Stupid nick.,sfjdvhbo making eoiwfkjgb Eddie the Osirion RUINING MY FIC!... I can fix this... Disclaimer I don't own HOA or Romeo and Juliet.

Nina's POV:

"Wakey Wakey!" Amber sang as she shook me from side to side. I rose out of my bed to see her sitting by my side. I did not feel like going today. I don't want to cross paths with Fabian. Not now not ever. "I'll meet you down for breakfast." I murmur turning on my side. "Breakfast is over." she injects pulling out my uniform. "What?" I stutter at her as I kick the uniform off my bed. "I let you sleep through it." she tells. "Go without me I'll be there in 15 mins." I reply slowly getting up. "Okay but 15 mins or I'm coming here and dragging you there." she orders me. I whisper, "Okay." as she exits. She won't come to get me. If she does, she will find me here. I stare at the scar, on my arm, from the cut. I gently touch it letting it send a sting throughout my body. The pain felt so good. It was like letting all my anger and pain out in one simple cut. I can't cut my arm again because it's too noticeable. I look down at my leg and quickly grab the knife. I pierce my leg skin dragging it halfway. I yelp in pain as I stand my leg on the towel. I watch the blood run slowly down my leg onto the towel. Tears start to flow as I slowly wrap gauze around the cut.

Fabian's POV:

"Have any of you see Nina? she's late and I wanna start soon." Jason asks amber and I. "She said she would be here in 15 minutes!" Amber cries out. "And when was that?" I looks at her with concern. "20 minutes ago..." she sighs. "Maybe I'm not the Osirion.. What if it's all in my head? I mean If I was really destined to protect her I would have gotten a sign to go get her. I had this weird dream last night where I had to go save Nina but I couldn't move. By the time I could she was already gone." I tell her fidgeting with my hands. "I had that same dream. Except I was behind you. I was yelling at you but you couldn't see or hear me." She reminisces. "Is it in our heads?" I asked her looking at her. "I don't know. Maybe we're trying to find ways to give ourselves hope that you and Nina will be together forever." "Hey Guys have you seen Nina?" Jason asks looking worried. "She still hasn't come... I'll go back and try to get her here. If not we can just practice there." I inject grabbing my script. "Be quick. You're lucky you don't have any lines today." Jason orders crossing his hands.

"But She hates you." Amber yells as I exit. "It's worth a try" I yell back rushing outside. Was it all in his head? I kept repeating it in my mind. Every time it made more and more sense. Was Nina driving us insane? Since she doesn't it want me are we making it so she has to want me. That its destiny. I should want to be with her, not because of some stupid destiny, because I want her. I'm not destined to protect her. I protected her in the past and I will protect her in the future. I still remember, the feeling I had, when I first saw her.



"Watch where you are going!" Patricia yelled at her

Suddenly I stop and looked up.

Hello there she stands.

The girl of my dreams.

Who she is or when she came I know not nor do I care.

But my heart tells me here is the girl destined to be the one.

I race up the stairs and knock on Nina's door vigorously. "Amber? If you came to drag me your late." Nina whines. "No it's Fabian. You need to come to the PAC. Your big scene is up." I order. "No... I'm not going and you can't make me." She pouts back. "Don't make me come in there." I start to argue. I grasp my hand on the nob but it seems that I can't open it. "You shut me out!" I yell realizing she must of put a chair under the nob. "Well I don't want you coming in." She retorts. "Then I'm just going to have to sit right outside your door until you have to come out" I sneer crossing my arms. "I'm not going to come out." She replies. "Soon you will have to eat or go to the bathroom." "I already went to the bathroom and snuck some food up while you were gone"

