Oh no! Oh no, oh no, oh no! Yumichika was going to kill you. Sure, he would probably…no, he would most definitely have a valid reason to. After all, he'd told you time and time again to stop practicing Kido spells in his room, especially since you weren't particularly skilled in that area and the Eleventh Division didn't need weak Kido users anyway. But when had you ever listened to Yumichika?

You really needed to start though, you thought, looking at the mess that was his room. The smell of burning plastic pervaded the air and you calmly stomped out the last little flame you'd obviously missed. Really, one wrong word and that stupid Kido spell had literally blown up in your face. And blew up most of Yumichika's room along with it.

Speaking of the devil, you heard his charming voice approaching. Oh no! Oh no, no, no! You didn't want to die, not yet!

So you did what any normal person would…you ran, escaping out the now gaping hole in his wall and heading in the opposite direction that he was going. That wasn't going to be enough though because less than two seconds later, you heard your name being screamed in a rather psychotic way.