more personal issue to address. "I can't leave Hisana-san yet. I have to convince her... She has to go with us. For her sake...!"
Nanao-chan has been to be too calculated and strict, which made Shunsui worry about her emotional state. He is glad he could still witness this side of his vice captain.
"Why, didn't she want to live here alone? Isn't she happy here?" Shunsui asked, somehow taunting her.
"No, she isn't! She might be all smiling, but that is just a facade. She is being slowly killed in the inside. She might have narrowly escaped death, but living alone with only feelings of regrets and loneliness... Is that even far from death itself?" Nanao explained. Her features gradually softened as she delivered her personal thought about the matter. "... I can't stand it..."
Even his vice captain possesses such warm feelings for others. Shunsui couldn't help but feel happy and proud of her.
Silence ensued afterwards. Nanao rarely requests something, and when she does, it would be for other's sake. Shunsui then sighed. Such a kind girl he has.
"Yare, yare... How can I refuse such intense feelings from my Nanao-chan?"
Nanao's face brightened. "You mean...?"
"Yes, she will be leaving with us. Besides..." Shunsui looked up as his expression changed into a serious one. "... She has to."
This caught Nanao's attention and became even more curious. "What do you mean, taichou?"
"Don't you feel anything strange here?"
As expected of her captain. Nanao meekly nodded. Still, she couldn't tell exactly what it was though.
"This place will crumble soon."
Nanao's eyes widened. "How... How did you know?"
"I met someone from the nearest village." It was probably the same village Hisana mentioned before. "If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have found this place."
An idea popped into Nanao's mind as she recalled her conversation with Hisana. "He must be the old man that helped Hisana!"
"Old man?" Shunsui tried to recall the appearance of the man he met. "Nah. He looks young, maybe a rival for Hitsugaya-taichou in terms of looks." He still managed to make fun of a serious discussion. "But clearly, he is not an ordinary citizen."
"To be exact, I would've probably circling the village forever if it weren't for his tip."
Nanao couldn't believe at what she was hearing. It could only mean one thing.
"This place does not actually exist. Not even in the records of Soul Society."
It was the usual busy day in Soul Society. Children playing freely on the road, making small time businessmen fuming mad at the recklessness of those fooling around. They have no ways to replace damaged merchandise in case. People shouting, children giggling innocently—an endless routine in the world of souls.
Not in Seireitei. It was supposed to be unruffled, as what it should have been—the sixth division captain of Gotei 13 pondered on as he opened the door of his office. He sat on his chair afterwards and resumed thinking, never breaking the impassive expression on his face.
Another day in his life.
It should have been such a flawless day, except that the eighth division was currently in scrambles, making the whole protection squad meet up several times in order to address the issue. It shouldn't have been the case if it only concerned several of the mentioned squad's low-ranking members; however, the involved comprised a large part of the reconnaissance team headed by the vice-captain whom was currently missing, but was last seen sustaining heavy injuries. The said team was able to come back in full piece for they were saved by their leader and was ordered to go back to Seireitei. Half of them were able to report the said incident but the rest remained within the seventy-eighth district of West Rukongai to look for Ise Nanao, who was lastly witnessed by some citizens there. After nearing four days of lacking positive reports, the commander-general decided to leave the matter to sixth division for retrieval of Ise Nanao.
But the head ache did not end there—Kyouraku Shunsui, the eccentric captain of eighth squad, followed after her and hasn't been reporting since five days ago.
The leader of four noble houses sighed inwardly. People have been selfishly moving about these days.
But he's not the one to talk. He had also committed acts which could be considered as selfish in nature. He understood that once emotions overwhelmed one's heart, there could only be one true answer even if there were a thousand options. He knew, based on experience. He knew, even if he was inclined to strict adherence of the law. And he knew, that no matter how powerful one is, there are things that cannot be brought back once lost.
It was another day of his life.
Another day without his wife, Hisana, in his life.
How many thousand days had it been?
Every day he is without her,
Every day he yearns for her.
His wife has been an integral part of his life, and how he became the kind of a man he is right now.
He is moving on pretty finely, but the longing in his heart keeps growing that it can drown anyone in.
He will never forget her—and that's because he cannot and does not want to.
The memories he has shared with her would be forever engraved in his heart and mind.
Byakuya stared outside the window, seeing the cherry blossom tree. It was already spring, and the flowers were already in full bloom. How he wish he could show such magnificent view to her...
Three loud knocks on the door were heard, snapping him out of his trance. When he called for the person to come in, the intruder instantly genuflected on the ground and started his report.
"Eighth division captain Kyouraku Shunsui, vice captain Ise Nanao and the reconnaissance team have been sighted near the gate, Kuchiki-taichou. They have safely returned."
They were exemptions though. They were once lost, but now they have come back.
"Heeya, I don't know if I've missed this place or not." Shunsui said all of a sudden as he kept on walking along with Nanao, and Hisana, who was wearing a grey cloak covering her face which only showed her eyes. They were nearing the entrance to the Court of Pure Souls. This was almost her first time to see a lot of people since she had woken up. They were traveling for roughly four days, which was a lot faster than she originally thought. They had met up with the other eighth squad team members, and used shortcuts as well as various voyage opportunities which greatly reduced their travel time. The busy streets that they passed by during their journey back... It felt so nostalgic.
She was feeling a mix of happiness, excitement, and nervousness that she was almost unable to contain within herself.
Hisana pulled the cloth to cover more of her eyes and lowered her head.
Nanao noticed Hisana's uneasiness and tried to comfort her. "Don't worry, Hisana-san. Everything will be alright."
Hisana looked at her and smiled. "Hai, Nanao-san. Thank you." She put her one hand on her chest and exhaled. Nanao didn't miss that, making her remember something she was not able to ask before.
"Hisana-san, I hope you don't mind me asking..." Nanao trailed off as she adjusted her eyewear. "That necklace with a ring attached to it," She pointed the object on her chest behind the cover surrounding from shoulder to stomach area. "Is that your engagement ring?"
Hisana was intently listening to her query and traced the direction Nanao was pointing at. Without further ado, Hisana brought out the object by slightly loosening the cloth around her. "This?"
Shunsui looked at the object from his side. He smirked afterwards.
Nanao leaned closer, and nearly gasped upon closer inspection of the object. That was one of the most important Kuchiki heirlooms that she had read in the history books of Seireitei. There had been reports that it was already lost several decades ago. Efforts had been made to retrieve it to the point that a whole squad was mobilized to find it.
It was with Hisana all along. And that could only mean that it was given to by the Kuchiki clan leader. It has to be.
Nanao suddenly slam the object back to its original place, making Hisana gasp at her sudden movement. For her to actually show them that casually must mean Hisana still hasn't fully realized its worth. "This is your engagement ring, isn't it?" She asked, lowering her voice.
"E-Eh...?" Hisana looked confused.
"Engagement ring!" She whispered it to her, but with conviction. "That must have been given to you by Kuchiki taichou when he proposed!"
Hisana seemed incapable to process what Nanao has declared. She tried to recall the memory when she first got it, and told her. "I have received it from him, yes... But proposal... I think that was not the case..."
Nanao literally stopped from her tracks. This made her companions do the same, looking at her.
"What do you mean?!" Nanao couldn't seem to stop herself from reacting too much. She couldn't get it. If it wasn't for an engagement, and it was a precious heirloom that used to represent marriage in noble clans, particularly Kuchiki clan, then what was that for?
Hisana gulped a bit at Nanao's intensity with regards to the ring she has. "I... received it during our first meeting."
Nanao felt like her jaw dropping from the revelation she has just heard. She was unable to react away verbally, but in her mind, something was getting on point.