"Let's at least practice our lines." I suggest leaning against the door. "Maybe it will help get you out of this funk." "I'm not in a funk!" she retorts raising her voice. "You are very lucky Victor isn't here." I respond. "he isn't here?" she asks. "yeah he left this morning to do something. He didn't say." I reminisce. "oh... Well we can practice in a few minutes." she murmurs. 30 mins later she yells, "okay we can practice." "that was more than a few mins." I point out yawning. "I had to get ready." "amber has been rubbing on you." "yeah sure... I feel like watching a movie and crying out my tears." she states as I hear her shuffle in her room. "can I watch?" I ask. "why do you want to watch me cry. Do you enjoy watching me cry?" she snaps back. "no I mean the movie." I retort. " I doubt it. And if I let you in you're going to pick me up and drag me to the PAC." she debates. "I'm not going to do let you in. You can watch a long if you like on your laptop." she sneers. "okay then I will." I say rushing downstairs into my room. I quickly grab my laptop, headphones, and charger. I sprint up back to her door trying to catch every breath. "Took you long enough. I was going to start the movie without you." She attacks. "Don't have to be so rude. You didn't even tell me what movie it was." I attack back plugging it into the spare outlet in the wall. "Do I have to do everything for you? It's Ever After. I sent you the video just now." She tells me in a snarky tone. "How did you get this?" I question. "American Secret." She answers. "Now on 3 press play. 1... 2... 3.." I press play on 3 as the movie starts playing.

Nina's POV:

Is he still here? I wonder. The movies just about over and I couldn't tell because I had my headphones in and I blocked out his voice. I'm surely he finally gave up waiting for me and left. It's totally not his type of movie. It deals with a romance and heartbreak. A total chick flick. In the end she gets the prince because he realizes he loves her not this evil step sister. I walk up to the door and slowly remove the chair inch by inch. I open it up a crack to see Fabian leaning against the wall as he pulls down his headphones. "Great movie. The Acting is phenomenal. Da Vinci killed me though. Such a funny character." He tells me with a smile. "So what next or are you going to come out now?" "I'm not coming out" I yell slamming the door.

"What was that slamming of the door?" Trudy yells racing up the stairs. "Nina won't come out of her room to practice so I came here to practice though she won't let me inside to practice." I over hear Fabian say leaning my ear against the door. "Don't try going in it's not going to work." "Okay well good luck then. By the way I know Victor did not tell you why he left but he has gone out for the night and will be back tomorrow day. Apparently he has to meet up with someone named Rene Zeldman?" She replies walking down the stairs.

"That's Rufus!" I happen to let out before covering my mouth. "What is he doing meeting with Rufus?" Fabian asks. "Maybe they're on a date" I reply as we both start cracking up. "Can we at least practice our lines now?" he asks looking at me through the crack as I blush. OH crap I blushed! Why was I blushing? Did he notice I was blushing? No just, forget that ever happened. It's really annoying watching him sit there and stare at the door with those blue eyes. Maybe if I pretend to be nice he might leave. Yeah...! that will sure work. Give him what he wants then he will leave.

"Why don't you come in? I'm about to watch the notebook and you're the perfect person to watch it with." I tell him opening the door slowly. "Really?" He asks walking up with his laptop and cord. "Yeah... I mean it's better than leaning against a wall" I tell him giving him a fake smile. "Wait? Isn't this a chic flick?" He scarcely says backing away. "Yes it's a really great chick flick!" I proudly tell him as I bring up the movie on my laptop. I place the laptop on the desk and press play. I unplug the headphones and sit next to him on the floor. I scoot closer to him once it starts hoping he notices. If I want it to believable I'll have to play the flirting game. It's only till he goes away.

"Hey Nina? Do you still have that food? I'm kind of hungry!" he injects. "Oh Sure!" I go under my bed and pull out 2 muffins from breakfast. I hand him one making him smile. "Thanks. Ooh it's starting." The movie plays as I rest my head on his shoulder. I can't believe he's actually staying and paying attention. A few times I catch him glancing over me. I know he wasn't going to make the first move so I had to. I slowly move my hand to his overlay it. I entwine our fingers slowly as he watches. I look up to see him blushing and then looking back at the movie. It's been a while since I held his hand. His grip was strong like he never wanted me to let go. It was also warm and nice... Wait! I can't be thinking this! He's a cheat! He broke your heart! Though I can feel his thumb rub up against mine slowly making my heart tickle.

Fabian's POV:

I don't know what's up with Nina but I'm loving it. Maybe she realized I want her back. I don't need no destiny to tell me that. But this is the Nina I remember. The one I fell in love with. Sooner than I expected the movie ended. I look over at her as she closes the screen slowly. "What now?" She asks but sooner or later Amber comes in and see's us. I quickly let go of her hand looking up at Amber. "Oh I see you're both busy. I just wanted to tell you I was practicing with the others this afternoon. Have Fun lovebirds." She exits the room smiling as I catch Nina's confused face.

