-Edmunds Bed Chamber-

Every once in a while a question arises that you think you have the answer to. A question that, if answered, pertained the power to alter someone's perception of you. That moment for Lucy was now, although, for the life of her, she just couldn't get it out.

"Do you love him?" Edmund asked her once again. This time in a slightly more demanding tone.

Lucy stalled for as long as possible. She stared from the cerulean shards in his silver eyes to the shadow of the fire that danced along the wall.

"It's really not that simple." She tried telling him, as if saying that would deter him from pressing the matter any further.


The young Queen winced at the sound of her own name.

"Edmund…I..." She started to say before stopping to reconsider her words.

"Answer the question Lucy!" Edmund commanded, his features hardening. "I want to hear you say it."

"Yes." She finally yelled. "Yes, I do. At least I think I do."

Instead of getting angry and giving up to rage like she thought he would, Edmund remained calm.

"Is that all you needed to know?" Lucy asked him, raising a tired, exhausted brow.

Edmund turned his back on her once more.

"Yes." He replied. His deep voice uncharacteristically void of emotion. "You can go now."

"As you wish." She whispered hotly. Her voice barely cut through the tension that filled the room. She wondered if her departing words even caught his ear.

As Lucy left his room she knew in her heart she had broken a small part of him that had once been whole. She couldn't continue to lie to herself though. The young Queen was in love with two men, and their was no undamaging way around it.

As Lucy walked through the dark corridor to her room she thought she heard a shuffle of feet behind her. Curious, she came to a halt in her tracks. She turned to look, but no one was there. That's funny. She swore she had heard something, or someone.

Lucy turned to continue walking in the direction of her chamber, but instead took a few steps and slammed into something hard and solid. It knocked her off balance.

"Are you alright, my Queen?" A smooth deep voice asked in earnest.

"I'm- I'm fine." Lucy stumbled, trying her best to regain her balance.

A strong hand caught her by the arm, steadying her frame.

"Thank you." Said Lucy. She looked up. Her eyes grew wide. It was Caspian.

"You look surprised to see me." He smiled down at her.

"Do I?" She cocked a nervous brow.

Caspian gave her a curious look.

"Are you sure everything's alright." He asked her again.

"Yes. Yes, of course." Lucy assured him. "I'm just sorry I got in the way."

"Don't be silly." Caspian laughed. His beautiful chestnut eyes glistened- even in the darkness. "This is your castle, not mine, you're free to roam where you choose."

Lucy let go of the breath she didn't realize she had been holding and smiled. Looking the prince over, she noticed he wore a white buttoned shirt, and dark colored slacks. The shirt however, wasn't entirely buttoned, and Lucy could just make out the scored flesh underneath.

Blushing, Lucy averted her eyes.

She wasn't lucky enough though and the prince caught her gaze.

"If its not to late for you." Caspian suggested. "I could make you a warm cup of tea."

"I really shouldn't." Lucy warned, taking a step back, increasing the amount of distance between them.

Caspian took a step forward. "Why not?"

Lucy didn't answer, instead she took another calculated step away.

"What are you so afraid of?" Caspian asked her, continuing his advance. "Besides him?"

Lucy's eyes shot to his. Him? He was referring to Edmund. It wasn't that she feared him, she was just terrified at the though of hurting him even more.

"What the King feels for you." Caspian explained carefully. "Isn't right."

"What are you talking about?" Lucy asked tentatively.

"Oh, My dear Lucy." The prince sympathized. His brown eyes heavy with remorse as if every word pained him to utter. "The kings sick perverse obsession with you is clouding your mind."

"Stop it." Lucy commanded, all the while continuing to back away and shake her head.

"I know what he's done to you." Caspian stated sadly.

"Whatever you think you know Caspian." Lucy warned. "Its none of your business."

"None of my business?" Caspian repeated while shaking his head. He was getting angry now.

Eventually Lucy's back was against a wall. She could no longer flee if she wanted to.

"I've heard enough." Lucy told him. His brazen nature, and knowledge over the situation was starting to scare her.

"I know he's touched you." Caspian stated with disgust, before quieting his tone. "And I know that you let him."

"Stop it!" Lucy yelled.

"All this time." Caspian spoke over her. "I was worried that I was pushing things too fast and too far, and here you are shagging your once presumed brother."


That was the sound Lucy's hand made as it cut across the golden Prince's face.

For a moment, she didn't think she had it in her, but he took it one step too far.

When he didn't look at her right away, she could tell he was waiting for the sting to settle in.

"This is going to sound incredibly stupid," Caspian eventually muttered. "You have a really strong arm, but finding out what you did, hurt so much worse."

After a brief moment of silence, he eventually walked away, unmistakably wounded. The pain she knew he felt didn't come from the red mark on his face, however. In reality, the pain ran much deeper than that.

A/N: Once again, I'd like to thank everyone who continues to follow the story. I sort of wrote this in a hurry, so sorry if there are more mistakes than usual. A newborn baby only gives you so much time to yourself, lol. And that time I've been dedicating to you guys! So please, make me feel loved and leave me a review. xoxo