"—but I tried to give it back, please believe me!" Hisana said, hoping that they would not misunderstand her. Shunsui couldn't help but chuckle at that part. "I tried to give it back... Not just once, but multiple times already. And he kept on rejecting it..."
Shunsui would pay to see Byakuya's reaction that time. That would be priceless!
"Okay, then what did he say about it?" It was Shunsui who asked her this time. It seems that Nanao was still yet to digest everything.
"He asked me of two things in exchange for the ring," Hisana trailed off as she looked at the ground, as she reminisced her first and most unforgettable encounter with her husband. "He asked for my present and future."
Shunsui's mouth made an 'o' shape. He's the man. He smirked. Nanao, on the other hand, had sweat dropping from the side of her face as she munched the information she was getting to the core.
She then closed her eyes. She finally comprehended how Hisana understood her situation. And she got a hunch of what she was about to say next.
Hisana looked from Shunsui to Nanao and continued. "I tried to give it back because... I did not get what he meant by it at first... I was overwhelmed by his presence as well because he was a nobleman... This ring—" She caressed its contour as she spoke. "—was too precious that I did not think my present and future combined were even worth as an exchange."
Nanao closed her eyes. She knew it.
"Maybe he wanted me as his aide? I didn't understand how he could trust a stranger like me at that time with such treasure. Regardless, I was too preoccupied on looking for Rukia... So the ring would just be wasted on me…"
Nanao sighed. Shunsui sustained on chuckling as he resumed walking. Both of them raised their conclusion within their minds.
Byakuya was surprisingly impatient. However, Hisana was incredibly dense.
"Ano... Nanao-san, are you alright?" Hisana asked worriedly. Nanao answered her positively and motioned for her to keep on walking. They were trailing behind the captain now. "I was thinking of giving this back to him, since... I think... His provisions were not exactly met..."
Nanao shook her head. It was as lucid as the stars that the sixth division captain proposed to her the first time they met for some reason—one possibility was to secure her as his, without her fully acknowledging his intentions.
He is hopelessly and helplessly in love with her.
She did not know how Hisana managed to get his attention, let alone the unconditional adoration of the merciless clan leader, but for Kuchiki Byakuya to secure his hold on her on the first day, to give her a ring worth more than a quarter of Sereitei without an assurance that she would reciprocate—
He has fallen into a bottomless pit of loving her.
No wonder he never did look at other women, nor considered marriage proposals from other clans.
"He would not want that more than he'd want you back." Nanao said, smiling. "Treasure that. It represents his love for you."
Hisana's expression softened, curving her lips into a small smile. "This is one of the best things that have given me strength all these years..."
Nanao tapped Hisana's shoulder lightly, genuinely encouraging her.
"But... Are you ready to face them?" Shunsui suddenly asked as he matched their pacing. They were almost nearing the gate where Jidanbou guards. "Kuchiki-taichou and Rukia-chan I mean."
Hisana's chest began to tighten in anxiety. "C-Can I... I think..." To ease the pressure building up within her, Hisana briefly closed her eyes and exhaled calmly. "Is it possible to delay it... I need to prepare, get used to... If it will not be too much to ask, Kyouraku-sama."
"Hmm~" Shunsui hummed, feeling her edginess. "If that's the case, then I suggest you do this for... until you are ready to."
Both girls looked at him curiously.
"While Rukia-chan might be out in the world of humans, you might be encountering Kuchiki-taichou more often, since you cannot hide from him for too long." He informed her. "Given that Nanao-chan will be helping you with a little disguise... You have to refrain from speaking, even when he is in front of you."
Nanao agreed. It was Kuchiki Byakuya they were talking about. He is one of the sharpest shinigamis out there.
"But, Hisa-chan, you must ready yourself always." Shunsui said. "Because I'm pretty sure he would know you in a flash."
But he'd experience conflict with himself, whether to believe it or not. Nanao unquestionably agreed on that part.
"Thank you, sir, for the advice." Hisana truly appreciated their inputs. "But may I humbly ask... How are you sure?"
"Because he is your husband." Shunsui answered casually. "When a man falls in love, he can be frighteningly knowledgeable about the one they are desperately devoted to."
One would not simply realize the extent of his passion.
"Who is frightened, Kyouraku-taichou?"
A voice abruptly interfered in their conversation as Abarai Renji joined their group. This made Hisana immediately adjust the cloth around her head to cover her face. Nanao suddenly moved closer to Hisana so she could relax a bit.
"Oh~ Abarai-kun. It's nice to see you again." Shunsui greeted back. "Do I still have a place in Seireitei?"
Renji narrowed his eyes on him. He was truly a laid-back person, that eighth division captain. "You still have, but you have a lot of things to explain..."
"Ohhh, I knew Yama-jii missed me a lot. My body is prepared for his stories... I believe."
Renji sighed and looked at his companions. He greeted Nanao and asked how she was; they exchanged a few lines until his eyes went to the other person they were with whose identity was somewhat hidden. Based on the stature and clothing of that person, it must be a girl.
"And she is...?"
Hisana stiffened under her cover.
"An important witness." Nanao said in her usual tone.
"Oh, I see." She must be a noblewoman not wanting her identity to be shown in public. Renji was still quite suspicious about it but let the matter go since it could be a private case.
The four of them proceeded to enter Seireitei as Jidanbou opened the gate for them. They walked in silence until they spotted someone whom they did not expect yet to bump into at that stage.
Shunsui moved closer to Hisana and whispered to her. "Look who's welcoming us."
He did not have to remind her, for Hisana was already stoned on the ground; his presence alone was enough for her to know who he was.
Nanao gulped. Of all the people to see them first hand.
"Oh hello there, Kuchiki-taichou. It's been a long time~" Shunsui and his casual greeting for the second time around.
Hisana's heart pounded against her chest like it angrily demanded to get out of its cage. Her nervousness radiated throughout her entire body—pinning the sole of her footwear on the ground as her body dared not to move a single muscle even if Nanao was making her continue moving forward as if she could not hear anybody else, except for her loud thoughts.
She mentally noted that she could effortlessly follow Shunsui's suggestion regarding speaking up if such body mechanism of hers would persist.
"You are following no one, Kyouraku. I would have prepared your eternal resting place should your return be delayed any further."
The throbbing in her chest increased, and his voice aggravated it.
How many years has it been since she lastly heard his voice?
Somehow, despite her inner havoc, Hisana could help but feel that it changed. Not in terms of its depth, but it was more of...
Cold. Hisana thought as she involuntarily clenched her fist. Based on what Nanao had told her, she could pretty much conclude how he became even colder and ruthless. If there was someone to blame for it, there could only be one.
It is my fault. Hisana bit her lower lip to restrain from trembling. Byakuya-sama...
Nanao certainly felt it, that Hisana was starting to have her resolve disintegrate with each passing second. Even without her seeing the face of her husband, the effect of his presence on her was too great for her to handle. She will pass out soon. Aside from that, it seemed that Byakuya has already set his eyes on Hisana.
Nanao has to move quickly.
"Pardon my rudeness, Kuchiki-taichou." Nanao cut in as she successfully gained Byakuya's attention. "But my companion here needs medical assistance as soon as possible. Please excuse us." She then bowed her head and assisted Hisana in walking forward. The three men watch them move from their spot.
Byakuya closely watched how the women moved, particularly the one covered by a piece of cloth. He didn't doubt her gender based on her kimono and physique. She could have been an important person related to their mission.
He would be normally indifferent when it came to such stipulation. But somehow, this has become one of the rarest times he could not seem to take his eyes off from such being he couldn't tell who. He was normally a rational individual, but this one instance, his instincts, embarrassingly enough, was going wild.