"Why do people keep calling us lovebirds?" She asks with a smirk. "I don't know but are you ready to practice?" I question back leaning my back against her bed. "Okay fine. You win." She replies and takes her script from my bed. I get a glance of her script. On the front is the word Fabian drawn with a heart next to it. I wonder how long that has been there. I can tell it's faded because it looks like it was a bright green color. Must not be new... "Can you help me with the scene I was supposed to do today? I don't know how to make myself feel like Juliet in this scene"

We work on that scene a bit then we work on act 1 again. No kissing of course. I didn't want to do that yet. Soon I hear Trudy yell "Dinner!" and a bunch of steps coming from the bottom floor. "You can go eat if you want. I still have a couple bananas here from breakfast." She injects pulling out a few bananas. "I'm coming right back." I order leaving the room. At dinner, I told Amber everything. How she was acting different and being a lot nicer. "So are you guys together?" She asks as everybody stops their conversations to listen in. "Well... Not yet... I promised I would go straight back to her after dinner." I say finishing up my pasta. "Here take a few rolls" Jerome yells throwing 5 rolls at me. They all end up hitting me somewhere as I sarcastically laugh. "What a nice idea Jerome! Thank you!" I tell him putting the rolls in the napkin and wrapping it up like a ball.

I quickly go to my room, grab my guitar, and go upstairs. I don't know what I was planning but it was something romantic. I never usually plan the romantic things. I have people plan them for me. Like Amber. Because I know I will mess it up somehow. I skid in the hallway pressing my hand against the door heavily breathing. I was pretty sure she heard me but I didn't care. I knock on the door as she opens it up. "Hmm your back." She says looking shocked letting me in. "Excuse me!" Amber shouts walking in grabbing her bedclothes and heading out. "I'm going to practice with Patricia."

"That was? Odd..." I inject breaking the awkward tension. "Well that's Amber" Nina laughs sitting down on the floor in her shorts. She looked good in her short shorts. I sit down next down to her unraveling the napkin. "Thanks. I was starved." She moans taking one of the warn rolls. She feels the roll slowly as she pulls it apart. "So you brought your guitar? New song?" "Well not exactly new. Amber showed me it. Said you might enjoy it." I lie... Well.. sort of... Amber did show me it but she didn't say she would enjoy it. "Oh then it must be good." She whispers taking a bite/

I pull out my lucky guitar pick and wrap the guitar strap around my shoulder. I tune it first to make sure it sounds right.

(I don't own 1D or the song Moments)

Shut the door

Turn the light off

If I wanna be with you

I wanna feel your love

I wanna lay beside you

I cannot hide this

Even though I try

Heartbeats harder

Time escapes me

Trembling hands touch skin

It makes this harder

And the tears stream down my face

If we could only have this life for one more day

If we could only turn back time

You know I'll be your life, your voice, your reason to be

My love, my heart is breathing for this

Moment, in time

I'll find the words to say

Before you leave me today

"That's One Direction! I love them!" She interrupts hugging me tightly. "Thank you! That was... I can't explain my happiness." "Are you out of your funk?" I ask pulling the guitar off. "Hm... Will you stop asking me that?" She retorts. "Hmm... Will you go to practice tomorrow?" I argue back in a soft tone. "Well I can't let my team down now can I" she tells me finishing her last roll.

"I don't think Amber's coming back." I chuckle scooting closer to her. This is my chance it's do or die. "Yeah I guarantee you she's probably outside this door fangirling right now. "HEY! It isn't just me" Amber shouts making us both laugh. "Amber!" Patricia yells making us both laugh. "Sorry... I just can't help it!" "Soo..." Nina whispers tapping her fingers on my hand. This was my moment. You could hear my heart beat faster as I placed my hand on her cheek.

I lean in slowly, closing my eyes, right about to kiss her on the lips.

BAZINGA! Sorry folks gonna have to end the chapter there. What happens next? Review and Rate to find out! Don't forget to favorite too so you don't miss any updates!