:: Chapter 1 ::

I sat up on my bed as my eyes lazily opened. I stretched my arms and turned, my feet dangling on the side of the bed, and searched for my puppy slippers. After looking around, I gave up, and turned to my messy closet, grabbing my uniform. I changed into them, turning to the mirror, I noticed my usual hair sticking up at the top. I huffed as I forced it down. It obeyed for 3 seconds then went back up again. "You're just asking to be cut." As I neared to the scissors, my mom called out.

"Tsu-chan! It's almost time for school!" Like on cue, My eyes looked at my clock. Crap..!

"Coming, mommy!" I quickly went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth, rinsing throughly. I clicked the lights off, met my mom downstairs, took my breakfast,(which is just toast with melted butter on it, by the way) and headed for the door. I squeaked a little as I walked into somebody. My brother.

Why did I just put, 'my brother' as one sentence? Because Hibari Kyouya is my brother. Were not close at all, we barely talk if we see each other, and I'm pretty sure he hates me. When he was young his mother died. Then daddy remarried to the woman I call 'mommy'. My daddy was named, Hibari Iemistu(now it's Sawada), He works long hours so we barely see him home. Mommy's name is, Sawda Nana. Kyouya refuses to change his name to 'Sawada'. Kyo-nii doesn't like me or mommy. Well anyways, back to present. He looks like he wants to kill me with those slit eyes. He always has this scowl on his face whenever he sees me. Just as I was about to say, 'Good morning,' to my brother he gave me the cold shoulder and walked back to his room. I glanced at the ground and resumed walking throughout the door.

Life at school is no better. I'm known as Loser-Tsuna. I suck at everything. I sometimes have muscle spasms when I'm nervous. Like in 6th grade, I slapped the most popular girl at school, Saswaga Kyoko, on accident. It looked like it was on purpose. I mean, she was talking to me! Now her brother, including the boxing club, and half of the school hates me. I kept my slow pace. Meh. I'm gonna be late anyway.

I walked to the second floor of the school and to class B 1-4. I slid the door open and everyone turned to look at me. The teacher looked at me hoplessly. "Meet me after class, Sawada." I nodded as the class snickered. I headed to my seat as the teacher resumed to his lesson, "So the answer is 24 for ' 3 ( x - 6 ) = 2 x + 6 ' Good job, Kogami." And all words were like blah, blah, blah. Except for the word Lunch. As I was about to get my bento, the teacher called me. I sighed. I walked outside the classroom and he was disappointed.

"Sawada. This is your 5th tardy, You come from a wealthy family, and your older sibling is Hibari Kyouya, I would expect that you were at least as good as him." Ah, well no. This is where you're wrong.. I'm actually not related to Kyouya. Did I mention that he's smart too? He had his scholarship when he was only a freshman. "Might I say he was a fine gentleman. Doing his work and acing in all subjects, and you? You act clumsy, you fail at every subject, and sometimes you don't even do them. Being a class clown will only hold you back."

"I - I'm really not trying to be a clown! So please..." Don't compare me to him. "Give me a chance...?" He gave me a hopeless glance and sighed. He took a yellow piece of paper and gave it to me.

"Have your parents sign this, Detention on Saturday, Come at 8 AM. This is a warning. If you continue to fail, I might have to set up Saturday school." I sighed in relief, as he shook his head slowly in disappointment. "Alright, Dismissed." And with that, he went back to the classroom. I was in the state of relief when I was walking so I really didn't know where I was going. My head thumped into something hard.

"What the - ? !" A man voice sounded. I looked up and my whole face flushed. M-Mochida-sempai? Wh-What's he doing in the seventh grade hall? He was with his friends and they were looking at me weirdly.

They were all like, "Ew. There's piece of mud in the hallway, Someone call the Janitor!" The hallways were filled with laughter, but Mochida kept a straight face. I secretly smiled. That's what I like about Mochida.. He's popular and he's nice to me, that's when I started to grow feelings for him, and maybe.. just maybe he'll like me back.

"You guys, Let's all be mature." Mochida said, within the laughter. Even though he said it in his normal voice, it was strong enough to mask the laughter, and everybody heard him. "I was looking for you," He turned his head to me as my name slipped through his lips, "Tsuna." Oh jeez, it was heavenly.. Eeeek! My face flushed a darker shade. "I wanna take you on a date tomorrow." Oh my god, that's so sudden! I'm lucky! So lucky!

"Umm.. Okay.." I said, trying to not sound so excited. I have to go shopping this afternoon, what should I wear? Should I put on makeup, No.. He likes me for who I am, not what I look like, then again it is a date, so -

"Cool. Pick you up at 7." And it was then that he left, erupted from my thoughts, left totally speechless.