He had never been interested to learn about women beyond what was necessary even after his wife's death.
Renji, who was just silently watching the whole scene, did not miss the sudden flicker of interest emanated from his captain. He has known him far enough to know what could move and catch his nitpicky attention.
Moreover, it was a woman.
He couldn't believe it.
It was not Renji alone who became the spectator though; Shunsui was calmly watching the scene with a smirk on his face.
Byakuya became increasingly conscious of the distance between him and the woman being assisted by Nanao. In few seconds, they would be passing him by. By then, he would be able to fill in his curiosity and eventually shut his irrationality away.
He thought it was that easy to push his raging instincts away when the distance from their side finally closed. He barely saw her face, but he was able to perceive something else which put more fuel to a pending chaos within his once peaceful state of mind.
They passed him by smoothly. But for him, time seemed to have stopped from moving.
His eyes widened, and his facial muscles became more rigid. Surprise was clearly evident on his face.
Renji could not believe at what his captain, known for his ruthlessness and dispassionate personality, shown in a flash but apparent. It was the first time he has seen him react like that. What kind of person was she to elicit such once in a blue moon expression from Kuchiki Byakuya?
The two stopped from walking as Byakuya told them too. Sweat trickled down Nanao's temple. Were they too close? Did he notice her right away?
Byakuya recollected himself internally. There was a huge, strong part of him that wanted him to forcefully tug the veil away from the woman himself. But that would be against his principle; moreover, she belonged to eighth division's custody.
What he has just perceived couldn't be wrong. However, it was creating more irrationalities and impossibilities in his mind.
But he has to cool himself down. He could not afford to go back to being impatient he was.
"Disregard what I have said, Ise Nanao. You may go."
Nanao nodded respectfully and they disappeared within a flash.
Silence followed among the three men until Byakuya sharpened his gaze on the relaxed captain of squad eight.
"What is the meaning of this, Kyouraku?" Byakuya asked with increasing seriousness in his voice. Renji gulped. Not only his voice, but his spiritual pressure was increasing, too. He couldn't exactly pinpoint what was happening.
"That's too fast, Kuchiki-taichou." Shunsui replied as he neared Byakuya. "Just as I expected... But your senses are really scary."
"We need to talk." Not tearing his eyes on him, he continued.
"After Yama-jii. That is, if I can still survive after his sermon."
He was growing intolerant.
"It was supposed to be a surprise gift, but I heard you don't like gifts. So I think I'll give it you as a surprise then."
The way Shunsui looked back assured him of what to expect.
"However, the surprise is undergoing a lot of things, so let's not rush."
He couldn't promise that though.
But what he knew, as screamed by his instincts, that his life would be forever changed by that surprise.
The news about the return of the two most powerful members of eighth division spread too fast. But that was not exactly what Ukitake Jyuushiro has been hurrying for. He walked briskly through the corridor of squad eight barracks.
He couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe what Shunsui had told him when they bumped into one another. He couldn't extract more information from him since he was currently being grilled by the commander-general. He decided to directly ask the greatest source of information—his vice captain.
A few minutes later, he finally reached the main office of eighth division and was about to open the door when he felt the presence of not just whom he expected, but also the spiritual pressure of another important figure.
"Kuchiki-taichou, our guest is still sleeping. If it doesn't trouble you, you can still go back some other ti—"
"I do not require her to be awake." The deep voice of sixth division captain rang through the hall. "I will just simply see her."
Nanao sighed inwardly. They had been going at it for how many times already. Byakuya was being too persistent about seeing Hisana. To think that he, who hated waiting, had actually stayed there on the same spot in the office for an hour just to fulfill his objective of seeing their custody. It hasn't been long since Hisana retired for the day due to exhaustion. She had almost passed out earlier when they arrived in their quarters. She was still adapting to spiritual pressures, in addition to her emotional state.
Above all... Kuchiki Byakuya could have used his position to push what he desired, if he willed. But instead, he waited for a chance to talk to her and somehow, he was asking her within the protocol.
Nanao, seeing this Kuchiki Byakuya go to such extent of seeing Hisana, thought that he already knew their detainee's identity for sure.
She didn't know how he realized it, but with just one chance of meeting her, her captain was probably right about him.
Still, she would need to make sure if he really did know.
"With all due respect, Kuchiki-taichou," Nanao started to go straight the path. "Why are you so adamant in seeing the person we've just taken in?"
Byakuya curtly closed his eyes, and directed them to Nanao, making her feel his seriousness. This sent chills to her spine, trapping her into his gaze.
"What more reason could I have than the fact that the person you are hiding from me—" Byakuya straight out told her, an impassive look still on his face. "–is none other than my wife."
Nanao didn't fail to notice the faint emotion that has been mixed in his voice when he delivered the last part. Her features softened. He truly knew.
The door busted open as the two focused their attention to the intruder right away. They saw the thirteenth division captain with eyes fully awakened in shock.
"So it's true, after all?" Ukitake asked.
Nanao sighed. It seemed that her captain wasn't exactly a secret keeper. Maybe he disclosed it to Ukitake, but for Byakuya, it was probably a different case.
"Yes, it's true, Ukitake-taichou." Nanao affirmed. "Kuchiki Hisana is alive."
It was subtle, but the vice captain didn't miss when Byakuya lightly clenched his fist. Ukitake was unmistakably still in shock.
"I met her in the farthest area in West Rukongai. Even I couldn't believe it at first." Nanao said. "But she saved me. She genuinely saved me."
Byakuya couldn't deny the emotion welling up within his body as Nanao continued to give her feedback.
"How... How did that happen..." Ukitake uttered. "How come she is still alive?"
"That's the same sentiment we have, Ukitake-taichou." Nanao lowered her head, looking down. "Even Hisana-san herself doesn't know anything."
"That's impossible..."
"I have also taken into consideration of her being a bluff, but I'm sure she isn't, and taichou would've done something else should that be the case." To which Ukitake agreed.
Nanao looked at Byakuya. Just the thought that her husband was able to recognize her in a blink proved that she wasn't a living dream.
"She only knew that she was sleeping during those years. When I met her, she claimed that she was assisted by at least two senior civilians, but eventually she was left to her own devices for the past year."
Something snapped within Byakuya's mind when Nanao delivered the last part of her report. His wife had been alone suffering, while he was living a peaceful life in Seireitei. It felt like every cell in his body was boiling, making him want to expel the inexplicable frustration building up in his body.
It was unacceptable.
It didn't take long when Byakuya started to move away from them. Ukitake tried to stop him, but to no avail, they knew it would be futile.
Byakuya stopped for a moment and spoke to Nanao. "I am not going to use my position to get her. However, I have my right as her husband to see her, and desire to ensure her well-being. "
She—they never planned to hide the truth from them in the first place. There were circumstances that his wife was still trying to address and resolve on her own. As a parting message, she asked him politely. "Then Kuchiki-taichou, there is only one thing I would like to request from you." She trailed off with a determined look on her face. "Give her more time. Please." Nanao bowed her head respectfully.
Byakuya resumed walking. He knew. "Understood." It seemed that in a short period that Hisana and the vice captain shared, they have developed a relationship that has depth based on how the latter took the matter into consideration. Normally, she wouldn't bother go all the trouble to do that, since she was known to strict implementation of protocols. Today was different, and he appreciated her help towards his wife.
"You have my gratitude, Ise Nanao."
Without further ado, Byakuya completely left the room, leaving Nanao and Ukitake dumbfounded inside. Never had they expected for him to thank anyone no matter what happened.
