Bella POV

After he left me, my life fall apart. I felt like I had a hole in my heart. I couldn't eat or sleep. I was miserable, as if my whole world had collapsed around me, and at this period of my life it really had. I had surrounded my whole life around him, my future and my present. Everything I saw and felt was him and his family. So when he left it all came crashing down like a wrecking ball hitting the new, shining building that I thought was my life. So I went into a deep depression which hurt not only me but Charlie and Jacob too. I was in the dark and felt like I couldn't love anymore, not like I loved him. That is until Jacob.

He was like the light that brighten up my darkness. He was my sun, my Jacob. He seemed to fill the hole that Edward made in my heart so that it didn't even sting a bit saying his name. He made me feel like I could do way better. And again I surrounded my life around him. We would hang out every day after school and when there was no school we'd spend all day together. It seemed like he never got tired of me. Being around Jake made me happier than I had been in months. He was mending my heart and making it possible for me to love again. He didn't know it yet but I was starting to love him. At first it was just as a really good friend but there was something about the way he brightened up my day that had me dreading the thought of ever losing him. I knew that Jake felt the same way or at least I hope he did. So I decided I was going to tell him. We were planning on going to the movies and that was when it would happen. I planned on telling him on the way home or when we were parked in front of his house. It didn't matter when, what mattered was that I was falling for Jake and I wanted him to know. So the day rolled around and I was one hundred percent nervous. I had about two hours before I had to pick up Jake and I was already ready to go. Unlike when we usually hang out I had actually put on make-up and was dressed up. So seeing I had some time to kill I started rehearsing what I was going to say to him and how I was going to say it. While I was in the middle of this my phone started to buzz. I quickly grabbed it and saw that it as Jake.

"Hey, what's up?" I answered trying to seem nonchalant and not like I was dying of nervousness.

"Bella I can't go to the movies tonight." I was shocked by his stern emotionless voice.

"Oh, really? How come?" I questioned, Jake had rarely ever cancelled plans with me, and when he did there was always a good reason.

"I just can't. I – I've got to go, bye." He replied harshly, hanging up the phone before I could ask any more questions. I sat back down, getting an unsettling feeling at the pit of my stomach.

That sounded nothing like the Jake I knew. He would never talk to me like, at least he never has before. Then the doubt started to creep in. Maybe he somehow knew what I was going to tell him. Maybe he didn't feel the same way and cancelled because he didn't want to deal with it. No, there's no way he would know, I was just making things up in my head, he's probably going to call tomorrow and explain what happened. Tomorrow came around and I was glued to my phone the whole day but I didn't get any calls from Jake. Then came the next day and the day after that and still no calls or texts. After the third day I decided to just man up and call him, so I did, twice. Each time it rang and rang until I heard the familiar sound of his voicemail. Now I was starting to get worried, so I called his house. After a couple rings Billy answered, as soon as he heard it was me his voice became serious. He informed me that Jake was sick and could not come to the phone but he would be sure to tell him I called then before I could ask any questions he hung up on me. Sick? How sick could Jake be that he couldn't answer his cell phone or at least text me back. So I waited, checking my phone at least a million times a day, hoping I would see his name pop up, but it never did. I could feel his sun shine slowly seeping out of me and the depression sinking back into place. After a few weeks of not hearing from Jake and only hearing Billy repeat that he is still sick every time I called, I'd had enough.

So I decided I was going to find out for myself what was really going on with Jake. So I got into my red Chevy pickup truck and drove to La push. The closer and closer I got to Jake's house the more and more nervous I got. What if doesn't want to see me, whet if it was all a plot to get away from me? No, there's no way he could be that cruel. I shook away the thought and pulled up to the small red house I had spent so much time at. I knew he probably was still at school so I was going to wait until he came home. I looked at the clock and saw that is was only 1:30pm meaning I still had another hour or so until he got home so I leaned back on my seat, turned on the radio, which now worked thanks to Jake, and relaxed. I listened to the song that came on and it brought me down memory lane.

Flash Back

It was spring break and I was hanging out in Jakes garage. We were taking a break waiting for the pizza we ordered to arrive. Jake was wiping oil, which had gotten on his face while he was working on his car, with an old rag.

