After being inspired after reading DBM, (Dragon Ball Multiverse), I wanted to write my own interpretation of what everyone's reactions would have been in U16 where Vegetto never re-split during the Buu fight. (I can't read the one they have on the site since I only know English so sorry if I offend anyone. I only meant this to be nothing more than harmless fun.) This is my first time trying at this so if it turns out unsatisfying, again there are real and better versions out there. (The original one currently on the DBM site.)

Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ that right belongs to Akira Toriyama. DBM belongs to Salagir and Gogeta Jr.


Chapter One: The Deal


Vegetto, it was the name of the Earth's true savior and while some rejoiced in his presence, others did not. Bulma being one as she shifted uncomfortably watching from afar the newcomer who she thought she once knew. In fact she wasn't sure what to make of it.

"G-Goku what happened to you?" Chichi had asked earlier while Bulma stood pondering deep inside her brain about what to make of it. All that remained echoing in her ears next were these few spoken words,

'Potara, fusion, permanently…'

It wasn't that Bulma couldn't understand what it was to fuse. She had witnessed Goten and Trunks achieve it plenty of times. It was more along the line of being too shocked for words after she learned that the Potara one meant permanently. It meant all hopes of seeing Vegeta were crushed as well as finding out why he—he killed all those people at the tournament and betrayed her trust.

At first Bulma questioned the whole thing as a joke because Vegetto looked more like Son Goku with that wide grin of his. If it hadn't been his name, hairstyle, pose, and uniform color… Bulma probably wouldn't think anything of it.

'Vegeta is that really you?' She questioned inside her head hoping that he would respond back through their bond but no reply was given. Bulma frowned. 'Of course it's not him Bulma. Vegeta was never this tall and he certainly was never one to be a part of the gang like he is now.' Bulma thought as she watched Vegetto chat cheerfully with Krillin and Tien. This was just all so unreal.

Chichi had been hit harder than she though. The news itself caused the mother of two to quickly pass out and be caught by her eldest son. Although Bulma wasn't surprised at this considering Chichi had never approved of Vegeta's appearance in the group. For anyone to expect Chichi to come to terms with this calmly was irrational.

This being exactly why Bulma couldn't comprehend why it seemed like everyone was fine with the new arrangement. Couldn't they see the horrible position they put both families in? Vegetto couldn't possibly be able to go home with the both of them. He was one man, not two. Bulma could already anticipate the new kind of rivalry that was brewing right under everyone's noses and Bulma wasn't one bit pleased. Then again on the other hand the true question was could she really put up a fight against the younger woman?

It wasn't that Bulma was considering using martial arts against Chichi or anything. She would lose hands down if it came to something like that. No rather Bulma was thinking more of the lines of the fairness in all this. After all compared to Chichi, Bulma previously had all the time in the world with Vegeta. Goku, well, Goku had never been home. Chichi had been separated from Goku by how many years now? It seemed almost wrong for Bulma to call dibs on Vegetto.

"Mom," Trunks called while pulling on her right hand. She glanced down toward him to see his widening smirk. "Isn't this so cool? Dad and Goku are one in the same now! Now instead of one awesome dad, I have two!" Bulma couldn't help but smile at her son's words. She turned and raised her left hand and ruffled his hair with it. Leave it to her son to be the optimistic one.

"Sure is." She told Trunks enjoying his growing laughter. The whole ordeal caused Bulma to mentally slap herself for being so dense. The answer of what she should be doing was right before her eyes. This was about Trunk's future not her own jealous desires. In fact she probably would be lying to herself if she had claimed to not have at least wondered about Goku being with her instead of Vegeta.

This was more or less an opportunity! A chance to explore new things! Besides Vegeta was still in there— somewhere—wasn't he? If that was the case than rejecting Vegetto was the same as refusing Vegeta. In Bulma's mind that meant that it would be a complete and utter waste of time. Even more so after all those years of effort she put into just trying to break the ice with a certain pompous prince! There was just no way Bulma could say no to his presence.