Byakuya has already arrived in front of the room where Hisana was currently resting at. It seemed that she was sleeping peacefully, and his presence didn't perturb her rest. He slowly slid the door to open it, revealing the figure of the woman he thought had died more than fifty years ago.
Byakuya's expression began to soften as her near his wife. He gradually sat beside her sleeping form. There was no mistaking it; his wife, in front of him, breathing in a rhythmic pattern. She is alive.
This was no dream. He assured himself. He still has a lot of questions about her miraculous revival, but there would be a time for that later. For now, he only desired to cherish this moment with her. Even if she was sleeping, as long as she is alive, and real. That would be enough. More than enough. For now.
He stared at her sleeping form. He could stay still and just watch over her for hours. Even from before, prior to the tragedy, he was fond of gazing at her. Her smiles, her soft voice, her expressive purple orbs, her elegance, and her warm touch— everything about her persisted to drown him into a spiraling addiction. A spellbinding beauty she possessed that he could never get enough of.
She has become even more beautiful. The paleness that once graced her skin had been replaced with a livelier one. Her cheeks were a little flushed, and her lips... Byakuya resisted the urge to seal them with his own.
She must have been too exhausted. Byakuya lightly brushed a few strands of her hair on her face. They could have been traveling for days. Moreover, she was still on her adjustment period, as testified by Ise Nanao. The high spirit pressures within Seireitei must have contributed to her exhaustion, too. But she was able to hold on for a long time, and he felt that her reiatsu, which was once almost nonexistent, became stronger now.
Byakuya slowly lifted her right hand, move it closer to his lips. He then kissed the back of her hand. Her skin was still soft... And more importantly, she was warm. He caressed her hand lightly with his so as not to wake her up when he noticed she was holding onto something—a ring. She was holding onto the ring he gave the first time they met each other.
Byakuya's lips curved into a small smile. It was still with her.
It didn't take a while when Byakuya noticed some cut marks on her hand and tape around her index finger. His brows constricted. She couldn't be wielding weapons, could she?
But that was a possibility. She had to live alone for a long time. She had to fend for herself. She had to everything in order to survive.
If he only realized it sooner... He wouldn't make her suffer. He would... give everything that his love could ever provide for her.
He wondered how she would react upon meeting the one she had been searching for all her life.
Byakuya looked at her and found her sleep talking. Her voice did not change much. It was still the same sweet voice that lulled him every time. She was calling him. How he missed her calling his name…
"I am here, Hisana."
Hisana's sleeping form relaxed once more.
There could have been a lot of things that prevented Hisana from meeting him directly. Whatever they were, he would make sure that they would be resolved gradually but surely, and would not interfere to the relationship that they have.
It was his last chance to his one and true happiness.
Hisana slowly opened her eyes as she regained consciousness. She searched her environment and found no one. She pulled herself to stand up and slid the door open. It was already morning. Her eyes widened. Did she just sleep for a whole day?
She fixed and arranged the futon she had just slept on, and set it on the side properly. She then went outside to look for Nanao. She couldn't exactly tell where she was heading though since she had no chance to go around yesterday; she instantly passed out as soon as they have arrived there. As she was roaming around, she found a sink and faucet outside. She went to wash her face when somebody unexpectedly called her, and found Nanao. They greeted each other until she invited Hisana to eat breakfast with her. Both of them went straight to the vice captain's quarters. When they have settled in, Hisana volunteered to prepare the food, but Nanao refused and told her to stay still and rest.
"By the way, Hisana-san. Are you familiar with Ukitake-taichou and Unohana-taichou?"
Hisana immediately nodded, affirming. "Yes... They are very kind people."
"They've come to visit you yesterday. And Unohana-taichou prescribed some medicines for you to take." Hisana muttered an expression of appreciation. "She'll be seeing you tomorrow for another check up."
"It is a shame that I was not able to see them... And I apologize for sleeping the whole day, Nanao-san." Hisana said, embarrassed.
She has nothing to apologize for, in fact. Unohana made sure to extend her sleep so she could examine her better, and then started her treatment. Aside from that, Byakuya, Ukitake, and her captain Shunsui were all there in the same room, discussing about Hisana's condition and... the mysteries behind her. Nanao wasn't able to learn their full conversation since it was her turn to report to the higher ups. What her captain only told her was that Byakuya reluctantly let Hisana stay within their custody for the mean time, for her sake. Nanao was sure there was more into it. She was so sure that her captain has learned more things about the mysteries behind Hisana.
Naturally, her reappearance has been kept a secret for now.
"Woah... So lovely!"
Nanao snapped out of her thoughts as she turned her attention on Hisana who has felt awed at the sight of a cherry blossom bouquet on the couch beside her. Nanao jolted suddenly when she remembered something she should have done earlier.
"That's yours, Hisana-san." Nanao mentally scolded herself for forgetting. "I was supposed to give it to you earlier... I'm sorry."
Hisana blinked. "Eh...? To me?"
"Yes. All yours." Nanao smiled at her.
"But..." Hisana still couldn't believe that she was the recipient of such beautifully arranged Sakura bouquet. She just couldn't contain her happiness upon seeing this particular flower. It has been a long time since she saw one. There was no Sakura tree in her place before; tears of happiness almost filled her eyes.
Nanao could safely assume that it was her favorite flower. Good job, Kuchiki-taichou. "The sender would appreciate more if you would just cherish it than for you to wonder who gave it." Byakuya truly has his ways.
"Hai." Hisana mentally thanked whoever gave it to her as she put the bouquet on her lap. She stared at it with happiness written all over her face.
Afternoon came and Hisana was all alone in the office. Nanao had to run some errands which were mostly the pending document processing that she had left prior to her disappearance. Hisana made use wisely of the time and cleaned the the captain's quarters. She arranged the documents splashed on the table and dusted off the furniture and couch. She turned to sweep the floor after when the door cracked open, revealing the eighth division captain who was amazed at the cleanliness of the room.
"Woah. Never had I imagined my office to be this visually stunning." Because he seldom stay long in his office that was why he wasn't used to it. "Thank you for your kindness, Hisa-chan. How are you?"
"I am feeling better, Kyouraku-sama." She smiled at him, placing the broom on the side. "I hope you did not mind me arranging your things..."
"No, not at all. I really appreciated it." He replied before settling on the couch. He looked at Hisana going back to work at the corner of his eyes, as he reminisced what happened yesterday. Things were unfolding pretty quickly, just as he thought it would. And Byakuya was unrelenting as ever. To think that he would realize his wife that fast. Aside from that, there was something that he felt he was close to discovering— something vital to Hisana's miraculous recovery.
But man, the sake that Byakuya sent him yesterday was phenomenal. His eyes lingered on the Sakura bouquet on the center table. An idea suddenly popped into his mind as he relaxed on the couch, his sakkat covering his face.
Of course, he is going to return the favor. Sakura and sake go together best.
"Aaaa~ soon as I came back, there are a lot of work to do~" He grumbled all of a sudden, making Hisana stop working and stare at him. "So many documents to send to..."
Hisana felt pity washing over her as she listened to Kyouraku. "Ano, Kyouraku-sama..."
"Would like me to do that for you?"
"What do you mean?" He knew it was quite easy to lure her into his trap due to her kindness.
"Help you with those documents, sir."
Shunsui smirked behind his sakkat on his face. "Eh, really? Will you do that for me?"
"Gladly, Kyouraku-sama." Once more, Hisana set her cleaning equipment aside and smiled.
Shunsui uncovered his face and turned to her. "Are you sure? Will you be fine?"
"Yes. It will be an opportunity for me, too. I have to get used to Seireitei once more." Hisana said. "Besides, I cannot run away forever..."
