Nina POV

You can do it, I thought to myself as I stood in front of Fabian's door. I was just about to knock when the door opened and Mick walked out. "Oh, hey Nina. Are you looking for Fabian?" I nodded. "Is he in there?" "Yea, go right in." I smiled at the blonde, "Thanks."

I walked in and saw Fabian on his bed playing his guitar. I smiled and just stood there, listening to him play. He was really talented. After a couple minute's I spoke up, "You're really good." He stopped playing and jumped up. I giggled and he blushed. It made him look cute. "Um, hey. What's up?" He asked, putting his guitar on its stand.

I cleared my throat, my stomach full of butterflies. "I was just wondering if you wanted study together. You know, for the history test." He grabbed his backpack and replied, "Sure. Your room or here?" "Um, how about I just go get my books and we'll study here." He nodded and started to get books out of his bag.

I walked upstairs to my room and quickly grabbed my bag, and then speed walked back to Fabian's room. When I got there he already had his book open and was getting out his notebook. I sat down beside him on the floor with our back pressed against his bed. In the middle of reviewing our history questions, he moved is leg and it brushed up against mine. I looked over at him and he looked over at me, and before I knew it we were kissing. I didn't know who kissed who first, but I didn't care.

Our school books forgotten, we didn't pull away till we heard the door open. Mick was standing there, gaping. "Whoa. Sorry, I'll just get my bag and be on my way." Once he left, Fabian and I sat quietly, staring at our feet. The silence was broken when Fabian said," Um, sorry." I looked at him, "No, it's okay." I smiled and he looked up at me and smiled back before we both leaned back in again.

When we pulled apart, I sighed and breathed, "Best study session ever."

Fabian POV

I laughed when Nina said this was the best study session ever. "I'd have to agree with you." She smiled then looked at the time. "We are going to miss dinner if we don't get down there. The guys will be wondering what happened to us." He smiled and said," Let them wonder."

3 person pov
"Hey, Mick, have you seen Fabian or Nina?" Trudy asked sitting the bread on the table. "Yeah. Last time I saw them they were snogging on me and Fabian's floor." Everyone at the table gasped. "No way." Amber said. "I knew it!" Everyone around the table started talking, but it stopped halfway through dinner when Nina and Fabian came down. Everyone turned to stare at them. "So, please tell, why are you guys so late?" Jerome said with a smirk. "We were studying." Nina said looking down at her plate smiling. "Sure you were." Amber said.

Nina and Fabian, though being late, were the first ones done, considering everyone else kept starring at them all through dinner. They both got up and started to walk away when Jerome said, "Going to do more "Studying"." He said putting quotations around the word studying. Nina and Fabian both nodded and went to "Study"

I came up with tis while watching reruns of House of Anubis this morning. It just sprang into my head so I hope you like it. I know it's not much but I think it's really cute. Fabian and Nina belong together! I was on wikipedia and on the charcters of it it said that Victor locks Fabian and Nina in a washroom and Fabian kisses Nina to calm her down! I hope it happens! Anyway thanks for reading.-FabianandNina4ever :)