Kiss Kiss, Captain

Word Count: 100

Summary: Kissing John was different from how Ianto thought it would be.

Characters: Ianto Jones, John Hart, Jack Harkness

Pairing: Ianto/John Hart, Jack/Ianto/John Hart (hinted)

Rating: R
Sometime after Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
Warnings: Sex
Author's Note:
Written for the tw_100 prompt #103: Title Changes. I had to change the title of one episode and write a drabble based on that title. I chose Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, obviously.

Feedback: Can't breathe without it.

Disclaimer: I'm not making money with this fanfic. The tv-show Torchwood and the characters appearing within it belong to their producers and creators. Any similarities to living or dead persons are purely coincidental and not intended.



Kissing John was different from how Ianto thought it would be. John was insistent but gentle, as if he wanted Ianto to get used to him. John's hands were everywhere, finding all the right places to touch, caress and squeeze. Ianto spread his legs, allowing John closer, nervously accepting what was offered. John chuckled, raising his head to look at Jack. "Precious."

Jack, lingering in the shadows, smiled, his darkened gaze calming Ianto's nerves. "We've only just started," he said, joining them on the bed.

Ianto had never had a threesome before. He would never forget this one.