She is moving forward, definitely. "I am glad."
"But..." Hisana trailed off, unsure. "Is that urgent? Because it might take me sometime to reach its designation..."
Shunsui laughed. "I will be sending one of my men with you, don't worry."
Since Hisana has some weaknesses when it came to directions.
A few hours had passed and Hisana has finally arrived in front of the building the document was supposed to be dropped at.
"Sixth Division..." Hisana read the sign slowly. A few second has passed and a personnel escorted her inside the hall. The one she was with stayed outside, claimed that he would wait for her as ordered by his captain.
Hisana breathed out to calm herself as she walked along with her guide. She could feel a lot of people with high spiritual pressure. After all, this is a division in protection squad. Everyone is strong.
"You're sent by Kyouraku-taichou, are you not?" The woman inquired politely. Hisana affirmed it, smiling. "Normally, I could have just receive these documents but for some reason..." The woman winked at her, gaining a confused look from Hisana. "Taichou requested for your presence. This is a first!"
Hisana was confused. Who could that be?
Their walk continued as Hisana noticed several eyes on her. Most of which were men, who were whistling in a subtle manner as she passed by. She wondered if there was something wrong on her. Her hair was loosely tied in a messy bun and was wearing eyeglasses in addition to her disguise. She was not as worried as she was before since only a handful of people knew her.
It was not any later when Hisana heard something from side conversation that made her world stop temporarily.
"Did you hear the rumors?"
"What rumor?"
"Kuchiki-taichou's finally remarrying?!"
It seemed the color on Hisana's face momentarily vanished at what she heard. The woman beside her noticed her sudden distress and inquired her about it. She immediately returned to her smiling face and internally tried to calm herself down.
It was nothing she should be surprised about. It was natural. A lot of years had passed by and it was about time for the clan leader to look for a new wife. For Hisana, Byakuya has to be with someone who could provide him complete happiness he rightfully deserved.
Hisana exhaled, and smiled. She mentally slapped herself for overthinking. Whether he remarries or not, as long as she could she see him happy, that would be more than enough.
"What, are you also a fan of taichou? Don't mind the rumors," The woman assured her, winking again. His popularity was truly as high as his spiritual pressure. "According to his die-hard fans, they're nothing but full of emptiness, knowing how... high Taichou's standards are." She laughed. "But, you know," This woman was quite informative, in fairness. "They said that taichou has sent someone a bouquet of flowers."
Hisana nodded her head, and replied. "Then he must be truly seeing someone."
"Aww not you too. I thought you were a fan of his."
Hisana giggled.
Both of them made a stop in front of the door, and then the woman continued. "Tsk. I really thought you are a fan; I bet his true fans will be reeeally jealous of you once that they knew that he was specifically asking of you in his office."
Hisana looked at her with disbelieving eyes. "Eh? What do you mean?"
"Why do you look surprised?" The woman asked. "This is sixth division, and is headed by Kuchiki Byakuya-sama."
She has clearly walked into a landmine.
Her husband was a captain, just like Kyouraku Shunsui. Why hasn't she thought of this? She clearly remembered how excellent his fighting skills were, but he was not yet a captain when she was still him.
Did he recognize her already? Hisana shook her head. Somehow, she couldn't buy that. Nanao didn't mention him visiting her, nor talk about him. She has not shown herself to him yet. And even if she did—a lot of years had passed by already—it was a possibility that he did not care anymore.
Before another trend of pessimism engulfs her, Hisana took a deep breath. The documents she was entrusted to deliver must have been too important.
She has to compose herself, and act. If he finds out, then he finds out. She'd think of a solution after.
"Good luck." With that, the woman opened the door after knocking thrice as instructed by the captain to her earlier. She pushed Hisana inside and closed the door.
Hisana scanned Byakuya's office. It was huge. The space was so vast. It was almost three times larger than that if Kyouraku's. She stealthily walked on the ground and continued scrutinizing the area. His office was orderly and organized. As expected of the clan head.
A few seconds later, she heard the sound of water not far from where she was. She carefully traced her steps so as not to produce inconvenient noise and moved to the source of the sound. There was another door. She gasped inwardly.
He is in the bathroom.
How many times has she failed already? She wanted to beat herself up for her absent-mindedness lately. Must be an after shock. It must be.
She was about to leave the documents on the table and completely vacate the area when a voice coming the room stopped her plans.
"Come here at once."
Oh, shoot.
Hisana stopped her movements. Even her breathing had almost stopped at what he has just said!
Did he just ask her to go inside the bathroom with him?
She knew how willful Byakuya is. His commands were musts. But to think that he would let someone invade his space, that close... She couldn't believe it.
She eyed the documents once more. This must be extra important.
But whatever it is, Hisana has decided to face him. Like what she vowed earlier, if she kept on running away from her issues, then she would accomplish nothing.
Hisana placed the documents on the nearby table, moved to grasp the doorknob and gradually opened it. She gradually pushed the wooden door open and revealed the figure of the only man she has trusted the most.
It was true, after all. He cut his hair.
He was in the bath tub that looked more of a miniature version of hot springs. His back was facing her, and the warm air persisted to surround them.
Hisana felt like there was a huge block in her throat that prevented her to speak. Even her legs seemed to have forgotten how to move.
"Come closer." His deep, cold voice rang through the walls, sending chills down her spine. She heeded to what he said, as if her body was moving on its own.
She stopped when there was a considerable amount of distance between them. There was an awkward silence ensued before Byakuya supplied his request, his back still facing her.
"Remove the ornament on my head."
It wasn't the usual kenseikan, but still an important Kuchiki heirloom. She moved a bit closer and kneeled behind him. Not saying anything in response, she moved her hand on his head and carefully removed the ornament as he asked.
She might not have noticed, but her mere touch elicited a restrained reaction from Byakuya.
He had been controlling himself. And he was still trying his best to keep himself from sweeping his wife off her feet and enclose her in his arms. But he knew he has to take things slowly as he promised with eighth division, for her sake.
This was such a torture. Kyouraku definitely knew how to play with him. However, this is a sweet one.
It has been a long time since he felt this kind of excitement.
When he felt that the ornament he asked her to remove has been accomplished, he knew he needed to make another excuse. Just when he was about to say something next, two petite arms suddenly snaked around his shoulders. He nearly gasped, eyes widening in shock. Hisana embraced him from behind and buried her face on his nape.
His mind went blank. He didn't expect that Hisana would actually do it, considering how she was trying to avoid him based on the conversation he had with Nanao. He could feel her breath tickling his skin which almost made him shiver. He loved her touch. He always does.
He knew he was nearing his limit. He wanted to see her face, but he was hesitating. He did not want to end the kind of warmth that he has longed for decades.
They stayed still for several seconds, but for both of them, it seemed eternity.
Byakuya was to turn around when Hisana finally spoke.
"Do not look this way, Byakuya-sama..."
Her voice was faint, but he heard it clearly. It was her. It was really her.
Hisana then moved closer to his right ear and whispered something which created an inner chaos within him.
"There is nothing more I could wish than for you to find eternal happiness, Byakuya-sama."
This finally snapped the thin thread that connected his patience in one piece. He grabbed Hisana's arms abruptly and in one swift motion, he lifted her up and before she realized it, she has already submerged into the tub with him. It happened way too fast for Hisana to process what actually happened. She tried to wipe the moisture that has gotten into her eyes when someone beat her to it, completely removing her glasses away.
Byakuya caressed her left cheek across, removing the droplets of water from her face. She involuntarily held onto his arm for support. She waited for her breathing to become even due to the pressure of water surrounding her before she opens her eyes.