'Come on Bulma, this should be a piece of cake! You're a genius so something like this is easy for us to handle. After all we've been through much worse situations in the past!'

"Hey Trunks have I ever told you about how I was turned into a frog once by the evil Captain Ginyu?" The look on her son's face was priceless.

"What? No way! That's crazy!" Trunks exclaimed with growing interest as he stared up at her with those big blue brilliant eyes. "How did you get back to normal? Did dad help you?" Bulma chuckled thinking about the times back on Namek. Back then Vegeta wasn't as friendly either.

"Not exactly," Bulma replied feeling a sweat drop rolling down her face as she remembered Vegeta threatening her death if Krillin did not give him the dragon ball. "He was too busy fighting against Freeza but as you can see—," Bulma paused displaying herself to her son, "everything worked out in the end."

"Wow mom you're so cool!" Bulma beamed lifting her chin up in confidence.

"Well naturally after all this is a genius we are talking about." Bulma gloated, refusing to ever let her son ever know that it was her fault that she got into that mess in the first place.

Now this is what Bulma wanted. A healthy normal environment as it should be considering Buu was gone and the Earth was at peace again. As long as she had Trunks, Bulma could learn to share Vegetto. Besides it wasn't like she was a jealous woman or anything….

Bulma swallowed roughly. That was easier said than done and slowly she found her gaze flickering away from her son back toward Vegetto. She was almost caught off guard when she realized that he had been watching her all this time in the corner of his eye. 'Perfect.' Bulma inwardly groaned.

It seemed as if Vegetto could read her thoughts after all and maybe he was just playing dumb. A trait Goku is well known for. Bulma felt her eyes narrow toward the Saiyan. A trait Vegeta would put him up to. Maybe, just maybe, a cigarette would do her some good right about now. 'So glad I left my pack at home.' Bulma thought becoming extremely aggravated by the turn of events.

Hell Bulma thought things couldn't have gotten worse but of course she was wrong. Her son decided to float up and lift her right hand alongside his left in a spirited fashion. The whole thing becoming entirely too awkward for her liking as she wanted to turn and flee back home to the safety of her precious lab. However this was her son who was doing this to her so Bulma had no choice but to play along for Trunk's sake. Bulma then proceeded to weakly lift up her left hand and waved at Vegetto with a forced smile, thankfully though by this time his gaze was elsewhere. Chichi had awakened.

By now the mother of two was on the floor wailing loudly while Videl sat besides Chichi rubbing her right shoulder as if trying to console her. Gohan, who was no good at this sort of thing, especially when it came to his mother, shifted uncomfortably as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Why does this always happen to me!" Chichi cried on, "I just wanted a perfect normal life for my family and then it keeps getting ruined every time the world needs to be saved!"

"But mom things will work out eventually, you'll see." Gohan told his mother softly and she halted her crying for a minute by staring up at her son with an intense glare.

"Eventually –I want things to work out now!" Videl frowned when Chichi's wails continued on. She still didn't get the situation. These things were still all new to her.

"T-there's always the dragon balls, right?" Videl mumbled quietly and Chichi stopped, eyes still brimming with tears as she took in Videl's statement.

"You're right!" Chichi exclaimed, getting back on her feet and throwing her hands in the air. "You're absolutely right Videl!"

"Good thinking Vi." Gohan commented and Videl blushed. The other Z-warriors also felt relieved, that meant in a year everything would be back to normal. Even Vegetto looked pleased with this, now he wouldn't have to deal with two angry wives. A year was practically nothing.

"Wait," Bulma called out, silencing Chichi's happy cheers. "We can't use the dragon balls for that yet."

Chichi glared, while the rest of the group all questioned Bulma's statement. Bulma lowered her right hand from the air, but kept it locked in Trunk's grasp for support. "We still need to revive all the people that Vegeta killed during the tournament…Than we need to erase their minds so they can forget what happened."