I opened the door and slammed it, "Welcome back, Tsu-chan! How was school?" My mom called out from the kitchen. A mouth-watering aroma filled through out the house.

I giggled as I went up the steps, "Best day ever!" When I went to my bedroom, I grabbed my phone, and called up Haru. Miura Haru is Kyo-nii's friend. Haru wanted to see Kyouya's house, so he brang her over, that's when she met me. She thought I was the cutest thing ever, so we talked and talked, and before I knew it, she became my best friend. Kyo-nii doesn't like it when she talks to me, so he that was the only time he brang her over.

"Hello? Haru is speaking!"

"Haru! Guess what! ?" Haru made a gasp,

"Tsuna? ! I haven't talked to you in a while! What's up? !"

"Mochida-sempai asked me out!" I squealed loudly, "I wanted to ask you if we could go shopping, you know? !"

"That's great! ! I'm so happy for you! Of course, I'll help you pick out an outfit, Meet at my house, PRONTO!" They both squealed, then Haru went on about suggestions for outfits, then my door shot open, and I stopped listening to Haru. Kyouya was in my room. He looked very mad. "Hello?" Haru said.

I gulped. "Who told you, you could talk to my friends?" It didn't sound like a question, more like an order. An order to speak. Well.. Haru is my only friend.. aside from Mochida.. "Go make some friends for a change and back off from my life." He grabbed the phone away and I flinched.

"That's.. my phone! Give it back!" I yelled, I won't let you run all over me. I won't.

Haru's voices appeared, "Kyouya, is that you? ! Stop bullying -" Her voices were cut off as Kyouya closed my phone.

"Hey!" I yelled. "I'll... I'll tell dad on you!" I clenched my fists. Kyouya gritted and threw my phone on the bed.

"I bet the herbivore is just playing with you. Besides, who would ever like you." Then he left, leaving me with cuts from his words. Don't believe him. He's wrong, but I felt as though he was right. Kind of. Tch.

I found my puppy slippers, put them off, and went downstairs. "Mom!" I said as I stood in the kitchen.

She turned her head and smiled, "Yes, sweetheart?" Her smile was always calm to me. She was the one who made peace in the house.

"May I have permission to go shopping?" I held my allowance, exactly $110, in my hand. Even though we had lots of money, I still had to do chores, and I couldn't just have a million bucks in the palm of my hands, by the snap of my fingers. Daddy says money is not a toy, but your life, so use it wisely, that's why he doesn't just gives it to us easily.

Mom nodded, and she resumed cooking, "Be home at 9."

"Thank you! I will!" And with that, I rushed out of the door, exchanging my slippers to my shoes, quickly.


"This is adorable! Try this on Tsuna!" Haru glomped the dress while I sat there bored out of my mind. Shopping with Haru is... tiring. I cringed as she chose another flashy dress. Again.

"For the 3rd time! I am not going to wear a dress!" I yelled, nailing the statement into her mind.

"But... Whhyyyyyyy? ! It looks so cute!" Haru drooled as she fantasized about the dress. "I mean, You're going out with, Mochida! The guy who looks past your reputation and into your true personality. Your heart. He seems romantic!" Haru swooned as she described him.

"Y-Yeah.. and it's only a date..." I blushed, he was perfect. For me. He was kind, to treat me so nicely. He stood up for me. I smiled. If I didn't have feelings for him, I would be happy to replace Kyouya with him. Kyouya is mean. Wretched. Heartless. Cold. Sadis-

"Neh, neh! Kyouya's birthday is coming up! And guess what? I found the perfect present for him!" Haru squealed as she pulled out her phone. Um.. Oh yeah.. Last year when it was my birthday, he got me... Wait.. he didn't even show up for my birthday...

"What is it?" I tried to sound as happy as possible, but who could be happy for Kyouya? Haru doesn't know that Kyouya's mom died, all she knows is that we're blood related, and we love each other like good brother and sister.

"Okay, I planned to give you for his birthday!" She cheered. "He'll love it! You're adorable! Now say either, 'I love Kyo-nii,' or 'Happy birthday, Onii-chan' or something cuter like, 'Nii-chan.' " She giggled as she faced her phone at me, "Your choice!"

I twitched. Don't make me do such twisted things! I blushed a little, glanced at the camera, then looked away. "H-.. Happy Birthday.. Onii... chan.." I died a little inside, but that's okay... I managed to choke it out. "It's getting late... We better.. find something.."

"Right!" Haru said, satisfied with the gift as she closed her phone.