And when she did, the face of her husband came into her vision.
Byakuya's right hand remained on her cheek. Her eyes couldn't widen any larger than what she had.
Her husband's features became even more defined. No wonder there were a lot of people admiring him. His sophisticated presence has brought more weight on his attractiveness. But his eyes... Somehow, they changed.
"It took you so long."
The coldness that Hisana saw was slowly melting, as he continued.
"I have missed you."
He knew.
He knew it was her all along.
That she was his wife.
Tears brimmed Hisana's purple orbs as time elapsed between them. The increasing pressure in her throat prevented her from speaking yet again as she prevented herself from crying.
Byakuya was close to submitting to his desires once more. In front of him was the most beautiful woman he has ever set his eyes on.
His thumb softly caressed her slightly parted lips. He let himself be drowned with the look on her eyes as he leaned closer to her face. She slowly closed her eyes in response. Thinking was not a wise option anymore. She had also submitted to her own, too.
Both were just a breath away from each other when something dropped on the floor, making them stop and reconnect with reality once more.
The intruder looked like he has just seen something far greater than Aizen's feared power and Dondochakka's face combined.
Abarai Renji, the vice captain of the feared sixth division, has just witnessed something too incomprehensible for the logic he has established to handle.
He screamed. Literally.
Renji couldn't believe at what he has just spotted. There was no living way that his captain would actually commit such rather liberated act, not even in his wildest dreams. He was too honorable to be even classified as one of those men.
He understood that even his captain has needs as a man. But for him to actually let an unknown woman inside his office, let alone in the bath tub? He was too prideful to even do one! Renji has reached the point of considering his commander to be possessed by some dirty hollow than to accept that he did that with free will.
After the incident, Byakuya just went off like nothing happened. Right after Renji screamed, the woman instantaneously left the scene. What made Renji even more puzzled was that his captain got the nerve to be angry at him. Didn't his vice captain just save him from the kind of man against his principle?
But the woman... He did not know her, but there was a part of him that reminded him of someone—
She was almost a spitting image of Rukia.
He hasn't met her, yet it felt like he already had.
Renji chased after the woman due to curiosity. When he realized it, he ended up in eighth division barracks. He welcomed himself in and was walking through the hallway when he spotted an open room. He tried to zoom his vision in and saw the woman he was chasing. He immediately went closer to the room.
His eyes widened at what he saw.
"Ru... RUKIA?!"
Nanao and Hisana, who were the people occupying the room, turned to look at the intruder.
Hisana's eyes enlarged. Nanao only looked at him, annoyed. "Abarai-fukutaichou, that was disrespectful."
"Ah..." Renji muttered, not tearing his eyes from Hisana. When he felt Nanao's murderous reiatsu, he immediately bowed his head and asked for forgiveness.
Hisana smiled nervously. He was the man who saw her and Byakuya in the bathroom. Nanao eventually let Renji inside. He sat across them with the kotatsu in the middle.
Renji gulped. The more he looked at the woman's face, the more he sees Rukia's features on her.
"You're wrong, Abarai-fukutaichou. She's not Rukia-san." Nanao merely directed what was written on his face. "But you could say in a few years time, Rukia-san would be more like her."
He knew that was her subtle way to tease him. But she got it on spot; she was a more feminine and adult version of Rukia. And again, he had seen her from somewhere...
Renji tried to dig his brain and recalled as the women waited for her to speak up. For his captain to actually let a woman invade his space— No, that time, he was the one invading her space. The same woman who looked so much like Rukia...
Wait a minute. Rukia had an older sister, hadn't she? She was the reason how Kuchiki Byakuya found Rukia due to their resemblance. Come to think of it, she was also the same reason his captain was looking for Rukia in the first place!
That was because Rukia's elder sister was Kuchiki Byakuya's wife!
Renji's orbs broadened in his new found discovery as he traced his logic. That would justify his captains out of character actions!
"You... Are you... In any chance..." Renji started off, shocked. "Ku-Kuchiki... Hisana... ?"
Hisana smiled in return. "Hai."
Renji jolted up as she responded. He looked at Nanao with disbelieving eyes. "But that's impossible!"
Here we go with impossibilities. "The mere fact that Kurosaki Ichigo made a drastic reform to the thousand year-old customs and tradition of Soul Society was ridiculous too, but it happened." Nanao said, shifting her glasses. "There is still a history behind it, Abarai-fukutaichou. We are still looking into it."
Renji shifted his gaze on Hisana. Shock was still plastered on his face. Nanao has a point, but it was so sudden that acceptance on his part was too slow.
Renji recalled their first encounter. So she was the one responsible for breaking off Byakuya's mask lately. No wonder his captain reacts more than he usually does whenever she was brought up.
Renji sat once more and bowed apologetically in front of Hisana. "I'm really sorry about my rudeness before, Hisana-san. I hope you forgive me."
Hisana shook her head, putting her right palm in front of her to stop Renji. "No, Abarai-san... I should be the one to apologize..."
She was kind and gentle, a total opposite of his captain. "I didn't realize the situation as soon as possible."
"No one did. Everyone is surprised." Nanao replied.
Renji regained his composure and introduced himself. "I am Abarai Renji, vice captain of sixth division. Again, I apologize for what happened."
"Uhm, can I call you by your name?" Hisana politely asked.
"Yes, gladly." Renji said positively.
"Pleased to meet you, Renji-kun." Hisana bowed her head and smiled.
Renji could help but flush at the sight. She was brimming with elegance! She acted more noble than other noblewomen that he knew of. He was not wondering where Rukia got her elegance from. Still, both siblings might have similarities physically, but their personalities were quite different.
Furthermore, she seemed truly sweet and kind. They added more glamour to the kind of beauty she possessed. That kind of sophistication, like a scenery worth watching for hours...
"Abarai-fukutaichou, she is going to melt if you don't stop ogling at her."
Renji snapped out of his reverie and reddened even more. "Stop teasing me, Nanao-san."
Nanao smirked. Hisana only giggled.
"You have not drank sake yet, but your face is already as red as you hair, Abarai-kun~"
They all turned to look at Shunsui who was standing by door with an amused look on his visage.
Renji only pouted, which caused Hisana to giggle more. Shunsui chuckled too as he bid his goodbye to them. He would probably be out to drink sake again.
"Renji-kun..." Hisana called. "There was something I'd like to... know, if you don't mind..."
They all notice the gradual change in Hisana's voice. Her face mellowed down.
"What is it?" Renji asked.
"I heard that you were very close to my sister..."
Based on his captain's story, Hisana, right after she died with her baby sister, Rukia, left her due to her inability to raise her and fend for both of them. But that was what she regretted the most. When she tried to look for Rukia where she last left her, her sister was already gone. With the crushing guilt she looked for her, even if she was sickly, even after marrying the head of four noble houses. This woman clearly has a lot of issues.
This woman surely possesses a lot of regrets in her life that not even death could fully atone.
This woman loves Rukia more than her life.
"I grew up with her." Renji said, closing his eyes.
He told her everything that she missed about the sister she had been looking for all her life.
"I am pretty sure I am not the best person you'd want to gaze the Sakura with the moon gracing its existence." The eighth division captain asserted as he joined Byakuya gazing the beautiful view of cherry blossom under the moonlight in his quarters. Not bothering to look at the man who just intruded, he spoke.
"What are you doing here?"
"Aiyaa, aren't we going to start the celebration?" Kyouraku taunted as he leaned on the wooden wooden of Byakuya's dojo-style office. He got no response though. Shunsui chuckled. "Just kidding. I'm here to give you more surprises I mentioned before."
