Soap, Scarecrow, and I were walking when the corn fields started to fade into a forest. Well it wasn't really a forest yet, it was just a few trees but at least the corn stopped. We walked a few more miles until we heard a strange noise. It was a strange sound. It sounded like a pile of rust walking. We all stopped in our tracks and looked around. The trees were getting thicker so we looked behind the trees and bushes. We looked and looked until we saw an image walk in the shadows. The three of us stared and watched the shadows curiously. Soap suggested we go look over there and see whose been spying on us. I suggested we just walk around the forest somehow. Scarecrow didn't suggest anything he just looked at us excepting us to give all the ideas. I was really tempted to ask Soap if we can talk but that would just embarrass both of us. I was arguing with myself about asking but then the mystery figure jumped at us! I was so freaking scared, I almost peed! The figure was shiny and silver. It even looked like it was well, tin. But that's when I noticed the painting on his head. The painting was of a skull! It was Ghost, well it was a Ghost "look alike". I grinned about to say his named when I remembered that I'm not supposed to know his name.

"Are you three going to see the Wizard of Price?" Ghost asked in an attitude.

"Yep, I need to get back to base. Scarecrow here needs a brain too." I grinned as he looked at me strangely.

"What about the bloody leprechaun?" Ghost questioned me and Soap jumped up and down in happiness since ghost called him a leprechaun. "Well do you mind if I come with you guys. I need to see the Wizard of Price." He sighed. "My girlfriend told me I have to get a heart."

"Sure thing!" I smiled happily and we continued our journey to see The Wizard of Price. Something was telling me in my head that this was going to be funny.

We walked onwards for awhile until the sun start setting. We hesitated to keep walking since they were already deep in the forest and it was extremely dark out. I tried not to look wimpy but the truth was I was extremely afraid of the dark. I'm pretty sure Ghost was catching on to me secret though, he kept starring at me! So anyways it was dark so we decided to set up camp. We all set up some tents and sleeping bags we fond lying around. Ghost built the fire while Soap looked for food and twigs for the fire. Scarecrow pretty much just laid there doing nothing cause he was to dumb, I on the other hand was in my sleeping bag pretending to sleep. Eventually while I was fake sleeping I really did fall asleep.

5 hours later

I woke up suddenly in the night so I decided to go sit by the fire. It was so warm and cozy by the fire, in fact I completely forgot about the dark since now it didn't seem so scary. I sat starring into the flames when I saw a shadow approach behind me. I knew not to worry since in real life Ghost would always do that. If one of us seemed depressed he would stand behind us then come sit by us. As if on cue Ghost sat by me, I knew he was going to mention my secret about being afraid of the dark

"You're not from here are you?" Ghost asked while poking the fire.

"This is only a dream, I got shot and passed out." I stated proudly.

Ghost shook his head. "This is real. This is real! When Russians kill hurt people they throw them in this hole in the forest. This world is in that hole. Do you understand?" Ghost was talking loudly but in a calming voice.

"Wait, but isn't that Alice in Wonderland. I thought this was Wizard of Oz?" I completely ignored his questions.

Ghost sighed knowing I wasn't listening. "Fine but I was only trying to warn you. You have to find out on your own soon."

I watched him get up and leave. So many questions filled my head…

What did Ghost mean by that?

Is this really a dream?

Why did Soap think Dorothy was a good name for me if I was a girl?

I thought about the questions but I knew the last one was kinda off topic. But still I wondered about that. I always thought my name would be a Rosie or something, but not Dorothy.

Do you like this chapter? I tried to make it my longest, and sorry about not updating for awhile. PLEASE REVIEW