All characters belong to Takanaga Hinako :)
Heh, I started this story in January. I didnt really have a plot, at least not a good one, so I just left it alone. Then, about a month back, I bought a magazine on a whim. Little did I know, it had an article about a male's sensitivity, and how you can pretty much make a guy come if you stimulate him the right way (without touching a certain important sexual organ). Bam! Inspiration!
I lost the magazine, unfortunately, and cant find it online. I was kinda sad about it, because I really wanted to write something like this in the first place. So this story is a result of a lot of failed research and imagination.
Sorry it took so long, and sorry to say there is not sex this time. But next chapter definitely. I dont wanna make this thing too long. However I might not be able to post anything for a while. (Barely have time to post this -_-) I already have the next chapter started, so thats a plus.
Anyways, enjoy. You guys are always wonderful in your reviews, but if you really dont like it, then tell me, and tell me what I can work on. Im not a perfectionist, but I like knowing where I stand. And speaking of standing...
Morinaga stood in the kitchen, feeling smug.
He was surprised, really, to find that such a smart guy could be so… stupid. Senpai never could tell when he was walking right in to a trap. He wasn't so quick to get wasted in front of his kouhai now, and knew better than to let his guard down when they were alone, but when it came to compromise, he didn't seem to notice when he was getting the short end of the stick, which was often. Morinaga mentally cheered at this advantage. It was the best he felt all week.
"No catch, Senpai," he practically sang. "Promise."
Souichi narrowed his eyes in suspicion. "So let me get this straight," he drawled. "You just want to…get me off…then walk away? No secret intentions, no games?" He swept his arm through the air, emphasizing his point.
The smile drooped a bit. "I'm always very honest with my intentions, Senpai. You should know that. However, I'd like to think of this as sort of a game. It's kind of like foreplay."
It was the wrong thing to say. Souichi scoffed, crossed his arms, and turned his head. "Yeah, well your intentions are usually disgusting. And I don't like to play games. No deal."
Morinaga smirked. Didn't like to play games, eh? Weren't they still playing Cat-and-Mouse? And it was hard to tell who was winning, who was the Cat and who was the Mouse. Every time Morinaga thought he had his prey, Souichi slipped through his fingers, then turned and had him trapped. Well, that certainly wasn't going to happen right now. Morinaga wouldn't permit it. He took the steps until he was inches away from his senpai's lips. The man's anger melted into caution in milliseconds.
"Morinaga, you promised. No touching."
Leaning forward to whisper in his ear, Morinaga sighed, "I'm not touching you, am I?"
Souichi shivered at the sensations of his kouhai's breath directly in his ear. It was true. Although the younger man was so, so close, their bodies weren't touching, yet his reacted. Leave it to the pervert to find a loophole. "And besides," he continued in Souichi's ear, "A deal's a deal. I won't touch you any more than necessary. What I'm going to do to you will require very little contact."
Souichi jerked his head back to stare. He was still lingering on the word 'necessary'. What Morinaga deemed as necessary was often far from it. And how was he going to get off with "very little contact"? His incredulous stare sharpened. He could practically hear his perverted thoughts. What are you going to do to me? "What do you mean?"
Morinaga leaned away from his senpai. His eyes were filled with devilish intent. "Well, I only intend to touch five spots. That's all I need." If I do this right, he thought. "And I promise you, I won't touch you here." And his fingers grazed the front of Souichi's pants. The older man quickly swatted Morinaga's hand away.
"Don't say stupid things. Besides, that's not even—"
"Possible?" Morinaga grinned. "Yes, it is."
In fact, he knew perfectly well it was. Back in the days before school started, life consisted of three things for the young man: getting drunk, sleeping with whoever looked in his direction, and repeating the process. He remembered that each person had their favored techniques, and on those certain occasions where he landed on the bottom, he learned a thing or two about alternative pleasure. Sure, he had done the whips and chains (though they weren't his style), and he had seen every fetish he could imagine (he strayed away from those), but one certain style took him by surprise. He couldn't remember the person who taught it to him—name, face, nothing—but he did, however, remember enough to perform it. All he needed to know was Senpai's five most sensitive spots. Which he did. Very, very well.
"And I can prove it to you. If you let me, that is."
Souichi could smell a bad idea miles away. Although, that usually didn't stop him from getting caught up in it. Morinaga was planning to tie him to a chair? That in itself was a horrible thought. He would be completely helpless against him. Souichi had nightmares about such situations! Why would he let him do that? Yet, something was prodding him to say yes. To accept Morinaga would mean the worst, but hadn't he already seen that? To let the eager fool strap him down and pleasure him would be stupid, but hadn't he already been through that? He could say he had been forced a number of times—could probably even take legal actions, but this was consent. Did he really want to get in to that? As if their relationship wasn't complicated enough. But who was to say that Morinaga would stick to those five promised spots? What was stopping him from going any farther?
"No." He puffed out his chest. "This is stupid." Souichi eyed Morinaga very carefully. It took very little to set him off these days. At least the idiot was talking to him. Even if it was nonsense.
Morinaga's shoulders slumped. "Really, it's not as bad as you think it would be. It can be very erotic if you're willing. But if you're all tense, then it's not as fun."
Souichi glanced in to his sad eyes. It was obvious Morinaga planned on strapping him down to a chair. Where was the fun in that? But he really didn't feel like dealing with Irritated Morinaga one more day. The official month ended in a few days. Couldn't he wait? He seemed to be doing fine holding out until now. What was the difference between a few days? He nodded towards the yellow material in the younger man's hand. "What is the third one for?"
A sheepish smile appeared on his face. "It's a blindfold."
Souichi's eyes widened a bit.
"NO! No way are you going to strap me to a chair AND blindfold me!"
"So—so you'll let me do it?" Morinaga asked excitedly.
"Eh—wait, what? I didn't say yes!"
"Please, Senpai! Please!"
"No! This is stupid! I'm not going to just let you do weird, perverted things to me!"
"Stop it! Can't you just wait until the month is over?"
Souichi finally noticed that he had been backing up when his back hit the kitchen wall. Morinaga was standing directly in front of him, blocking his escape. Just behind him, he could see the chair, flagged with yellow strips of a once complete—though hideous— shirt. He glanced up at the idiot. He wore a half embarrassed, half eager expression. His eyebrows were drawn together and his lips were set in a nervous frown. Even his posture screamed desperate—his shoulders slumped forwards, his head down. Souichi sighed. What was it about this guy?
"Ugh! Fine." Souichi rolled his eyes when Morinaga stood up straight, a huge grin spreading across his face. "But we have to have some rules."
"Of course!" Morinaga nodded vigorously, glad that he had won.
The older man sighed. The horny idiot really couldn't wait. This was going to be a long night.
There were three rules.
The first one was that if Souichi said stop, all this nonsense would end immediately, if not sooner. He would be untied and free to storm off to his room, grumbling curses (door slamming optional).
The second was that Morinaga had to stick to the appointed places (ears, lips, nipples, neck, and thighs) and if he didn't, Souichi would call foul, and again, the whole thing would have to stop.
The third—and this one Morinaga didn't agree with at all—the second Souichi came, Morinaga had to leave the room (after he untied his victim of course).