This made earned Byakuya's attention as he watched the eccentric man put something out from his yukata.
There were notebook and two golden brooch that Byakuya was somehow familiar with.
Shunsui passed the commodities to the sixth division head and spoke. "I am sure you know to whom they are from."
Hisana. The notebook could have been his wife's journal. She has shown to like writing. Byakuya then turned to the brooches on his hand.
"These are..." Byakuya's eyes sharpened. These had been his grandfather's possession, as far as he remembered. He has no idea what happened to them after his grandfather died.
"Who gave her these?"
"There was an old couple who took care of her when she woke up, according to Nanao-chan. But not much of it is known." Shunsui said. "They left her with those more than a year ago."
Mystifying. There were so much that he needed to investigate on, Byakuya mused.
"Don't you feel anything strange, in those?" Shunsui asked, still referring to the brooch.
Byakuya closed his eyes and concentrated. His eyes shot open suddenly.
"There is a faint reiatsu in it," Byakuya said.
"It is sealed though, and an even intricate one." Shunsui affirmed, smirking. "Looks like one of those troublesome Shihouin seals."
Byakuya nearly grunted at the mention of the name he labeled as annoyance.
Shunsui nearly laughed at his restrained reaction. He never changed. "Those can answer some of the mysteries, though. However, it seemed like it would take some effort."
Not just some, Byakuya believed.
"Hisa-chan," Byakuya got the urge to stop the playful man from calling his wife that way, but he knew it would only be useless. "—can't say much since she has no idea that she had been actually isolated from people, from Soul Society—"
Byakuya's eyes widened. "What do you imply?"
"She had been living in a different dimension that looked like a part of Soul Society," Shunsui said. "It was more like a sanctuary specifically designed for her recovery."
Silence followed. Byakuya was too stunned to even follow through.
"I've got no solid proof, though. That's what we have come up with as a conclusion." Along with Unohana, Ukitake and Nanao.
"Do you have a basis for that?" They surely wouldn't have come up with it without one.
"I met a handsome kiddo on the same district Nanao-chan was last seen. In a forest, to be exact." Shunsui continued. "I would have never found where they were if he didn't guide me."
The squad six captain started processing the information he has gotten as Shunsui continued.
"I don't know if yama-jii has rubbed off his experience on me but... In one glance, I know that he was immensely strong." Shunsui momentarily closed his eyes and narrowed his gaze on Byakuya as his tone went cold. "The kiddo was overwhelming with reiatsu."
There are some mysterious figures behind Hisana's revival, indeed. The heirlooms, the old couple, the place Hisana lived in, and the kid Shunsui was talking about. He was thinking that that was not just a mere coincidence.
"This is just a hunch, but better safe than sorry later, right?" Shunsui said, returning ti his previous persona. "Some people might be after her, for some unknown motive."
Byakuya's eyes twitched.
"Mattaku. Both sisters are quite the trouble magnet, aren't they?" With that conclusion, Shunsui scoffed off, as usual.
The Kuchiki clan leader agreed, but in his heart, both are his to protect at all costs.
Hisana woke up in the middle of the night. Her heart raced as she felt like she was being watched by someone. A nostalgic feeling soon arose. When she thought everything was finally falling into their right places—she still has enemies to deal with.
She didn't know where they came from, nor did she know why they are after her. Before she met Nanao, her enemies could only reach the other part across the river; they couldn't go beyond it, for some reason. That was the motive of the couple to restrict her to that fraction of the stream.
To think that they would be chasing her all the way there at Seireitei. Hisana grabbed her bow and quiver. She straight away fled the area. She couldn't afford to disturb and drag the squad which has taken her in to her own mess. She continued to run until she has arrived in a abandoned building which she thought as an acceptable place to fight. It was cold and pretty dark, but the moonlight helped her move about the area. Hisana concentrated as the wind blew over her. She was trying to feel where the first one would appear. She then pointed her bow on her west. Opening her eyes, she fired the arrow— a being came out of nowhere as she predicted. It hit the enemy's wakizashi away. She released another arrow and was able to hit the throat. The enemy fell down afterwards.
It was her chance to get away and put some more distance but little did she know, there was another lurking behind her; before she could react, a dagger was able to make a cut on her left thigh. She stumbled, lost her grip on her weapon and was about to fall down but she quickly regained her composure as she forced her spirits up. She readied herself for a frontal attack. Luckily, the enemy was using a dagger. She side-stepped before the weapon gets in contact with her body, quickly disarming the man and reflected the force he exerted using her forearm. Creating enough space between them, Hisana maneuvered and did a full roundhouse kick, throwing the enemy in the far back.
But another being came out at least forty meters from her. It started to run towards her thought unarmed.
"Bakudo no Hachi: Seki!" Hisana chanted as a round, magical shield appeared in front of her right arm. When the enemy attempted to strike her, it contacted the barrier instead and repelled him completely. She sighed in relief inwardly. She still has some luck with kidou, despite not being able to do the incantation. But she knew that won't do it.
Hisana suddenly noticed that her enemies have lined up all together coincidentally. She needed to use this chance to shut them off at once. She put her arm forward and readied for another kidou.
"Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south!" She opened her eyes and cried out. "Hadou no Sanjuuichi: Shakkaho!"
An orb of energy was generated and made its way to the targets. A loud explosion was heard soon it came into contact with them. Hisana collapsed on the ground. She panted hard as she felt the wave of exhaustion filling her body. She disliked her weak reiatsu level—she would go low with just a few minutes of combat. It seemed that her body was still getting used to rigorous physical activity.
Her self-reflection was interrupted when she felt that her enemies weren't exactly shut off as she expected. The smoke caused by the explosion gradually cleared, revealing three fallen enemies with black mask. They were convulsing.
Stronger than I thought. They were definitely tougher than the previous ones she dealt with. Hisana forced herself to get up but kept on failing. She could only manage to sit up. Her face grimaced at the stabbing pain on her leg. She has to get up and prepare for the worst. Mustering all the strength she has, she used the ground as leverage when she noticed that her enemies at least a hundred meters from her have actually stopped from shaking.
It wasn't that they stopped on their own—they were permanently silenced in every aspect in a manner not even her noticed.
Before she could react any further, an arm suddenly made its way to her back and the other under her legs. In one swift motion, she was not on the ground anymore. Her eyes widened as she saw the one who was carrying her.
The said man did not respond. Instead, he took a step and they have disappeared in an instant.
Before she knew it, they were already at a certain room.
Hisana nearly gasped as Byakuya laid her down on the futon. There was no doubt that she was at the Kuchiki mansion. Serenity and immense space. What was he thinking for bringing her there?
They haven't had an adequate talk yet. Hisana's nervousness skyrocketed as no one dared to speak first. She then traced Byakuya's line of vision and found that he was looking at her wounds.
"I will have medical personnel to provide you assistance." He said as he was about to move when his wife stopped him.
"There is no need for that, Byakuya-sama. This does not require one. I can handle it by myself." She reasoned out with a soft voice. However, he seemed rather not convinced. To put more gravity on her assertion, she grabbed his hand. "Please."
It was nearly imperceptible, but Byakuya softened her gaze on her and did not push through anymore. Instead, he turned to the nearby cabinet and pulled out a medicine kit, and obtained a yukata from the adjacent drawer. He went back and sat beside Hisana as she pulled her yukata up, revealing a swollen ankle and cut on her left mid thigh. She started working on her injuries, assisted by Byakuya. She couldn't help but cringe every time the medicine was applied on them.