"I defiantly needed a break." He said, flexing his muscles as he stretched his arms. I knew I was staring but I caught myself before he realized.

"Yeah, me too. Supervising is so tiring." I replied sarcastically as he sat down next to me.

"Oh really? Well after we eat you're helping me. It's time for you to get all down and dirty." He said throwing the rag on my lap. I blushed at his choice of words and he smiled innocently at me.

"Fine, but if I break your car it not my fault!" I giggled throwing the rag back at his face. He chuckled then looked at me for longer than usual.

"Fair enough." He retorted, then his voice softened, "I thinking that's the first time I've seen you kind of laugh."

"Maybe you're just not a funny guy." I joked trying to keep the mood light. I could tell that the conversation was heading to something I didn't want to take about yet.

"Oh please, I'm like the funniest of the funniest!" he said lightly and I sighed with relief that he got the hint.

"Sure, sure." I gave laughingly keeping the mood how I wanted it to be. Easy and light. Then suddenly Jake got serious again.

"Whatever he did to you Bella, you don't deserve it. I promise I'll try my best to keep you happy and laughing." Just as he finished speaking the doorbell rang and Jake's expression suddenly got childlike. "Pizza's here!" he exclaimed getting up and walking out of the garage. After that Jake never mentioned it again.

End Flash Back

I smiled to myself at the happy memory. I missed Jake and his always cheerful personality. I don't know how but the moment he made that promise I believed him. I knew he would always be there for me, at least he always was. There was a sudden tap on the door that made me jump off my seat. I looked out my window and there stood Jake shirtless and handsome as ever. Yet there was something different about him either I really hadn't seen him in a long time or he had gained some muscle in the past few weeks. Behind him stood other guys who were also shirtless and sporting some muscles as well. I recognized one of them as Embry Call, one Jake's friends. They all had the same expressionless mask on there face, even Jake. Jake tapped on the window again and I realized I had been staring at them from longer then is normally accepted. I rolled down the window, since Jake was in the way of me opening my door.

"What are you doing here, Bella?" Jake started before I even had the window down. His voice was rude and blank like he could carless what I wanted.

"I wanted to talk to you." I spoke internally scolding myself for speaking in such a timid voice.

"Go ahead." he encouraged.

"Alone." I glanced at the lookalikes behind him. Jake turned to face one of the guys, Sam I think, who nodded. Was he asking permission to take to me alone?

"Let's take a walk." he said facing me again and moving back so I could open my door. I got out of the car and I stood waiting for him to lead. He walked in front not waiting for me, until we were out of eavesdropping distance. Once he stops, he turns to face me waiting for me to talk.

"Jake what's going on with you lately? I mean you don't answer my calls and then Billy said you were sick. I don't get it you're too sick to come to the phone but your okay to run around shirtless with your new friends. What's up?" I asked just waiting to hear him give me a logical explanation so we can go back to normal.

"Bella I think its best that's you just go home and don't come back." he said cruelly.

"What? I don't understand, did I do something wrong?" I practically pleaded needing to know what was going on with my best friend.

"It's not you, it's me." he replied dryly.

"Well that's original." I huffed sarcastically.

"It is me Bella. I'm sorry I'm breaking my promise but you have to go." He said sadly as he turned away. There he was, Jake. Finally there was an expression he was showing. He started to walk away but I grabbed his arm.

"You haven't broken it yet and you don't have to." I begged but he took a deep breath and turned to face me. He had on that emotionless mask again that I was beginning to hate.

"Bella I don't want you. So just go far away from me and don't come back." He said in a rough voice that sent daggers through my heart. In other words Jake said the same thing Edward had said to me what seemed like so long ago.

"Jake don't." I whispered trying to hold back the tears that were building up at the rim of my eyes. Before I could stop it one slipped, sliding down my face.

"I mean it Bella." He yelled then ran away passed his house and toward his new friends that awaited him. I wiped the tear off my cheek and all but ran to my truck. I got in and just drove not knowing where I was going, just letting my heart decide.