Bad days. Everyone has had them and boy, had your weekend turned into nothing but a string of bad days. Weekends were supposed to be for sleeping in and relaxing but no, in between homework, friends who thought you were their own personal therapist, and having to deal with knowing about all the freaky things going on in Karakura Town due to your spiritual awareness junk (though thankfully, you didn't actually have to do anything about those aforementioned freaky going-on's due to the fact that you just weren't all that much of a fighter), you'd had no time to relax period. Needless to say, you were getting increasingly grumpy by the day. Though you'd been supposed to hang out with your kind of-sort of boyfriend Ishida Uryuu tonight, you'd texted him earlier that day cancelling it. You just weren't in a good mood at all and it wasn't fair to him to have to deal with you like that.

So imagine your surprise that evening when you returned home from running errands to find your house completely spotless (cleaning had been on your seemingly endless list of to-do's that hadn't been done yet) and filled with the scent of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies, your all-time favorite snack. Stepping farther into your apartment, you headed straight for the kitchen where you received another shock. Really, it shouldn't have come as all that much of a shock. Ishida had always been quite handy at domestic things, which was good since you failed at them most times, but this…

You couldn't help it. Staring at him as he bustled around your kitchen as he took out a tray of cookies only to put another one into the oven, looking spectacular in that cute little apron you hardly ever used, you couldn't help but forget how horrible your weekend had been.

Horrible? How could you have thought that? You couldn't remember a sweeter weekend if you tried.