Title: Anything for You
Pairing: Lita/Trish
Rating: M
Warning: F/F, implied Sex. Language.
Summery: During the Kane terrorizing Trish period, Trish visits Lita's hotel room to see if she can persuade her to stop Kane.
Disclaimer: I only own the fic and idea. WWE Owns Trish and Lita (Not anymore but . . .)
Trish stratus ran down the hall looking over her shoulder, panting as she attempted and succeeded in escaping the big red machine Kane. Lita's Husband. Lita; How Trish hated her, yet she couldn't help wanting her. She slowed down sighing in relief. She had to do something, anything to call off Kane. Even if that meant begging Lita, She'd do it!
She knew where Lita was staying so, after the show she'd go to Lita's hotel room and persuade her to call off Kane. Somehow, someway, she'll do it.
After the show Trish paced her hotel room, she'd already showered and had pulled on some skinny jeans and a blue baby tee. She'd already done her hair, gotten her shoes on and grabbed her key card; leaving her room.
As she stood in front of Lita's hotel room door; she wasn't so sure how she would persuade her, maybe a title shot. Trish knocked on the door, her pulse thumping, and heart in her throat. "Coming!" She heard Lita's voice call from inside the room and for split second, she wanted to bolt. It was too late when the door opened to show Lita's smirking face on the other side. Trish fumbled with her hands, not knowing what to say.
"Can I help you Trish?" Lita asked smirking as Trish looked Nervous. "Yes as a matter of fact, umm can I come in?" Trish answered as she stared at the floor. Lita stepped back, opening the door wider, smirk still in place. Trish stepped in the room as Lita closed the door behind her. "I want you, to call off your Husband" Trish said simply as Lita raised an eye brow. "Is that so? And why would I want to do that?" Lita asked.
"Look I'm sorry for everything I've ever done to you, Lita. I really am. What you're doing is wrong, using Kane to get back at me. I'll do anything, you want a Woman's Title shot; you got one. Anything! Just call Kane off" Trish said, sounding as if she was on the verge of tears. "Anything?" Lita asked as Trish locked eyes with her, but the look in Lita's eyes made Trish instantly regret coming here.
"A-Anything" Trish stuttered as Lita stood closer to her. "Even becoming my personal bitch?" Lita asked trailing her thumb across Trish's lips. "Y-y-yes" She stuttered out as Lita gripped her chin firmly, crushing their lips together in a demanding kiss.