"Ah right." Krillin mumbled, remembering the terror everyone felt when Vegeta obliterated half of the arena. "No problem though that's just two years."

"Two years of Goku being stuck like that?" Chichi yelled, "Absolutely not! I won't allow it!"

"Mother please, try for this just once to be reasonable." Gohan begged and

"Reasonable—you want me to be more reasonable? I endured losing your father against that Saiyan menace! Then I lost my son to a green freak! After that you went off to Namek and came back to inform me that your father was dead again! Then the androids came! Your father ended up dead again! You were next by Buu's hands! I have endured so much, why, why do I have to deal with this? It's not fair!"

"You weren't the only one mom!" Gohan shouted, surprising everyone. Videl was back on her feet and trying to take Gohan's hand but he rejected it only for a moment. "We suffered too." Gohan mumbled, glancing down at Goten with a concerned look. "All of us did."

Bulma remembered the time when Vegeta left her alone during her pregnancy with Trunks. Had Yamcha and her parents not have been there she surely would have lost her will to be a mother. Bulma clasped her son's hand a bit firmer, and Trunk's stared at his mother with a blank expression. Those were hard times. She could only imagine how hard it must have been for Chichi being all alone. How horrible.

The silence was deadly, and it almost felt like it was cutting off everyone's oxygen. Chichi's lips stayed ever lined, eyes closed. Her fists were balled up, shaking, and it seemed like she was using every bit of energy in her body to stay composed in front of her children.

"Bulma," Chichi called in a low tone as she fought to hide the scowl on written all over her face. "A word, if you please?"

All eyes were back on her in an instant and with a sigh, Bulma nodded reluctantly.

She should have really carried that extra pack of cigarettes on her after all.

Bad move on her part.

Bulma's eyes dropped back towards her son's concerned expression. While she was sure he didn't understand the sudden hostility Chichi was presented, she knew, he was ready to protect her if needed. He did have his father's eyes after all.

Bulma slowly released the hold on her son and rested her palms on his shoulders and pushed him gently down from the air. It was more or less to reassure him nothing was going to happen. It was just a friendly chat between two friends. Trunks nodded in understanding and Bulma smiled.

"There is my little genius." Bulma commented softly before kissing his forehead gently and Trunks flushed in humiliation.

"Mom please you're embarrassing me." Trunks pleaded in response as Goten's snickers echoed in the background.

"Right, Right." Bulma chuckled, brushing her hands through her head before she turned and went over to Chichi's side. Each step feeling heavier as the distance between them closed in.

This would probably not end as well as Bulma hoped.

"So?" Chichi questioned, eyes now opened, and narrow as she tapped her foot waiting for Bulma's response toward this outrageous crime that was presented before them. It was up to them to decide Vegetto's fate. The outcome of this decision would dangle relentlessly in the back of both of their minds for the rest of their lives.

Bulma hesitated, this sort of thing, to be the leader in these types of situations had never been a problem—until now that is. Yet somehow she managed to voice her decision with twiddling fingers and very flustered cheeks.

"I-It could be interesting?"

"INTERESTING?" Chichi screeched in horror while Bulma's cheeks darkened when she swore she saw Vegetto's smirk from afar.

"Well yeah, I mean, haven't you wondered? I mean it could be—fun?"

How those words ever escaped her lips were beyond her, but now at least her feelings were out in the open and there was no going back. Chichi's expression proved it. The poor woman had become as white as snow when she tried to comprehend Bulma's answer. In fact instead of calming down Chichi's mind, it aggravated it even more as Chichi's face quickly adapted to a fierce glare.

"I refuse to give Goku up to another woman! I will not do such things!" Chichi shouted causing Bulma to wince slightly as she raised both hands up defensively in response.