Byakuya keenly watched as she worked her magic on wounds. She has definitely become a more independent woman. He remembered the diary Shunsui gave to him just a while ago— he was definitely spot on about his wife wielding weapons. Moreover, she has started to learn demons arts and manipulate her reiatsu. It has surprised him, a lot. Never had he imagined, nor wanted for his wife to engage in combat. He was quite doubtful until he saw her earlier chanting on the spot—it left him beyond amazed.
Time is changing, so is she.
It was probably in the blood, after all. Both his wife and Rukia.
When he saw that she has completely dressed her wounds, he spoke.
Hisana looked at him, curious. "Eh?"
Byakuya pointed at the yukata that he prepared.
"But…" It was not that she was embarrassed to show herself to him. However, there was an implication that she would have to spend the night there, with him.
"Change, or I will undress you myself."
He was always straightforward. Hisana conceded politely. Byakuya averted his gaze from her as she began stripping her soiled yukata off of her. The difficulty now lied with putting the clean, light yukata on her. Byakuya noticed her hardship offered his help to which Hisana responded favorably.
The sight of Hisana being graced by the moonlight made Byakuya feel even fortunate that he was her husband.
"Why… do you trust me so much?" Hisana suddenly asked as the sixth captain division loosely tied the obi around her.
"Because you are my wife."
"How are you sure?"
Byakuya finished what he was doing and stared at Hisana. This surprised Hisana, realizing how close he actually was to her.
He knew what she was trying to say. However, she might not have realized yet how he has become stronger and sharper all these years.
"There is no other man who knows you better than I do."
She had been wondering why. Why didn't he ask her anything when he already knew her right away? Why wasn't he demanding any explanation? And more importantly… why hasn't he made her feel he was blaming her for everything that has went awry because of her.
Outright fool she was. She was too blinded with the nonexistent problems that she kept on pestering herself with that she has almost forgotten the kind of man her husband truly was. People see him as a cruel individual, but he has the warmest heart of all. Her status had never been an issue to him. For her, it was almost a miracle to be chosen by him, the most powerful nobleman, without any conditions. For her, it was akin to a happy dream just being with him.
He was not asking anything; he was waiting for her to tell everything herself. He would wait, even if it took her a long time.
Hisana lowered her head. She was too foolish for him.
Byakuya has become aware of her silence. She must have been too exhausted both physically and emotionally. He definitely needed to take things slowly with her.
"Retire for the day. You need to take your rest."
He has already turned around when two arms gently encircled his back, stopping him from his original course of action.
"I am sorry…" Hisana said as she tightened her hold on Byakuya.
Stillness momentarily ensued and Hisana continued.
"I am sorry for causing you a terrible pain all these years…" Her voice was becoming more breathy. "Even after my supposed death, I have caused you even more suffering…"
It seemed that she has already been informed of what had transpired after her disappearance. It was not her fault, but she has the habit of blaming herself even for the things she has no control of. That rooted to her one mistake of leaving her precious sister behind. She couldn't get over it. Her faulty body condition put more weight on it. But he understood. He knew that under the layer of low self-esteem and guiltiness lies a strong and beautiful woman of his life.
A few seconds has passed when Byakuya felt that a certain portion of his back was soaked. His eyes widened in realization— his wife was crying.
Her tears were as silent as the wind passing by. It was unnoticeable. But when one saw, it was unbearable.
She seldom cries. The first time he saw her shed tears, he almost couldn't take it. He never wanted to see her cry.
"Your apology is not necessary." Turning around, he faced her. He put his hand on the side of her weeping face. "All I need is you."
More tears trickled down her glassy purple orbs. But those tears were due to happiness. It has been a long time since she had cried like that. She was glad that Byakuya, her husband, was there by her side. Unconditionally.
"Stay with me." He declared as he stroked her flushed cheek. "Never leave me again."
It was not any later when Byakuya closed their gap and kissed her forehead. He then leaned his forehead against hers and let himself be overwhelmed by her loving gaze.
"If this was a dream, I would not desire to open my eyes anymore."
Hisana momentarily closed her eyes and responded. "Then I will have to wake you up, Byakuya-sama." She smiled as Byakuya slowly wiped her tears away with his thumb. He smirked as he finally captured her lips with his. He used his other arm to guide her back, pulling her closer to him. She gave in, letting her husband lead her. It has been so long since they have been lost in their own world.
The wind blows softly, but this time, the pages are moving forward.
"I don't understand." Kurosaki Ichigo, the shinigami representative, garbled out of confusion. He was in Soul Society, and currently hanging out with Rukia and Renji on a grassy field under the huge cherry blossom tree. They were having a mini-picnic as they conversed.
"What?" Rukia asked him.
"So how did Byakuya realize your sister without sensing her reiatsu, the fact that she was covered, and she only passed him by just once?"
"Same question here, Ichigo." Renji seconded as he munched a tempura.
"I also have the same question, Renji-kun."
The three of them turned and saw Hisana slowly approaching their direction.
"Hi-Hisana-san!" Renji and Ichigo said in unison. Their eyes widened when they have realized what Hisana was wearing.
Renji has almost choked. "Shinigami Academy?!" He then stood up and faced his captain's wife. "Hisana-san, what's the meaning of this?"
"Exactly as what it supposed to mean, fool." Rukia said, sighing. She then politely asked her sister to join them. Hisana accepted and sat down with them.
"Are you really sure about this, Onee-sama?" The raven-haired vice captain of thirteenth division asked with worried look on her face.
"Yes, I am." Hisana affirmed, smiling. "Do not worry about me, Rukia. I will be fine."
Ichigo's brows constricted. "What happened to Byakuya and his overprotectiveness?"
Hisana giggled. "You are exaggerating, Ichigo-kun. He is not exactly as such."
The trio narrowed their eyes on Hisana as they chewed the food in their mouth. Hisana and her innocence.
"But I admit it took me a while before he gave in." Basically, she dealt with him. "He has a lot of conditions, but they are fine with me."
"I am more concerned on how you managed to convince taichou…" Renji said, still unbelieving at what he heard.
"Perks of being his wife. Only Hisana-san can negotiate with him without ending up in a massacre." Ichigo said, clearly remembering how coldblooded the captain was. "But let's go back to my question." He turned to Hisana and asked. "How did Byakuya recognize you in a blink?"
"I have already asked that, and he says the same thing." Hisana responded.
" 'Because I am your husband' I bet." Renji answered as he imitated how he thought Byakuya would respond to it. Hisana chuckled at how accurately done his act was. "He always knows everything."
Rukia coughed. "And I would bet that if you were the ones who asked him that instead of Oneesama, he would probably say—"
"A kid like you would not be able to comprehend, not even in a hundred years." A deep voice suddenly intervened, revealing the man whom Rukia was about to imitate. Two lieutenants and one shinigami representative slacking off in the middle of the day. It seemed that they have to re-orient many of their soldiers.
"Nii-sama!" Rukia blurted out of surprise. Hisana kept on smiling.
"As I thought you'd say." Ichigo put his arms on the back of his head. "Do you have a sixth sense or something?"
" There is only one," Byakuya said impassively. "The one that you desperately lack."
"What is it?"
Byakuya closed his eyes. "Common sense."
Ichigo stood up, ready to banter with Byakuya as Rukia prevented him so.
Hisana laughed. Byakuya turned his attention on her as he helped her stand up. "You really like Ichigo-kun, do you not, Byakuya-sama?"
Her husband showed subtle displeasure at what she claimed.
"It is almost time. I will have to go." Hisana said, bidding goodbye to each of them.
"I will accompany you." Byakuya offered. Hisana tried to refuse since she didn't want to bother him, but he insisted.
"I have to make sure that no senseless brat would be lurking around you."
Ichigo grunted. They should probably expect a bloody festival in the academy soon.