There he stood, in all his pale, beautiful glory. He was every girl's wet dream, and every guy's object of envy. It was totally cliché for me to possibly like him, but I did, he played football for the school team, and was currently dating the head cheerleader and one of my best friends, Lily Evans.

I'd grown a couple of inches since leaving Hogwarts, to come to America and attend public school, the way my parents would have wanted. I was a healthy 5'9, and I'd recently dyed my hair black, and also had become less nerdy, but still kept great grades.

I'd moved in with Lily, and Rosalie since my parents had died. They were extremely supportive of my big change in appearance and attitude, and constantly would try to help me feel better, like best friends usually do.

I was broken from my thoughts, as I collided with a wall of muscle. I stumbled back a few steps, and almost fell over, but a pair of cold arms helped me gain my balance.

"Sorry, didn't see you there." A deep masculine voice rumbled towards me, and my stomach fluttered momentarily.

Pulling myself from my rescuers arms, I mumbled, "It doesn't matter, no one ever has." And then I walked to my next class that I shared with Rose.

My phone buzzed in my jeans, just as Mr. Banner finished explaining the cell theory; not that I was listening; I had my headphones in my ears and my hood on my head in the back of the classroom. But, he'd been explaining the cell theory the past few days, and today was just review.

Taking my iPhone out of my pocket; subtly, I checked my messages.

Whats wrong babe? - Rose

Taking a deep breath, the memory of the curse that killed my parents, being said by my worst enemy flooded my memory, and I felt tears prickle in my eyes. I blinked a few times, and texted her back.

Nothing, I'm fine. – Hermione

Locking my phone, and putting it back in my pocket, I grabbed my bag and left the classroom. I walked into the hallway, and I heard muffled yells coming from the opposite direction. My curiosity spiked and I turned around and walked down the hall quietly.

"Do I look dumb to you, Lil? I'm not stupid, you've been cheating on me, and I'm done with you." The same voice from this morning whispered calmly.

"No, Jas, don't! I love you, baby, please!" Lily whisper- yelled.

"No, you love what I have, Lily, not me. I need someone who is truly in love with me, not my assets. Bye, Lily." Jasper ended the conversation, and kissed her briefly on the forehead and turned to leave; I took that as my cue to leave also.

On my way to my car my thoughts raced about what had just happened, and how the school's most perfect couple had broken up.

Opening my door, I sat in the driver's seat and was surprised by a melodic voice.

"I saw you, Hermione." I jumped in my seat as Jasper's voice filtered into my ear. My heart rate picked up a bit, as his breath blew across my neck.

I turned around, and was at eye-length with Jasper, his abnormal golden eyes hard, and cold, but softened a bit. My breath caught at our close proximity.

Blinking, I said, "Am I supposed to be sorry?"

His eyes looked from mine to my lips, and I just stared at him.

"No, but I am."

And then, his lips crashed into mine.

A/N: So do you like it? Review!