"Chichi I wouldn't dream of—"

"Unlike you," Chichi began while jabbing her right index finger accusingly into Bulma's chest. "I just happen to cherish the relationships I get involved in." Bulma's heart wavered at hearing this. Not only did it set off a few alarms but it caused a nasty sneer to appear on Bulma's face to mirror Chichi's own.

"And just what exactly do you mean by that Chichi?" Bulma asked, starting the evident war. It probably would have gone on had it not been for the brave soldier that came in between them. Yamcha, being one to know Bulma's temper all too well, took it upon himself to try his best to intervene before both females attempted to tear each other apart since Vegetto just stood there watching with a smirk. Having one rivalry in the group already was enough for him.

"Ladies please," Yamcha said, trying to make peace between the two, "You guys don't need to become the next Vegeta, Goku rivalry now that they aren't around to duke it out anymore."

Chichi snorted ignoring Yamcha's presence and crossed her arms over her chest while looking away.

"I'm sure Yamcha could answer that one easily for you Bulma." Bulma's mouth practically dropped and Yamcha shifted uncomfortably at the topic. Now he was wishing he hadn't even gotten involved. After all it had been awhile since anyone issued Bulma and his relationship status. Bulma dropped him like a rock for Vegeta and while he had forgiven Bulma about her decision, it still hurt.

Hell there was an unmistaken silence that filled the air after it had been voiced. Bulma's rage swirled throughout the back of her mind. Trunks questioned the scenario wordlessly and the others, especially Vegetto seemed out of place at the topic. His smug gone as soon as that little snide remark rolled off Chichi's tongue. Whatever was left of the joyous moment was quickly dismissed by Bulma's growing enraged ki.

"I-I can't believe you just said that Chichi." Bulma began, feeling more livid with each second. Had it not been for her son's presence behind her, Bulma surely would have lost whatever control she continued to strive to hold back. Chichi didn't apologize either which made Bulma realize this was indeed how Chichi had felt all along. Perhaps this was rooted back from when she had initially told Chichi in private about having an affair with Vegeta while she should have been with Yamcha.

It was simply nauseating. "Y-you don't think I care about what's happened, do you Chichi." It wasn't a question, it was a fact and it hurt her feelings more and more by the second. "I can't believe you really think that." Bulma said as her voice rose with each beat while her eyes stayed hidden behind her glistening bangs. "For your information I don't like this anymore than you do but at least try to think of the children Chichi. We—"

"I am!" Chichi protested angrily ignoring Bulma's scoff. "My children deserved to have a father in their lives for the longest time! Yet that's never happened for them Bulma! Goku has always been gone! I had to raise them alone! At least Vegeta came back while on the other hand Goku didn't. Goku didn't..." By now Chichi was in tears, and was slumped back down on the ground sobbing.

Bulma bit her lip, any rage that had previously harbored inside Bulma's brain had quickly faded into understanding. Yes, Goku had not been the most ideal father in the world and although Vegeta proved difficult, at least, he was there to train her baby boy. "I'm sorry for insulting you Bulma. It just, it hurts so much. I just want my husband to finally come home. Please don't take their father away from me again."

"I—I," Bulma began her hands wavering at the cause but fell dejectedly at her sides. "Fine… You win Chichi." Bulma whispered softly stopping Chichi's flow of tears as the guilt continued to spread over Bulma's shoulders.

Yes…It was just as Bulma originally thought…She really did have no right to call dibs on Vegetto after all.

There was a flash of concern written on Yamcha's face but Bulma quickly dismissed it. There was much more pressing matters to be made. "Just, just please Chichi. Please let Trunks come by and see Vegetto from time to time."

A question mark appeared over Chichi's head at Bulma's words.

"Of course he's allowed to come over Bulma. I would never separate a son from his father. That is just too cruel, I mean, even y-you're always welcomed around the house as well Bulma." Bulma nodded, thanking her as she helped Chichi up before pulling Chichi into a hug.

"Take care of him okay? Vegetto might become the biggest ass sometimes, but he's worth it." Chichi beamed as she too nodded.

"Don't worry Bulma; after all, I always have my trusty pan around if there's any trouble." The two of them laughed as they separated and Chichi smiled warmly, while whipping a tear from her eyes. "Now what to call him is a different story. Vegetto seems so not Goku." Chichi chuckled on in a silent whisper. "Maybe Gogeta instead or should I just stay with Goku, what do you think Bulma?"Bulma could only offer a smile as her heart persisted to ache toward the conversation. If there was anything Bulma wanted about now, that would be—a good night's sleep.

"Whatever works I guess Chichi. He's y-your husband after all." Chichi swayed awkwardly at Bulma's words but decided not to speak of it. Rather Chichi decided now this would be a good point to distance herself from Bulma. This was becoming a tad bit uncomfortable for their past years of held friendship. However she paused, and glanced one more time back at Bulma.

"S-So I guess this is it then?" Chichi asked carefully and Bulma scratched the back of her neck.

Could she really handle loosing Vegeta again?

The first time was such a heavy blow to her ego that she thought it would take years for her to pick up whatever was left of the shattered pieces. If it had not been for Krillin mentioning that Vegeta could be revived with the dragon balls she would have most likely stayed mute.

It was almost funny how on that very day she swore to never letting the prince slip away from her hands. Yet he had managed to achieve breaking that grasp twice already. The first time being at the tournament where he broke her trust and mercilessly killed all those innocent people. She still wanted to demand the truth from him but now, it seemed like she would never find that out. Not if Vegetto was going to be with Chichi.

She had no right.

If anything what Bulma could be doing was just lie to herself. While it was true that her heart might suffer from this—it also prove to further her steps in becoming a responsible woman.

It was very simple. All Bulma had to do was imagine that her mate was incapable of being revived by the dragon balls. None of it was hard to picture either. In any case there was a time in the past where her son from the future, Mirai Trunks, had informed her of his mother's lifestyle. It was very similar to this situation to a degree as Vegeta would not be coming back either way.

Bulma released a bitter chuckle. Funny how Mirai Trunks fought to prevent this scenario from occurring and yet somehow in an evil twist it ended up becoming a reality anyways. Then again Bulma couldn't say her life hadn't felt accomplished. She had a son that brought his own happiness into her life and also her wish, her initial wish for a perfect boyfriend had been fulfilled and no one would ever come between it.

"Yeah, it's a deal." Bulma replied and sure enough Chichi's smile grew.

"Thank you Bulma!" Chichi exclaimed before returning back to her family's side and demanding Vegetto's lost attention by pulling him into a crushing hug. Bulma let out a strained sigh. This would not bold well for her but at least she was doing this for Trunks. Yet even that became a questionable reasoning when she caught sight of her son. The look on his face caused her to freeze up all at once.


"Trunks?" Bulma asked her son as she reached out to him but he shrugged her off. Bulma blinked in surprise. "Trunks?" She pressed again demanding tone.

"Y-you mean to tell me dad isn't coming home? You mean to tell me I have to share him? My father with someone else?" Bulma's eyes widened dramatically. Did Trunks initially misunderstand the situation? If so then that meant that he really wasn't okay with this as much as she thought! Bulma felt her head whip toward Chichi and co. Vegetto seemed to enjoying himself. Bulma quickly felt sick and instantly turned her attention back to her son.

"Oh Kami…" Bulma whispered upon taking in his rising temper tantrum. She wouldn't have agreed to this arrangement if she had known Trunks didn't approve of it either. This whole thing was a mistake.

"And you…You let dad go so easily? Y-your okay with this? Is that why Goten's mom said you didn't cherish relationships?" He snapped in a dark whisper, eyes burning of hatred for her and her actions.

"N-no! No Trunks." Bulma replied sharply before her son lost any faith he had placed in her all these years. "That's not at all what Chichi meant at all. Please Trunks, don't do this to me. You of all people should know exactly how much your father means to me. I don't like this anymore than you but—"

"So then he's just going to abandon us?" Bulma breath caught. In a matter of seconds she dropped to her knees and held her son's shoulders tightly. She forced his bitter gaze onto her concerned ones.

"Trunks why—? Why would you say something like that? You know your father wouldn't abandon you. Vegeta has always come back. Always."

"Yeah but Goku doesn't." Bulma felt her body froze up. "Goku likes to stay dead. T-That's why Vegetto isn't dad. My dad wouldn't be trying to act cool because he is cool. Besides if he should be with anyone it would be us and not with those idiots over there but instead..." Trunks trailed off, gaze flickering off to where Vegetto was. Vegetto was currently picking Goten up in the air and treating the boy like a plane. "He didn't even acknowledge us when we waved to him. Dad wouldn't do that. He'd at least do something but this Vegetto guy rather look away. Clearly he isn't my dad. Plain and simple."

"But T-Trunks—"

"Mom I'm tired, let's go home. I'd rather not waste my time chit chatting with a fake father anyways." Bulma normally would have called her son out on something like this but all her emotions were amuck. After all Trunks was right to a degree. Vegetto wasn't Vegeta at all. Vegetto was a whole new person. Someone she didn't know and perhaps someone she didn't love.

The pushed down pain began to form up at this again. Home was a good idea. Bulma needed to sleep on this. If anything. It was just too much to deal with especially with her son growing bitterness.

'Damn it Vegeta.' She inwardly swore even though she knew it wasn't his fault.

It was hers because she was the one who let him go. By now she could feel the tears building up in the corner of her eyes that threatened to fall. However she held firm. She had to since Trunks was losing it. She had to be the strong one for them now. It was time for her to be a strong single mother again.

Bulma pulled Trunks into a hug, and although he didn't make any effort to return it, she knew it was only because of his mixed feelings. "Trunks," Bulma whispered as she released him to reach into her purse to retrieve the capsule for her jet copter. "Let's get you home."

"You sure that you're going to be okay B?" Yamcha asked from behind. He wasn't a fool; he could see the blatant rift that was beginning to emerge within the Briefs household.

Bulma simply gave him a thumbs up gesture as she tossed the capsule down and prepped for launch. However as soon as the sounds of the capsule popped open, everyone who had been distracted by the reunion of a great hero were now wondering what the rush was about, that Is, except for Yamcha who was present for the aftermath.


She cringed knowing it had been Vegetto calling out to her. The confusion in his voice sounding more like Goku than the husband she knew and it sickened her. She couldn't stand it anymore. If she didn't get out of there soon, everything would fall to ruin. Her hands they were shaking against the side of the door and nothing prepared her for what she did next.

"See you soon. Veget—Vegetto." She whispered, but loud enough for everyone to hear her as she climbed inside closing the door behind her. As it shut, the tears rolled down her cheeks. She made movement to start the engine but something stopped her. She glanced up at the hand that covered her own. "Trunks."

"Thanks mom." He told her in a bare whisper. Bulma felt her lips lined, and inwardly cursed as she started the engines once and for all. The two of them were able to leave without anyone interfering and once they were at a safe distance, Bulma let the jet run on auto pilot.

"Trunks," She called after whipping the tears away from her eyes. Her son looked up at her wordlessly; his own cheeks glistened of tears. "We'll get through this. It's only for a bit, right? So when your father does get home—let's give him hell, ne?" She told him with a devilish grin while presenting her son with a high-five. Trunk's lips slowly curved from a frown to gentle smile.

"Yeah." He replied whilst slapping his hand against her own. The rest of the way home, the two Briefs managed to chuckle and smile. They figured they could manage; after all, it was only for two years...



TBC – maybe?

I had fun but if you guys didn't like it than I'll put a stop to it now. Let me know! Thanks!